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TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars

06-22-2009 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Neurotoxin
I am trying to use voice recognition to trigger table ninjas hot keys. It's a pretty simple process. What I would like to do though is implement a timer for each command of about 5 seconds during which the selected command would be shown in a box on the selected table, like " folding in 5 seconds", or "raising 300 in 3 seconds" with the number timing down during which I could use the disable all hot keys command to abort if I said it wrong. If this is something that wouldn't be worth your time I could use some tips as to how feasible it is to do it myself.

If you are using windows vista you can very easily set up TableNinja with voice control. Vista has built in speech recognition tools, that can be set up literally in seconds.

Using the built in Windows speech recognition you can have windows press keys and then assign those keys to actions in TableNinja. For example, if you assign the key "a" to bet. Start the windows speech recognition, and then say "Press alpha" windows will press the "a" key, and TableNinja will detect this and bet for you.

You can read more about getting started with speech recognition in Vista here.

If you are on XP you will probably need a third party speech recognition program, but the same basic idea applies, you set up the speech recognition software to hit a hotkey and then say the voice command to make the software hit that hotkey and TableNinja will take the action assigned to that hotkey.

If you are in Vista I'm sure you can get this working in under an hour. If you are in XP it may be take a bit more effort. As far as an interface for waiting a few seconds to give you a chance to correct mistakes, I'm not sure if there is a way to do this. I would mainly suggest assigning hotkeys that do not sound to similar and also using good speech commands that are easy for the software to identify and make sure that all your commands sound very different.

Building speech recognition into TableNinja would be an immense task so its not something we can really do.

I hope this helps, let me know how it goes.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Kaiji
Hi tarath

Finally Im gonna purchase tableninja.

I think I've used tableninja since it appears.

Can I got discounted price? I want to buy life time package (55$)
I see you posted on this thread and provided feedback early in our beta so I can definitely offer you the discount that we gave all our beta testers. I sent you a PM with instructions.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by tarath

I hope this helps, let me know how it goes.


Ya I have done most of what you said about vista, like you say it's a pretty easy process. Dragon naturally speaking professional has full fledged macros you can program, I was wondering if I could implement my timer + box plan if I were to insert a python program in between commands in the macro design? It just seems to me that even with different sounding commands that is going to be pretty error prone due to ambient sounds and you either need to have a confirmation box or that box that I'm talking about. I know you aren't familiar with dragons interface but generally do you think that's possible with macros?

I realize this is not really TableNinja support help but I need this due to repetitive stress injury and I don't really know anything about programming. I promise I won't badger you to help me program it

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Neurotoxin
Ya I have done most of what you said about vista, like you say it's a pretty easy process. Dragon naturally speaking professional has full fledged macros you can program, I was wondering if I could implement my timer + box plan if I were to insert a python program in between commands in the macro design? It just seems to me that even with different sounding commands that is going to be pretty error prone due to ambient sounds and you either need to have a confirmation box or that box that I'm talking about. I know you aren't familiar with dragons interface but generally do you think that's possible with macros?

I realize this is not really TableNinja support help but I need this due to repetitive stress injury and I don't really know anything about programming. I promise I won't badger you to help me program it

I suffered from an RSI for well over a year that has finally mostly gone away (thank god) so I really understand what your going through. I actually used dragon myself during that time but it was several years ago and never the professional version so I am not at all familiar with the new versions or the scripting.

My recollection is that it often does nothing when it hear ambient sounds (or when you try and say a command but that it rarely does the wrong thing, especially if your commands are multiple words. So it might be worth just trying it out at play money and seeing if you actually need confirmation.

That said I don't see why programming a simple macro/script to handle confirmation wouldn't be pretty simple and effective. If you put a script between dragon and TableNinja and send the keys strokes as regular keyboard events after X seconds without canceling I don't see off hand why that wouldn't work.

That said I definitely cannot guarantee that you wouldn't run into problems and I am a bit nervous recommending it because theres always the possibility of unforseen problems.

