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07-19-2015 , 09:10 PM
Tables on any site aren't popping up when action is required. I removed/added all the sites again and unchecked any site-based options for bringing table to front, they are stacking properly but still not popping up when I have action. Any ideas?
StackAndTile Quote
07-19-2015 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by risk2Dupside
Tables on any site aren't popping up when action is required. I removed/added all the sites again and unchecked any site-based options for bringing table to front, they are stacking properly but still not popping up when I have action. Any ideas?
run this Test and tell me the results:

also you can try a new grid slot size, by creating a new layout with File->New Layout. then Include a site and run the Test again
StackAndTile Quote
07-20-2015 , 04:30 AM
Greg do you have any plans to add a bet % of pot hotkey for bodog? I know in the past you said you aren't going to do this... I am curious if you have changed your mind. This is really the only hotkey that is not available that I would really benefit from.
StackAndTile Quote
07-20-2015 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by bm303
Greg do you have any plans to add a bet % of pot hotkey for bodog? I know in the past you said you aren't going to do this... I am curious if you have changed your mind. This is really the only hotkey that is not available that I would really benefit from.
No immediate plans for two reasons

1. This is out of the scope of the project. SaT is not meant to be a betting/hotkey program. It was always intended to be a table management program, to be used in conjunction with betting software. Its partially my fault for changing user expectations because I should have never added hotkeys such as "bet x bb".

2. SaT needs to work across all sites. Adding a reliable bet%pot feature across all sites is a lot of work and support. If I ever added it I would likely increase prices of the software a fair amount. I have had people request this before but I never feel like its worth the effort.

That said, I cannot predict the future, and whether or not my opinion will change.
StackAndTile Quote
07-26-2015 , 10:46 AM
Mailed the support Greg regarding an upgrade/registration for my account. Could you please look into if possible?

Maid id:

StackAndTile Quote
07-26-2015 , 11:51 AM
Solved in 5mins. Cheers Greg
StackAndTile Quote
07-26-2015 , 12:55 PM
StackAndTile Quote
07-27-2015 , 11:21 AM
Hi! I downloaded the trial version and I am trying it since yesterday :-)

Are there any chances to set the dimension of the tables in grid (from slot 2) different from the first slot?

StackAndTile Quote
07-27-2015 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by smartpassion
Hi! I downloaded the trial version and I am trying it since yesterday :-)

Are there any chances to set the dimension of the tables in grid (from slot 2) different from the first slot?

Unfortunately, all slots must be the same size. This feature has been requested before, but there are no immediate plans or timetable. One alternative you can try is to place your stack slot partially off-screen to regain some extra space. However I would be careful to make sure you can still see and act on the tables if necessary.

If you want to change the size of all of your slots, you'd need to start fresh with File -> New Layout
StackAndTile Quote
07-28-2015 , 12:02 PM
Hey Greg,

I've been using an eighteen table grid across three monitors with all my play really focused on the frontal 30 inch monitor which contains twelve slots. I set my "stack slot" to slot 13 and it's on my left hand side monitor.

I'm using:

Play mode- Stack and Tile
Grid- 18
Move to Grid- When action required

Stack Slot- 13
New tables slot- grid
old tables slot- grid

I have two hotkeys set right now.

F12- Keep table in grid
F11- Stack table

I'm really enjoying playing in this format right now but one issue I'm sort of having is that I'm a very active player so I'm finding I have to click the F11 "Stack table" hotkey a lot because some tables are staying in the grid longer than I'd like them to stay in the grid(failure to click the fold button).

I see there is an option in the settings for both:

"clicking call or bet also stacks table" and "send tables to stack at end of hand"

I think both these options could be beneficial to me. Just wanted to clear it with you that these options are functionally working well across the majority of sites?

One other thing. Is there any way to use these two options but have tables move and stay in the grid if a table goes post flop?

Basically what I'd like is a stack slot in slot 13 and have tables move to grid for all preflop decisions but as soon as I act preflop have the table move back to the stack. If however a table goes postflop with me active in the hand I'd like the table moved to the grid and have it stay in grid til the hand completes.

Thanks in advance.
StackAndTile Quote
07-28-2015 , 02:51 PM
Is it possible to avoid replayer arrangement in stack (I play on pokerstars).
StackAndTile Quote
07-29-2015 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
I'm really enjoying playing in this format right now but one issue I'm sort of having is that I'm a very active player so I'm finding I have to click the F11 "Stack table" hotkey a lot because some tables are staying in the grid longer than I'd like them to stay in the grid(failure to click the fold button).
Normally, when people want to use "Stack table at End of Hand" I recommend against it, because you say the tables stay in the grid longer because you didn't click the Fold button. This may happen if you go to showdown. But even so, a new hand will start very shortly, and you will have another decision anyway which requires your attention.

