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TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars

03-23-2012 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Darky
Still flashing ... mb its time to upgrade to win7 :-)

We are working on a new update which should solve this problem. In the meantime closing an unnecessary software disabling visual effects in Windows should resolve the problem.

Originally Posted by JACKTEN
anyone solved the problem when you click the slider to increase bet size, but tn flicks it back down to minbet? it only happens once per hand ie after it has clicked back down i can increase the bet size as much as i want, its pretty annoying though. seems to have something to do with having a browser window open, as it happens when i have the browser window open but doesnt happen when i minimize the browser. Any help would be appreciated

I'm unable to reproduce any conflicts with a browser. Are you trying to click the slider before your default bets are set? Doing so would cause the bet to be reset by TableNinja. If this doesn't seem to explain the problem please send a copy of the following files to and I'll check them over for errors:

1) Your TNLog and TNConfigAutoLoad files. You will find them in C:\Program Files\TableNinja

2) A screen shot of your desktop with a table and your HUD displayed. See instructions at Please send the screen shot even if you don't have a HUD or custom table theme.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-23-2012 , 03:44 PM
Is there any way to increase the speed which a D-Pad on a gamepad can increase the bet size more quickly without affecting other buttons ?

I don't want to fold 3 tables in a row with one click of my fold btn but at this point holding down the D-Pad to increase my bet size is slower than tapping it repeatedly.

Also the problem I reported to you has not improved in any way. My internet connection is worst here than it was at my other location and you seemed to indicate that might be the cause.

Please explain to me how TN can register for one game type and add it to the "current number" column of another type and my internet connection be the cause?

At this point adding my "current numbers" for each game type, by the end of my session usually exceeds the actual registered # list by at least 4 or 5.

Constantly having to increase my target numbers to compensate for this to ensure that my games still load is annoying.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-23-2012 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by mugenjin
Is there any way to increase the speed which a D-Pad on a gamepad can increase the bet size more quickly without affecting other buttons ?

I don't want to fold 3 tables in a row with one click of my fold btn but at this point holding down the D-Pad to increase my bet size is slower than tapping it repeatedly.

Also the problem I reported to you has not improved in any way. My internet connection is worst here than it was at my other location and you seemed to indicate that might be the cause.

Please explain to me how TN can register for one game type and add it to the "current number" column of another type and my internet connection be the cause?

At this point adding my "current numbers" for each game type, by the end of my session usually exceeds the actual registered # list by at least 4 or 5.

Constantly having to increase my target numbers to compensate for this to ensure that my games still load is annoying.

The gamepad speed is setable. We may add the option for the user to set the speed with a future update. To start we went with a medium speed to prevent users from double sending commands.

The problem with slower internet connections is that the number is never subtracted. Its added when the game registers but the game is closed before Stars writes that its finished to your PokerStars.log file. Since the Sensei never see it as finished it stays in the current count which decreases the number of tables available to you at your current settings.

There are several ways to attack the problem. The most efficient is to change ISP's or switch to a faster package. You can also leave the finished games on the screen until Stars writes to the log file or increase your Sensei settings to compensate when playing a long session.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-23-2012 , 05:55 PM
This problem happens at the beginning of sessions as I mentioned multiple times.

The other day it registered to 4 diff. game types at the beginning of a session only to add 1 to the correct game , and 3 to the wrong game.

6 months after I mention this issue and it's still clear you don't even understand the problem.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-23-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by mugenjin
This problem happens at the beginning of sessions as I mentioned multiple times.

The other day it registered to 4 diff. game types at the beginning of a session only to add 1 to the correct game , and 3 to the wrong game.

6 months after I mention this issue and it's still clear you don't even understand the problem.

Try increasing your "Target number" in the Sensei for whichever slot is effected.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-24-2012 , 10:38 AM

That's exactly what I'm doing as I mentioned previously but it is a huge inconvenience while multitabling , trying to figure out which games have either been added to the wrong type or which games have had one one extra game added to it's type when only one should have been.

How many more times can I keep explaining and describing this issue to you before something is done ?

I'm not a computer programmer but there's something obviously wrong with TN when the current number's for each game don't even add up to the currently registered game #.