Anyways we use the built in Windows hooks for hotkey detection so anything that sends keyboard input directly to windows *should* work, but I make no promises

Good luck!

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 04:44 AM
Thanks, I am going to mess with it for a few days and see if I can figure something out.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by tarath
I see you posted on this thread and provided feedback early in our beta so I can definitely offer you the discount that we gave all our beta testers. I sent you a PM with instructions.

Oh I didnt know it this was possible!! :O

I missed out on the beta period cos work sent me off to Sydney for the week. Only an extra $10, so I don't mind

I'm sure I'll get my moneys worth with feature requests lol
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 01:11 PM

I can't get TN to do the sit out next bb feature. I keep getting an error that says check hh folder and I have like 20 times it's def the right hh folder that I have it set to.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by jack frost

I can't get TN to do the sit out next bb feature. I keep getting an error that says check hh folder and I have like 20 times it's def the right hh folder that I have it set to.

Does your user-name contain a space, period, comma, slash or any other special characters?

If so you will need to update to TableNinja version Then go to the Setup tab and click the "Override use foder (advanced)" option. Then cick the "..." button and select the full path for your hand histories INCLUDING your user name.

If you have any problems getting that working just send me an email at with your TNConfigAutoLoad file and I can definitely help you out.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Moya
Oh I didnt know it this was possible!! :O

I missed out on the beta period cos work sent me off to Sydney for the week. Only an extra $10, so I don't mind

I'm sure I'll get my moneys worth with feature requests lol
For people who were posting on our thread and helping out and just missed the beta we've been doing this. You definitely qualify So if you change your mind just send me a PM.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 06:24 PM
there's a lifetime licence ?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-22-2009 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by -ChoKo-
there's a lifetime licence ?

A lot of people were requesting a life time license so that they didn't have to deal with the hassle of purchasing updates once a year so we added a life-time updates option to our store. If you have already purchased a regular license there is also a lifetime renewal option in our store that you can purchase to upgrade your license to a lifetime license.

The lifetime renewals are here if your interested:


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-23-2009 , 10:24 AM
i am using poker tracker III, and when the HUD stats are displayed, table ninja's bet sizing no longer works. why?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-23-2009 , 11:09 AM

Last edited by Colin252; 06-23-2009 at 11:12 AM. Reason: Sorted it out, I'm just a dummy. . .
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-23-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by twistedbeats
i am using poker tracker III, and when the HUD stats are displayed, table ninja's bet sizing no longer works. why?
My guess is that you are covering the box displaying the pot amount with your HUD, but I will need more information from you to be sure.

Try making sure that there is some room around the pot- box and that your HUD is not in the way at all. If that doesn't work can you send me the following

1) Your TNConfigAutoLoad file and TableNinja log file from your TableNinja install directory
2) A screen shot of your tables set up as they are when you play, with your HUD running

Also if you are running any other programs or scripts while playing let me know.

With that info I should be able to help you out.


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-23-2009 , 06:51 PM
has there been any discussion on tableninja vs. pokershortcuts?

I reallly liked the TN beta, but I just don't see why I should pay for 2 products as opposed to just one.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-23-2009 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by GutPunch
has there been any discussion on tableninja vs. pokershortcuts?

I reallly liked the TN beta, but I just don't see why I should pay for 2 products as opposed to just one.
If you search this thread for pokershortcuts there are a few posts comparing the two. I will keep my opinion to myself because I am obviously a bit biased

I would just try multitabling a full set of tables with both programs at your regular games and see which you like better.


