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PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread

03-27-2012 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by GingerViking
Sorry if this has already been asked but its just a quick one.

I play on € stakes with my currency being set at £. What currency is the WC rake? It has the $ sign next to it but that seems silly if it is in $.
Is this a custom stat?
All of the built-in rake stats should be displayed in either Game Currency or My Currency.

Originally Posted by UpThePosh

I'd like to try out PT4 Beta to provide some feedback but have a few questions as my laptop is quite old and not got a lot of space left on it. I already own PT3 and don't want to mess anything up with that either. Also, ideally, I would like to be able to uninstall PT4 after playing around with it, to free up space.

* Can I import my last 2 months hands into PT4 instead of my whole PT3 database?
* Does it download another Postgres thing?
* Does it create a new database or use my old PT3 database?
* Am I able to uninstall PT4 and anything else (databases) it creates after trying it out?
* I guess you only have either PT3 or PT4 running at any one time? So, any hands imported to one, will then need importing into the other afterwards?

Thanks in Advance.
PT4 will use the same version of PostgreSQL you already have installed, but will need to create a new database.
You can skip the step in the Setup Assistant which converts your PT3 database, and instead import either from selected original hand history files, or do a selective export from PT3 and import those files. Your PT3 database is unaffected - PT4 needs to create and use a separate database.
You can delete the PT4 databases and uninstall PT4 after you try it out, should you want to.
PT3 and 4 can be run at the same time, although using auto import in both at the same time could cause minor complications in terms of displaying the HUD or moving hand history files.

Originally Posted by Ankimo
How ready is this beta? I'm ready to buy (+5yr HEM1 user) but wondering if I should start with pt3 and upgrade, or just use pt4 from the start.

Mainly looking to this for PLO cash and zoom
PT4 is still in beta - it's pretty stable but still subject to bugs and changes. If you want to try out PokerTracker then I'd personally suggest going straight to PT4.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by jp1444
Whats the best solution to PT4 HUD lagging? if we just restart HUD will the lag stop???
Please open a support ticket or start a new thread in the forum on the PokerTracker website and describe exactly what you're seeing - we'll be able to help you more directly there.

Originally Posted by GingerViking
In the stakes section on the "Overall" report, is there a way to combine the 6 max and 2 max results? I only play 6 max but I start tables and therefore I have a 2 max stake which is kind of annoying.
You can use the menu Database > Adjust Stakes to change the 2max sessions to 6max.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by mazho
I have problem with Zoom hud. It works for awhile but then suddenly disappear (PT4 still imports hands). Restarting PT4 sometimes help but not always. I'm using latest beta.
Originally Posted by Ruebs
I have same problem as mazho. My Zoom HUD is now giving me issues whereas in 4.01.11 it was working great.
Please open a support ticket or start a new thread in the forum on the PokerTracker website where we'll be able to help you more directly. To look into your problems we'll need to see your log files.

Originally Posted by sangalla
I'm very satisfied with PT3 except how it handle "hand replayer".

Any review about PT4 hand replayer? How do you compare it vs PT3?
The Replayer in PT4 is much improved over PT3, but PT4 is now in public beta so you can try it out for yourself!

Originally Posted by grumpy64
Any idea when pt4 will go gold? I think that's the proper term. Anyway when will it be available to buy?
We will move to the commercial release when we feel it is ready, and not before - we don't yet have a firm date for this as we're working on the issues raised by the public beta.
If you don't yet own PT3 then if you buy that you will get PT4 for free when it is released, but for now you're welcome to use it for free.

Originally Posted by Donkson
is adjusted ev working properly for all game types? I've been playing low stakes fifty50s and I'm consistently getting adjusted ROIs of 30% which is clearly wrong.
If you have tournaments which are not giving you the results that you would expect please attach the full original hand histories to a support ticket on the PokerTracker website - in the latest version the all-in equity adjusted results should be right.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
You can use the menu Database > Adjust Stakes to change the 2max sessions to 6max.
How does this work? I tried it and it isn't clear how to do it.

Originally Posted by PokerTracker
Is this a custom stat?
All of the built-in rake stats should be displayed in either Game Currency or My Currency.
I am not sure if it is or not, I don't think it is but I might have. If it is a custom stat how do I find out what currency it is in?

If it isn't a custom stat: why don't you have a stat for WC rake when all the significant poker sites have this method of rake?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 07:16 AM
Where can I find log files on Win XP? They aren't in user's Application data folder. Logging is enabled.