Originally Posted by cneuy3
I see there is an option in the settings for both:

"clicking call or bet also stacks table" and "send tables to stack at end of hand"

I think both these options could be beneficial to me. Just wanted to clear it with you that these options are functionally working well across the majority of sites?
They should. The first option should always work. The second, you should read the help pages on the site regarding how to set it up and other intracacies, such as 4 color deck and preferred seating.

Originally Posted by cneuy3
One other thing. Is there any way to use these two options but have tables move and stay in the grid if a table goes post flop?

Basically what I'd like is a stack slot in slot 13 and have tables move to grid for all preflop decisions but as soon as I act preflop have the table move back to the stack. If however a table goes postflop with me active in the hand I'd like the table moved to the grid and have it stay in grid til the hand completes.

Thanks in advance.
No, those settings will make no distinction between pre and post flop.

However, there are other ways you may work around this. Instead of clicking the fold/call/bet buttons with your mouse, you could play with hotkeys. It may be a bit difficult to remember to toggle the "Keep table in grid" hotkey for postflop hands, and then remember to turn it off when you want to re-stack a table. But, instead, you could set up hotkeys for "Call" and "Call+Stack" as well "Bet" and "Bet+Stack". Then you would just need to train yourself when to use each. (Of course along with the standard "Fold+Stack" hotkey too)
StackAndTile Quote
07-29-2015 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by smartpassion
Is it possible to avoid replayer arrangement in stack (I play on pokerstars).
There is a settings in advanced options which will handle this, but then it will cause SaT to also ignore any observing tables as well, including tables you are about to sit at but haven't taken a seat or bought in yet.
StackAndTile Quote
08-03-2015 , 05:24 PM
Hi greg I have an issue on PS. Basically when a seat in available in a table where I was on the waiting list, the pop up asking if i want to take a seat, goes into the stack, so in order to click ok on that I need to manually move the tables... is there a way to prevent this annoyance?
StackAndTile Quote
08-03-2015 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by 4-Star General
Hi greg I have an issue on PS. Basically when a seat in available in a table where I was on the waiting list, the pop up asking if i want to take a seat, goes into the stack, so in order to click ok on that I need to manually move the tables... is there a way to prevent this annoyance?
Someone else posted about this on the forums on the site:

I mentioned there that when I tested it, Stars brought that popup to the top for me, so I never lost it in the stack. Please read that thread and the possible workarounds and let me know which one you think is the best idea, or if you have another suggestion. I'll be out of town for the next day or two, gonna hit a PLO game and some blackjack
StackAndTile Quote
08-03-2015 , 05:34 PM
I guess the pop up is easily detected by winspy so I think one of the best option is to check every x seconds whether the pop up exist, and if exists put it always on top
StackAndTile Quote
08-05-2015 , 07:06 AM
My PC has just blow up, I'm going to use the laptop for a while... is S&T able to handle multiple desktops?
Since I'm going to use only the laptop monitor my idea is to use a program like virtuawin, in order to virtualize a second desktop... on the main one I'm going to play, on the second on I'd like to set my table stack
StackAndTile Quote
08-05-2015 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by 4-Star General
I guess the pop up is easily detected by winspy so I think one of the best option is to check every x seconds whether the pop up exist, and if exists put it always on top
got it

Originally Posted by 4-Star General
My PC has just blow up, I'm going to use the laptop for a while... is S&T able to handle multiple desktops?
Since I'm going to use only the laptop monitor my idea is to use a program like virtuawin, in order to virtualize a second desktop... on the main one I'm going to play, on the second on I'd like to set my table stack
I've never tried it, but I would guess no. If you are just planning on not looking at your stack (which isn't really recommended), you can try placing it mostly off screen with the normal one desktop
StackAndTile Quote
08-06-2015 , 06:23 AM
Well Greg, I finally had a nice setup up and running on Windows 8.1 but today my free copy of the Windows 10 upgrade was available to download and what can I say, I'm a sucker for having the "newest" stuff.

So now I'm attempting to re-configure my various grids and Windows 10. Off the bat it didn't work because the stack slots were for some reason much larger by default in all my grids after the update so I'm starting from scratch and doing all the grids one by one.

I play on PokerStars Nova, Fulltilt, Party, 888, Blackchip, and Ipoker.

So far Stars synced fine but Fulltilt I got a problem with the import.

As you can see for some reason it feels that my actions buttons are black. I realize I'm using a FT mod but this wasn't a problem in Windows 8.1 It always imported and functions fine using the default Fulltilt setting supplied in StackandTile. I also use a PartyPoker table mod and never had problems using default PartyPoker Modern.

Any idea why it feels these bet buttons are black? Suggestions on a fix? Do you expect I'll have any further problems using StackandTile in Windows 10?

Thanks in advance.

