Originally Posted by ma12
New version:
Ninja Tile:
1) Sometimes when I make an all in with the hotkey the table is not moved out from the stack. Don't know if raising would happen the same because I use the mouse to do that and that is a known issue.
2) I don't use a hotkey to check because using fold hotkey TN2 always check if possible and I love that. In the last version when I press fold hotkey and check is an option it appears typical pokerstars popup saying that I can check. There is a checkbox saying "don't remind me..." but I can't check it because TN2 is closing automatically this popup even though I don't have checked auto handle single ok popups.
What version are you using 2.2.231?
For the popup on PS, Just close TN2 then fold on PS when check/fold is available, When the popup comes up check don't show this again, Then that will take care of that issue for you.
About The all in hotkey, I have tried to reproduce this and have being unable to.
Please go to the help tab > debug hotkey > assign a hotkey here.
Directly after the issue occurs hit the problem hotkey, then go to TableNinja 2 > Help > Contact Support and click the "Send logs to TableNinja" button. Then send a copy of that ZIP file to
support@tableninja.com to check it over for errors.
Also please send a screenshot of your desktop with a table and your HUD displayed. See instructions
http://www.iopus.com/guides/screenshot.htm Please send the screenshot even if you don't have a HUD or custom table theme.
Please also briefly describe what is happening in the email.