Last edited by mazho; 03-27-2012 at 07:22 AM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by GingerViking
How does this work? I tried it and it isn't clear how to do it.
Highlight the session you want to change on the left side, then choose either an existing stake from the Existing drop down, or build one in the Custom drop down area. You'll see the stake name in the Preview box. Once you are satisfied that it is selected properly click the Change Stake button and that session will be changed.

Originally Posted by GingerViking
I am not sure if it is or not, I don't think it is but I might have. If it is a custom stat how do I find out what currency it is in?
Click Configure --> Statistics and check the Show Custom Stats Only box - do you see the stat there? If so, what do you have as the Value and Format expressions?

Originally Posted by GingerViking
If it isn't a custom stat: why don't you have a stat for WC rake when all the significant poker sites have this method of rake?
We do, it's called Game Currency Rake Contributed (when in the original game currency) or My Currency Rake Contributed (if you want the version converted to your preferred currency).

Originally Posted by mazho
Where can I find log files on Win XP? They aren't in user's Application data folder. Logging is enabled.
In PT4 you can always click File -> Open User Data Folder to see the folder the logs are in. In XP that is in C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Local Settings\Application Data\PokerTracker 4 where <UserName> is replaced with your actual username.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 12:15 PM
Quick of my only gripes so far, other than you not having RB shown on my graph, is the slowness when changing or refreshing reports. I have a dbase of about 240K hands and it is painfully slow when changing views. Is this an area we can expect to see significant improvement in?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:42 PM
You can show Rakeback on a graph if you set up a custom statistic for it - which rake method is being used? I'll happily explain how to set that up - it's a pretty easy custom stat.

We are working to improve report performance as much as possible. I assure you we are keenly aware of this particular issue and we want it fixed just as much as you do.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 01:55 PM
When i press "get hands while playing" and have not opened any tables it starts using 30% of my cpu, is this normal even if it's not importing anything?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Moerto
When i press "get hands while playing" and have not opened any tables it starts using 30% of my cpu, is this normal even if it's not importing anything?

It could be normal if you have too little ram to support PT4 and Postgres at the same time as your poker clients, or if you have an antiquated processor. It could also occur if you have remnant hands that are being processed in the background, to check for this click Play Poker then select View Import Status - if you see any hands being imported here then wait until this is complete before playing for your first session, after it is complete click Stop Getting Hands to move the processed files. If after this is complete you find that the hands are once again being imported (duplicate hands that are ignored) then this means you have improperly disabled Move Processed Files, please re-enable this preference.

Please let us know if this helps.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:33 PM
Nop, it shows that no hands are being imported in import status. I have 4gb ram and my CPU is Intel Core Duo P8700 2.53GHz. I did all the things said on PT website to improve performance and nothing changed. Maby it's because i have ****ty 5200rpm hard drive?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Kraada
You can show Rakeback on a graph if you set up a custom statistic for it - which rake method is being used? I'll happily explain how to set that up - it's a pretty easy custom stat.

We are working to improve report performance as much as possible. I assure you we are keenly aware of this particular issue and we want it fixed just as much as you do.
Thanks, but that is a tough q to answer since I have had numerous accounts at many different sites over the years and each has different methods and %'s. your competitor can handle this situation quite well and it is something that I really hope you can mirror at some point because you seem to do other things much better than them.

For now, my primary play is on Merge..i'm pretty sure they use weighted contributed but I am not 100% certain because I never really had to think about it with my other program.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by antneye
other than you not having RB shown on my graph
Originally Posted by Kraada
You can show Rakeback on a graph if you set up a custom statistic for it - which rake method is being used? I'll happily explain how to set that up - it's a pretty easy custom stat.
I'd like to further discus the topic of tracking rakeback, we have not included an automated solution in PT4 by default because it is a very complicated process. We do not want to add an automated rakeback tracking solution in PT4 that is not 100% accurate, from our analysis none of our competitors have an accurate rakeback tracking solution yet, we hope to someday be the first to provide accurate rackeback tracking that you can trust.

There are a few fundamental problems to accurately tracking rakeback.

1) When rakeback was first introduced, all of the poker rooms used the same exact model, your share of the rake was determined by the amount of players who received cards preflop. Your share of the rake would allow the calculation of your Monthly Gross Rake (MGR), and in turn you would get a percentage of that MGR back. For the most part the days of calculating rakeback on MGR is done... now each poker room has a unique method, usually based on pot contribution in a weighted method that encourages players who give action and discourages players who do not give action. Some sites switched to weighing your value as a player based upon factors such as if your a winning player or a losing player - wining players don't need to be encouraged via rakeback therefore they do not receive the same share. The methods of calculating this data is not available to players, it is calculated 100% behind the scenes by the site with no method of third party verification (Essence from OnGame is a very good example of this model).