You said you would speak to the developers which I assume since you're still not providing me any solutions means you did the equivalent of toss the description of my issue into your garbage can.

If you ask me to send you guys an email with a description of my issue once again I think I'm going to have to swallow 3 Valiums just to be able to play poker today.

I have provided you everything you asked for , log files , a description of my problem ... about 6 times already ... and yet the only solution you offer is one which I am already using and informed you of such just a few posts above.

I used HEM support the other day .. and the difference between TN and HEM in terms of support is like night and day.

Complete confusion and incompetence vs professionalism.

I've been asked the same questions repeatedly , as if my info isn't even being recorded.

You're offering me solutions which I tell you are workarounds that are inconvenient.

I don't think I've ever had to use the term "as I mentioned previously" as often in my entire life as I have had to in this thread alone.

I don't even have a slow internet connection , there are some packet losses on the way to Pokerstars , but it's a 2mbps connection.

Please explain how this can cause TN to read 4 different tournament types as 2.50's and have the cause be an internet connection.

Others have also mentioned having this issue in this thread.

Remove your forced updates , resolve my issue or at least TRY TO , which it seems you aren't and you won't see a post from me in this thread again.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-24-2012 , 02:26 PM
Pokerstars often forces it's way infront of TN, even when I have Keep TN on top when not minimized ticked. Each time TN registers for a new SNG the boxes jump to the front. Is this a problem with my stars settings?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-24-2012 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by mugenjin

That's exactly what I'm doing as I mentioned previously but it is a huge inconvenience while multitabling , trying to figure out which games have either been added to the wrong type or which games have had one one extra game added to it's type when only one should have been.

How many more times can I keep explaining and describing this issue to you before something is done ?

I'm not a computer programmer but there's something obviously wrong with TN when the current number's for each game don't even add up to the currently registered game #.

You said you would speak to the developers which I assume since you're still not providing me any solutions means you did the equivalent of toss the description of my issue into your garbage can.

If you ask me to send you guys an email with a description of my issue once again I think I'm going to have to swallow 3 Valiums just to be able to play poker today.

I have provided you everything you asked for , log files , a description of my problem ... about 6 times already ... and yet the only solution you offer is one which I am already using and informed you of such just a few posts above.

I used HEM support the other day .. and the difference between TN and HEM in terms of support is like night and day.

Complete confusion and incompetence vs professionalism.

I've been asked the same questions repeatedly , as if my info isn't even being recorded.

You're offering me solutions which I tell you are workarounds that are inconvenient.

I don't think I've ever had to use the term "as I mentioned previously" as often in my entire life as I have had to in this thread alone.

I don't even have a slow internet connection , there are some packet losses on the way to Pokerstars , but it's a 2mbps connection.

Please explain how this can cause TN to read 4 different tournament types as 2.50's and have the cause be an internet connection.

Others have also mentioned having this issue in this thread.

Remove your forced updates , resolve my issue or at least TRY TO , which it seems you aren't and you won't see a post from me in this thread again.

I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce the problem you mentioned and I'm not getting any other reports like it. If the Sensei isn't working for your PC you'll need to use one of the workarounds provided.

Originally Posted by voldemort
Pokerstars often forces it's way infront of TN, even when I have Keep TN on top when not minimized ticked. Each time TN registers for a new SNG the boxes jump to the front. Is this a problem with my stars settings?

Is the SnG filter popping to the front? The Sensei does force the filter to the front when registering. Try dragging it almost completely off the screen but leave it open. Also make sure your not minimizing the Stars lobby. Instead leave it on the screen and let it drop to the background. Let me know if this doesn't seem to solve the problem.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-24-2012 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
Is the SnG filter popping to the front? The Sensei does force the filter to the front when registering. Try dragging it almost completely off the screen but leave it open. Also make sure your not minimizing the Stars lobby. Instead leave it on the screen and let it drop to the background. Let me know if this doesn't seem to solve the problem.
Yeah I have the SnG filter and stars dragged right to the bottom of my screen. It's only the pop-up I get after clicking "Register", which states my bankroll + buyin amount, then the confirmation pop-up which follows. I think the stars lobby also comes to the front, but I'm not sure as it's mainly off the page. It's these pop-up boxes which I would like to hide behind TN, so they don't distract me.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-24-2012 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by voldemort
Yeah I have the SnG filter and stars dragged right to the bottom of my screen. It's only the pop-up I get after clicking "Register", which states my bankroll + buyin amount, then the confirmation pop-up which follows. I think the stars lobby also comes to the front, but I'm not sure as it's mainly off the page. It's these pop-up boxes which I would like to hide behind TN, so they don't distract me.

