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03-30-2023 , 08:44 AM
Pricing: $299 lifetime license for two devices (with one year of updates included).
Contacts: Discord —, Email —

Hello everyone!
I'm Yury, the developer of RocketSolver — next-generation desktop solver with a focus on usability and performance.
As a professional poker player in the past I always struggled with how unnecessarily complicated and annoying poker software can be. This product is an attempt to fix that once and for all. We designed it to be accessible to anyone, so you can focus on what really matters — winning at poker. RocketSolver also delivers exceptional performance while allowing you to solve complex situations without absurd hardware requirements.

  • Optimized for solving trees with up to 6 players starting from preflop
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use tree building interface
  • Preflop strategy locking is available, with postflop strategy locking coming soon
  • Low memory requirements via using state-of-the-art abstractions to allow for solving extremely large trees
  • Rake support

The product is in its early stages with many more features to come in the near future. We are committed to bringing the best possible poker solving experience to our users.

More info at
If you have any questions, suggestions or feature requests, don't hesitate to leave a message here or contact us in our Discord or via

Tree building interface:

Strategy explorer:

Range editor:
04-08-2023 , 02:34 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm pleased to announce that a free 7-day trial period is now available at
If you haven't had the chance to try it out yet, you are welcome to explore its features and discover how it can help you improve your game.
04-28-2023 , 12:49 PM
Hey everyone!
I'm happy to announce RocketSolver 1.2.0. This update brings many quality of life features requested by users.

⦁ You can now specify raise size as a multiplier of a previous bet or raise, for example, 2.5x or 3x.
⦁ You can now disable adding 2/3/4-bet cold calls by position on preflop, allowing for more control over tree building.
⦁ You can now select an alternative color theme inspired by PioSolver on the Settings tab.

⦁ The UI has been adjusted to scale better with screen resolution.
⦁ Hovering over a hand category in the range breakdown view now isolates relevant hands in the matrix.
⦁ A Select unlocked button has been added to the node-locking window to make it easier to lock the rest of the range. We've also added space bar as a hotkey for locking selected hands.
⦁ A checkbox has been added to switch between full height and weighted height strategy matrix views.

Good luck at the tables!
06-09-2023 , 12:08 PM
RocketSolver 1.3.0 is out!

⦁ The strategy matrix and strategy table now also display equity for each hand.
- To avoid straining resources from the actual strategy solving process, equity is calculated with a precision of ~1 percentage point.
- You can disable equity calculation while the solver is running on the Settings tab. This can potentially increase the solver's speed by approximately 1-4%.

⦁ We've added a weighted view to the range breakdown and made it the default. The "Weighted cells" checkbox now controls the view mode for both the strategy matrix and the range breakdown.
⦁ You can now manually add Fold nodes to a tree, even if the current player is not facing a bet. This allows for building game trees for push-or-fold games.
⦁ Range inputs now support the Simple Poker product family's weighted range syntax, e.g. [50%]AA, KK, QQ[/50%].
⦁ Range inputs now also support various hand ranges in addition to the already supported pocket pairs, e.g. A5s-A2s, T9o-T5o.
⦁ RocketSolver now suggests the last used folder when opening or saving a solution.
⦁ We've relaxed rake cap restrictions to allow for much larger values.
⦁ We've made additional adjustments to the UI to improve its appearance on large resolution screens.
⦁ To prevent accidental sharing, your license key on the Settings tab is now hidden by default.

Happy solving!

P.S.: Short gif showcasing the matrix and range breakdown changes:

Last edited by RocketSolver; 06-09-2023 at 12:18 PM.
07-14-2023 , 12:26 PM
RocketSolver 1.4.0 is now available!

⦁ RocketSolver now supports building and solving trees with multiple blinds, straddles, or restraddles.