2) The rakeback model as we know it is slowly dying. Many of the bigger rakeback companies have converted their business models to attracting new customers without the need to use rakeback or are in the process of selling their companies. Rakeback itself probably will not die, but it will continue to morph to give benefits primarily to the weaker players, and remove benefits from the stronger players - making it very hard to track in the future.

3) Rakeback is really hard to include in a graph or report because we may not know the source of the rakeback. Most players want to see rakeback correspond to hands on a graph, as explained above that is virtually impossible at this stage of the industry. Additionally what if you play in both cash games and tournaments at the same time? This is where our competitors solutions tend to fail, the rakeback amount is commonly summed on in the tournament and cash game reports making the data inaccurate. PokerTracker's policy is to disallow any hands that may have been improperly calculated by the poker site (this is more common than you would assume), this policy of course extends to all other data sources including rakeback. If you play on both tournaments and cash games at the same time adding rakeback using the methods we have seen from our competitors results in a big mess of inaccurate results.

With that said, we have thought out a solution that nobody has implemented yet that will work without compromising data sources or results, but it is not on our agenda for development at this time. Perhaps we will be able to focus on this concept some time in the future after PT4 is commercially released, but we cannot commit to making any promises because it will require a complicated reworking of the logic used within PokerTracker to calculate reporting sums. Given time, I am fairly positive this will become a reality, the only question is when.

Long story short, you can trust us, we intentionally left out rakeback tracking in PT4 for a good reason. Rakeback is not being overlooked, we have thought about this topic in great detail and determined it was in the best interest of our customers to postpone providing an official solution prior to the launch of PT4. In the meantime as kraada pointed out, you can create a custom stat to track rakeback, but for many rooms this stat will not be accurate, and you will introduce a bias if you play in both cash games and tournaments at the same time. This solution works best for sites such as PokerStars where the calculation of FPPs and VPPs are fixed, but it works very poorly on networks such as OnGame do to the proprietary Essence rake weighting method that they use.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Moerto
Nop, it shows that no hands are being imported in import status. I have 4gb ram and my CPU is Intel Core Duo P8700 2.53GHz. I did all the things said on PT website to improve performance and nothing changed. Maby it's because i have ****ty 5200rpm hard drive?
A slow hard drive can definitely make the experience worse all around - especially as databases get larger.

Originally Posted by antneye
Thanks, but that is a tough q to answer since I have had numerous accounts at many different sites over the years and each has different methods and %'s. your competitor can handle this situation quite well and it is something that I really hope you can mirror at some point because you seem to do other things much better than them.

For now, my primary play is on Merge..i'm pretty sure they use weighted contributed but I am not 100% certain because I never really had to think about it with my other program.
If they use weighted contributed you can use our stat My Currency Rake Contributed to build your rakeback stat and show the data in your preferred currency.

Click Configure --> Statistics, in the Cash ($) Player section find the My Currency Rake Contributed (search for rake to narrow it down considerably) stat and click on it. Click the Duplicate button. Change the Name, Description and Title as you'd like. Title is what you see in a column in the main report window - if it's longer than the current one you might want to expand width (or make it smaller if it's shorter - you can feel free to experiment here).

Change the value expression by adding * .x where x is your rakeback percentage. So for example if you had 30% rakeback you would want:
amt_rake_weighted_contributed_curr_conv * .3

You can change the details tab or not as you prefer, and save the stat.

That's it! Now you have a rakeback stat you can use anywhere - in the HUD, on the graph, in any report.

Note: If you want to use it in the graph you probably want the Value Expression:

amt_won_curr_conv + amt_rake_weighted_contributed_curr_conv * .x

That will be the sum of your winnings and your rakeback (though obviously you'd want to name this stat differently).
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 08:17 PM
HUD Isnt showing on PT4 beta version but its working great on PT3 free trail version
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Potamito
HUD Isnt showing on PT4 beta version but its working great on PT3 free trail version
We can assure you that the PT4 HUD works, this sounds like an issue that is specific to your setup that we can fix once we have more infromation. Please submit a support ticket, you can find instructions for submitting a support ticket here:

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:00 PM
Not gonna read through this so sorry if it was already answered. I've been using PT4 beta and it's working great. My one issue is that I can't for the life of me find out how to just view hands. Like I want to be able to set a filter (say this week, on the button, I had J8s) and view all hands that fit that criteria. I can do that with the filter quite easily but then I still have to either pick session/date/position/stake before I can just sort all the hands that fit the criteria. In HEM there was a separate tab called hands and you could view all the hands in the db or set filters as I was saying before. Is there an easy way to do that in PT4? It's just been an absolute pain trying to find hands I played even though I know most of the info about it and I can't imagine PT4 doesn't have that feature I'm probably just dumb. Thanks.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by gimmedacrown
My one issue is that I can't for the life of me find out how to just view hands.
Its very easy to view by hands in PT4, but it is very different from the methods we used in PT3 or PT2. Here are the two main methods of accomplishing your goal.

