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AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener

09-05-2008 , 02:42 AM
Mine used to scroll and stop for my initial set but stopped scrolling now after the recent update, anyone else having this problem or know how to fix?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-05-2008 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by jmflu
Mine used to scroll and stop for my initial set but stopped scrolling now after the recent update, anyone else having this problem or know how to fix?
It's still scrolling for me...

Here's a version with some changes, for me it occasionally continued registering 1 sng past the limit (because I had the "posoverlap" set to 30 sec. I increased it to 120 secs here.)

* added a status display so you see what this pos is actually up to
* if you pause, change settings and hit submit and run it will work as you' expext (previously it didn't start registering)

I "think" the registering beyond limits is fixed or at least improved. Please report back.

; AutoHotkey Version:
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         Everlong@2p2 Code assembled from misc sources, thanks to _dave_, chris228 
; Script Function: PokerStars SNG opener (for use with the tournament filter filtering a specific type of SNG/MTT-Sng)

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Settimer, register, off
SetTimer, safeguard, off
Sysget,mon, MonitorworkArea
Loop 50

ddlist:=ddlist . A_index . "|"
ddlist2:=ddlist2 . fivesec . "|"
ddlist5:=ddlist5 . fivesec . "|"

Loop 100
ddlist3:=ddlist3 . two . "|"

Loop 15
ddlist4:=ddlist4 . A_index . "|"
Gui, color, Black
Gui, font, cOlive
Gui, add, checkbox, x10 vRegister
Gui, add, text, yp xp+30, Auto-register
Gui, add, text, x10, Close lobbies with Ctrl+E!
Gui, add, text, yp+20 x10, Register every (sec):
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140  vInterval1, %ddlist2%
Gui, add, text,x10, No of SNG:s to keep open:
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140 vKeepOpen , %ddlist% 
Gui, add, text,x10, Limit total SNG:s to:
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140 vTotalLimit , %ddlist3% 
Gui, add, text,x10, Limit total time to (min):
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140 vTimeLimit , %ddlist5% 
Gui, add, text,x10, Disable if no user input (min):
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140 vGuardtimer Choose1 , %ddlist4% 
Gui, add, text, x10 cred vcdown w200 
Gui, add, text, x10 w200 vRegSofar, SNG:s registered so far:   
Gui, add, text, x10 w200 vOpenTables, Tables open:
Gui, add, text, x10 w200 cRed vStatus, Status: Idle
Gui, add, button, w68 gGetgui, &Submit+Run
Gui, add, text, xp+72 yp+5, (Autosaves your settings) 
Gui, Add, Button, disabled x10 w56 h20 center, &Resume
Gui, Add, Button, disabled  w56 h20 yp xp+56 center, &Pause
gui, show, NA , SFSO
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, SFSO
Gosub, Getini
Gui, show, x%x% y%y%, SFSO 2.1

Gui, submit, nohide
Gosub, TimeLimit
Gosub, MakeIni
GuiControl, Enable, Pause
GuiControl, Disable, Resume

if !interval

if guardtimer is not number
SetTimer, safeguard, off
SetTimer, safeguard, 1000

WinGet, OpenTables, list, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if OpenTables is not number

GuiControl, , OpenTables, Tables open: %OpenTables%
GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
Gui, show, NA, SFSO 2.1
if register=1
gosub, register
SetTimer, Register, %interval%
SetTimer, Register, %interval%
Gosub, ButtonResume


if (A_TimeIdle > killtime)
gosub, ButtonPause

GuiControl, , cdown, Stopped  due to inactivity!!! %displayedTime%

if TimeLimit is number
allowedMinutes := timelimit
endTime := A_Now
endTime += %allowedMinutes%, Minutes
SetTimer, CountDown, 1000
GuiControl, , cdown, Time limit off

  remainingTime := endTime
   EnvSub remainingTime, %A_Now%, Seconds
   m := remainingTime // 60
   s := Mod(remainingTime, 60)
   displayedTime := Format3Digits(m) ":" Format2Digits(s)
   GuiControl, , cdown, Running another (mm:ss): %displayedTime%
   if (A_now > endTime)
   SetTimer, Countdown, off
      Gosub, ButtonPause
   GuiControl, , cdown, Time limit reached.


