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Table Optimizer Table Optimizer

11-04-2016 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by czyngischan
All I can do is to add something simple such as hotkeys for cycling only vpip or postflop tables. Would that help?
yes that would be fantastic and immensely appreciated.

one remark: the problem I face a lot of the time is with tables where i am in the small blind and fold with advanced action checkbox and the table is returned to the "inactive tables" stack but the table is still considered as first action or first in line until my hand is actually folded.

also would it be doable to cycle through tables using their x,y coordinates on screen? (next for right/down, prev for left/up)
Table Optimizer Quote
11-06-2016 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by you_call_i_fold
yes that would be fantastic and immensely appreciated.

one remark: the problem I face a lot of the time is with tables where i am in the small blind and fold with advanced action checkbox and the table is returned to the "inactive tables" stack but the table is still considered as first action or first in line until my hand is actually folded.
This is how it works currently. I will try to improve this in the future.

Originally Posted by you_call_i_fold
also would it be doable to cycle through tables using their x,y coordinates on screen? (next for right/down, prev for left/up)
This is possible but it's more work that what I suggested earlier so I won't be doing it.
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11-09-2016 , 01:42 AM
Hi, needs an update for UK client. Tried to roll back as usual (with Stars backup folder) but still getting the "incompatible" error in TO.
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11-15-2016 , 09:55 PM
I play 180 mans and use TO to auto reg it. Thus the 3.50 rebuys, 8s and 15s. Stars no longer has the 15s 180 mans but instead has the 15s on demands where it starts once 27 players are registered. These are max 180 players but never reaches it.

How do i set this up on TO to autoregister the $15 on demands? These usually have between 80 and 145 players or so from what i saw.
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11-16-2016 , 05:41 AM
This is not supported yet. I will try to fix it in the next update.
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11-18-2016 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by czyngischan
This is not supported yet. I will try to fix it in the next update.

okay thanks.

When your TO is close to expiring, how do you renew it? Do you renew it on your site and purchase again? Do you need to add any details etc? I took a look and it shows login for returning customer. So that meant i had created an account when i got tableoptimizer right and have to log into that account?

And you can only purchase it on a yearly basis right? I had it for close to 1 year.

Also i see you accept paypal and neteller. I dont recall exactly but i believe when i first got it, i think i paid by skrill. So i assume you use to accept skrill but no longer?
Table Optimizer Quote
11-18-2016 , 09:47 PM
Asked this on stars thread and wanted to ask you here.

I use tableoptimizer on pokerstars. I do like to manually move my tables from one area to another area of the screen. I however keep the default size of the pokerstars tables and thus its the right size.

When i move the tables or click on the edge or near it, sometimes the table either gets very small or really big. And when i move the table from say the top right to the bottom right on my monitor for example, i would many times make the size of the table either larger or smaller.

Is there a way to prevent the size of the tables to change in size when i move the tables around? Its annoying when i try to drag a table from one side of the screen to the other and then the size of the table gets a bit bigger or smaller than i like. Then i have to resize it but when i do this, many times it would then suddenly get really big so i have to make the table smaller etc which is very time consuming and annoying since i play lot of tables.

And if so, how do i do this? And can i do this on pokerstar settings? Or it has to be tableoptimizer?

Also i believe tableoptimizer allows you to not allow any table to be moved to any area of your screen. Thus if you try to move it etc, it will automatically go back to where it was. Is there a way to do this on pokerstars settings? I assume not.

But main issue is its very annoying when i move a table to a different quadrant in my monitor and the table gets resized a bit smaller or bigger and i have to manually resize it.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-19-2016 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
okay thanks.

When your TO is close to expiring, how do you renew it? Do you renew it on your site and purchase again? Do you need to add any details etc? I took a look and it shows login for returning customer. So that meant i had created an account when i got tableoptimizer right and have to log into that account?

And you can only purchase it on a yearly basis right? I had it for close to 1 year.

Also i see you accept paypal and neteller. I dont recall exactly but i believe when i first got it, i think i paid by skrill. So i assume you use to accept skrill but no longer?
You need to purchase it again via website. You don't have to login and you don't have to create an account. Just fill the form and pay.
You can buy only annual license.
Unfortunately Skrill payments are no longer accepted.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-19-2016 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Asked this on stars thread and wanted to ask you here.

I use tableoptimizer on pokerstars. I do like to manually move my tables from one area to another area of the screen. I however keep the default size of the pokerstars tables and thus its the right size.

When i move the tables or click on the edge or near it, sometimes the table either gets very small or really big. And when i move the table from say the top right to the bottom right on my monitor for example, i would many times make the size of the table either larger or smaller.

Is there a way to prevent the size of the tables to change in size when i move the tables around? Its annoying when i try to drag a table from one side of the screen to the other and then the size of the table gets a bit bigger or smaller than i like. Then i have to resize it but when i do this, many times it would then suddenly get really big so i have to make the table smaller etc which is very time consuming and annoying since i play lot of tables.

And if so, how do i do this? And can i do this on pokerstar settings? Or it has to be tableoptimizer?

Also i believe tableoptimizer allows you to not allow any table to be moved to any area of your screen. Thus if you try to move it etc, it will automatically go back to where it was. Is there a way to do this on pokerstars settings? I assume not.

