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PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread

08-07-2012 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mossberg
1) Is there any way to just filter my HUD for the last 1, 2, 3 months etc? Under HUD options, I tried making it "stats from the last 150,000" hands but then the HUD doesn't show up at all in the hand replayer window.
You are using the last x hands function incorrectly, that number is per-player - not the last number of hands played by you ;-) It is designed to bring up a small range of hands, say last 10,000 or so.... if you ask it to only show the last 150,000 hands then the database will perform poorly, and you will have nil results in your HUD while the database struggles to move gigabytes of data back and forth to create the stats in the HUD.

Originally Posted by Mossberg
2) How do I make it so that my HUD switches to showing HU stats only (when I'm starting a 6max table, or the table breaks to HU, etc.). I want this to just happen automatically, if possible.
We wish this could be done, but it is not possible at this time. Our HUD is not designed to change profiles based on the number of players seated, it is designed to only change the HUD based on the number of seats at the table. This is in the idea list for future versions of PT... perhaps PT5? Time will tell...

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-07-2012 , 10:36 PM
Okay I've bought PT4 today (had been using the beta) and had a couple of problems.

Firstly, I played a long session during which the HUD showed, but only a small fraction of hands imported. How can I get the hands that didnt import into the database? Im assuming it's possible?

Secondly, I noticed it said that beta users should make a new database. this is probably me being a noob but I've done this and cant work out how to a) use it b) import all my hands into it.

Thanks in advance.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-07-2012 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Kraada
If you remove the PokerTracker 4 directory in %userprofile%/Application Data/ completely you'll start over with all settings from scratch. If you want to get rid of your PostgreSQL directory you'll need to delete that directly from PGAdminIII though (or create a new one in PT4 first, delete the old one and reconnect to the new one after reinstalling).
rebooted my entire OS, bought PT4, didn't get a discount, had problems importing but finally got it, started lagging insanely bad the first day...and as soon as I close the app everything returns to perfectly smooth and fast...then I get the out of memory condition, then move processed files error message and delays again (I believe this happens anytime PokerTracker shuts down mid-session, which happens alot when its always crashing)

and nobody has answered my last 4 requests on support tickets through

one more chance guys, I want to like you, but you do not function
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Queen6Suited
Okay I've bought PT4 today (had been using the beta) and had a couple of problems.

Firstly, I played a long session during which the HUD showed, but only a small fraction of hands imported. How can I get the hands that didnt import into the database? Im assuming it's possible?
Usually this means you either has a misconfigured site setting, or you have too many hands that need to be imported. Since you were a beta user I think the possibility of either of these possibilities are slim, but we can check by following these simple instructions.

1) Restart your computer (just to be safe)
2) Do not start any poker rooms
3) Open PokerTracker 4.
4) Click Configure: Site Options: Preferences. Make sure Move Processed Files is checked.
5) Click Play Poker, then click Get Hands While Playing. View the Import Status Report. Do you see any hands being imported? If hands are not importing, then it will look like this: 09:41:39 pm: Merge: Found 0 files to monitor.. If hands are importing then that means we need to wait until importing is done.
6) Click Stop Getting Hands. You will now see a text message that says Auto-Import Stopped. Click Get Hands While Playing again.... this time you should not see any hands importing (unless you play on Microgaming - if so please read the site configuration guide for Microgaming for more info).

If this doesn't solve your issue, please create a support ticket, we will need to look at your logs. There is a possibility that the site you are playing at has a malformed hand history that is not importing... we can look into that as well.

Originally Posted by Queen6Suited
Secondly, I noticed it said that beta users should make a new database. this is probably me being a noob but I've done this and cant work out how to a) use it b) import all my hands into it.
There are great guides on our website which help point you in the right direction to do this, they are all found here:

Basically you create a new database, then import the hands which are found in your Processed Files folder (see above for location).

