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PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread

04-09-2012 , 12:07 PM
On Svenska Spel(A standalone site using boss software) poketracker is unable to differentiate between PLO HU and PLO 6/5-max so the PLO HU stats are shown among the PLO 5/6-max tables which messes up the positional stats etc.

Please fix.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 12:17 PM
+1 to differentiating notetracker/manual notes/both more clearly, this is a very important thing to fix imo. Shouldn't be difficult coming up with a nice way to solve this, ie. HM2 has it like this:

The "P" letter stands for "Personal" and then they have "N" for "Notecaddy" (Notetracker). If both personal and Notetracker notes are made on a player, you don't need to have a "P" or "N" letter in the icon anymore, that way you can know both type of notes is there.

Oh, and any progress on easier access to notetaking for hands in the HUD please? Has it been discussed? Please make it either this way or in the hand history viewer, if I want to take a note on a hand I need to do it right away after the hand is played, so I later can know what my thoughts were during that hand.

For Pokerstars Zoom tables, it should be possible to get the HUD running in the replayer window also please? Or some other way to take notes on a player from previous hands after the hand is over, but without opening PT4 main window. I don't know, you could maybe code it into clicking a players nickname in the hand history viewer, and the note editor window for that player opens.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Tomtah
On Svenska Spel(A standalone site using boss software) poketracker is unable to differentiate between PLO HU and PLO 6/5-max so the PLO HU stats are shown among the PLO 5/6-max tables which messes up the positional stats etc.

Please fix.

I'm afraid this is not an issue we can "fix", this is a problem caused by Boss which we cannot get around. If we cannot determine how many seats there are at the table, then PT4 cannot automatically place the HUD over the proper seats, and in turn the table type will be improperly tagged in PokerTracker's database. For example, say your playing heads up at a 6 max table. We know you are playing heads up, but we cannot tell if your playing at a heads up table, a 5 max table, a 6 max table, or even a full ring table.

To get around this problem (which only occurs on a few networks, IPN/Boss being one of them) you must click the HUD PT4 icon, go to the Apply Table As menu and select the proper table size as shown in the example below.

We hope that Boss will address this issue someday by adding the total number of seats available at the table in the hand history like the majority of their competitors do, until that day occurs I'm afraid we must use this workaround.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by PandaLife
any progress on easier access to notetaking for hands in the HUD please? Has it been discussed?
Yes, it has been discussed, but it is a low priority issue because tagging is available - this allows you to go back to make notes about a hand after the session is complete. In our eyes, notes on players are very important in-game. Notes on hands are best to be written after the game is complete, but you can be reminded to take a note on the hand by assigning a tag. We may add notes on hands eventually, my explanation is only to explain our priority for development. I hope the tagging idea works out for you!

Originally Posted by PandaLife
For Pokerstars Zoom tables, it should be possible to get the HUD running in the replayer window also please? Or some other way to take notes on a player from previous hands after the hand is over, but without opening PT4 main window. I don't know, you could maybe code it into clicking a players nickname in the hand history viewer, and the note editor window for that player opens.
Interesting proposal, I don't think our HHV (Hand History Viewer) is coded in a way to allow us to modify like that, I'll ask the developers and if we can then it certainly deserves discussion. This has always been the Achilles heel of RUSH and Zoom table support, its something we will continue to look at.

In the meantime I sugest you open the player notes for a player you think you might need to take a note on before the table changes. The note will remain open when the table changes, its not a perfect solution but it is a really good intermediary method. Another solution is to use the HUD which appears in the Zoom Replayer.

- TT

Last edited by PokerTracker; 04-09-2012 at 01:57 PM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by antneye
another NoteTracker do I set the priority of the order I want notes to appear. I would like to have certain notes show before others.