   _val += 100
   StringRight _val, _val, 2
   Return _val

   _val += 1000
   StringRight _val, _val, 3
   StringTrimRight, firstZ, _val, 2
   if firstZ=0
   StringtrimLeft, _val, _val, 1
   StringTrimRight, firstZ, _val, 1
   if firstZ=0
   StringtrimLeft, _val, _val, 1
   Return _val

Gui, submit
Gosub, MakeIni

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
GroupAdd, TLobbies, Lobby,,, PokerStars Lobby
GroupClose, TLobbies, A
Gui, submit, nohide
if PausedTime is number
Gosub, TimeLimit

  GuiControl, Disable, Resume
  GuiControl, Enable, Pause
  GuiControl, , Register, 1
gosub, register
SetTimer, Register, %Interval%
SetTimer, countdown, off

Gui, submit, nohide

  GuiControl, Disable, Pause
  GuiControl, Enable, Resume
  GuiControl, , Register, 0
  GuiControl, , cdown, Manually paused %displayedTime% 
  GuiControl, , Status, Status: Waiting ;TEST
SetTimer, Register, off


WinGet, OpenTables, list, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if OpenTables is not number
if (posOverlap=1)
SetTimer, Register, off
Sleep 120000
SetTimer Register, on
GuiControl, , OpenTables, Tables open: %OpenTables%
GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
Gui, show, noactivate, SFSO 2.1

if (RegSofar >= TotalLimit)
Gosub, ButtonPause
GuiControl, , cdown, SNG Total limit reached
GuiControl, , Status, Status: Idle ;TEST

if (OpenTables >= TotalLimit)
Gosub, ButtonPause
GuiControl, , cdown, SNG Total limit reached
 GuiControl, , Status, Status: Idle ;TEST
if (KeepOpen - OpenTables = 1)
if (OpenTables >= KeepOpen)
GuiControl, , OpenTables, Tables open: %OpenTables% (Set full, waiting)
 GuiControl, , Status, Status: Waiting ;TEST
SettitleMatchmode, 2
  WinGet, LobbyID, id, PokerStars Lobby
  if !LobbyID


iniwrite, %Register%, SFSO.ini, Settings, Register
iniwrite, %Interval1%, SFSO.ini, Settings, Interval1
iniwrite, %KeepOpen%, SFSO.ini, Settings, KeepOpen
iniwrite, %TotalLimit%, SFSO.ini, Settings, TotalLimit
iniwrite, %GuardTimer%, SFSO.ini, Settings, GuardTimer
iniwrite, %TimeLimit%, SFSO.ini, Settings, TimeLimit

IfExist, SFSO.ini
IniRead, Register, SFSO.ini, Settings, Register
IniRead, Interval1, SFSO.ini, Settings, Interval1
IniRead, KeepOpen, SFSO.ini, Settings, KeepOpen
IniRead, TotalLimit, SFSO.ini, Settings, TotalLimit
IniRead, GuardTimer, SFSO.ini, Settings, GuardTimer, Off
IniRead, TimeLimit, SFSO.ini, Settings, TimeLimit, Off
GuiControl, , Register, %register%
StringReplace, ddlist2, ddlist2, %interval1%, %Interval1%|
GuiControl, , Interval1, |%ddlist2%
StringReplace, ddlist, ddlist, %KeepOpen%, %KeepOpen%|
GuiControl, , KeepOpen, |%ddlist%
StringReplace, ddlist3, ddlist3, %TotalLimit%, %TotalLimit%|,
GuiControl, , TotalLimit, |%ddlist3%
StringReplace, ddlist4, ddlist4, %GuardTimer%, %GuardTimer%|
GuiControl, , GuardTimer, |%ddlist4%
StringReplace, ddlist5, ddlist5, %TimeLimit%, %TimeLimit%|
GuiControl, , TimeLimit, |%ddlist5%

RegSNGexec(id) {
global RegSofar
Global Register
GuiControl, , Status, Status: Registering ;TEST
Loop 16
  If (Register=0)
   GuiControl, , Status, Status: Idle ;TEST
  ControlGet, v, Visible, , PokerStarsButtonClass8, ahk_id%id%
  if (v = 0)
  if (clickdirectioncount<=5) {
    if (direction=0) {
       ControlSend, PokerStarsListClass5, {NumpadDown}, ahk_id%id%
    } else {
       ControlSend, PokerStarsListClass5, {NumpadUp}, ahk_id%id%    
  } else {
    if (direction=0) {
    } else {
  Sleep 1000
  if (v = 1)
  if ( v = 1 ) {
    ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass8, ahk_id%id%
    WinWait, Tournament Registration ahk_class #32770, , 10
      WinGet, regid, id
      ControlFocus, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
      Sleep, -1
      ControlSend, Button1, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid%
      sleep, 10
      ControlFocus, Button2, ahk_id%regid%
      Sleep, -1
      ControlSend, Button2, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid%
      GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
      GuiControl, , Status, Status: Waiting ;TEST
      gui, show, noactivate, Stars Filtered SNG Opener
    WinWait, Tournament Registration ahk_class #32770, , 10
      WinGet, regid, id           
      ControlGetText, ctext, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
      if ( cText = "OK" ) {
        ControlFocus, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
        Sleep, -1
        ControlSend, Button1, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid%  

AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-05-2008 , 10:24 PM
Dang ... just doesn't work for me - like at all (used to work fine before Star's upgrade).

It opens the reg box and checks the check boxes, but stops there.

If I click the "OK" button manually it registers, opens the SnG lobby, and stalls with the "Registrered - OK" box behind the SnG lobby.

Am I doing something completely wrong?

AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-05-2008 , 10:26 PM
Yea mine used to work before the recent updates at stars for sets but with the version before the newest it stopped scrolling and in the new one it just opens the sng lobby and actually doesnt register at all.

Probably some new buttonclass or something like that? Im an ahk idiot though so i dunno =/ thanks for the help though everlong i think you are the only ahk scripter who cares about this one.

What theme are you using ever, I am on the standard theme...

Last edited by jmflu; 09-05-2008 at 10:42 PM.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 04:03 AM
Oh OK the new version is for the black theme jmflu and black theme only
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 04:45 AM
Thanks the theme solve the scrolling/register problem however I had it set to register every 5 secs with 6 tables to keep open and 14 total and it just immediately kept registering after 7 and didnt stop until 14.

Also, it seems to open the lobby with the tables when it registers.

I am going to try the method where I get the max tables I want open (20) and restart auto register with reg every 90 seconds after all tables are open and see if it will recognize my tables as open properly and recognize my busted ones and replace them with the correct amount as a workaround... ill post my results in an hour or so.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 05:04 AM
Ok well when I started it after all my 12 tables were open it recognized that they were all open however when one busted it still said my original amount of tables was open.

So I stopped and started it again and it recognized only 11 were open and registered in one, however when it opened the script still only thought 11 tables were open so there seems to be an issue with it not totally recognizing how many tables are open and it doesnt fix itself when one closes or opens.

it is great for sets though
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 07:38 AM
The no of tables it displays is only updated with the interval you set it to register for new sngs, not immediately. Once it is time to try and register again it should recongize the correct no of open tables (it doesn't give a flying feck if you busted or not though). I could change this to display no of tables instantly but it will have no bearing on the decision to register or not on part of the script.

jlmfu, Set the global don't open sng lobbies setting in stars as described a couple of posts up.

For me this works quite well now with a couple of issues that I'll try to fix in the conming weeks / days.

* it sometimes doesn't complete the registration - either gets stuck on buyin or registered/ok

* it loads past limits (only 1 past for me but app. further past for jmflu)
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 08:28 AM
Ohhhh I see I didnt know it was waiting for the interval to update it I thought it just froze.

Do you know how I would get it to stop in my initial registering without having long interval times ( I like 5 secs to quickly register) but then it has problems because the tables arent actually open yet.

I was very happy to get it continuously registering tho using the method I mentioned above about starting it after the tables are already open so that is very nice.

And in re: to the lobby thing, are you talkiing about pokerstars advanced multitabling options in the client or do you mean the person who mentioned 'do u have this "openSitGoTournLobby=0" in ur user ini file?'

thanks tho its coming along great and can you post ur stars name again for donations?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by cx768
do u have this "openSitGoTournLobby=0" in ur user ini file?
hmm yea I have it set at that from the stars client to NOT have lobbies come up but since the change of the buttonclass when it registers it leaves a lobby open, not a huge deal but it is a mild nuisance. This doesnt happen to any of you guys?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by jmflu
hmm yea I have it set at that from the stars client to NOT have lobbies come up but since the change of the buttonclass when it registers it leaves a lobby open, not a huge deal but it is a mild nuisance. This doesnt happen to any of you guys?
no it doesn't actually.

If you want you can add this to your script to autokill lobbies at a specific interval. I reccomend at least 5 secs in case you want to be able to check stuff in the lobby.

