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07-10-2023 , 09:55 AM
stackandtile website down? software also doesnt work
StackAndTile Quote
07-11-2023 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by xbobx
stackandtile website down? software also doesnt work
website is up

you can always use something like this to check if its on your side or not:
StackAndTile Quote
08-20-2023 , 01:58 PM
I had not used SaT in a while and just came back to playing. All functions are working normally except for stacked tables requiring action popping to the front. My preference is set for tables requiring action to come to the front of the stack, rather than moving to my grid. Currently, which ever table is already at the top of the stack stays there while I time out on other tables in the stack.

I've tested this with both BCP and Ignition, suggested the issue isn't with a particular site's settings. I've also remove and re added both sites. What else should I be checking here in SaT settings? Thank you.
StackAndTile Quote
08-20-2023 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by dripdrop
I had not used SaT in a while and just came back to playing. All functions are working normally except for stacked tables requiring action popping to the front. My preference is set for tables requiring action to come to the front of the stack, rather than moving to my grid. Currently, which ever table is already at the top of the stack stays there while I time out on other tables in the stack.

I've tested this with both BCP and Ignition, suggested the issue isn't with a particular site's settings. I've also remove and re added both sites. What else should I be checking here in SaT settings? Thank you.
If you test with BCP alone, does SAT pop up the tables correctly?

My guess is the problem is the Bodog tables. You can test this with SAT turned off. Turn on the setting inside Ignition settings to popup tables when action required, and then put an Ignition table completely hidden behind your web browser, and see if the Ignition software itself will pop it up. For over a year now, this has been broken, and you will see that Ignition itself cannot even scan its own tables and pop them up. Let me know what you find

Their own software has been broken for a while now, and I haven't heard anything about it being fixed
StackAndTile Quote
08-21-2023 , 11:09 PM
I just tested with BCP alone as well as Ignition alone. Moving tables to the front of the stack was not working with either client. Is there a BCP setting that needs to be enabled? I was looking through configuration options and didn't see one. I also tried the Ignition test you suggested, and table behind Chrome wouldn't pop in front upon action being required.

My memory was that SaT controls moving tables to the front of the stack, rather than a setting in any one client. Is that not accurate?
StackAndTile Quote
08-21-2023 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by dripdrop
I just tested with BCP alone as well as Ignition alone. Moving tables to the front of the stack was not working with either client. Is there a BCP setting that needs to be enabled? I was looking through configuration options and didn't see one.
ah yes you are correct. i forgot that in the latest WinningPoker client upgrade, they changed the button colors. so if your BCP button colors are all dark gray, then that might cause this issue. you need to change the button colors back to red, and then Remove and re-Include the site back into SAT. you can check the required configuration here:

so change the button colors to red, then Remove the site and re-Include it. let me know if that fixes it for BCP solo

Originally Posted by dripdrop
I also tried the Ignition test you suggested, and table behind Chrome wouldn't pop in front upon action being required.
yeah that happens to me as well, and also every player that i asked to test it. and you had the setting inside Bodog turned on so that Bodog is supposed to pop the table to front, correct?

that just goes to show that Bodog itself cannot even correctly scan its own tables and pop them up when its your turn to act. which is pretty ******ed. you should email and complain, who knows if that will do anything

but SAT runs into the same problem. when i try to scan the Bodog tables to check if the action buttons are visible, i am unable to read the table and so SAT can not correctly pop them up

Originally Posted by dripdrop
My memory was that SaT controls moving tables to the front of the stack, rather than a setting in any one client. Is that not accurate?
correct. SAT is supposed to REPLACE the setting inside each poker client. so for example, if you turn on the setting inside each poker client to pop tables up, then those poker sites should theoretically pop up their own individual tables when action is required (except bodog's setting fails as we noted). but the problem with leaving that setting on for all sites, is that suppose first BCP pops up its table correctly, and you are thinking and deciding, and you are about to act and click a button, and then PokerStars also pops up its own table correctly right at that same moment. you might misclick and click on the Stars table, because Stars popped up its own table and stole focus from the BCP table. both sites acted correctly, and popped up their own tables when it was your turn

