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AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener

07-15-2008 , 05:31 AM
any update?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-15-2008 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by jmflu
hey guys I fixed it to work on the new update (just the registering part def not any of the other issues) I just followed someones advice in a dif ahk thread about changing the window class from 6 to 7 under the register part of the script so you can just change it yourself if you want or here it is with the small changes

; AutoHotkey Version:
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         Everlong@2p2 Code assembled from misc sources, thanks to _dave_, chris228 
; Script Function: PokerStars SNG opener (for use with the tournament filter filtering a specific type of SNG/MTT-Sng)

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Settimer, register, off
SetTimer, safeguard, off
Sysget,mon, MonitorworkArea
Loop 50

ddlist:=ddlist . A_index . "|"
ddlist2:=ddlist2 . fivesec . "|"
ddlist5:=ddlist5 . fivesec . "|"

Loop 100
ddlist3:=ddlist3 . two . "|"

Loop 15
ddlist4:=ddlist4 . A_index . "|"

Gui, add, checkbox, x10 vRegister
Gui, add, text, yp xp+30, Auto-register
Gui, add, text, x10, Close lobbies with Ctrl+E!
Gui, add, text, yp+20 x10, Register every (sec):
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140  vInterval1, %ddlist2%
Gui, add, text,x10, No of SNG:s to keep open:
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140 vKeepOpen , %ddlist% 
Gui, add, text,x10, Limit total SNG:s to:
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140 vTotalLimit , %ddlist3% 
Gui, add, text,x10, Limit total time to (min):
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140 vTimeLimit , %ddlist5% 
Gui, add, text,x10, Disable if no user input (min):
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w50 yp-5 xp+140 vGuardtimer Choose1 , %ddlist4% 
Gui, add, text, x10 cred vcdown w200 
Gui, add, text, x10 w200 vRegSofar, SNG:s registered so far:   
Gui, add, text, x10 w200 vOpenTables, Tables currently open:
Gui, add, button, w68 gGetgui, &Submit+Run
Gui, add, text, xp+72 yp+5, (Autosaves your settings) 
Gui, Add, Button, disabled x10 w56 h20 center, &Resume
Gui, Add, Button, disabled  w56 h20 yp xp+56 center, &Pause
gui, show, NA , Stars Filtered SNG Opener
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, Stars Filtered SNG
Gosub, Getini
Gui, show, x%x% y%y%, SFSO 1.1 

Gui, submit, nohide
Gosub, TimeLimit
Gosub, MakeIni
GuiControl, Enable, Pause
GuiControl, Disable, Resume

if !interval

if guardtimer is not number
SetTimer, safeguard, off
SetTimer, safeguard, 1000

WinGet, OpenTables, list, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if OpenTables is not number

GuiControl, , OpenTables, Tables currently open: %OpenTables%
GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
Gui, show, noactivate, Stars Filtered SNG Opener

if register=1
gosub, register
SetTimer, Register, %interval%

if (A_TimeIdle > killtime)
gosub, ButtonPause

GuiControl, , cdown, Stopped  due to inactivity!!! %displayedTime%

if TimeLimit is number
allowedMinutes := timelimit
endTime := A_Now
endTime += %allowedMinutes%, Minutes
SetTimer, CountDown, 1000
GuiControl, , cdown, Time limit off

  remainingTime := endTime
   EnvSub remainingTime, %A_Now%, Seconds
   m := remainingTime // 60
   s := Mod(remainingTime, 60)
   displayedTime := Format3Digits(m) ":" Format2Digits(s)
   GuiControl, , cdown, Running another (mm:ss): %displayedTime%
   if (A_now > endTime)
   SetTimer, Countdown, off
      Gosub, ButtonPause
   GuiControl, , cdown, Time limit reached.