Option 1: Select the Results: Summary report. Choose the Starting Hands sub-report. This will show your results per hand only by default, but you can choose to customize the report to show stats as well in the top report. Selecting a pre-flop hand in the report on top will display the actual hands you played below.

Option 2: Select Statistics and choose the Holdem Hand Range Visualizer report. Choose any stat to filter by, for example choose VPIP to only see hands that you chose to play or 3Bet to only see hands that you chose to 3Bet. Change the switch to Value to see how frequently you took the action while holding this hand, or range to see what percentage of your range that each hand composes. Click in any pre-flop cell to show all the hands that you actually played below. In the example below we selected Value because this mimics the only PT2 & 3 method and the hand is 77.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 02:32 AM
I think I found a strange bug with the allin equity. I played this hand and my ev graph went down an equal amount as my actual results graph even though the ev graph should have stayed nearly neutral. Maybe because of the 3 way allin pre

PokerStars Hand #77930857481: Hold'em No Limit ($0.50/$1.00 USD) - 2012/03/28 1:25:14 ET
Table 'Elephenor III' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: xlr8s13 ($100 in chips)
Seat 2: HlavacsKA ($129.64 in chips)
Seat 3: DuoMaxwel380 ($140.41 in chips)
Seat 4: MrDurden ($315.48 in chips)
Seat 5: hibeez11 ($20.86 in chips)
Seat 6: CasualCay ($100 in chips)
MrDurden: posts small blind $0.50
hibeez11: posts big blind $1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to xlr8s13 [Ah Kh]
CasualCay: folds
xlr8s13: raises $2 to $3
HlavacsKA: raises $6 to $9
DuoMaxwel380: folds
MrDurden: folds
hibeez11: calls $8
xlr8s13: raises $91 to $100 and is all-in
HlavacsKA: raises $29.64 to $129.64 and is all-in
hibeez11: calls $11.86 and is all-in
Uncalled bet ($29.64) returned to HlavacsKA
*** FLOP *** [Th As 2s]
*** TURN *** [Th As 2s] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [Th As 2s 7s] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
xlr8s13: shows [Ah Kh] (a pair of Aces)
HlavacsKA: shows [Qs Qh] (a flush, Ace high)
HlavacsKA collected $158.28 from side pot
hibeez11: shows [Tc Kc] (a pair of Tens)
HlavacsKA collected $60.28 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $221.36 Main pot $60.28. Side pot $158.28. | Rake $2.80
Board [Th As 2s 7s 9s]
Seat 1: xlr8s13 showed [Ah Kh] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 2: HlavacsKA showed [Qs Qh] and won ($218.56) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 3: DuoMaxwel380 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: MrDurden (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: hibeez11 (big blind) showed [Tc Kc] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 6: CasualCay folded before Flop (didn't bet)
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by xlr8s13
I think I found a strange bug with the allin equity. I played this hand and my ev graph went down an equal amount as my actual results graph even though the ev graph should have stayed nearly neutral. Maybe because of the 3 way allin pre
There is a known bug in the current beta release that affects the calculation of all-in Equity in multiway all-in pots, this will be fixed in an upcoming release.

PS: Please note that the graph is for all-in EQUITY, it is not an EV graph. We have removed All-in EV in PokerTracker 4 and replaced it with All-In Equity. EV calculations are dependent on an opponents range of hands, an opponents likely range cannot be determined by a computer (yet), it requires a human being. We made the change to help reduce confusion between all-in EV which is a measurement of luck vs a specific hand when all opponents are all-in and the traditional definition of EV which is a measurement of the expected value that any action may have on any street. Hence we have renamed this stat to All-In Equity to make the name truer to what the definition of the stat is.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by Kraada
If they use weighted contributed you can use our stat My Currency Rake Contributed to build your rakeback stat and show the data in your preferred currency.