Try going to TableNinja>Opening/Closing and check the box marked "Don't pop up lobby after auto tourney buy-in. Also go to PokerStars>Options>Advanced Multi-Table Options and disable the box marked "New Tournaments Take Focus" and "Auto-open Sit & Go tournament lobby".

The registration popup will come to the front but should be handled almost instantly. Let me know if this doesn't seem to help.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-25-2012 , 07:21 AM
Guys, can you add autobuyin for zoom tables please?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-25-2012 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
Try going to TableNinja>Opening/Closing and check the box marked "Don't pop up lobby after auto tourney buy-in. Also go to PokerStars>Options>Advanced Multi-Table Options and disable the box marked "New Tournaments Take Focus" and "Auto-open Sit & Go tournament lobby".

The registration popup will come to the front but should be handled almost instantly. Let me know if this doesn't seem to help.
I had all these settings as you suggested already, so I didn't change anything.

The pop-up boxes are handled very quickly, as you say, I was just under the impression that they could be hidden behind TN? Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe it's just something funky about my setup I don't know?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-25-2012 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by MagicMurderBean
Guys, can you add autobuyin for zoom tables please?

At the moment we are unable to do so due to differences in the Zoom lobby. We will reevaluate this over time though as its a feature we would like to offer.

Originally Posted by voldemort
I had all these settings as you suggested already, so I didn't change anything.

The pop-up boxes are handled very quickly, as you say, I was just under the impression that they could be hidden behind TN? Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe it's just something funky about my setup I don't know?

Pop ups and dialogues are sent to the foreground by Stars. Unfortunately we aren't able to control them only handle them as fast as possible.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-25-2012 , 02:44 PM
Hi all can you tell me how long the free trial id for please as i have read on here that it is 7 days but on the website when i watched the video it says a 30day free trial just would like know which one it is please thanks.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-25-2012 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by CJJPOKER
Hi all can you tell me how long the free trial id for please as i have read on here that it is 7 days but on the website when i watched the video it says a 30day free trial just would like know which one it is please thanks.

TableNinja has a 30 day, fully functioning, free trial. You can download it here:

Let me know if you have any other questions.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-26-2012 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
Pop ups and dialogues are sent to the foreground by Stars. Unfortunately we aren't able to control them only handle them as fast as possible.
I've just realised that the pop-ups actually steal the focus from my tables, so if I click 'fold' as a pop-up is being handled it doesn't register the click and I have to press it again.

Is this standard or do I have some settings wrong somewhere?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-26-2012 , 09:15 AM
Every day I play I use SNG sensei. I typically use 2 filters, one for $30 6max hypers and one for $100 6max hypers. For the most part the program works and for that I'm very thankful. I'd be lost without it. However, I have noticed 2 counting issues I thought I'd bring to light in hope they can be solved.

#1. Sensei thinks I'm registered for more games than I am. Over the course of a session, I'll look and see that I'm in one less game than SNG Sensei thinks I am. Say I'm loading to 15, after a few hours I might notice I never seem to get to 15, and I'll see I'm registered in 15 games according to Sensei, but only 14 games according to Pokerstars. Somehow it's lost count. Fix at the time is simply to click up to 16 games, b/c then it will actually reg me for 15. Sometimes this happens by up to 2-3 games, and I end up loading to "18" just to register for 15.

#2 When using 2 filters, Sensei often overestimates how many of one games I am currently registered in. Typically I set it to load 10 $100 hypers and 5 $30 hypers, for 15 total tables. Often after an hour or so I'll see it thinks I am in 10 and 5 respectively, but it's only got me registered for 13 total games, so this cannot be right. The quick fix is to just click the numbers up, I might set them to 11 and 6 (which adds to 17) and now it will register me for the full 15 games. The overall setting will still read "keep 15 sngs open" but each filter thinks it has a number loaded that when combined add up to greater than 15. Sometimes this can get far out of whack, and after 5 hours or so these numbers might total over 20.

