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Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER!

06-02-2009 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by SiQ
I would still like to see an (extra) option for Pshortcuts to actually hit the POT button on FTP software (which makes it more than what is actually in the pot after limps or bets/raises). I would imagine this is a really easy add-on. Any chance of this happening?
It's possible, but I'd rather avoid having a bunch of items that are unique to each poker site. It makes maintaining and upgrading the software more difficult.

I don't see any difference between a 100% pot bet size and hitting FT's pot button. Can you give me an example of when it is different?

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by ekinnehs18
the tables just lag up for a few secs, especially when i am re-organizing my tables and re-tiling everything.

I will definitely try that process priority u suggested though, thanks.
Originally Posted by ekinnehs18
didn't help at all unfortunately, i also did the vacuum/analyze database housekeeping thing for HEM, no performance improvement.
Can you tell me the exact steps to go though so I can try to duplicate this? I have tried moving tables around (and tiling them) and I haven't been able to duplicate this problem.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by akb
im testing the trial version right now and it works pretty well for one table. i use tableninja normally and there is one thing that would need to be done to PSC to make me switch over:
auto open the info tab and auto refresh that tab on the visible tables. this is pretty important imo for anyone multitabling SNGs and is kind of a deal breaker for me.

also i dont know if it is PSC or if my internet is just slow today but whenever i take an action (fold, call raise) the buttons will disappear but my name will stay blinking for another 3-4 seconds and then my action is made to the table.

this looks like an awesome program and i will definitely purchase it once the info tab refresh is implemented.
Adding the feature to open and auto refresh the info tab is at the top of the list for new features. I plan to add a few new features as soon as PSC is out of beta (which is still planned for the middle of June). Right now the priority is to fix the few remaining bugs in the beta version.

The issue you mention does sound like an internet speed issue. Also, one user mentioned that changing the Poker Stars Process Priority (on the Misc tab) to Normal helped with a slowness issue. I personally have not see this, but please report back if this helps or not.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 05:04 PM
having problems with PSC and my 360controller, when I set button to tile table/cascade tables, custom stack tables, it just enters a comma into the chat box. And id the 'toggle post blind' button supposed to also toggle the sitout next blind' on the fast tables?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by sleech
Anyone having an issue with open the last hand window on Full Tilt? Worked with FTSC, but I can't get it to work with PSC.
Thanks for letting me know about this. I was able to duplicate the problem. Should be fixed in the next version.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Weegs
Few bugs & annoyances I've discovered while playing on Stars:
  • If I have both "Click on NO if Seat Available" and "Click on YES if Seat Available" checkboxes checked, it still clicks YES when the dialog box appears. If I have understood right, "NO" should take precedence over "YES". This happens on Stars, not sure about FT.
  • I usually stack 16-20 PS tables and sometimes (~every 20-30 hands) PSC reads the pot size incorrectly. I'm 98% sure that PSC reads the pot size from the last table I acted. Maybe my table doesn't pop up fast enough due to small lag or something? Here's a screenshot from a test session.

    The table before this had $0.24 pot and now PSC thinks this pot is $0.24 too (even though debug display shows right pot size). This bug wouldn't be so annoying if there was some easy way to re-read the pot size. Now it interferes the 'bet %pot' hotkeys too.
hey weegs,

Please let me know if version 4.0014 solves these two issues... especially the pot reading issue. I think I tracked the problem down and solved it.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Weegs
I don't know if we are talking about the same thing so I made a simple AHK to illustrate my thoughts

new_x = 200
new_y = 30
new_width = 800
new_height = 580


   Move_Table(new_x, new_y, new_width, new_height)


Move_Table(x, y, w, h)
   IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
      WinGet, active_id, ID, A
      WinGetPos, old_x, old_y, old_width, old_height, ahk_id %active_id%
      WinMove, ahk_id %active_id%,, %x%, %y%, %w%, %h%
      if (old_width != w)
         Send {F5}	
The only time Stars does the whole redraw thing is when I press (or send) F5. So my script just checks if there is a need to press F5 by comparing the old width to new width. If they are equal it doesn't send F5.