Last edited by tarath; 06-23-2009 at 07:13 PM. Reason: grammar is hard
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 02:41 AM
This seems basic so maybe I'm missing something simple. I play limit six max. I''m having trouble with the non fast tables. When I sit down, there is a key to set to check the auto post blinds box, but this both checks and unchecks it, plus it posts the blinds immediately not when your turn comes up in the big blind. Maybe this is because PS does not have a box that says post when its my turn or whatever, but if there is a way around having to manually post on each slow table I'd like to know about it. The bigger problem is that when the "would you like to post big blind" box pops up it brings that table to the front immediately even if you have 4 other tables where it's your turn. After I say yes, it does not return to the other tables that already needed action. So while I'm trying to join games I'm also timing out at other tables.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by TXTiger
This seems basic so maybe I'm missing something simple. I play limit six max. I''m having trouble with the non fast tables. When I sit down, there is a key to set to check the auto post blinds box, but this both checks and unchecks it, plus it posts the blinds immediately not when your turn comes up in the big blind. Maybe this is because PS does not have a box that says post when its my turn or whatever, but if there is a way around having to manually post on each slow table I'd like to know about it. The bigger problem is that when the "would you like to post big blind" box pops up it brings that table to the front immediately even if you have 4 other tables where it's your turn. After I say yes, it does not return to the other tables that already needed action. So while I'm trying to join games I'm also timing out at other tables.
We plan to add support for automatically waiting for your BB and then posting at slow tables in the near future, but right now there is no automatic way to handle this.

Do you have "Popup table whenever user action is required" turned on in PokerStars under advanced mutlitable options? When a table pops to the front asking if you would like to post PokerStars (not TableNinja) *should* pop up the next table needing action.

If PokerStars is not popping the table up I would recommend using the TableNinja "Cycle to first in line" hotkey. This hotkey will pop up the next table requiring action, so if a table pops up and you need to click "wait for BB" or "post BB" you can do that and then hit the "Cycle to first in line" hotkey to instantly jump back to the next table where you need to act.

I hope this helps,

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 03:11 AM
First of all, let me say that I love your software. It has made multi-tabling SO much easier/faster/more efficient. It was the best $55 I ever spent

However, I was wondering if I could request a feature...I would love it if you could implement a hotkey for maximizing table windows.

As you know, you can have two pre-set spots to put tables by using the maximize key:

1) The middle of the screen when you maximize the window by pressing the square in the window pane.

2) The spot you move the window to manually after it is maximized (also accessed by pressing the square in the windowpane, but only after you move the table manually.).

Does that make sense? Here's another explanation:

After you move the window to a new location on your desktop, you can click on the "maximize" square on the window pane, and the window snaps back to the last place you had it. Click it again, and the window is back in the "default" mode in the middle of your desktop. You can swap between two set "default" locations for each and every window.

This is a great feature when you are playing lots of games, because you can maximize a window and make it "offset" to the side so you can go back to it quickly while still performing actions as they queue up on windows that are stacked 24 deep.

If Tableninja could implement a hotkey for this "maximize" button so that I don't have to manually click the "square" in the window pane everytime, it would save me lots of time.

I have tried finding macro and hotkey software that would allow me to set up this type of hotkey. However, apparently Pokerstars has a very unique method of maximizing/restoring the individual windows for each game. As a result, none of them work correctly (The default spot is never used when a maximize hotkey is used from any program I've tried.).

I've literally spent hours and hours trying to find a way to set up a hotkey for this, to no avail.

My last ditch effort is to humbly suggest/beg/pray that you implement it into tableninja (aka the best poker software ever made!).

Pretty please? I'll love you forever!


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by tarath
Do you have "Popup table whenever user action is required" turned on in PokerStars under advanced mutlitable options? When a table pops to the front asking if you would like to post PokerStars (not TableNinja) *should* pop up the next table needing action.

If PokerStars is not popping the table up I would recommend using the TableNinja "Cycle to first in line" hotkey. This hotkey will pop up the next table requiring action, so if a table pops up and you need to click "wait for BB" or "post BB" you can do that and then hit the "Cycle to first in line" hotkey to instantly jump back to the next table where you need to act.

I hope this helps,

Yes I do. The table pup up works fine except in the case of posting the bb on slow tables. I'll try out the first in line hot key.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by GabrielSlade
First of all, let me say that I love your software. It has made multi-tabling SO much easier/faster/more efficient. It was the best $55 I ever spent

However, I was wondering if I could request a feature...I would love it if you could implement a hotkey for maximizing table windows.