⦁ EV is now displayed relative to the Fold EV. We've added a setting for those who prefer the old behavior.
⦁ Windows now properly associates RocketSolver solution files with the solver, allowing you to open saved files through the file explorer.
⦁ The name of the currently opened solution file is now displayed in the title bar.
⦁ We have removed the limit on Rake % allowed. You can use 100% rake with a rake cap to simulate a flat drop rake structure.
⦁ Many minor visual changes and fixes.

Several other features and improvements are currently in progress. We look forward to sharing more of them with you in the near future.
Wishing everyone a great day!
08-02-2023 , 09:33 AM
RocketSolver 1.5.0 is out!

⦁ We've added an EV display mode to the strategy matrix. Now you can switch between Strategy, Equity and EV.
⦁ Introduced the ability to make partial saves. By saving strategy for only certain streets, you can drastically reduce the resulting file size. Please note that partial save files are intended for storage and don't allow you to continue solving from them.

⦁ While creating a new preflop solution, you can now select which player will act first. RocketSolver always suggests a sensible default, so you don't have to think about it too much unless you want to.
⦁ We've extended the available cold call filter to include 5bets.

⦁ Straddle support, introduced in 1.4.0, caused a regression for files with an equal blind structure saved prior to 1.4.0. This issue has been resolved and all such files should now open normally.
⦁ We've fixed the bug that occasionally caused the poker table content to get shifted off-center.
⦁ The rake % value is now properly rounded to 2 decimal points when loading from a file.
⦁ A bug that made the main window's close and minimize buttons unclickable when certain modal windows were open has been resolved.

We thank our users for the continued support! Your feedback helps shape the improvements. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any issues or suggestions. Enjoy the new update and happy solving!
08-23-2023 , 09:20 AM
RocketSolver 1.6.0 is now available!
This update focuses on enhancing the tree building experience by introducing several requested features. These additions should greatly speed up the process of building fine-grained trees.

⦁ Now you can specify bet sizes for specific spots such as:
- Isolation raises
- Squeezes
- Donks
⦁ Introduced a preflop IP/OOP filter. This allows you to use different bet sizes depending on a player's relative position.
⦁ Added a postflop pot type filter. Now you can apply different bet sizes based on pot type (URP, SRP, 3BP, 4BP+).

⦁ Fixed a bug that in rare cases could cause some bet sizes to be incorrectly rounded down during tree population.

We've also made multiple minor visual changes to improve the overall user experience.
Currently, we're working towards the next big goal — supporting trees with more than 6 players.

Good luck at the tables!
10-02-2023 , 11:45 AM
Today I'm happy to announce the RocketSolver 1.7.0 release!

⦁ The long-awaited 9-max support is finally here! Now you can solve trees with up to 9 players.

⦁ RocketSolver now suggests the last-used folder for saving and loading bet size population rules.
⦁ Additional hotkeys have been added: Ctrl+N for "New solution", Ctrl+S for "Save solution" and Ctrl+O for "Open solution".
⦁ Most modal dialogs now support closing on Escape and confirming on Enter.
⦁ The "Create solution" dialog now supports keyboard navigation with TAB for stack and blind inputs.
⦁ The save dialog now pre-fills the filename with the currently open file.
⦁ We've made all possible positions available in the cold call filter to better support straddle or multiblind trees.
⦁ A lot of work has been done to improve out-of-memory error handling.
⦁ Additional optimizations to the core engine were made, resulting in ~5% (on average, depending on hardware) speed improvements.

⦁ An issue with some of our trial users being unable to activate their license has been resolved. If you encountered this problem please contact us and we'll happily grant you a fresh trial period.
⦁ We improved support for running RocketSolver inside virtual machines (Windows only).
⦁ A bug that could cause Fixed Limit trees with straddles to be incorrectly populated with bet sizes has been fixed.

Note on 9-max tree building:
With great power comes great responsibility, as they say. Please take into account that trees with that many players can get unreasonably big very quickly. We have disabled preflop cold calls for every position except BB by default, so new users can have a better experience trying to build their first solutions. You can visit the Settings tab to adjust the cold call filter to your needs.