But I'm new to programming so I don't really know if this helps or if we are even talking about the same thing

And this works just fine so it's not really a problem
Shortcuts currently does not send the F5 redraw command to the Stars tables, and just relies on PS to handle their own redraws. I'll take a look and see if I can just send the F5 when needed (i.e. table size change) rather than letting Poker Stars always do the redraw. In the meantime, if you don't have your tables change to a different size when moved, you can take that f5redraw line out of the user.ini file.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by jogden139
pleasetell me i can download this software and use it for like 30 real $ tables tomorow
Poker Shortcuts is still in beta test and not available for sale yet (should be available for sale around the middle of June). If you own our FT Shortcuts program, then you can get a software order code to fully unlock this beta version. If you purchase FT Shortcuts now, you get a free upgrade to Poker Shortcuts when it is done with the beta test trial. Full details are on the order page here:

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by scrivenerjones
Maybe I am dumb but I can't seem to get PSC to move my mouse to my stack of PS tables. When a table needs action it auto-activates, but my mouse stays where it is. Am I missing a setting? Here's my Table1 tab:
Shortcuts is not intended to move you from some other application (like firefox) back to your tables. It assumes that if you are in firefox then you want to be there doing something else until you are done doing something else. That way Shortcuts does not interfere with you chatting or writing an email.

When you are ready to go back to playing poker, bring you mouse back over a table and activate a table (by clicking on the table). If you enable the auto enable table on mouseover (on the table 1 tab), then you don't need to click on the table to activate it, just move your mouse over the table.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 06:54 PM
Having a very annoying message on FTP : "Move mouse bellow to chat" on every tables i play. Is there a way to remove this ?

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 07:07 PM
I have bet amount set to 100% on every street. Although the bet amount doesn't always go to 100% of the pot. Mainly happens when I'm looking to reraise people. Still experiencing bug on full tilt where pot amount disappears on flop. I have all tables set at 830-600 through using the windows placement program.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Thegunshow
having problems with PSC and my 360controller, when I set button to tile table/cascade tables, custom stack tables, it just enters a comma into the chat box. And id the 'toggle post blind' button supposed to also toggle the sitout next blind' on the fast tables?
I don't have any particular info about this controller. You might find this to be of help:

Regarding the checkbox issue, since the fast table has this checkbox in the place of the auto post blinds, it will be checked instead. I may add some code so that nothing happens on fast tables.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Luckyspikes
Having a very annoying message on FTP : "Move mouse bellow to chat" on every tables i play. Is there a way to remove this ?

Yes, you can turn displays on and off on the Displays tab.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by FookFuLohan
Does the latest version can click the Info/Refresh buttons ?
no. All changes are documented on the versions page here:

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 07:51 PM
please, please, please add some other payment option!!!!!!
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 08:01 PM
Hi Nano,
Tyvm for fix the flicker "...pending action...", but some times the tables do flicker(i can live with that pretty well)[FTP SuperTurbos 16 consecutive].

Is it possible to block tables come in front where hero finish the SnG and maybe block the new ones comes in the stack.
This were fantastic and it looks like i have to donat your really a hugh amount of bucks for your great work.

If you have done, so plz tell FTP how to scroll up there table limit and your became legend ;-)
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by nanochip
I don't have any particular info about this controller. You might find this to be of help:

Regarding the checkbox issue, since the fast table has this checkbox in the place of the auto post blinds, it will be checked instead. I may add some code so that nothing happens on fast tables.