Click Configure --> Statistics, in the Cash ($) Player section find the My Currency Rake Contributed (search for rake to narrow it down considerably) stat and click on it. Click the Duplicate button. Change the Name, Description and Title as you'd like. Title is what you see in a column in the main report window - if it's longer than the current one you might want to expand width (or make it smaller if it's shorter - you can feel free to experiment here).

Change the value expression by adding * .x where x is your rakeback percentage. So for example if you had 30% rakeback you would want:
amt_rake_weighted_contributed_curr_conv * .3

You can change the details tab or not as you prefer, and save the stat.

That's it! Now you have a rakeback stat you can use anywhere - in the HUD, on the graph, in any report.

Note: If you want to use it in the graph you probably want the Value Expression:

amt_won_curr_conv + amt_rake_weighted_contributed_curr_conv * .x

That will be the sum of your winnings and your rakeback (though obviously you'd want to name this stat differently).
Thanks. I'll give it a shot.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
Its very easy to view by hands in PT4, but it is very different from the methods we used in PT3 or PT2. Here are the two main methods of accomplishing your goal.

Option 1: ...

Option 2: ...
I don't think that's what he meant. I have the same issue as a current PT3 user/former HM1 user.

I just want to take a look at, for instance, the last 1000 hands I played, NO MATTER the starting hand. Just a bunch of hands in a list, so I can hit the replayer button and go through all of them.
I don't want to sort by starting hand and I don't want to have to sort by session as this is sometimes just as impractical.
Is there no way to accomplish this?

In HM1 (can't speak for 2, but assume it's the same) you can just specify a timeframe (and other filters) and you'll get shown all the hands that meet the criteria (sorted by date, for instance). Out of that list you can then manually select some and right click "replay selected" or "replay all".

That's a pretty important thing to me and also seems like such a basic feature that I still believe that I just have to be doing something wrong and the feature has to be in PT somewhere.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:25 AM
-why when i duplicate a hud-profile, the layout of groups (positions the table window) is not saved? please revise the way this info is saved (how, when and in what file) because now is not natural.

- how to change some properties (eg: fonts, size, colors, backgrounds, ...) simultaneous for all items of a hud group? please provide a wat to do this.

- why currently active filter doesn't remain active after closing/reopening PT4? is this possible? how?

- any built-in (or custom) stat yet for "raise-first-in size" expressed in bb? in PT3 there was a custom one (from reository).

thanks in advance for answers so far.

Last edited by lien; 03-28-2012 at 10:28 AM. Reason: sorry if some of the above were already answered itt
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Kraada
Highlight the session you want to change on the left side, then choose either an existing stake from the Existing drop down, or build one in the Custom drop down area. You'll see the stake name in the Preview box. Once you are satisfied that it is selected properly click the Change Stake button and that session will be changed.
I did this and it changed the results of my other sessions. In the "Overview" report it now has incorrect results for each stake. You guys told me to do the same thing with currency before and then it ****ed up the whole database and you told me to create a new one. I really don't want to have to create a new database. Is there any way to undo what I have done? I am going to be really *** ing annoyed if I have to make a new database.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Respawn
I just want to take a look at, for instance, the last 1000 hands I played, NO MATTER the starting hand. Just a bunch of hands in a list, so I can hit the replayer button and go through all of them.
This is certainly a part of PT4 - the easiest way to do it is to go to the My Reports tab, click New Report and choose a Hand report. Let PT4 add the default stats and click OK. That's it - by default you'll see your last 100 hands played. You can change the scope using the drop down at the top right. If you want to, you can save this report or, if you prefer, you can rebuild it whenever you need it.

Originally Posted by lien
-why when i duplicate a hud-profile, the layout of groups (positions the table window) is not saved? please revise the way this info is saved (how, when and in what file) because now is not natural.
I'll make a note of this request to see how feasible this kind of thing might be.

Originally Posted by lien
- how to change some properties (eg: fonts, size, colors, backgrounds, ...) simultaneous for all items of a hud group? please provide a wat to do this.
You can use the Group Items area for this. If you click on the top item, hold shift, and then click on the bottom item, all items in between will be highlighted. You can also use ctrl+click to select or deselect individual items.

Originally Posted by lien
- why currently active filter doesn't remain active after closing/reopening PT4? is this possible? how?
This is not available yet but is planned.

Originally Posted by lien
- any built-in (or custom) stat yet for "raise-first-in size" expressed in bb? in PT3 there was a custom one (from reository).
Not that I'm aware of but you should be able to import that PT3 stat into PT4.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows &amp; Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