SAT instead handles the whole list of tables, and does its own scanning to determine when its your turn to act, and then SAT handles the popping up, to avoid those misclicks. SAT would see that the BCP table required action first, and is still waiting on your action, and then when the Stars table also requires action, SAT would queue it up, and line it up 2nd in line in the stack, and not steal focus from BCP because you have not yet acted on BCP. this allows you to turn off the setting inside each poker client, well actually SAT *requires* that you turn that off, so that there is no conflict
StackAndTile Quote
08-22-2023 , 10:37 PM
Thank you for the configuration link and explanation on stacking functionality - very helpful. Stacking with BCP is working following applying the button color change.

I did have the setting you suggested turned on for Ignition when testing if it would pop in front of a Chrome window upon action being required. Understood that it not working is on their end, and not due to SaT. I sent them an email but am not holding my breath based on prior experience. Their quality of customer service is pretty much the opposite of your app's.

Thanks again.
StackAndTile Quote
08-23-2023 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by dripdrop
Thank you for the configuration link and explanation on stacking functionality - very helpful. Stacking with BCP is working following applying the button color change.

I did have the setting you suggested turned on for Ignition when testing if it would pop in front of a Chrome window upon action being required. Understood that it not working is on their end, and not due to SaT. I sent them an email but am not holding my breath based on prior experience. Their quality of customer service is pretty much the opposite of your app's.

Thanks again.
appreciate it. let me know if you run into any other issues
StackAndTile Quote
11-11-2023 , 09:48 PM
For the Ignition display stack as bb, when i choose it the hotkey bet xbb does not work.
StackAndTile Quote
11-12-2023 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by zf96733n
For the Ignition display stack as bb, when i choose it the hotkey bet xbb does not work.
did you change the setting inside SAT's menu for Settings->Advanced Options-> Hotkeys tab, to "Send bets in BBs instead of $" ?

does that fix it?
StackAndTile Quote
11-27-2023 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by greg nice
did you change the setting inside SAT's menu for Settings->Advanced Options-> Hotkeys tab, to "Send bets in BBs instead of $" ?

does that fix it?
did not work.
StackAndTile Quote
11-29-2023 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by zf96733n
For the Ignition display stack as bb, when i choose it the hotkey bet xbb does not work.
can you please try this version 2.99.21b ?

and make sure you have that Advanced Option turned on above

the problem that i found was that it was simply rounding up the BB amount so that there was no decimal. so for example it would round up 2.5 to 3. this version should fix that. if it still doesnt work for you, please tell me which table type you are playing on, and tell me what happens instead
StackAndTile Quote
12-07-2023 , 09:49 AM
I am using 2.99.21 high-dpi version with WPN.
After setting up the site, SaT does not always recognice tables that are hidden behind others, for example when in the stack. If any window is in front ot the table it does not get recognised. If I cycel through the stack and the active table comes to the front, then it gets recognised as active and gets moved to the grid.
I am currently using "move to grid when cards are dealt".
WPN is configured like in the WPN SaT setup guide.
StackAndTile Quote
12-07-2023 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Panne1337
I am using 2.99.21 high-dpi version with WPN.
After setting up the site, SaT does not always recognice tables that are hidden behind others, for example when in the stack. If any window is in front ot the table it does not get recognised. If I cycel through the stack and the active table comes to the front, then it gets recognised as active and gets moved to the grid.
I am currently using "move to grid when cards are dealt".
WPN is configured like in the WPN SaT setup guide.
it looks like the last WPN update broke something. and now WPN behaves just like Bodog does, and prevents programmers from scanning a table when it is fully hidden behind other tables, such as when tables are stacked, or even if a table is fully hidden behind a web browser. its either they are blocking their tables from being scanned when the table is hidden, OR, they are not even updating the graphics of their table altogether when it is hidden. in either case, if SAT cannot access the data to see the table, then it cannot determine if action is required

this is a very bad development. as of yet, there is no fix for bodog, and i'm not optimistic there will be a quick fix (if any at all) for WPN

