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TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars

09-03-2013 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by punkkid49
I set my hotkeys to "global" and all works fine till i start the holdem manager to autoimport files. What is the problem? What should i do?

Can you please elaborate more, Is it just the global hotkeys that stop working or is all hotkeys. Please read this thread on Hotkeys and cycling and how they should both work.

Cycling -

Hotkeys -

Is it with HM1 or HM2 that this issue occurs?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by CrestFox
Thanks for this response. But eventually tableninja 1 will no longer work correct and then TN 2 would be the only option left? Do you know when TN could stop working? Like do you have an appromixate timetable?

So if i never update to TN2 and stick with TN 1 right now, do i still have to pay for it if i could still use TN 1 for the next year or so assuming TN 1 doesn't end?

If you have a TN1 code you can continue using it, There will come a time that we will stop supporting TN1, We will stop doing updates for TN1, However right now Our focus is on rapid TN2 updates to address community feedback. Once the feedback reflects that we have substantially addressed the communities suggestiosn and concerns, we will consider establishing a new EOL date for TN1. Until that time, we will continue to support TN1 and are not considering the establishment of a new TN1 EOL date.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by variatsioon
Automatically accept waitlist seats:
Maximum nr of tables: 0
Auto clock "no" if over maximum wont work.

windows 8.

For the Auto accept waitlist seat you need to set this as a global hotkey please do the following

Go to the setup tab > click on advanced: Edit settings

A new window will open

In the setting section write the following


In the Value section type


Click set and restart table Ninja

When it restarts this key will now work as a global hotkey and you should now be able to Join a waiting list

Can you enable Max # of tables and set it to something greater than 0 and then enable auto click No if over maximum let me know if this works.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by mysto20
please send me a link to download table ninja1 full tilt

i'm on a new pc and cant find a link for it
Here is the link to download TN1 FTP -

Originally Posted by Mudrc
just upgraded to TN2

it says : "only global hotkeys are working", I cant find a way to change this ...

thx and sorry for being lazy and searching the thread

There are two types of hotkeys - global and poker-related:
- the global hotkeys work all the time, no matter what application is active, and no matter where the mouse is
- the poker-related hotkeys, which work only when a table is active (when a table has the "Target table" frame color)

Please see this thread for more information -
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26

If you have a TN1 code you can continue using it, There will come a time that we will stop supporting TN1, We will stop doing updates for TN1, However right now Our focus is on rapid TN2 updates to address community feedback. Once the feedback reflects that we have substantially addressed the communities suggestiosn and concerns, we will consider establishing a new EOL date for TN1. Until that time, we will continue to support TN1 and are not considering the establishment of a new TN1 EOL date.

Do you know at least how many months from now TN1 will work for? I know you mention there isn't a set date yet but do you know at least how long TN will still work for at the minimum? I asked you and you told me if i upgrade to TN2 now before september 5, i get 3 months free plus the 2 month free trial period for 5 month total. But if i don't upgrade before september 5, then i only get 2 month trial period free.

Do you know if TN1 will continue to work at least 2 months from now? Or is there a chance it will no longer work within 2 months? Before if its going to work for at least another 2 months, im not going to upgrade to TN2 and will upgrade later... however if its under 2 months, im just going to upgrade today.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by hu4food
everything about tableninja 2 is absolutely terrible (and frankly who gives a **** about betting 56% of the pot plus 0.6 big blind and a carrot). youre taking away the most valuable tool we ever had to play the game and dare selling us this crap as a replacement???
why dont you listen to what everybody wants instead of telling them tweak that close this. does it even feel half reasonable to you that your program needs all these external conditions to (theoratically) work properly? are your customers supposed to dedicate a computer to strictly playing poker because you woke up one morning with a **** idea?
I doubt its even the same team in charge of programming. just bring us a new tableninja 1 with a monthly fee and we will happily get raped by you.

the thought of losing the best of assists is so sick Im gonna puke.
if you dont listen to your people though, you are gonna lose them in the end.

Hi hu4food,

We're sorry you feel like this about TN2. Please note that we're working around the clock to make TN2 work to your satisfaction. We definitely don't want you to pay for something that is unusable to you.

Also, please make sure you have the latest version (2.2.49+).

We're not sure what issues you're experiencing, but we'd love to help - eventually have a teamviewer session if we can't solve your issue via email.

Also, please note:
How hotkeys should work:
How cycling works:
Since tables popping up together with cycling have caused quite a bit of confusion, we want to address that, we'll soon publish a poll on our forums.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 01:31 PM
tn2 worst program ever
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Smashed


Can I Get a Refund On TableNinja (v1)?
If you purchased TableNinja (v1) after February 15, 2013 and would prefer not to upgrade to TableNinja II, please email prior to September 5, 2013 and we will refund your purchase.

Please be aware that your TableNinja (v1) license will be canceled and you will not be eligible for the minimum of three months of free subscription for TableNinja II.