StackAndTile Quote
08-06-2015 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Any idea why it feels these bet buttons are black? Suggestions on a fix? Do you expect I'll have any further problems using StackandTile in Windows 10?
Try this. Close FTP. Right-click on the shortcut, then select 'Properties'. Then click the tab 'Compatibility'. Then click 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings' and hit 'Apply'. Then re-open FTP and try to Include Site, and let me know if this works or not
StackAndTile Quote
08-06-2015 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by greg nice
Try this. Close FTP. Right-click on the shortcut, then select 'Properties'. Then click the tab 'Compatibility'. Then click 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings' and hit 'Apply'. Then re-open FTP and try to Include Site, and let me know if this works or not
Tested and same error message as posted above. I did notice that the font on my tables seemed smaller and the HuD stats aligned more to that which they were in Windows 8.1 but in all honestly I sort of liked the "new" larger fonts that I believe were shown before I made your suggestive change.

Maybe I'm imagining something here though. Any other suggestions? Do you think it has anything to do with my mod or should I try the other scan options as suggestion in the "StackandTile" message?
StackAndTile Quote
08-06-2015 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Tested and same error message as posted above. I did notice that the font on my tables seemed smaller and the HuD stats aligned more to that which they were in Windows 8.1 but in all honestly I sort of liked the "new" larger fonts that I believe were shown before I made your suggestive change.

Maybe I'm imagining something here though. Any other suggestions? Do you think it has anything to do with my mod or should I try the other scan options as suggestion in the "StackandTile" message?
To be honest, I dont think your mod will matter, nor the Scan Mode. I believe the problem is exactly what is described on this page:

Do you remember changing that setting in Win 8.1 ?

But in Windows 10, that control panel checkbox is curiously removed for some reason, at least at the moment. Hopefully MS puts it back. I thought changing that other checkbox in the properties for the specific app would fix it, but I guess not. And yes, this would change the scaling level and cause things to look bigger or smaller as you noticed, but that should be changeable in the control panel afterwards.

But, first is getting things working with SaT..

From my research, there is another way to access this in Win 10, but we need to modify the registry, if you want to try.

First, press Win+R and paste this in:

reg export "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" %HOMEPATH%\regbkup.txt
^That will backup the part of the registry that we will change

Then, again press WIN+R and type in:

That will open up your startup folder. In there, create a new text file and add these three lines:

REG ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v DpiScalingVer /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00001018 /f
REG ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v Win8DpiScaling /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 /f
REG ADD "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v LogPixels /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000078 /f
Name the file "DPI_fix.cmd" and then reboot. Upon startup, those commands should run and change the dpi scaling. Then try including FTP into SaT and see if it works.

Alternatively you could run this tool:

Virustotal says its safe, and I believe it simply runs the same commands as I have shown above. But I rather be safe than sorry, its still a random executable that I prefer not to trust

Last edited by greg nice; 08-06-2015 at 10:20 AM.
StackAndTile Quote
08-06-2015 , 11:15 AM
Ya. I remember changing that in Windows 8.1

I went ahead and created the file you suggested in the above post. Restarted my computer and opened Fulltilt and StackandTile and then tried to configure Fulltilt. It was a success!!!

One thing noticed was the table was now a much smaller version to that which it was prior to creating that file. I assume it just has something to do with the change that I just made and I'll just go ahead and create a new grid with new sizing parameters.

Thanks for the help.
StackAndTile Quote
08-06-2015 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Ya. I remember changing that in Windows 8.1

I went ahead and created the file you suggested in the above post. Restarted my computer and opened Fulltilt and StackandTile and then tried to configure Fulltilt. It was a success!!!

One thing noticed was the table was now a much smaller version to that which it was prior to creating that file. I assume it just has something to do with the change that I just made and I'll just go ahead and create a new grid with new sizing parameters.

Thanks for the help.

Yes the table looks smaller because now the scaling is turned off. You should be able to make everything larger again in the control panel. Try this:

After changing that, you may need to reconfigure SaT.

Are you using dual monitors?

I'd also ask you to report this issue to MS, if there is some feedback mechanism within Win 10. Tell them we need that checkbox in the control panel back, to "Let me choose one scaling level for all displays"

Last edited by greg nice; 08-06-2015 at 11:49 AM.
StackAndTile Quote
08-07-2015 , 12:39 PM
Hey greg, been having a problem with microgaming for a while (several months), just been too lazy to fix it.

Basically I open up a table, it goes to my stack. Then when I open up a 2nd table, the first table I opened gets booted from stack, and goes to a seemingly random spot on my screen. Same thing happens each time I open a new table

So basically, say I have 12 tables open, and I open a new table- all of my 12 tables leave the stack and randomly get thrown about on the screen. I then have to put them back in the stack.
StackAndTile Quote