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by boliver
rebooted my entire OS, bought PT4, didn't get a discount, had problems importing but finally got it, started lagging insanely bad the first day...and as soon as I close the app everything returns to perfectly smooth and fast...then I get the out of memory condition, then move processed files error message and delays again (I believe this happens anytime PokerTracker shuts down mid-session, which happens alot when its always crashing)

and nobody has answered my last 4 requests on support tickets through

one more chance guys, I want to like you, but you do not function
Apparently your support ticket was accidentally caught in limbo, it was tagged as waiting for a response from you, when in reality you should have heard a response from us. Expect to hear from one of our support reps in the morning to schedule some hands-on help.

PS: To the best of my knowledge, we did not ask you to reinstall your OS, that was not necessary. It would be best to wait until we ask you to perform some operations to make it easier to for us to determine what your problem is. As for the discount, that is only applied if you logged into your account prior to the purchase, we will work to help you get this but it takes time to process, please be patient, we are already working on it.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Mossberg
2) How do I make it so that my HUD switches to showing HU stats only (when I'm starting a 6max table, or the table breaks to HU, etc.). I want this to just happen automatically, if possible.
You can do this with the 'Number of Players Filtered' option. Go to Hud > Edit Hud Options > General Settings.
Add ranges for the separate numbers of players you want to split the stats into. For example 6-10, 3-6, 2-2.
Check out the tutorial video by clicking the grey monitor icon on that window for more information.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 07:58 AM
Is there a way to show (a) all players which I have a manual written note on and (b) all players which I have an automatic note on in my database? Is there such a filter?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 08:52 AM
A 3rd price alternative for microstakes players would be nice...
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 09:48 AM
Is there a way to hide numbers on the hud (but keep color coding) - for ex. I don't want 5bet or limp/reraise and similar to waste too much space like this "5B: -", "LRR: -" when all it needs to be shown IF it happened (if the player is capable of doing that). Instead it can be black on black background (kinda like invisible) in appropriate area/panel and only be shown if it happened. But it needs to have actual value so I can set color codes like 0-1 black, 1-5 green, 5-20 yellow, etc. Basically something like badges that can show up if triggered but without numbers, like "5B LRR LF" and of course we can always check numbers in tooltip or popup. I've tried with custom stats and formatting but to no avail. Is there a way to do it?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
You can do this with the 'Number of Players Filtered' option. Go to Hud > Edit Hud Options > General Settings.
Add ranges for the separate numbers of players you want to split the stats into. For example 6-10, 3-6, 2-2.
Check out the tutorial video by clicking the grey monitor icon on that window for more information.

WhiteRider is correct, I misread the post. I thought Mossberg was looking to change the HUD Profile, not HUD stats. My bad, sorry for the confusion!

Originally Posted by wodka88
Is there a way to show (a) all players which I have a manual written note on and (b) all players which I have an automatic note on in my database? Is there such a filter?
Go to, type "notes" in the search box. We have three reports which fit your needs here.
  • Players With Any Notes
  • Players With Manual Notes
  • Players With NoteTracker Notes

Download the reports you need, and then import them into My Reports, this is the custom reports interface for PokerTracker 4. Enjoy!

Originally Posted by etw165
A 3rd price alternative for microstakes players would be nice...
The Microstakes version of Pokertracker 3 was just $10 less, but also had less functionality. For $10 more you get a much bigger, better, more advanced program with the flexibility to play higher stakes if you should advance someday. We had to increase prices by $10, so we decided to include the stakes bump in the price, that is a very fair tradeoff IMO!

PS to LBCboliver: Discount applied. Email on the way.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Sheetah
Is there a way to hide numbers on the hud (but keep color coding) - for ex. I don't want 5bet or limp/reraise and similar to waste too much space like this "5B: -", "LRR: -" when all it needs to be shown IF it happened (if the player is capable of doing that). Instead it can be black on black background (kinda like invisible) in appropriate area/panel and only be shown if it happened. But it needs to have actual value so I can set color codes like 0-1 black, 1-5 green, 5-20 yellow, etc. Basically something like badges that can show up if triggered but without numbers, like "5B LRR LF" and of course we can always check numbers in tooltip or popup. I've tried with custom stats and formatting but to no avail. Is there a way to do it?