Obviously I've adapted how to keep my session going as I would like when these errors are occurring, but it is distracting, and it does cost me some games per hour b4 I notice the issue. Be nice if it could be fixed.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-26-2012 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce the problem you mentioned and I'm not getting any other reports like it. If the Sensei isn't working for your PC you'll need to use one of the workarounds provided.
Originally Posted by OMGBarackObama
Every day I play I use SNG sensei. I typically use 2 filters, one for $30 6max hypers and one for $100 6max hypers. For the most part the program works and for that I'm very thankful. I'd be lost without it. However, I have noticed 2 counting issues I thought I'd bring to light in hope they can be solved.

#1. Sensei thinks I'm registered for more games than I am. Over the course of a session, I'll look and see that I'm in one less game than SNG Sensei thinks I am. Say I'm loading to 15, after a few hours I might notice I never seem to get to 15, and I'll see I'm registered in 15 games according to Sensei, but only 14 games according to Pokerstars. Somehow it's lost count. Fix at the time is simply to click up to 16 games, b/c then it will actually reg me for 15. Sometimes this happens by up to 2-3 games, and I end up loading to "18" just to register for 15.

#2 When using 2 filters, Sensei often overestimates how many of one games I am currently registered in. Typically I set it to load 10 $100 hypers and 5 $30 hypers, for 15 total tables. Often after an hour or so I'll see it thinks I am in 10 and 5 respectively, but it's only got me registered for 13 total games, so this cannot be right. The quick fix is to just click the numbers up, I might set them to 11 and 6 (which adds to 17) and now it will register me for the full 15 games. The overall setting will still read "keep 15 sngs open" but each filter thinks it has a number loaded that when combined add up to greater than 15. Sometimes this can get far out of whack, and after 5 hours or so these numbers might total over 20.

Obviously I've adapted how to keep my session going as I would like when these errors are occurring, but it is distracting, and it does cost me some games per hour b4 I notice the issue. Be nice if it could be fixed.
There's 1 report and there were a few in this thread recently.

Misreporting in the "current number" column.

I've just been more specific , I've seen extra numbers being added and numbers from one game added to another.

I sometimes can go for 30 min before it stars , the example I gave you was the most extreme , where of the 1st 4 games loaded .. 3 were added to the wrong game type.

There's something clearly wrong with TN in regards to how it monitors and displays the "current number" information.

Clearly we can't be currently registered in 17 games , yet add up the "current numbers" and find out we're reg'd in 20 games.

You guys need to find out why this is happening and correct it.

For months you've been ignoring this issue and to tell me you "cannot reproduce" it is meaningless. You guys cannot reproduce half the issues people report on this board. And with your track record on updates , you clearly aren't trying hard enough to "reproduce" issues.

When you're playing 4 games types and are trying to manage them this issue becomes even more annoying.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-26-2012 , 11:06 AM
And if it all our internet connections that are the cause ... as you seem to want to imply ... have some kind of corrective feature added to TN. If you're software can't even add the current numbers of games in that list and compare that to the currently registered correct number and fix the issue... what kind of software is it ?

I've also experienced this issue on 2 different PC's with 2 different OS's and 2 different ISP's btw.

Last edited by mugenjin; 03-26-2012 at 11:13 AM.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-26-2012 , 11:49 AM
Hey, can I bind a key to fast fold a table based on where it sits on the screen (as in top left is table 1, bind z to fast fold table 1)? like without clicking the table or hovering my cursor over it
in zoom

Last edited by ionutd; 03-26-2012 at 12:08 PM.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-26-2012 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by OMGBarackObama
Every day I play I use SNG sensei. I typically use 2 filters, one for $30 6max hypers and one for $100 6max hypers. For the most part the program works and for that I'm very thankful. I'd be lost without it. However, I have noticed 2 counting issues I thought I'd bring to light in hope they can be solved.