there are currently two workarounds. 1. play tiled for WPN, so that the tables are always at least partially visible, that way SAT will be able to scan the table. or 2. turn on WPN's setting for "auto switch tables" and allow WPN to pop up its own tables rather than relying on SAT to do this. the downside to #2 is that you will encounter focus stealing when playing across other sites

and workaround #2 isnt even an option for Bodog. on there, Bodog's own setting doesnt even work to pop up tables
StackAndTile Quote
12-17-2023 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by greg nice
it looks like the last WPN update broke something. and now WPN behaves just like Bodog does, and prevents programmers from scanning a table when it is fully hidden behind other tables, such as when tables are stacked, or even if a table is fully hidden behind a web browser. its either they are blocking their tables from being scanned when the table is hidden, OR, they are not even updating the graphics of their table altogether when it is hidden. in either case, if SAT cannot access the data to see the table, then it cannot determine if action is required

this is a very bad development. as of yet, there is no fix for bodog, and i'm not optimistic there will be a quick fix (if any at all) for WPN

there are currently two workarounds. 1. play tiled for WPN, so that the tables are always at least partially visible, that way SAT will be able to scan the table. or 2. turn on WPN's setting for "auto switch tables" and allow WPN to pop up its own tables rather than relying on SAT to do this. the downside to #2 is that you will encounter focus stealing when playing across other sites

and workaround #2 isnt even an option for Bodog. on there, Bodog's own setting doesnt even work to pop up tables
looks like ACR fixed this for now
StackAndTile Quote
03-07-2024 , 01:35 PM
Haven't played on 888 in a while. Looks like they've changed their table layouts a little bit and none of the add a site options in the drop down seem to be working for me. Windows 10. 888pokernew recognizes the table, but f10 not finding the fold button. Do I have to make a custom site? I have used SnT on 888 with my current pc set up in the past.
StackAndTile Quote
03-07-2024 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by The Sasquatch
Haven't played on 888 in a while. Looks like they've changed their table layouts a little bit and none of the add a site options in the drop down seem to be working for me. Windows 10. 888pokernew recognizes the table, but f10 not finding the fold button. Do I have to make a custom site? I have used SnT on 888 with my current pc set up in the past.
please try this version



You will need to Remove "888PokerNew" and re-Include the "888PokerNew2" site

let me know if it works
StackAndTile Quote
03-11-2024 , 04:32 PM
Working for me, thank you.
StackAndTile Quote
06-29-2024 , 11:18 AM
Hello, i play on Winamax(new), when i start SaT(2.99.21), table begin to blink, hotkeys also don't work. OS windows 7 32 bit.
StackAndTile Quote
06-29-2024 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by ggwpnore
Hello, i play on Winamax(new), when i start SaT(2.99.21), table begin to blink, hotkeys also don't work. OS windows 7 32 bit.
Can you use the SAT menu for Help->Diagnostic->Take Screenshot of table, and try the 3 different options, and see if the screenshot files come out good? Its possible that SAT is unable to scan the tables, and my guess is its because of Win7

Certainly you need to be using Aero theme inside Win7 or else its unlikely SAT will ever work altogether:

But even still I dont think Microsoft even supports Win7 any longer so it could be tough to get things working
StackAndTile Quote
07-07-2024 , 04:04 AM
Hello, i upgraded to Win 10 64-bit and Sat works perfectly now. I have one question, but it can be a complex: what are the interaction of SaT with Playground on Winamax? I noticed for example, that hotkeys for a next or previous table on queue don't work, when PG is enabled.
StackAndTile Quote
07-07-2024 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by ggwpnore
Hello, i upgraded to Win 10 64-bit and Sat works perfectly now. I have one question, but it can be a complex: what are the interaction of SaT with Playground on Winamax? I noticed for example, that hotkeys for a next or previous table on queue don't work, when PG is enabled.
you must explicitly turn off the Playground feature, SAT can not work alongside it

see here for full client config:
StackAndTile Quote
07-18-2024 , 06:42 AM
Hi, trial period has ended, but hotkeys for free version doesn't work? i so far play 0,25$ spins
StackAndTile Quote