As you know, you can have two pre-set spots to put tables by using the maximize key:

1) The middle of the screen when you maximize the window by pressing the square in the window pane.

2) The spot you move the window to manually after it is maximized (also accessed by pressing the square in the windowpane, but only after you move the table manually.).

Does that make sense? Here's another explanation:

After you move the window to a new location on your desktop, you can click on the "maximize" square on the window pane, and the window snaps back to the last place you had it. Click it again, and the window is back in the "default" mode in the middle of your desktop. You can swap between two set "default" locations for each and every window.

This is a great feature when you are playing lots of games, because you can maximize a window and make it "offset" to the side so you can go back to it quickly while still performing actions as they queue up on windows that are stacked 24 deep.

If Tableninja could implement a hotkey for this "maximize" button so that I don't have to manually click the "square" in the window pane everytime, it would save me lots of time.

I have tried finding macro and hotkey software that would allow me to set up this type of hotkey. However, apparently Pokerstars has a very unique method of maximizing/restoring the individual windows for each game. As a result, none of them work correctly (The default spot is never used when a maximize hotkey is used from any program I've tried.).

I've literally spent hours and hours trying to find a way to set up a hotkey for this, to no avail.

My last ditch effort is to humbly suggest/beg/pray that you implement it into tableninja (aka the best poker software ever made!).

Pretty please? I'll love you forever!


Glad you like the software

The next update will contain "Set Table Aside" hotkeys which will allow you to pick a custom size/location. Then the first time you press one of the hotkeys the table jumps to that size/location. The next time you press it, the table jumps back.

It sounds like this is exactly what you need and we have a special way to force PokerStars to redraw nicely (not what most AHKs do which doesn't seem to work consistently for everybody).

We were hoping to get the next update out this friday, but we've run into a few bugs and are going to have to delay things which is unfortunate because I am also going to be out of town visiting my family over the 4th, but approximately 2 weeks from now we hope to release the next major update and at that point you should be all set.


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 04:48 AM
I can only agree with Gabriel, great improvements since I last tested Tableninja and I'm definately buying it after the trial period.

One thing that I couldnt quite figure out though:

- How is the betsize calculated in a sitngo if there is a limp and a raise before you and where can I change it?

addendum: the raise size is also off if you play with antes, it adds an extra amount and not my 3 bb, so for example in a DoN with 25/50 blinds and 5 ante in the pot it raises 150+amount of players times 5 for the ante = 190 with 8 players

Last edited by Jafeeio; 06-24-2009 at 05:02 AM.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Jafeeio
I can only agree with Gabriel, great improvements since I last tested Tableninja and I'm definately buying it after the trial period.

One thing that I couldnt quite figure out though:

- How is the betsize calculated in a sitngo if there is a limp and a raise before you and where can I change it?

addendum: the raise size is also off if you play with antes, it adds an extra amount and not my 3 bb, so for example in a DoN with 25/50 blinds and 5 ante in the pot it raises 150+amount of players times 5 for the ante = 190 with 8 players
Thanks for the positive feedback

The next update will have the option to remove antes from the X BB + Y BB per limper bet sizes.

Preflop, when someone has raised in front of you, the default bet reverts to the "Default Pre-flop %Pot" bet. I will be adding a FAQ item for exactly how TableNinja calculates % pot bets to our website soon. The short answer is that TableNinja's calculation is exactly correct for bets and raises (It gives your opponent the appropriate pot odds 2-1 for 100%, 2.5-1 for 66.6% etc) but for 3bets preflop it will often be 1 blind too small.

I hope this helps,

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 06:09 AM
It sure does, thanks for the fast answer
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
06-24-2009 , 09:40 AM

I was planning on buying/trying this software but read somewhere else it's not possible to use it for the 45s turbo's @ stars, because of its filter or something? Maybe somebody already asked this but didn't feel like going through 135 pages, so sorry if I ask it for the second time.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