This cannot be done yet, it is on our development agenda list.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 03:06 PM
I seem to be getting a bit of HUD lag on the new Pokerstars skin; the HUD now takes a few hands to start working then when it does sometimes it just pops up then goes away again and comes back slowly, other times the HUD stays up from the previous hand and takes a bit of time to get data for the new hand. Only just started experiencing this when I played on the new table themes and was wondering how I can fix this?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by raikkonen3
I seem to be getting a bit of HUD lag on the new Pokerstars skin; the HUD now takes a few hands to start working then when it does sometimes it just pops up then goes away again and comes back slowly, other times the HUD stays up from the previous hand and takes a bit of time to get data for the new hand. Only just started experiencing this when I played on the new table themes and was wondering how I can fix this?

Have you restarted PokerStars after changing the theme? Once you restart follow these instructions explicitly, let us know if this does not solve the issue for you. Good luck!

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by pasita
antneye: you can still filter for the site to pick up the one player inside the alias. Obv if you have several nicks on a network, within the same timeframe, this won't work.
+1 on the arranging of Notetracked notes.
Duh...How did I not think of this Thanks for the tip.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 07:00 PM
My HUD still is not working perfectly for zoom,
works correctly about 80% of the time,
then 10% of the time the boxes will be in the wrong place for the player (eg. moved one position along so player 2 has player 1s HUD),
then 10% of the time there will be HUD stats for a player thats not even sat at the table appearing...

any ideas how to make it work perfect????
iv got the latest update btw
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-09-2012 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by jp1444
My HUD still is not working perfectly for zoom,
works correctly about 80% of the time,
then 10% of the time the boxes will be in the wrong place for the player (eg. moved one position along so player 2 has player 1s HUD),
then 10% of the time there will be HUD stats for a player thats not even sat at the table appearing...

any ideas how to make it work perfect????
iv got the latest update btw
We discovered that for some users there were ocasional missing players when playing at Zoom tables, when a player is missing you will have the HUD appear in the wrong location. We are alpha testing a fix to address this right now and the reports I am hearing sound very positive, hopefully we will be able to release a beta within the week to solve this issue.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:28 AM
bug report - when playing zoom I can only switch to sessions stats on one table (seems to be the first table that was opened). On all other tables the hud just flickers and nothing happens.

Also, on the reports tab, report:summary, group by:session mt ratio for zoom is always 1.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-10-2012 , 05:34 PM
Where do I merge aliases and is there any way to have tournament stats merged with cash game stats (I play HU SNG & HU cash).
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-10-2012 , 06:34 PM
You can add an alias to your name by clicking the red person icon next to the Player drop down on the left hand side.

You can see a combined cash and tournament graph by choosing the Overall Results (Cash + Tournament) graph on the Graphs page. That is the only way to combine cash and tournament data at this time.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-10-2012 , 09:12 PM
Wondering if a price point for pt4 is being discussed or suggested.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-10-2012 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
Yes, it has been discussed, but it is a low priority issue because tagging is available - this allows you to go back to make notes about a hand after the session is complete. In our eyes, notes on players are very important in-game. Notes on hands are best to be written after the game is complete, but you can be reminded to take a note on the hand by assigning a tag. We may add notes on hands eventually, my explanation is only to explain our priority for development. I hope the tagging idea works out for you!
Alright, I understand. I am using the tagging idea and is very pleased with it

Interesting proposal, I don't think our HHV (Hand History Viewer) is coded in a way to allow us to modify like that, I'll ask the developers and if we can then it certainly deserves discussion. This has always been the Achilles heel of RUSH and Zoom table support, its something we will continue to look at.

In the meantime I sugest you open the player notes for a player you think you might need to take a note on before the table changes. The note will remain open when the table changes, its not a perfect solution but it is a really good intermediary method. Another solution is to use the HUD which appears in the Zoom Replayer.
Agreed that opening player notes before table changes is currently the best way, but the problem here is that it's mainly after showdowns and you get to see villains hand that you think "oh that's interesting, wanna note that down.." boom, new table btw, any eta on when we will be able to open multiple notes at the same time? This is especially a must in zoom if I wanna use that solution.