But main issue is its very annoying when i move a table to a different quadrant in my monitor and the table gets resized a bit smaller or bigger and i have to manually resize it.
I can't recreate the problem with table resizing. If I drag the table manually and TO happens to click the time bank button on it, the table will be moved to a different position but there is no resizing.
There is a PokerStars hotkey for resizing table to the default size(ctrl+b). You can use it instead of resizing table manually.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-19-2016 , 04:51 AM
Would it be possible to emulate Pokerstars "don't steal focus from notes" while using multistack popup in TO?

Also similarly, when using the hotkey to colour code a player, it would be helpful if it only applied to the first table clicked on. When stacking if a table pops in front while colour coding a player you end up with two incorrect colour tags.
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11-22-2016 , 06:28 AM
I don't think that I will be able to emulate "Don't steal focus" option from PokerStars but I can restrict hotkey coloring to the first table only.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-23-2016 , 08:59 PM
Hi just downloaded TO. Very useful program I already set all stacks as I desire! Wonderful... but I really cannot find how to set 3bet... can you help me?
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11-23-2016 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Claudio88
Hi just downloaded TO. Very useful program I already set all stacks as I desire! Wonderful... but I really cannot find how to set 3bet... can you help me?
No longer allowed by Amaya.
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11-23-2016 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by The Imp
No longer allowed by Amaya.
But in the other sws you can... Stars Helper for example..
Table Optimizer Quote
11-24-2016 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Claudio88
But in the other sws you can... Stars Helper for example..
It's definitely not allowed to autoset 3bet amounts (Stars rep confirmed it at the time). If another software is breaking the rules you should report it to Stars and it'll be banned.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-24-2016 , 05:28 PM
Also, SNG autoregistering does not work. It scans list without register
Table Optimizer Quote
11-24-2016 , 08:15 PM
A lot of things actually does not work:

1) autoclick time bank does not always work
2) SNG registering does not work
3) multistack often miss to popup tables requiring action (disaster!!!)
4) table sizes are sometimes different from the settings
Table Optimizer Quote
11-25-2016 , 08:20 AM
If you believe that something is not working correctly, please report it as described on the website:

Incorrect table sizes may be caused by Windows DPI scalling. If you have high resolution display try following:
1. Right click on to.exe and select “Properties”.
2. In the new window select “Compability” tab and check “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings”.
3. Do the same for PokerStars.exe.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-25-2016 , 10:21 AM
I already did fix DPI scaling

I will send report to the support as you suggest
Table Optimizer Quote
11-27-2016 , 05:11 AM
It's so boring to move tables from one screen to another in order to arrange them on 2 monitors. I hope you will soon implement the "Tile on all screens" hotkey to fix it. I think you said that is likely to implement this setting in December.

Also, when it comes to SNG registering, I noticed that after it reaches the max-registered and it stops, when a table is closed, it registers to the first SNG it goes to, instead of the top one, that usually has more players already registered. I think this can be fixed if you stop scanning for tables once the max-registered is reached, and manually set to register the top SNG once there is room for tables. This can be frustrating especially in the morning when there aren't that many players, and it takes time for a full registration, and to see that there are already 8 players registered for a SNG, and TO registers to a SNG with only 2, is not efficient.

Another suggestion: in Sng registering, instead of max-registered, you can set: "use monitors max" because they are already configured in the settings. In this way, I can manually register to MTT and TO will register SNG based on how many MTT I play.

What do you think?
Table Optimizer Quote
11-28-2016 , 11:19 AM
"Tile on all screens" hotkey will be implemented in December as promised.

Problem with registering to sng with low number of entrants can be solved by using "Min. players enrolled" filter in PokerStars.

Sng registering and tiling are two separate features so it doesn't make sense to use max number of tables per screen for tiling in sng registering.
Table Optimizer Quote
11-28-2016 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Claudio88
But in the other sws you can... Stars Helper for example..
Originally Posted by The Imp
It's definitely not allowed to autoset 3bet amounts (Stars rep confirmed it at the time). If another software is breaking the rules you should report it to Stars and it'll be banned.
To follow up on this - Stars Helper uses a pot size filter to auto set 3bet sizes, Stars support say that Stars Helper is fully allowed software so it appears that it's permitted to apply pot size filters to automatic betsizing (they did say it was prohibited back when the rules were first implemented, perhaps something has changed).
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12-01-2016 , 03:15 PM
Is it possible to filter preset bets with TO in heads up SNG? I don´t want to have the same bets has MTT filters...
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12-02-2016 , 05:37 AM
It is not possible.
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12-02-2016 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by czyngischan
"Tile on all screens" hotkey will be implemented in December as promised.
Thanks. Hopefully it will be implemented at the beginning of the month.
Originally Posted by czyngischan
Problem with registering to sng with low number of entrants can be solved by using "Min. players enrolled" filter in PokerStars.
Good to know, I will try it.

Originally Posted by czyngischan
Sng registering and tiling are two separate features so it doesn't make sense to use max number of tables per screen for tiling in sng registering.
It does make sense when you play MTT and SNG at the same time. If I register for 2 MTT, and the rest for SNG to fill my monitors, when I finish the MTT, I would have to manually modify the SNG filter so that it will use those 2 extra spaces to continue playing with monitors full with tables. The same thing, if I play 5-6 MTT, I would constantly need to modify the SNG registering as the MTT are over. But if the SNG registering would have the max tables per monitor, I could register to as many MTT I want, and the SNG register would only register to the remaining available spots. Don't you play MTT and SNG at the same time? If yes, how do you do it?
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