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Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER!

08-17-2009 , 08:27 AM
did y planned to support also the italian version of Pokerstars ( as y direct competitor TableNinja does (I belive it's only a matter of currency...stacks in euros instead of dollars)?

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-17-2009 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by fix9
Really need the activate table needing action when tables are stacked. The Ftp option for this is so hit n miss. Most of the time it activates the next table but leaves it under the top table so that means making an action then minimizing the table to do actions on the next table needing it!
Will the "activate next pending action table" hotkey ever make a comeback (for Windows XP users)?

Originally Posted by MilkMan
I understand the FT software has created havoc for the timebank functionality but with the latest update this feature works like a drunk old man fumbling in the dark for a light switch. It's causing popups to pop up, stealing focus, basically spazzing out in its attempts to locate the time button. I've had to turn it off again :-(
Unfortunately, this is true.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-17-2009 , 04:04 PM
I am still having trouble with FTS identifying stack sizes at resolution 475 for certain positions. I am not sure but it seems reasonable that I might be able to get it to work by altering the place on the table that FTS is looking since several positions seem to work fine (including mine which is always dead center).

Has anyone else had this problem and is there any way to fix it?

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-17-2009 , 06:04 PM
I went back to version 29. Version 31 was requiring me to click the mouse about 3 times before it worked. I have sit out on all tables and fold any bet set to my logitec mx revolution. For some reason version 29 works better for that. I have classic mode, win xp, no mods
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-17-2009 , 06:52 PM
Also, do you plan on fixing the "click yes/no if seat available" dialog box? I sure would like to be able to walk away and and take a couple minute break every now and then
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-17-2009 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by etienne
I went back to version 29. Version 31 was requiring me to click the mouse about 3 times before it worked. I have sit out on all tables and fold any bet set to my logitec mx revolution. For some reason version 29 works better for that. I have classic mode, win xp, no mods
Same for me. The auto-time function finally was functional on 6 tables per monitor auto-tiled by FT (1920x1200, so 640 each table), but this new version is a real nightmare, I had to click the mouse more than 3 times to fold or anything else and the pointer still jumps from table to table (even if I DESELECTED the Auto-move pointer function in Shortcuts).

I have Vista 64, Aero disabled, classic view for FT.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-17-2009 , 09:45 PM
Now the time bank button works for me 4 tabling tiled on a 19" monitor.

- Folding with mouse btn5 (set in mouse actions) needs more than one click most of the time.
- Weird pf raise amounts when street betting enabled sometimes.
- Cannot set the checkmark in the "fold" field with mouse btn5 (really annoying).

Thanks for your work, I hope you can fix this too.

ps: running win xp.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-18-2009 , 01:34 AM
Guess whose "click FTP's Time button after 4 seconds" function failed!? I suppose it somehow knows to give me extra time only when I plan to fold.

Who needs profit anyway....

Edit: Woops, I probably should have checked this thread to memorize what functions are completely unreliable and played accordingly
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-18-2009 , 01:41 AM
1) Ver. 31 is slow as hell compared to ver. 29. You have to wait for tables to become active when you mouse over them then you have to click your shortkey for fold for example and you have to keep the mouse over the same table for 1-2 seconds because it takes that long to execute this mouse click there, otherwise if I click F (shortkey for fold) and move to my next table, the next table fold button will be clicked. This problem is introduced in ver 31. All the previous versions were lightning fast.

2) I have the "Auto-Click on OK in the Get Chips dialog box when buying chips" UNCHECKED and I have the "Click on YES if Seat Available dialog box appears" CHECKED. For the last few versions it has been acting very badly. When I get a seat available from waiting list then PSC clicks YES in the seat available dialog (everything is good). Now the table opens and get chips dialog appears. I don't want PSC to do anything with it but PSC starts bringing this dialog into focus or attempting something with with because the computer makes like ~10 rapid click sounds and the get chips window flickers during this time and focus is stolen from other tables. So while I'm attempting to make a bet on another table (before I switch my attention to this new table to decide if it's worthy to sit down) I can't do anything, no clicks, no shortkeys, nothing would go through because the new table steals the focus continuously for multiple seconds.

3) And of course the well known bet sizing problems. The only one that really makes me tilt is when PSC appends the new bet amount the previous numbers when pressing some fixed bet shortkey (which autoclicks the bet button for me also) and open bets 30% of my stack with 53s when I'm stealing on BTN .

Win XP, no FTP mods, ~6 tiled tables, each table 640px wide
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-18-2009 , 02:50 AM

Thanks for your work so far, I know this is a nightmare.

However, I was wondering if you had plans to support tables larger than 850px wide and tables that are in stacks?