Because, the purchase was made over 120 days ago, I am afraid that I need to refer your request to our Corporate Support Manager, Jeff Miller.

only fair to point out that the payment was refunded quickly without any hassle....

unrelated but think Denise is due a payraise..
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 03:18 PM
Today TN1 put me all in several times randomly on the hyperturbos. It cost me quite a bit..
Interested to hear if someone else had this problem.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by hu4food
everything about tableninja 2 is absolutely terrible (and frankly who gives a **** about betting 56% of the pot plus 0.6 big blind and a carrot). youre taking away the most valuable tool we ever had to play the game and dare selling us this crap as a replacement???
why dont you listen to what everybody wants instead of telling them tweak that close this. does it even feel half reasonable to you that your program needs all these external conditions to (theoratically) work properly? are your customers supposed to dedicate a computer to strictly playing poker because you woke up one morning with a **** idea?
I doubt its even the same team in charge of programming. just bring us a new tableninja 1 with a monthly fee and we will happily get raped by you.

the thought of losing the best of assists is so sick Im gonna puke.
if you dont listen to your people though, you are gonna lose them in the end.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by CaulDRON_of_WisDoM
Today TN1 put me all in several times randomly on the hyperturbos. It cost me quite a bit..
Interested to hear if someone else had this problem.
Hi Cauldron

Sorry to hear this has happened, I have not come across any other reports of this today. So in order to see what caused this Please send a copy of the following files to and I'll check them over for errors:

1) Your TNLog and TNConfigAutoLoad files. You will find them in C:\Program Files\TableNinja

2) A screen shot of your desktop with a table and your HUD displayed. See instructions at Please send the screen shot even if you don't have a HUD or custom table theme.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 07:10 PM
I feel like the newest TN2 update broke the auto betsizing for 3bets pf

Anyone else experiencing the same issue?
Win8 +
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by ronaz
I feel like the newest TN2 update broke the auto betsizing for 3bets pf

Anyone else experiencing the same issue?
Win8 +

This is a known issue and we are working on it and hope to have it resolved as quickly as possible.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26

This is a known issue and we are working on it and hope to have it resolved as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your quick reply, at least your customer service seems to be allright

And did you just make All In + Click Bet -hotkey a global one in the latest update, as it did not use to be? After session I was like wtf why ain't my Chrome opening links in new tabs.. hotkeys off and my middle mouse tab opening works again.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by tn-john
Hi hu4food,

We're sorry you feel like this about TN2. Please note that we're working around the clock to make TN2 work to your satisfaction. We definitely don't want you to pay for something that is unusable to you.

Also, please make sure you have the latest version (2.2.49+).

We're not sure what issues you're experiencing, but we'd love to help - eventually have a teamviewer session if we can't solve your issue via email.

Also, please note:
How hotkeys should work:
How cycling works:
Since tables popping up together with cycling have caused quite a bit of confusion, we want to address that, we'll soon publish a poll on our forums.

that is exactly the kind of answer I knew would come. completely deaf to what Im saying but I dont care. I just felt I had to bring my voice to the ocean of bad feedback you must be getting.
I never said tn2 was not working on my computer. It is just ridiculously bad, ugly and counter-intuitive (not to mention xp computers left behind, which is huge).

Now now. Yesterday I said **** it, I have to start playing with my bare hands before tn1 disappears completely. Using the custom bet buttons from stars, it was alright for my 3 hu tables. I will keep doing this until you bring back tn1 or something else comes up.

I most deeply hope you will lose a lot more customers cause you deserve it. when I write "lose" Im not even sure its appropriate cause again, I really doubt the same people are in charge of this joke.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-04-2013 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by ronaz
Thank you for your quick reply, at least your customer service seems to be allright

And did you just make All In + Click Bet -hotkey a global one in the latest update, as it did not use to be? After session I was like wtf why ain't my Chrome opening links in new tabs.. hotkeys off and my middle mouse tab opening works again.

No there was no other hotkeys made global unless you have made it global yourself, So when your mouse is away from the table does the all in+click still work?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-04-2013 , 12:05 PM
Thank you for the today's update ! Good job !!!
Previous update of TN you f**** up and 40 days you need to fix that sensei bug ?

What about testing basic functions before releasing new update ? Seems you never learn from history.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-04-2013 , 03:43 PM
hey, is it still possible to buy TN1 for the remainder?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-04-2013 , 05:41 PM
So TableNinja2 works on WindowsXP?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-04-2013 , 06:05 PM
Build notes:
* fix: mouse scroll lags
* fix: layout Stacked + Table Under Mouse - when moving mouse away from table + back a lot of times, sometimes a new table would steal focus from the active table
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-04-2013 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by nujabes
hey, is it still possible to buy TN1 for the remainder?
Unfortunately TN1 is no longer available for purchase.

Originally Posted by JFKHamburger
So TableNinja2 works on WindowsXP?
TN2 does not support XP the reason for this is because we need to enable Windows Aero theme, XP does not support Aero theme so there for TN2 will not work.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-05-2013 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Denise26
Unfortunately TN1 is no longer available for purchase.

TN2 does not support XP the reason for this is because we need to enable Windows Aero theme, XP does not support Aero theme so there for TN2 will not work.
Do you think your software should be adjusted to peoples systems or do people have to adjust their systems to your software?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-05-2013 , 09:57 AM
IS it just me or is tn1 ****ed up so much atm. It doest count how much sngs do i have registered. IT doesnt close lobbys. It doesnt show blinds. IT does register sngs until i close it.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-05-2013 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by 1.1.2013
IS it just me or is tn1 ****ed up so much atm. It doest count how much sngs do i have registered. IT doesnt close lobbys. It doesnt show blinds. IT does register sngs until i close it.

I am sorry to hear you are having this issue, Did you update to the most recent update of TN1 that was released yesterday? If not you can get it from here

If the problem persists:

Please send a copy of the following files to and I'll check them over for errors:

1) Your TNLog and TNConfigAutoLoad files. You will find them in C:\Program Files\TableNinja

2) A screen shot of your desktop with a table and your HUD displayed. See instructions at Please send the screen shot even if you don't have a HUD or custom table theme.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
09-06-2013 , 04:18 AM
Could you add ''effective stack in BB'' for heads up tournaments to display tab?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
