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PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem

10-11-2016 , 11:23 AM
oh so as i understand the edge has a preflop solver too and not the pro?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-11-2016 , 02:50 PM
so how much ram would i need altogether? i really thought 16gb would of been enough
16GB is plenty for even very big postflop trees. It's not enough for the preflop solver (you really want 64GB for that, even though 32GB let's you build some simplistic trees) which is why a lot of our customers rent cloud instances/dedicated servers as that's more flexible option than building big hardware at home.

yeah i seen a few tutorials and seen people using the same templates so why i got mixed up with values , thanks for confirming such a noob thing for me
There are some default templates but you can easily create them yourself (just choose the config and save). You can also share templates with other people.

oh so as i understand the edge has a preflop solver too and not the pro?
Yes, the preflop solver is only available in the edge version. It requires really big hardware to run so it only make sense if you are either building a dedicated computer at home or renting cloud instance/dedicated server (which is also our justification for charging that much for it - the market is rather small due to this requirements)
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-11-2016 , 04:12 PM
thanks, will be custom building one solely for pio cause i think my poker computer should be left sepertate to what i run a huge thing on like that, thanks for the answers, will be in touch through email no doubt
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-11-2016 , 05:13 PM
Renting is really worth considering, especially when you start so you can get better idea about the kind of hardware you would need. One of our users made a video about the process, it's simpler than it looks:
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-11-2016 , 11:36 PM

I have a double Xeon E5 2630v4 setup (20 cores, 40 Logical Processors). I am noticing only 46% of the CPU is being used when solving. In resource monitor it appears PioSolver is using 81 threads. Are there any settings to tweak to fully use my CPU? Max threads is set to 0 (system default). Using Windows Server 2012.

Last edited by He I Se N Be Rg; 10-11-2016 at 11:50 PM.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-12-2016 , 05:49 AM
I have a double Xeon E5 2630v4 setup (20 cores, 40 Logical Processors). I am noticing only 46% of the CPU is being used when solving. In resource monitor it appears PioSolver is using 81 threads. Are there any settings to tweak to fully use my CPU? Max threads is set to 0 (system default). Using Windows Server 2012.
Is it the newest version (1.9.2)?
Did you check energy saving options? (the most common reason for subpar performance on multicore systems, they should be switched off)
Are you sure no anti-virus is running online scans or anything like that?
If you open task manager and look at the core usage, are all of them in use but not at 100% or are only some of them in use? (if it's the former then it's likely energy saving settings, if it's the latter then we need to investigate more).
Is hyperthreading turned on? (it's likely to be turned on by default but you never know), this is a bios setting so if you haven't changed that then it's likely turned on.

If checking those things doesn't improve the situation please contact us at and send the tree you are testing (some very small trees will not be efficiently parallelized although that shouldn't really happen with 20 cores).
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-12-2016 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Is it the newest version (1.9.2)?
Did you check energy saving options? (the most common reason for subpar performance on multicore systems, they should be switched off)
Are you sure no anti-virus is running online scans or anything like that?
If you open task manager and look at the core usage, are all of them in use but not at 100% or are only some of them in use? (if it's the former then it's likely energy saving settings, if it's the latter then we need to investigate more).
Is hyperthreading turned on? (it's likely to be turned on by default but you never know), this is a bios setting so if you haven't changed that then it's likely turned on.

If checking those things doesn't improve the situation please contact us at and send the tree you are testing (some very small trees will not be efficiently parallelized although that shouldn't really happen with 20 cores).
Yes, 1.9.2. I changed the power settings to Performance and CPU usage improved to ~78-84% As you said, all cores were in use but none at 100%.

At this point, it's only gravy: is there anything else to possibly use that last ~15-20%?

Thank you punter!
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-12-2016 , 10:53 AM
Yes, 1.9.2. I changed the power settings to Performance and CPU usage improved to ~78-84% As you said, all cores were in use but none at 100%.

At this point, it's only gravy: is there anything else to possibly use that last ~15-20%?
You probably can't as our multithreading implementation is not perfect.
Let me point out that this ~80% is not what you think it is. The way hyperthreading works is that you have 40 hardware threads but 20 cores. If you run 2 threads on a core they run 2x slower so there is no obvious gain in 50%-100% area (as long as your cores are not slowed down by energy settings etc.). PioSOLVER benefits from hyperthreading (technical reason is that context switching is cheap between them so there is less waiting for RAM) but it's not like 75% vs 50% is 1.5x gain or anything like that. It's more along the lines of 10%-15% speed-up comparing to no hyperthreading (so in your case between 20 and 40 threads).

Our implementation already yields almost linear gains. I tested it on 16cores (32 threads) and the speed-up comparing to single thread performance is x15.2. On 24 cores I've measured x22.5
It's surely possible to get close to linear speed-up but we are well into diminishing returns territory already.

Tldr; just don't worry about it.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-12-2016 , 07:11 PM
I am trying to update from Windows 97 Pio solver 1.52 to the most recent version now that I'm trying to be a poker pro again or something.

My computer is not letting me do this. Is this a license question do you think?

I am going to email, but I am assuming they run on Polish time and it is 1am there.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-12-2016 , 07:22 PM
My computer is not letting me do this. Is this a license question do you think?

I am going to email, but I am assuming they run on Polish time and it is 1am there.
Solved by pms.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-12-2016 , 07:36 PM
Must have been a glitch. Try re sending please.