I play on a laptop so there isn't as much screen real estate as I'd like.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-18-2009 , 08:55 AM
+1 to all the sluggishness since the last upgrade

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-18-2009 , 11:51 AM
Anyway to make this register running in ubuntu through wine? Everything I need works but registering gives error 2 can't connect to server.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-18-2009 , 09:09 PM
i tried the new version 31 and rolled back to old version 29--

only tested on Stars--

31 problems
-when i act on first table, many times the same action is being applied to both the active table and the next pending action table... this doesn't occur in 29

problems i've noticed in both 31 and 29
- street bets... the automatically fill in street bet amount doesn't work right. many times the bet amount is equal to all-in, either when i'm first to act or after a caller or two... i have to forgo using this feature because it takes me too much time to check if the auto-bet is correct.. the error occurs approx. 10% of the time, but with no discernible pattern (or at least, i haven't had the time to see a pattern to it)

i use the hypersimple theme, and have tried recalibrating the felt colors but that didn't fix the issue

- sit n go tables don't always automatically close... i notice this with approx. 5% of the tables

-the program doesn't handle xp's global font sizes, and because of this, many things in the GUI are unreadable because i use large fonts... the window size of the GUI isn't able to be increased to compensate, so sometimes i have to look at the pictures of the tabs from your website in order to figure out the text.

sorry if these bugs have been previously posted

one question that i have is--- when auto-registering for sngs, why does the program open the tournament lobby? is there a setting that i can change so that it just clicks the register button in the stars lobby? even though the tourney lobby auto-closes later, it steals a lot more focus than necessary...

thank you
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-18-2009 , 11:20 PM
I had to go back to 29, my action buttons took like 3 clicks to respond each time. Tables were being brought to front when I was still to act on active table as well, though I still have had this problem with older versions, it was just exaggerated.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-19-2009 , 05:10 AM
Newest release;

Focus stealing from other programs is still an issue
The reaction time of the program is much slower so if I am playing 2 screens, mouse over on screen 1 and hit my fold hotkey then quickly move to table 2 (up to this release was not a problem) it will fold on table 2 but not table 1 so I had to take my time and make sure the action happened before moving over which obv slows down play.

Aside from these two issues everything else seemed fine

Windows XP Pro V 2002, SP3, Zune Theme.... Intel Core 2 duo, 2.66ghz
2.72 GB RAM

FTP Standard lobby, Racetrack tables no avatars.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-19-2009 , 09:19 AM
Street bets are taking longer, but they have a higher rate of success, so I like it just fine.

When I hit Deal Me Out during my bb hand, it does work properly by posting my sb for me and not checking the auto post box. However, it doesn't close the dialog box that asks if you want to check Auto Post.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-19-2009 , 12:51 PM
I play on ftp, How can you guys get used to the mouse move back and forth on the table to change the bet amout, usually at least twice? . Or is there any way to change it? tks!
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-19-2009 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by fire111
I play on ftp, How can you guys get used to the mouse move back and forth on the table to change the bet amout, usually at least twice? . Or is there any way to change it? tks!

I tried the 4.0031 version or something like that and was like "WOW, wtf is that!"

I couldn't believe anyone would think the mouse moving like that would be a playable solution. Perhaps there is something wrong in our settings.

Anyone care to clear this up, or is the mouse really supposed to move back and forth to the betting box to make the bets each time?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-19-2009 , 05:36 PM
im running shortcuts v 4.0031 on vista with uac disabled and a non-aero theme. i am having issues getting the correct stack to be listed in the display. i have the correct seats selected in every preferred option in pokerstars, but instead of displaying my stack, it is displaying another players'. how can i go about correcting this?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-19-2009 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by SiQ
Newest release;

Focus stealing from other programs is still an issue
Focus stealing seems to be connected with the time bank clicker. I turned off the time bank clicking features and can now play fine.
Without the ability to automatically click "time" on stacked tables that aren't on top it was useless for me anyway
Hope this helps.

EDIT: Talking about FTP btw.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-19-2009 , 09:58 PM

Love this software, I can 12 table now which I couldnt before. Just a very taxing 9 tables. but now 12 tables with ease.

I have some questions,
Is there a way to automatically make it set Wait for big blind?
Also is there a way to automatically click Ok in the box for Buyin amount.

Thank you kindly
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-19-2009 , 11:34 PM
Also, why is it actually moving my mouse to do all of the actions? Is this normal?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-20-2009 , 01:40 AM
We all have our priorities for the upgrade of this product and mine is that the street bets work reliably. I just can't take the risk of the all-in bet suddenly appearing and being used.

Sadly for me I've turned off the programme until this is fixed. I don't play SNGs so all of that functionality is lost on me. As a cash player bet sizing is vital and I'd like to make my vote for that item to be top of the list for fixing although I can understand that since the upgrade it seems an almost impossible feat to achieve.

Stick with it Nano.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-20-2009 , 05:44 PM
Bump to page 1.

Nano everything OK? I really appreciate your work but having an update or just a post letting us know your alive every 48hrs or so would be nice.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
08-20-2009 , 06:47 PM
Hey Nano,
What happened to the SNG 1 Tab that used to open tourneys on Full Tilt Shortcuts?
This weekend is the SNG Madness and I will be needing this feature. Did it go away? Is there another tool?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