#1. Sensei thinks I'm registered for more games than I am. Over the course of a session, I'll look and see that I'm in one less game than SNG Sensei thinks I am. Say I'm loading to 15, after a few hours I might notice I never seem to get to 15, and I'll see I'm registered in 15 games according to Sensei, but only 14 games according to Pokerstars. Somehow it's lost count. Fix at the time is simply to click up to 16 games, b/c then it will actually reg me for 15. Sometimes this happens by up to 2-3 games, and I end up loading to "18" just to register for 15.

#2 When using 2 filters, Sensei often overestimates how many of one games I am currently registered in. Typically I set it to load 10 $100 hypers and 5 $30 hypers, for 15 total tables. Often after an hour or so I'll see it thinks I am in 10 and 5 respectively, but it's only got me registered for 13 total games, so this cannot be right. The quick fix is to just click the numbers up, I might set them to 11 and 6 (which adds to 17) and now it will register me for the full 15 games. The overall setting will still read "keep 15 sngs open" but each filter thinks it has a number loaded that when combined add up to greater than 15. Sometimes this can get far out of whack, and after 5 hours or so these numbers might total over 20.

Obviously I've adapted how to keep my session going as I would like when these errors are occurring, but it is distracting, and it does cost me some games per hour b4 I notice the issue. Be nice if it could be fixed.

The Sensei doesn't estimate the number of games you play. It counts them in a very specific way. First go to TableNinja>Opening/Closing>Tournaments and make sure the box marked "Automatically close finished tournaments after "X" seconds" is set to at least 2.0 seconds. If your using wifi or have a slower internet connection you may need to increase it even more. If this doesn't seem to help please send a copy of your TNConfigAutoLoad file to and I'll be happy to check it over for errors. You can find the file in C:/Program Files/TableNinja.

Originally Posted by ionutd
Hey, can I bind a key to fast fold a table based on where it sits on the screen (as in top left is table 1, bind z to fast fold table 1)? like without clicking the table or hovering my cursor over it
in zoom

The AA Check/Fold hotkey will trigger the "Fast Fold" hotkey for zoom but it can't be set by table location like your asking. You will be able trigger the button but the table will have to be activate either by you mousing over it or by it popping to the foreground.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-26-2012 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by voldemort
I've just realised that the pop-ups actually steal the focus from my tables, so if I click 'fold' as a pop-up is being handled it doesn't register the click and I have to press it again.

Is this standard or do I have some settings wrong somewhere?

The popup does take focus but I'm surprised your able to interrupt it. Try switching to an Aero based Windows desktop theme. Then go to the start menu search and type "performance information and tools", without the quotes, and hit enter. In the new window that pops up click the adjust visual effects link. Choose custom and make sure everything is disabled except the following:

enable desktop composition
enable transparent glass
show thumbnails instead of icons
smooth edges of screen fonts
use visual styles on windows and buttons

Let me know if this doesn't seem to help.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:01 PM
Im still waiting for a responce from my previous problem, i sent in the log files a few days ago and ive got another problem with it now as well.

When i unplug my mouse from charge from usb i get error sayin TN has stopped working and it will only let me close TN down (if i click continue the error box will just keep popping up). Then whne i open TN again ive lost all my settings and hotkeys , everything is gone/empty.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by e_or
Im still waiting for a responce from my previous problem, i sent in the log files a few days ago and ive got another problem with it now as well.

When i unplug my mouse from charge from usb i get error sayin TN has stopped working and it will only let me close TN down (if i click continue the error box will just keep popping up). Then whne i open TN again ive lost all my settings and hotkeys , everything is gone/empty.

I'm not sure what email address you used when you sent your original message. Please email with a link to this thread and I'll look up your original ticket.

I'm afraid this is a known issue without a known fix at the moment. If your gamepad disconnects or loses power while TableNinja is running it will cause a crash. You should also make sure the gamepad is powered up before loading TableNinja. Provided its on though everything should work as expected.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
03-27-2012 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by 8=~Fool~=8
I'm not sure what email address you used when you sent your original message. Please email with a link to this thread and I'll look up your original ticket.

I'm afraid this is a known issue without a known fix at the moment. If your gamepad disconnects or loses power while TableNinja is running it will cause a crash. You should also make sure the gamepad is powered up before loading TableNinja. Provided its on though everything should work as expected.
Ok not a big issue, ive sent a new email along with the old one and log files.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