Happy solving!
12-02-2023 , 04:35 AM
Hey everyone! I'm happy to announce that RocketSolver 1.8.0 is now available!
This update focuses on improving the ergonomics of the node-locking dialog and introduces several highly requested features.

⦁ Strategy table filtering is now available. You can now filter the strategy table on postflop by toggling hand categories. Left-click a category to view only matching hands, or left-click with Ctrl to exclude them from the table. A new "Clear filter" button has been added for convenience.
⦁ You can now copy and paste full node strategies between solutions.
⦁ You can now set node-locked strategies from individual ranges.
⦁ A postflop tree-building HU/3way+ filter has been added.

IMPROVEMENTS (node-locking):
⦁ You can now lock the current strategy.
⦁ You can now manually enter custom strategy values.
⦁ Matrix cells can now be selected/deselected on mouse button hold.
⦁ Hands will no longer get automatically deselected after locking.
⦁ A range selection slider has been added.
⦁ A total strategy bar chart has been added.
⦁ The total weight of selected hands is now displayed.

⦁ The default action color theme has been adjusted for better contrast.
⦁ Many new hotkeys have been introduced.
⦁ We've added tooltips with hotkey reminders to most buttons. You can disable the tooltips in the Settings if preferred.
⦁ Plain trees have been optimized to use 12% less memory.
⦁ UI rendering performance has been improved to use less CPU resources during solving.
⦁ Many other small improvements have been made to the UI.

⦁ The "Perfect" flop abstraction for preflop solutions has been deprecated.
⦁ Our payment provider resolved an issue on their side that prevented the payment page from loading correctly on some mobile devices.

As always, we look forward to your feedback! Happy solving!
12-23-2023 , 07:51 PM
Are there any videos or user reviews available? I couldn’t find much with google search.

12-30-2023 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by cAmmAndo
Are there any videos or user reviews available? I couldn’t find much with google search.

Unfortunately, there are none that I'm aware of. The product is still very new, so it will take some time for the community and content creators to catch up. I put all my time into development, so we are a bit lacking in the marketing department. I encourage you to try the free trial and join our Discord channel, where you can find a healthy amount of discussion and user feedback.

Sorry for the delayed response, I don't check 2+2 that often, to be honest.
01-12-2024 , 06:32 AM
how does the performance compare to monker, and how does the solutions compare?
does it scale in performance with higher end cpus?
some benchmarks would be good.

app does look nicer than monker.
01-16-2024 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by MinMaxed
how does the performance compare to monker, and how does the solutions compare?
does it scale in performance with higher end cpus?
some benchmarks would be good.

It is extremely difficult to directly compare solutions between different solvers. For large multiway solutions, finding Nash distance is computationally intractable, so the only reasonable benchmark would be head-to-head performance. To do that, one would need to build a set of completely identical trees in both solvers (which can be challenging) and reverse-engineer the save file format to query the strategy. This is possible, but it would take a lot of time, so I haven't done that myself.

What I can say with reasonable certainty is that the core algorithm and abstraction techniques used in RocketSolver are more up-to-date and have been shown to generally produce stronger strategies than the Monker's approach, which is considered to be outdated. RocketSolver also has much lower hardware requirements, allowing it to solve larger trees.

The solving speed scales really well with CPU core count, and some additional work is being done on better utilizing instruction sets available on higher-end CPUs, so expect additional speed-ups in the future.

You are welcome to give RocketSolver a try by signing up for a free trial period. If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm more readily available on Discord and over email, but I will make sure to check this thread more often as well. Thank you for your interest!
01-22-2024 , 09:14 AM
Hey everyone! RocketSolver 1.9.0 is out now!