We don't provide what you are looking for exactly, but there are some other options we can discuss.

1) NoteTracker doesn't track stats, but it does track "examples". NoteTracker only writes a note when an example occurs, so you could create a dedicated popup that you never use unless NoteTracker has triggered for the situation you defined. Popups can be assigned to either an On Table HUD Group (the old school way) or any stat (the new school way).

2) You could use a dedicated on-table HUD group and then assign a display type of "Lower Opacity Until Mouseover" This would hide the on table HUD group until you hiver on top of it.

Of course you can also use color ranges in the HUD, you don't need to use custom stats to do that... but if I am reading your post correctly, that isn't exactly what you are looking for either.

PS: We will be adding Auto Tags which has a similar functionality as badges eventually, we don't disclose many of our future plans but we have publicly made it known that was our plans post-release.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 11:46 AM
Thanks, that was helpful.

Originally Posted by *TT*
PS: We will be adding Auto Tags which has a similar functionality as badges eventually, we don't disclose many of our future plans but we have publicly made it known that was our plans post-release.
Exactly what I'm looking for ... but when?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by *TT*
Go to, type "notes" in the search box. We have three reports which fit your needs here.
  • Players With Any Notes
  • Players With Manual Notes
  • Players With NoteTracker Notes

Download the reports you need, and then import them into My Reports, this is the custom reports interface for PokerTracker 4. Enjoy!

- TT
Thx. So I imported them in the Cash Section und converted them to Tournament. Now following is happening:

"Players With NoteTracker Notes" Report probably shows all the players which qualify, but if I open the edit player note field, all of them are empty. I guess thats not how it is supposed to be?

"Players With Manual Notes" Report: Same thing with NoteTracker notes. They are simply not there. Another problem is that players which I previously had a manual note on but deleted it afterwards are still shown in this list but have no manual notes on them.

Any solution here?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Sheetah
Thanks, that was helpful.

Exactly what I'm looking for ... but when?
When it is ready, and not a second before it is ready! ;-)

Originally Posted by wodka88
"Players With NoteTracker Notes" Report probably shows all the players which qualify, but if I open the edit player note field, all of them are empty. I guess thats not how it is supposed to be?
I forgot to mention that NoteTracker's notes can only be viewed in the HUD (replayer or table) at this time, this is because NoteTracker's notes are filtered to a game type. I will note this in the custom report as well.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by *TT*
Usually this means you either has a misconfigured site setting, or you have too many hands that need to be imported. Since you were a beta user I think the possibility of either of these possibilities are slim, but we can check by following these simple instructions.

1) Restart your computer (just to be safe)
2) Do not start any poker rooms
3) Open PokerTracker 4.
4) Click Configure: Site Options: Preferences. Make sure Move Processed Files is checked.
5) Click Play Poker, then click Get Hands While Playing. View the Import Status Report. Do you see any hands being imported? If hands are not importing, then it will look like this: 09:41:39 pm: Merge: Found 0 files to monitor.. If hands are importing then that means we need to wait until importing is done.

- TT
I get this

pop up.
The move processed files box is ticked :S

Also how do I view the import status report?

Last edited by Queen6Suited; 08-08-2012 at 05:13 PM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 05:34 PM
Okay found how to view the import status report, and these errors came up.

Im fairly sure it must have missed around 2kish hands last night though, and although there are a lot of hands in the status part there are noone near that many.

Last edited by Queen6Suited; 08-08-2012 at 05:34 PM. Reason: didnt want to post screenshot of other bit because it shows my sn, but can pm it if necessary
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by *TT*
I forgot to mention that NoteTracker's notes can only be viewed in the HUD (replayer or table) at this time, this is because NoteTracker's notes are filtered to a game type. I will note this in the custom report as well.

- TT
Ok got this. What about the "Players With Manual Notes" Report? The problem is that players which I previously had a manual note on but deleted it afterwards are still shown in this list but have no manual notes on them. Is there a way to remove them?