At the top with the other stuff like settimer, register, off etc

SetTimer, nukelobbies, 5000; every 5 secs change as wanted

and this amon the other subroutines like buttonpause etc,

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
GroupAdd, TLobbies, Lobby,,, PokerStars Lobby
GroupClose, TLobbies, A
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Pretty sure you just need to use the stars filter and type the keyword in the search bar.

Sit n Go Tab > Multi-Table > All

Filter drop down, and filter as desired for stakes, etc.

If you only wanted 18 man for example add this to the search box:

18 -180
Gives you all the 18 man, and none of the 180 man.

Then I would assume you run this script, which i never have used.
Any way I could filter so I just show 45s and 180s but not 18s for the turbos?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-06-2008 , 06:46 PM
err don't the 18s have a different buyin? I am lowstakes so dont shoot me
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-07-2008 , 05:22 PM
Works great for me firing up a 16 table set , I love it. Thanks!
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-07-2008 , 09:43 PM
A few observations:

-It seems to have issues registering when I have my other script blocking stars pop ups. It will think it registers but doesnt.

-While playing continous when it goes to register a lot of times it will go to the second highest on the list as opposed to the top so not always registering in the most current SNG.

-It will register past your #of tables open if the sngs are filling slow as the script doesnt count you in a SNG until it opens (is there any way the script could tell what you are regged in plus how many are open and know how many you are truly 'in' as opposed to just how many are open currently - I have a feeling this isnt going to be able to get fixed with ahk. Its not too bad though you just have to estimate how long your timer needs to go.

- The register every X seconds seems inconsistant, I have it at 60 seconds and sometimes it will trigger every 60 seconds but sometimes it will take 2 or 3 minutes not sure what causes this.

Overall though it is much more functional than before but just thought Id share these small issues.

Also an idea to possibly have a seperate function for starting your initial set. like it regs every 5 seconds for X number then stops until that number of tables opens then it goes into your 'normal' settings for continous. I dunno just some ideas thanks again
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-07-2008 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Everlong
err don't the 18s have a different buyin? I am lowstakes so dont shoot me
Nope, $27 18s and 45s and $60 18s and 45s.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-07-2008 , 10:30 PM
It doesnt work for me on the lower stake SNG's with the "Automatically try to register to identical tournament if this one is already full" checkbox in the tournament registration pop up. Works fine on the 27s without the checkbox. Any way to fix this (maybe a setting in stars)

Ty in advance, great work!
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-07-2008 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by NU Star
Nope, $27 18s and 45s and $60 18s and 45s.
I just played around with it for a while...that's a tough one. I couldn't find any way to do it but maybe there is. One possibility (which I'm sure you've already thought of) since the 180s at that level register so slowly you could manually register for a 180 then filter down to just 45 mans and load a set. When you're done loading up go back and manually register for the next 180. Geez in the entire time I played with the filter and made this post the $36 180 went from 5/180 to 6/180.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-08-2008 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by jmflu
A few observations:

-It seems to have issues registering when I have my other script blocking stars pop ups. It will think it registers but doesnt.

-While playing continous when it goes to register a lot of times it will go to the second highest on the list as opposed to the top so not always registering in the most current SNG.

-It will register past your #of tables open if the sngs are filling slow as the script doesnt count you in a SNG until it opens (is there any way the script could tell what you are regged in plus how many are open and know how many you are truly 'in' as opposed to just how many are open currently - I have a feeling this isnt going to be able to get fixed with ahk. Its not too bad though you just have to estimate how long your timer needs to go.

- The register every X seconds seems inconsistant, I have it at 60 seconds and sometimes it will trigger every 60 seconds but sometimes it will take 2 or 3 minutes not sure what causes this.

Overall though it is much more functional than before but just thought Id share these small issues.

Also an idea to possibly have a seperate function for starting your initial set. like it regs every 5 seconds for X number then stops until that number of tables opens then it goes into your 'normal' settings for continous. I dunno just some ideas thanks again
Just commenting on a few of these before I look into the script:

The inconsistency between registering is due to the setting (not in the gui - I might add it there instead) for possible overlap (registering past limits due to registered SNGs not started yet and not counted in open tables).

I will try and have it read the registered in tournaments list in a test version - I have no idea if it will work or how obtrusive it will be though.