   _val += 100
   StringRight _val, _val, 2
   Return _val

   _val += 1000
   StringRight _val, _val, 3
   StringTrimRight, firstZ, _val, 2
   if firstZ=0
   StringtrimLeft, _val, _val, 1
   StringTrimRight, firstZ, _val, 1
   if firstZ=0
   StringtrimLeft, _val, _val, 1
   Return _val

Gui, submit
Gosub, MakeIni

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
GroupAdd, TLobbies, Lobby,,, PokerStars Lobby
GroupClose, TLobbies, A
Gui, submit, nohide
if PausedTime is number
Gosub, TimeLimit

  GuiControl, Disable, Resume
  GuiControl, Enable, Pause
  GuiControl, , Register, 1
gosub, register
SetTimer, Register, %Interval%
SetTimer, countdown, off

Gui, submit, nohide

  GuiControl, Disable, Pause
  GuiControl, Enable, Resume
  GuiControl, , Register, 0
  GuiControl, , cdown, Manually paused %displayedTime% 
SetTimer, Register, off


WinGet, OpenTables, list, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if OpenTables is not number
if (posOverlap=1)
SetTimer, Register, off
Sleep 30000
SetTimer Register, on
GuiControl, , OpenTables, Tables currently open: %OpenTables%
GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
Gui, show, noactivate, Stars Filtered SNG Opener

if (RegSofar >= TotalLimit)
Gosub, ButtonPause
GuiControl, , cdown, SNG Total limit reached
if (OpenTables >= TotalLimit)
Gosub, ButtonPause
GuiControl, , cdown, SNG Total limit reached
if (KeepOpen - OpenTables = 1)
if (OpenTables >= KeepOpen)
SettitleMatchmode, 2
  WinGet, LobbyID, id, PokerStars Lobby
  if !LobbyID

iniwrite, %Register%, SFSO.ini, Settings, Register
iniwrite, %Interval1%, SFSO.ini, Settings, Interval1
iniwrite, %KeepOpen%, SFSO.ini, Settings, KeepOpen
iniwrite, %TotalLimit%, SFSO.ini, Settings, TotalLimit
iniwrite, %GuardTimer%, SFSO.ini, Settings, GuardTimer
iniwrite, %TimeLimit%, SFSO.ini, Settings, TimeLimit

IfExist, SFSO.ini
IniRead, Register, SFSO.ini, Settings, Register
IniRead, Interval1, SFSO.ini, Settings, Interval1
IniRead, KeepOpen, SFSO.ini, Settings, KeepOpen
IniRead, TotalLimit, SFSO.ini, Settings, TotalLimit
IniRead, GuardTimer, SFSO.ini, Settings, GuardTimer, Off
IniRead, TimeLimit, SFSO.ini, Settings, TimeLimit, Off
GuiControl, , Register, %register%
StringReplace, ddlist2, ddlist2, %interval1%, %Interval1%|
GuiControl, , Interval1, |%ddlist2%
StringReplace, ddlist, ddlist, %KeepOpen%, %KeepOpen%|
GuiControl, , KeepOpen, |%ddlist%
StringReplace, ddlist3, ddlist3, %TotalLimit%, %TotalLimit%|,
GuiControl, , TotalLimit, |%ddlist3%
StringReplace, ddlist4, ddlist4, %GuardTimer%, %GuardTimer%|
GuiControl, , GuardTimer, |%ddlist4%
StringReplace, ddlist5, ddlist5, %TimeLimit%, %TimeLimit%|
GuiControl, , TimeLimit, |%ddlist5%

RegSNGexec(id) {
global RegSofar, Register
Loop 16

If Register=0

    ControlGet, v, Visible, , PokerStarsButtonClass7, ahk_id%id%
  if (v = 0)
  ControlSend, PokerStarsListClass5, {NumpadDown}, ahk_id%id%
  Sleep 1000
  if (v = 1)
  if ( v = 1 ) {
    ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass7, ahk_id%id%
    WinWait, Tournament Registration ahk_class #32770, , 10
      WinGet, regid, id
      ControlFocus, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
      Sleep, -1
      ControlSend, Button1, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid%
      sleep, 10
      ControlFocus, Button2, ahk_id%regid%
      Sleep, -1
      ControlSend, Button2, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid% 
        GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
        gui, show, noactivate, Stars Filtered SNG Opener
    WinWait, Tournament Registration ahk_class #32770, , 10
      WinGet, regid, id           
      ControlGetText, ctext, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
      if ( cText = "OK" ) {
        ControlFocus, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
        Sleep, -1
        ControlSend, Button1, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid%


Still not registering
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-15-2008 , 07:41 AM
Um I don't know what to tell you, I just tested literally 2 seconds ago and it worked. Are you using the black theme? If so then it likely won't work. Also just to be clear I was just updating the problem registering with the new stars update not the issues of it actually stopping at the set limit.