⦁ We've added support for incremental bet sizings. This feature allows for conveniently taking limpers or cold callers into account when adding preflop raises. For example, entering 2.5bb+ as RFI will automatically increase the final 2-bet size by 1bb for each limper. Using 3x+ as a 3-bet can spare you from having to specify the squeeze size manually. Long form is supported as well if you want to use a different increment, e.g., 9bb + 2.5bb.
⦁ Geometric bet sizing is now supported. You can now enter e to let the solver select the appropriate bet size automatically or specify the number of bets to split the stack into yourself, e.g., 2e.
⦁ You can now use the Min bet sizing to add a minbet or a minraise.

⦁ A new option is available to take rake preflop only if there was a 3-bet.
⦁ We've added turn and river abstractions of size 100 for preflop solutions to better accommodate solving complex full-ring games.
⦁ 2-card and 1-card BDFD categories have been added to the hand filter.
⦁ The "Convert bets to all-in" threshold setting has been split into two: one for preflop and one for postflop.
⦁ Bets are now uniformly displayed as big blinds on preflop and as a percentage of the pot on postflop, regardless of which bet sizing options were used to add them.
⦁ You can now use "bb" bet sizings on postflop.
⦁ Bet sizes less than the minimum allowed bet size are now automatically converted to the minimum allowed bet size when applied.
⦁ For Pot-Limit trees, bet sizes are automatically capped at pot bets when added.
⦁ Range import now supports the "plus" syntax ("66+", "A5o+").
⦁ A "Clear" button has been added to the "Select board cards" dialog.
⦁ More fields now support Tab navigation.
⦁ We've made additional UI rendering performance optimizations.
⦁ We've significantly reduced the number of cases where performance might throttle when the app is in the background.

⦁ Fixed an issue where the Numpad's Enter key could not be used to enter bet sizings.
⦁ Resolved an issue where the strategy matrix failed to properly account for dead cards when calculating cell height on postflop.

Best of luck at the tables!
05-06-2024 , 10:50 AM
Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that RocketSolver version 1.10 is now available!

⦁ Panorama is a new feature allowing to view strategies across multiple preflop nodes simultaneously in a grid format. For example, when opened from the root node, it displays RFI strategies for all players. You can navigate between the nodes by clicking the actions in the average strategy bar.
⦁ The new "Bunching Ranges" feature now allows you to specify folding ranges for players who are no longer in the game, taking the so-called "card bunching effect" into account. This greatly simplifies the process compared to the previous need for tree pruning and node-locking.
⦁ New settings for "Max number of calls" and "Max number of limps" limit consecutive calls to drastically reduce the size of large multiway trees. Calls that close the action are always allowed.

⦁ The main window is now resizable.
⦁ Increased the maximum stack size to 1000 bb.
⦁ Added a turn abstraction with a size of 2000 for flop solutions.
⦁ The IP/OOP bet sizing filter is now available for postflop.
⦁ The tree population process can now be canceled in progress.
⦁ Improved handling of out-of-memory errors when saving solutions.
⦁ The "Lock strategy" dialog's strategy bar now shows corresponding actions on hover.
⦁ A button that opens saved ranges in Windows File Explorer has been added to the range input dialogs.
⦁ An "Invert range" button (with a Ctrl+I shortcut) has been added to the range input dialogs.
Ctrl+E has been added as a shortcut for clearing the range in the range input dialogs.
⦁ It is now impossible to accidentally create a postflop solution with a 0 pot.
⦁ In the "Create new solution" dialog, the dead money and pot inputs no longer share values.
⦁ Improved and added tooltips, alongside smaller visual improvements and performance optimizations.

⦁ With the main window now being resizable, a longstanding issue where part of the window would not fit on the screen due to Windows display scaling settings should now be fixed. If you're still encountering problems, please let us know.
⦁ Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the preflop relative position filter to be applied incorrectly.
⦁ Fixed a bug that could result in squeeze bet sizings leaking into other spots.