Its the xbox 360 controller and worked fine on FTSC. I'll try the program you suggested. The fast table aren't; checking anything in place of the auto post blinds, that's why I asked.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-02-2009 , 08:48 PM
hi nano,
I play 16 superturbos at a time on ftp. Since they max it at 16, I have been trying to play both sites with this program. Im not sure whether you intended this program to play both sites simultaneously or just one a time. I have the following problems when playing both sites at same time (some probably are problems individually):

*each site pops to the front when an active table comes up on that site, if there is no other table pending on the site, even if the other site is active and i am clicking bet. This causes lots of misclicks. I have the settings on "auto-activate the next table with Pending Action ".
*everyone once in a while something hits the close table button even though i dont have it hotkeyed.
*cant call all-in bets with the call hotkey. I have to push the all in button (even if its not putting me all in and there are other players in pot)
*Not really that big of a deal but it seems as if the front table (with pending action) seems to be locked at the front of the screen no matter what, even if I want to see how a play went on the other table I just had up. I control-tab, instantly shifts to the pending action table. you may have this set up purposely, i dont know.

Overall, it has been going smoothly though. Thanks for the help.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-03-2009 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by nanochip
hey weegs,

Please let me know if version 4.0014 solves these two issues... especially the pot reading issue. I think I tracked the problem down and solved it.

I really appreciate the hard work you're doing

The "Click NO" thing works perfectly, ty.

The pot reading issue is definitely better. I did a test session with 16 stacked tables and it's not nearly as annoying as it used to. It's much harder to reproduce the bug so I'm not sure if it's still caused by the same thing. Here's a screenshot if it helps, I *think* that the last table had $0.05 pot.

Also, did something happen to the "Street Bet Ring - Not 1st to Raise/Bet" features? It feels different now. PSC tries to raise the exact amount that is in the pot. My "PreFlop**" box is set to 100. If this is how it's supposed to work and I should just increase the "PreFlop**" percentage, then nevermind
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-03-2009 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by nanochip
Shortcuts currently does not send the F5 redraw command to the Stars tables, and just relies on PS to handle their own redraws. I'll take a look and see if I can just send the F5 when needed (i.e. table size change) rather than letting Poker Stars always do the redraw. In the meantime, if you don't have your tables change to a different size when moved, you can take that f5redraw line out of the user.ini file.

Thanks for the explanation.
This sounds intresting to me and I was wondering how it's done: "...just relies on PS to handle their own redraws." Every time I'm fiddling around with my AHK scripts and do something like "WinMove, ahk_group Stars_Tables,, 0, 0, 641, 470" and the table size changes, the table ends up looking like this. The only way I know how to redraw it is by sending F5.

Anyway I'll now stop derailing this thread and mumbling about F5s because I clearly don't have enough knowledge about these things
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-03-2009 , 11:19 AM
Used it for the first time last night, great software. Only major issue I had was using the temporarily move table feature. When I moved the table back into the stack on PS all the tables in the stack would freak out for a second. It's like they are being resized every time I move it back into the stack. Anyone else having this issue?
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-03-2009 , 11:58 AM
There are problems counting pot size, at least preflop, on the new FTP ante tables.
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-03-2009 , 12:26 PM
would recording a short video on camtasia do?

Originally Posted by nanochip
Can you tell me the exact steps to go though so I can try to duplicate this? I have tried moving tables around (and tiling them) and I haven't been able to duplicate this problem.

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-03-2009 , 01:03 PM
seem to have a problem with preflop raise sizing on deep heads up tables -- on regular hu tables, "2.5" gets me a 2.5bb reaise, on deep hu tables i have to put "4.5" in the box
Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
06-03-2009 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by cts
seem to have a problem with preflop raise sizing on deep heads up tables -- on regular hu tables, "2.5" gets me a 2.5bb reaise, on deep hu tables i have to put "4.5" in the box
Please give more details and I will try to duplicate it here.

On the deep HU table, what bet size do you get if you put in 2.5bb?

Then, what bet size do you get if you put in 4.5bb?

Does it matter if you are in the SB or BB, or do you get the same results?

I assume you are setting these in lower half of the Street Bet Ring tab.

Do the post flop bet amounts seem to be right?

If your opponent raises you first, does the software put in the right amount for that situation?

Poker Shortcuts: Software that makes playing on Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker EASIER! Quote