So change to standard theme and try it again or repaste the code because it is working for me.

Im pretty sure everlong will get back to this thread soon and hopefully get it working fully, I sent him a donation if he gets it going that'd be nice if you guys contributed too because hes just doing this for free in his spare time.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-15-2008 , 07:02 PM
Working perfectly for me too. Little things to double check that I'm sure you're already doing, but just in case:

-Make sure you have the lobby up, if it's not up in your view it won't auto register

-Make sure you have the "auto register" box at the top checked...I forget to do this all the time and then wonder why it's not registering

-Like jmflu said, you have to be using the original lobby theme

If you're already doing these things and it's still not working, what numbers are you putting in for your options?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-16-2008 , 02:40 PM
Pretty sure all this needs to work without lobby always being open is

WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, PokerStars Lobby

At start of register routine


WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, PokerStars Lobby

Near end of register routine

Unfortunately I'm defragging my poker computer today and can't test...

Last edited by bytepollution; 07-16-2008 at 02:58 PM.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-17-2008 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by NWCougar
Still not registering
Same here. It just scrolls to bottom of the lobby and that's it.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-17-2008 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Landonfan
Same here. It just scrolls to bottom of the lobby and that's it.
You guys need to be more specific, are you using the code I posted? Are you using the default theme?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-17-2008 , 05:58 PM
I've used your code and the original code, both with the default lobby, and they both did the same thing.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-17-2008 , 06:26 PM
I really dont know what to say then, I just repasted the exact code I posted on here and it regs fine for me =/ just doesnt work continously
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-18-2008 , 05:01 PM
what does "disable if no user input" do?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-19-2008 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by kara
Working perfectly for me too. Little things to double check that I'm sure you're already doing, but just in case:

-Make sure you have the lobby up, if it's not up in your view it won't auto register

-Make sure you have the "auto register" box at the top checked...I forget to do this all the time and then wonder why it's not registering

-Like jmflu said, you have to be using the original lobby theme

If you're already doing these things and it's still not working, what numbers are you putting in for your options?
I did all these things. It doesnt register at all, I have filtered stars to only show 45man tourneys. I have register at 100 secs, no. of sngs to 8, limit total to 12.

Disable if no user input at OFF. I dont know what this function does though.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-19-2008 , 03:52 PM
hmm well fwiw the settings I use are, 5 secs, keep 30 open, limit to 30, blank, off.

Hopefully everlong will get back to this sometime soon id love to see it get completed on day.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-23-2008 , 10:52 PM
Works good for me!

Last edited by SgtKyle; 07-23-2008 at 11:05 PM.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
07-28-2008 , 04:32 AM
I got sidetracked by private stuff. Will put some effort into this this week. Stay tuned...
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-04-2008 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Everlong
This is the latest (and imo working) version of the stuff that evolved from the other thread. Guys that I PM:ed today should also update - there are minor changes since pm.

Stars Filtered SNG Opener (SFSO)

I decided to make this one it's own thread as it seems to be working OK now.
It has only been tested by a couple of people so please take it for a micro testdrive.

* Will not work with Stars custom Lobby theme
* Best to put in a separate folder - it will create a .ini file with your settings

To do:
* Add function for auto-closing tables where Hero busted
* Add auto sit-in function

Post issues here. You need to run as admin on Vista obv

Is there a similar one for FTP? I see a lot of downloads on that site, any chance some are viruses or are they pretty much checked out.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-05-2008 , 03:40 AM

I cannot focus on this right now sry. I have a funeral to attend end of next week. After that I may feel more up to it.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-06-2008 , 04:11 AM
Everlong, I hope you don't mind but I've made some tweaks to your code. Great job by the way. One issue I was having was once the script scrolls to the bottom of the SNG list, it stays there. I like to play a mix of different SNGs, so I changed the script to keep inverting the scroll. I have it set up to scroll 5 in each direction, so if your filters are more broad than mine, you'll have to change the code at the bottom to increase that.