Another question. Is there any way to filter for players which i gave a specific color in the manual notes?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Sheetah
Is there a way to hide numbers on the hud (but keep color coding) - for ex. I don't want 5bet or limp/reraise and similar to waste too much space like this "5B: -", "LRR: -" when all it needs to be shown IF it happened
Doable. Takes some patience though. Here's one route:

Color coding basics are in the post above that one... so you can display the text you choose in a color based on the actual value of the stat.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by pasita
Doable. Takes some patience though. Here's one route:

Color coding basics are in the post above that one... so you can display the text you choose in a color based on the actual value of the stat.
We no longer recommend this method, NoteTracker has replaced this functionality which is why I mentioned NoteTracker in the prior post. Stats are not the ideal replacement for Notes, that is why we created NoteTracker.

- TT

Last edited by *TT*; 08-08-2012 at 08:20 PM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Queen6Suited
Okay found how to view the import status report, and these errors came up.

Im fairly sure it must have missed around 2kish hands last night though, and although there are a lot of hands in the status part there are noone near that many.
As I expected, you have a ton of hands that are waiting to be imported, so many that it makes using the HUD impossible until this problem is addressed.

You will have to use Get Hands From Disk instead of Get Hands While Playing. Click Select Directory, then drill to the directory where hands are saved in your respective poker room client. If you are not sure where this folder is located, you can find it by checking your Site Configuration preferences at Configure: Sites & Import Options as shown below. nce manual import is done, then manually move the files found in the Poker Room's hand history directory to another location, we reccomend placing them in the Processed Files folder for PokerTracker to be safe. You can open this folder by selecting File: Open User Data Folder, you will find the Processed Files folder inside.

Originally Posted by wodka88
Ok got this. What about the "Players With Manual Notes" Report? The problem is that players which I previously had a manual note on but deleted it afterwards are still shown in this list but have no manual notes on them. Is there a way to remove them?

Another question. Is there any way to filter for players which i gave a specific color in the manual notes?
Bad news... at this time we don't have a solution for either question. Once you place a manual note, the flag will remain that a note exists. Additionally we do not have a method of filtering by player characteristics such as color at this time, PT4 is designed to show sessions and hands attributed to the Active Player therefore this filter would not work logically within the PokerTracker ecosystem. I am going to look into this further though, we may be able to do this in a custom report, I will get back to you on this shortly.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-08-2012 , 10:59 PM
Sorry if this has been answered already but I paged through and didn't find it. My HUD was totally misaligned off and on all day today. First time I've had this problem. Very tilting. Definitely cost me $. What is a fix?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-09-2012 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Daniel Ocean
Sorry if this has been answered already but I paged through and didn't find it. My HUD was totally misaligned off and on all day today. First time I've had this problem. Very tilting. Definitely cost me $. What is a fix?
Generally speaking, issues such as this may be caused by the poker room's hand histories, so it is best to share where you are playing, the size of the table, and what type of games. We will be happy to help once we get this critical info. Also, was the HUD off by one position exactly, or was it random?

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-09-2012 , 03:32 AM
@pasita: thanks, even though devs discourage use of this method it's very good to know and I don't mind little work
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-09-2012 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
Generally speaking, issues such as this may be caused by the poker room's hand histories, so it is best to share where you are playing, the size of the table, and what type of games. We will be happy to help once we get this critical info. Also, was the HUD off by one position exactly, or was it random?

- TT
Playing merge black chip, 4 tables 10nl. 2 days ago all players were right except my stats were off by 2 positions and one position had stats for 2 players under the position. Yesterday seemed pretty random.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
08-09-2012 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by wodka88
Ok got this. What about the "Players With Manual Notes" Report? The problem is that players which I previously had a manual note on but deleted it afterwards are still shown in this list but have no manual notes on them. Is there a way to remove them?

Another question. Is there any way to filter for players which i gave a specific color in the manual notes?
To clean up after the notes, you probably need to fire up pgAdmin and learn some SQL. Unless the bug gets fixed from PT4 side.

To filter for all "green" players, add
notes.id_color=2 and notes.id_x=player.id_player
to the expression filter in your report.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