To your bolded part, i assume the "Zoom replayer" your talking about is PT4 replayer right?

I probably paraphrased bad in my question about running a HUD in the replayer - I meant to ask if it's possible to get a HUD in the Pokerstars client replayer for zoom hands, this would be superawesome not only because of the last hand/notewriting issue but also for easier color coding of players in the Pokerstars client, it kinda sucks both for me and rest of the table that if I see a player that i want to colorcode, but at the same time have a hand I want to fold, I will in many cases use some time of my action to colorcode, instead of just folding right away.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-10-2012 , 09:33 PM
Another question: How long time do I have to not be playing for the session to "end" and when I get back to the tables, it counts as a new session? This seems too long at the moment? If I for instance take a 10 minute breather I think that should be enough time for PT4 to start a new session when I sit down again. My hours played stats are getting a bit skewed by this.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by 3nigm4
Wondering if a price point for pt4 is being discussed or suggested.
Pricing for PT4 has not yet been announced.
If you don't yet own PT3 then if you buy it now you will get the equivalent version of PT4 for free.
If you do own PT4 I'm assured the upgrade fee will be very affordable.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by PandaLife
I probably paraphrased bad in my question about running a HUD in the replayer - I meant to ask if it's possible to get a HUD in the Pokerstars client replayer for zoom hands, this would be superawesome not only because of the last hand/notewriting issue but also for easier color coding of players in the Pokerstars client, it kinda sucks both for me and rest of the table that if I see a player that i want to colorcode, but at the same time have a hand I want to fold, I will in many cases use some time of my action to colorcode, instead of just folding right away.
No, that isn't possible.

Originally Posted by PandaLife
Another question: How long time do I have to not be playing for the session to "end" and when I get back to the tables, it counts as a new session? This seems too long at the moment? If I for instance take a 10 minute breather I think that should be enough time for PT4 to start a new session when I sit down again. My hours played stats are getting a bit skewed by this.
A new session is started after a gap of 30 minutes, which is the same as several major sites use to define a new session.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by WayneX2
bug report - when playing zoom I can only switch to sessions stats on one table (seems to be the first table that was opened). On all other tables the hud just flickers and nothing happens.

Also, on the reports tab, report:summary, group by:session mt ratio for zoom is always 1.
Tested this out a bit more today. I'm playing between 1-3 tables of zoom mixed in with normal tables depending on how many normal tables I have running and frequently closing and reopening the zoom tables as I get off waitlists or tables break. I'm only using pt4 hud on zoom tables. I noticed that session stats weren't working sometimes even when I only had 1 zoom table open so I'm not sure whats going on.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 06:57 AM
Session-only stats are not available for Zoom tables yet. We hope to be able to add this, but I'm not sure when that will be possible.

Your MT Ratio will always be 1 for Zoom tables because all hands come from the same pool - we can't identify the separate tables individually, so all hands count as the same "session".

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 10:45 AM
When you open up a tournament does everyone else have to manually move the stats to each player?Or do they all line up,for me their not.Im sure theres a setting for this.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 10:52 AM
You shouldn't have to do that. Are you using preferred seating? What site are you playing at?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 11:46 AM
Would it be possible to add the option to start hand import automatically at start up?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Cangurino
Would it be possible to add the option to start hand import automatically at start up?
We opted against an automatic start because a manual start and stop it removes a layer of potential customer support problems. We admit it is not as convenient, but our decision makes managing the HUD much easier in the long run.

Do you know about the Get Hands shortcut? Bottom right of the application, click the icon (shown below) to get the shortcut menu.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-11-2012 , 09:06 PM
Having trouble with filters. how would i set this up?

looking for spots where i c-bet the turn with less than A hi and either no draw or any draw.

would also like same filter only specifically for A hi.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