If anyone has any suggestions they'd like to see added, I'm willing to give a crack at them until Everlong is able to get back to it.

; AutoHotkey Version:
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         Everlong@2p2 Code assembled from misc sources, thanks to _dave_, chris228 
; Script Function: PokerStars SNG opener (for use with the tournament filter filtering a specific type of SNG/MTT-Sng)

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Settimer, register, off
SetTimer, safeguard, off
Sysget,mon, MonitorworkArea
Loop 48

ddlist:=ddlist . A_index . "|"
ddlist2:=ddlist2 . fivesec . "|"


Loop 100
ddlist3:=ddlist3 . two . "|"

Loop 15
ddlist4:=ddlist4 . A_index . "|"

Gui, add, checkbox, x10 gToggleRegister
Gui, add, text, yp xp+30, Auto-register for filtered SNG:?
Gui, add, text, x10, Close lobbies with Ctrl+E!
Gui, add, text, yp+20 x10, Register every:
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w60 yp-5 xp+80  vInterval1, %ddlist2%
Gui, add, text, xp+70 yp+3, seconds
Gui, add, text,x10, No of SNG:s to keep open:
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w40 yp-5 xp+140 vKeepOpen , %ddlist% 
Gui, add, text,x10, Limit total SNG:s to:
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w40 yp-5 xp+140 vTotalLimit , %ddlist3% 
Gui, add, text,x10, Disable if no user input (min):
Gui, add, dropdownlist, w40 yp-5 xp+140 vguardtimer , %ddlist4% 
Gui, add, text, x10 w200 vRegSofar, SNG:s registered so far:   
Gui, add, text, x10 w200 vOpenTables, SNG:s currently open:   
Gui, add, button, gGetgui, &Submit settings
Gui, Add, Button, vOn disabled x10 w56 h20 center, &Resume
Gui, Add, Button, vOff  w56 h20 yp xp+56 center, &Pause
Gui, +toolwindow
gui, show, , Stars Filtered SNG Opener
WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, Stars Filtered SNG
Gui, show, x%x% y%y%, Stars Filtered SNG Opener

if register!=1

Gui, submit, nohide
if !interval

if guardtimer=0
SetTimer, safeguard, off
SetTimer, safeguard, 10000

WinGet, OpenTables, list, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if OpenTables is not number

GuiControl, , OpenTables, SNG:s currently open: %OpenTables%
GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
Gui, show, noactivate, Stars Filtered SNG Opener

if register=1
gosub, register
SetTimer, Register, %interval%

if (A_TimeIdlePhysical > killtime)
gosub, ButtonPause


SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinGet, lobbylist, list, Lobby, , PokerStars Lobby
Loop % lobbylist
WinClose, ahk_id%i%
Gui, submit, nohide
  GuiControl, 1:Disable, Resume
  GuiControl, 1:Enable, Pause
gosub, register
SetTimer, Register, %Interval%

  GuiControl, 1:Disable, Pause
  GuiControl, 1:Enable, Resume
SetTimer, Register, off

WinGet, OpenTables, list, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if OpenTables is not number

GuiControl, , OpenTables, SNG:s currently open: %OpenTables%
GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
Gui, show, noactivate, Stars Filtered SNG Opener
if (RegSofar >= TotalLimit)
if (OpenTables >= TotalLimit)
if (OpenTables >= KeepOpen)
SettitleMatchmode, 2
  WinGet, LobbyID, id, PokerStars Lobby