I think I need more RAM. It is not updating.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-13-2016 , 03:47 AM
Man, it works, just focus a bit
Feel free to hit me on Skype so I will help you.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-13-2016 , 09:48 AM
is there any way i can buy ur product with skrill?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-13-2016 , 05:52 PM
is there any way i can buy ur product with skrill?
You can use the Skrill card in our store (just don't choose PayPal as it has some random problems with it).
Other than that - pm.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-13-2016 , 06:26 PM
Hey, I want to start using aggregation reports, but when I open the reports they seem to be formated wrongly. It looks like this:

Thanks for any advice.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-14-2016 , 04:00 AM
Hey, I want to start using aggregation reports, but when I open the reports they seem to be formated wrongly. It looks like this:

Thanks for any advice.
The problem are delimiter settings, you need to find delimiter settings in Excel and change field delimiter to a comma:"," and decimal delimiter to a dot: ".".
Another option is to use Libre Office or Google Docs which seem to open the reports correctly independently on where you are located.

A small rant: CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. Excel is exceptionally dumb to not be able to read those files in their default format without some help from a user.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-15-2016 , 04:44 AM
One of our users is creating a short video series about Pio and how to work with it. I quite like the videos and they got positive attention on our Skype group as well. Check out the newest one:

He will be running a rakeback/affiliate site as well and while we don't benefit in any way from you visiting it, I think it's worthwhile to take a look.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-15-2016 , 07:55 AM
Heya, Im wondering if there is a feature that displays (on excel or something) the hands and % of xr/xc/xf for that particular hand. For instance if im analyzing a spot where btn opens and bb calls in headsup and then btn cb the flop. Then analyzing our reaction as OOP for check raising/ check calling/ check folding? bc right now im evaluating spots by seeing what solver CBs as IP for instance, but then changing that CB range and frequency to better reflect what i see in practice and then seeing how solver adjusts as oop so im currently tediously jotting down the hands as oop and xr/xc/xf etc. just wondering if im wasting time and theres a feature that makes it easier like the aggregation reports or something.

best program evah,
Ill check that link right above about that video showing how pio works etc,
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-15-2016 , 08:43 AM
Heya, Im wondering if there is a feature that displays (on excel or something) the hands and % of xr/xc/xf for that particular hand. For instance if im analyzing a spot where btn opens and bb calls in headsup and then btn cb the flop. Then analyzing our reaction as OOP for check raising/ check calling/ check folding? bc right now im evaluating spots by seeing what solver CBs as IP for instance, but then changing that CB range and frequency to better reflect what i see in practice and then seeing how solver adjusts as oop so im currently tediously jotting down the hands as oop and xr/xc/xf etc. just wondering if im wasting time and theres a feature that makes it easier like the aggregation reports or something.
I think I probably don't understand what you mean. It seems like you want to see what OOP does vs c-bet for every particular hand. You can see that if you go to the decision of OOP and click "strategy" button (so you will see how often every hand check-raises, check-calls or check-folds). You can also import those results to text format by right clicking on 13x13 area and choosing what you want to import (strategies, evs, ranges etc.)

I feel that doesn't do what you want though. If that's true please elaborate a bit or maybe give an example of the kind of data you would like to see.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-15-2016 , 09:03 AM
That is what i want, to import those results to text format (the strategy for each particular hand), but sounds like ill have to manually go thru each hand under strategy and import them individually? thatll still be better than me manually writing them (what im currently doing). i didnt know there was a import text feature so thatll proly help at the very least.

basically what im looking for is a snapshot of what the check raise range is vs different ip cb strategies, but because im evaluating different flops ill move on and so i try to capture the strategy by writing it down. If i start saving trees itll take up a lot of space no? and itll only be the flop if i do a small save? if so then i guess id still have the flop check raise strategy saved to go look back at?


Last edited by drawingdeadd7; 10-15-2016 at 09:17 AM.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-15-2016 , 09:36 AM
but sounds like ill have to manually go thru each hand under strategy and import them individually?
If you click "strategy" and then right click on the 13x13 are there is an option to import strategies for all hands.

That sounds exactly what multifile aggregation report is designed for, check it out: (question number 5)

If i start saving trees itll take up a lot of space no?
Not necessarily. If you are making a lot of saves it's a good idea to use small saves (flop + turn) or micro saves (flop only) they are about 100x and 1000x smaller than the full tree so you can easily fit a lot of them in not too much space. While they require recalculation if you want to browse the river (it happens automatically and takes usually 200-300ms), they are instant to load and browse when it comes to flop/turn. They are also useful to make aggregation reports on many flops.

You can choose to save small saves in the script, here:

There is more about various types of saves, here: (question number 5)

There is more about how to run simple scripts there as well: (question number 6)

If you are calculating the tree manually you can even open the browser several time and load different saves so you can look at them at the same time. The multiple file aggregation report sounds more like what you need though.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-15-2016 , 09:11 PM
In the range tool, can you give some examples of when you would use the mult operator please?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-16-2016 , 04:40 AM
Thank you,

What is the preflop solver and how do u use it?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-16-2016 , 08:55 AM
When i do the small save and i open the tree up again it still shows a river if i choose a river card and the strategies on there. is that strategy that it shows on the river erroneous? what does it mean that its only flop and turn small save but there is still a river?

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
10-16-2016 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by drawingdeadd7
When i do the small save and i open the tree up again it still shows a river if i choose a river card and the strategies on there. is that strategy that it shows on the river erroneous? what does it mean that its only flop and turn small save but there is still a river?

It calculates river in real time
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