Originally Posted by Sjimmie
It doesnt work for me on the lower stake SNG's with the "Automatically try to register to identical tournament if this one is already full" checkbox in the tournament registration pop up. Works fine on the 27s without the checkbox. Any way to fix this (maybe a setting in stars)

Ty in advance, great work!
Isn't there a "dont show this dialogue again" checkbox? I remeber getting this once but haven't seen it since...

I will be back with an update later this week hopefully
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-08-2008 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by Everlong

I will try and have it read the registered in tournaments list in a test version - I have no idea if it will work or how obtrusive it will be though.
This guy had some basic script that counts them through the registered in window on stars but yea I could see it getting in the way... it would be worth a shot though and maybe someone can think of some other way to count tourneys you are registered in as opposed to tables open.

Originally Posted by Finnisher
I did a thingy that counts the number of tourneys reged in by opening the window, puts all the text in the lines into a string and then counts the instances of "Hold" in the string with a loop. I have no idea how violent this is and I kinda stumbled into getting the text into the string too so not sure if it should work like this . Side effects are unknown too but I doubt there's much else than maybe some problems with clicking and moving the mouse. I'd appreciate if someone would clean it up, it's copy/paste from multiple sources, I'm not sure what's needed and so on. It probly sucks for a totally automated opener tho since it has to open the window.

But you could also make a primitive autocloser with this by crosschecking open table's tourney numbers with the tourney numbers in the string. Maybe make it run the bit once a minute or something, or everytime you get a popup but I think stars popups are all the same to ahk so that's not so great either.

Anyway here's the code. This works alone, I have it included in another script with some of the stuff removed. F3 to launch, it shows a tooltip for 4 seconds
#SingleInstance force
#Include %a_scriptDir%
#Include Functions.ahk

F3:: ;__Reged in tourneys
WinActivate, Pokerstars Lobby
WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby,, Requests, Registered In Tournaments
WinWait, Registered In Tournaments
WinActivate, Registered In Tournaments
ControlGet, Kount, List,, ListBox1
ControlClick, Cancel
{StringGetPos, a, Kount, Hold,, b
If %ErrorLevel%= 0
{x:=x + 1
 b:=a + 2
else break
ToolTip, %x%
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 4000
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-08-2008 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by NU Star
Any way I could filter so I just show 45s and 180s but not 18s for the turbos?
Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

I have had a quick look at the filter, and it seems that there is no way
to filter the 180 man tourneys out while keeping the 18 man ones visible.
I will send this information to our suggestions box for consideration.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you require any further

Thank you very much for your feedback, and for choosing PokerStars.


PokerStars Support Team
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-08-2008 , 07:23 PM
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-09-2008 , 07:29 AM
Isn't there a "dont show this dialogue again" checkbox? I remeber getting this once but haven't seen it since...

I will be back with an update later this week hopefully
Update is very EZ, click Here, scrol down a bit
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-10-2008 , 05:06 AM
Major Update; version 3.0.5

Function: Auto-register in PokerStars Sit & Go, use with caution - this has the potential to quickly register away your roll. Make sure you are on the right buy-in level tab and have the right SNGs filtered for before hitting submit+run.

For best results use together with the Debustifier

It is made for use with the black PokerStars Lobby.


Auto-register: Grey checkmark indicates scripts intention to register (you don't need to touch this it is controlled by Submit/Pause/Enable)

Batch-register: If checked - registration will be attempted in batch if your set isn't full. Ex. you have specified 12 tables to keep open but you are registered in only 4, the script will make 8 registration attempts directly after each other, then resort to the interval for checking if new registration is needed. This function is somewhat untested.

Auto-close lobbies: Will close all tournament lobbies at the time interval (seconds) specified

Register interval: Will check open tables/registered in tournament menu at this interval.

Limits for set/total/time: Self explanatory. Once your set is full the script checks for open tables - if it finds less than the limit to keep open it then checks the registered in tournaments menu to make sure there will be no overlap. Debustifier is needed to insure this works properly.

Safeguard: Will pause the script after this long an interval if no user input is received. (Useful if you fall asleep or whatnot)...

Status displays will show remaining time and current activity.

Registered in tournaments tab will give you an overwiew of what you have running / upcoming. Double-click the tournament number to open its lobby

Thanks to chris228, _dave_, and the finnisher for code borrowed and jmflu for testing and donations.

download here:

Last edited by Everlong; 09-10-2008 at 05:35 AM. Reason: uploaded v3.0.6 with a button for donations
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
09-10-2008 , 05:37 AM
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