We've also recently published a short Getting Started tutorial available at

With this update, we've completed a major internal rework, paving the way for many new features and engine optimizations. Upcoming priorities include an Entropy rework, an optimized 2-player algorithm, scripting support, and aggregate reports.
06-13-2024 , 01:22 PM
Hi - I came across your solver looking for an alternative solver with a better price. Have been playing around with it and it seems to produce similar results for preflop solutions compared to Simple Preflop ... which I think is a good thing!

However, I notice some of the postflop outputs don't make sense ... like below it says to check/jam sometimes with a set in SBvBTN on this board ... and then for the BTN to call only with JTs (should never call that if SB always has a set). The solution from GTO+ is quite different as to which hands would be a check/jam as well.

07-05-2024 , 01:12 AM
Any idea when Trainer function coming?
Any sales, discounts?
07-25-2024 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by ten25
Hi - I came across your solver looking for an alternative solver with a better price. Have been playing around with it and it seems to produce similar results for preflop solutions compared to Simple Preflop ... which I think is a good thing!

However, I notice some of the postflop outputs don't make sense ... like below it says to check/jam sometimes with a set in SBvBTN on this board ... and then for the BTN to call only with JTs (should never call that if SB always has a set). The solution from GTO+ is quite different as to which hands would be a check/jam as well.

I'm very sorry for the extremely late reply. For some reason, I don't get email notifications for new posts in this thread. Please feel free to contact me at or on our Discord community server, and I'll be more than happy to extend your trial period.

Regarding your question: Do I understand correctly that you're browsing postflop strategy in a preflop solution? If yes, the postflop strategy won't be as precise as it would be in dedicated postflop solvers like GTO+ or Pio. It's computationally infeasible to solve all possible postflop spots on all possible boards to a high degree of accuracy in a single preflop simulation. The GTO+ flop solution considers only a single specific spot while RocketSolver preflop solution has to solve millions.

RocketSolver uses a technique called Imperfect-Recall Abstractions to cluster similar postflop hands together, making it possible to solve large multiway preflop trees. This results in high strategy convergence speed on the initial street, but at the cost of reduced accuracy on later streets. The main takeaway here is that the strategy for the initial street will always be as accurate as possible, while the strategy for later streets will not be as precise. If you want to get a high-accuracy flop strategy, you can create a dedicated flop solution in RocketSolver. In that case the flop will be solved without abstractions. In the future, I hope to add a feature that will allow resolving nodes to a high degree of accuracy while browsing a solution.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I promise to monitor this thread more closely
07-25-2024 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by stumbras
Any idea when Trainer function coming?
Any sales, discounts?
Messaged you in Discord.
07-25-2024 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by RocketSolver

I'm very sorry for the extremely late reply. For some reason, I don't get email notifications for new posts in this thread. Please feel free to contact me at or on our Discord community server, and I'll be more than happy to extend your trial period.

Regarding your question: Do I understand correctly that you're browsing postflop strategy in a preflop solution? If yes, the postflop strategy won't be as precise as it would be in dedicated postflop solvers like GTO+ or Pio. It's computationally infeasible to solve all possible postflop spots on all possible boards to a high degree of accuracy in a single preflop simulation. The GTO+ flop solution considers only a single specific spot while RocketSolver preflop solution has to solve millions.

RocketSolver uses a technique called Imperfect-Recall Abstractions to cluster similar postflop hands together, making it possible to solve large multiway preflop trees. This results in high strategy convergence speed on the initial street, but at the cost of reduced accuracy on later streets. The main takeaway here is that the strategy for the initial street will always be as accurate as possible, while the strategy for later streets will not be as precise. If you want to get a high-accuracy flop strategy, you can create a dedicated flop solution in RocketSolver. In that case the flop will be solved without abstractions. In the future, I hope to add a feature that will allow resolving nodes to a high degree of accuracy while browsing a solution.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I promise to monitor this thread more closely
Thank you! No big deal with the late response. This makes sense to me.