RegSNGexec(id) {
global RegSofar
Loop 16
  ControlGet, v, Visible, , PokerStarsButtonClass7, ahk_id%id%
  if (v = 0)
  if (clickdirectioncount<=5) {
    if (direction=0) {
       ControlSend, PokerStarsListClass5, {NumpadDown}, ahk_id%id%
    } else {
       ControlSend, PokerStarsListClass5, {NumpadUp}, ahk_id%id%    
  } else {
    if (direction=0) {
    } else {
  Sleep 1000
  if (v = 1)
  if ( v = 1 ) {
    ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass7, ahk_id%id%
    WinWait, Tournament Registration ahk_class #32770, , 10
      WinGet, regid, id
      ControlFocus, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
      Sleep, -1
      ControlSend, Button1, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid%
      sleep, 10
      ControlFocus, Button2, ahk_id%regid%
      Sleep, -1
      ControlSend, Button2, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid%
      GuiControl, , RegSofar, SNG:s registered so far: %RegSofar%
      gui, show, noactivate, Stars Filtered SNG Opener
    WinWait, Tournament Registration ahk_class #32770, , 10
      WinGet, regid, id           
      ControlGetText, ctext, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
      if ( cText = "OK" ) {
        ControlFocus, Button1, ahk_id%regid%
        Sleep, -1
        ControlSend, Button1, {SPACE}, ahk_id%regid%

AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-06-2008 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by rookiepsu
Everlong, I hope you don't mind but I've made some tweaks to your code. Great job by the way. One issue I was having was once the script scrolls to the bottom of the SNG list, it stays there. I like to play a mix of different SNGs, so I changed the script to keep inverting the scroll. I have it set up to scroll 5 in each direction, so if your filters are more broad than mine, you'll have to change the code at the bottom to increase that.

If anyone has any suggestions they'd like to see added, I'm willing to give a crack at them until Everlong is able to get back to it.
Thanks a lot. I think you edited one of the earlier versions though without the .ini solution for settings. Check the one a couple posts up by jmflu where he changed to buttonclass7 for the latest version.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-06-2008 , 06:53 AM
Well the issues that need to be fixed are that it doesn't stop properly when you are trying to run continuous amounts of sngs because it seems to have trouble recognizing how many tables are open and it often will keep registering past the limit or with the workaround I mentioned early when you close a table, the # currently open stays the same.

I use this thing mainly for an initial mass opener by putting total sngs and # to keep open at the same and it will reg in the 20 or whatever then stop but if you could somehow get the continuous registering working properly that would just be awesome.

edit: also someway to make it close a busted table automatically for us 20+tablers who miss busted tables at times.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-06-2008 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by jmflu
Well the issues that need to be fixed are that it doesn't stop properly when you are trying to run continuous amounts of sngs because it seems to have trouble recognizing how many tables are open and it often will keep registering past the limit or with the workaround I mentioned early when you close a table, the # currently open stays the same.

I use this thing mainly for an initial mass opener by putting total sngs and # to keep open at the same and it will reg in the 20 or whatever then stop but if you could somehow get the continuous registering working properly that would just be awesome.

edit: also someway to make it close a busted table automatically for us 20+tablers who miss busted tables at times.

and here you go:
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-06-2008 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Simplicity8
thanks that is pretty sweet, I guess that takes care of one issue
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by jmflu
Well the issues that need to be fixed are that it doesn't stop properly when you are trying to run continuous amounts of sngs because it seems to have trouble recognizing how many tables are open and it often will keep registering past the limit or with the workaround I mentioned early when you close a table, the # currently open stays the same.

I use this thing mainly for an initial mass opener by putting total sngs and # to keep open at the same and it will reg in the 20 or whatever then stop but if you could somehow get the continuous registering working properly that would just be awesome.

edit: also someway to make it close a busted table automatically for us 20+tablers who miss busted tables at times.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-13-2008 , 03:21 PM
Does anyone have a 18 man, 45 man, or 180 man sit & go opener for stars. Or if anyone knows to write a script for Hot key could help me out.

AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-13-2008 , 06:11 PM
Pretty sure you just need to use the stars filter and type the keyword in the search bar.

Sit n Go Tab > Multi-Table > All

Filter drop down, and filter as desired for stakes, etc.

If you only wanted 18 man for example add this to the search box:

18 -180
Gives you all the 18 man, and none of the 180 man.

Then I would assume you run this script, which i never have used.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
08-14-2008 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Pretty sure you just need to use the stars filter and type the keyword in the search bar.

Sit n Go Tab > Multi-Table > All

Filter drop down, and filter as desired for stakes, etc.

If you only wanted 18 man for example add this to the search box:

18 -180
Gives you all the 18 man, and none of the 180 man.

Then I would assume you run this script, which i never have used.
yeah thanks this worked
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
