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PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem

02-22-2016 , 05:11 AM
Just got the basic version today, amazing program. Sorry if this is a repeat question, I dug through the thread a little but didn't see anything. Can you give me a quick and dirty answer of why so many options, bet and check, raise or call so frequently have basically the same exact EV? I get that a gto strategy tries to make bluffcatchers indifferent between calling and folding and bluffs indifferent between betting and checking, but it seems to be common throughout all parts of both players ranges and I'm not really sure why.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-22-2016 , 05:38 AM
Can you give me a quick and dirty answer of why so many options, bet and check, raise or call so frequently have basically the same exact EV?
This is one of the biggest surprises about those solutions.
It turns out, that especially on the flop there aren't really a clear bets or very few of them.
Usually the differences are quite clear between calls and folds (at least for most hands) but check/bet decisions and often bet/raise ones turn out to be close.

I am not really sure why that is. Somehow "if we bet too many strong hands, the opponent will just fold" and "if we slow-play everything they will just check" balance out. I am sorry for not being able to provide more insight into that

I think one important point though is that it's good to focus on the range composition in those bet/check decisions instead of specific hands. For example it's useful to see how betting range is constructed, how many very strong hands are there, how many top pairs etc. You can do that using range explorer tool. It's for example a general rule that betting ranges are significantly weaker than what most regulars use (at least what they've used in 2014, early 2015 when I was more familiar with the games). It turns out you really can have a lot of junk for a flop bet if there are two more streets to play.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-22-2016 , 02:09 PM
Really appreciate you taking the time to answer that even though it's not a functionality issue. Congrats and good luck with this going forward.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-22-2016 , 03:53 PM
Are EVs transitive? For instance, if I solve a river spot using sizes A and B, with B being nearly the only size which is actually bet; then solve the same spot using sizes B and C, with C being the only size which is actually bet, does it follow that size C is better than size A, and solving with sizes C and A will see size C bet nearly always?

Edit: I think the answer is 'usually yes, but not necessarily'.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-22-2016 , 04:47 PM
on the basic version it doesn't solve the flop.

When I want to solve turn&river what range should I enter for hero & villian? Should it be the preflop starting ranges or should they be only the assumed ranges that make it to the turn?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-22-2016 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by mattdonk
on the basic version it doesn't solve the flop.

When I want to solve turn&river what range should I enter for hero & villian? Should it be the preflop starting ranges or should they be only the assumed ranges that make it to the turn?
The ranges which reach the turn. And note, it's not 'hero' and 'villain' but 'IP' and 'OOP'.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-22-2016 , 09:24 PM
Are EVs transitive? For instance, if I solve a river spot using sizes A and B, with B being nearly the only size which is actually bet; then solve the same spot using sizes B and C, with C being the only size which is actually bet, does it follow that size C is better than size A, and solving with sizes C and A will see size C bet nearly always?

Edit: I think the answer is 'usually yes, but not necessarily'.
That's correct. If I understand you correctly there is no fundamental reason for it to apply although it's very likely in practice.

on the basic version it doesn't solve the flop.
It of course solve the flop in the basic version. Please watch the quick start video here:

It walks you through a simple tree and most important functionality.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-23-2016 , 03:46 PM
We are publishing a bugfix release for PioSOLVER.

Some urgent things were fixed. There is also a new feature, you can now change turn cards while on the river without clicking back and forth through the tree by using ctrl + shift + arrows. Like here:

More about the fixes here:

As usual run your updater and you should get both the solver and the viewer at 1.8.2 version.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-23-2016 , 04:53 PM
The documentation for the text interface (UPI) was updated as well, here.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-23-2016 , 09:03 PM

I have just stars using piosolver preflop.
How can I change a solved gto range than see what happens?
Like GTO sb hu 10bb limp/folds 70%. i wanna change it to 75% like create a fix sb range and than wanna see how bb plays now.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-23-2016 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by possimpible

I have just stars using piosolver preflop.
How can I change a solved gto range than see what happens?
Like GTO sb hu 10bb limp/folds 70%. i wanna change it to 75% like create a fix sb range and than wanna see how bb plays now.
I have just started *
I cant edit my message
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-24-2016 , 12:12 AM
could you help me? Ah5d is called ott and then is missing otr. range explorer shows 0.4847 weight otr thou??

PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-24-2016 , 02:11 AM
I have just stars using piosolver preflop.
How can I change a solved gto range than see what happens?
Like GTO sb hu 10bb limp/folds 70%. i wanna change it to 75% like create a fix sb range and than wanna see how bb plays now.
You can use node-locking and solve again. Like here:

There is also combo-locking in this release (you can lock specific combos to be always folds for example):
(point 12, see the video description)

could you help me? Ah5d is called ott and then is missing otr. range explorer shows 0.4847 weight otr thou??
It's a display bug in 1.8.0. Please update to 1.8.2
As noted in the release notes 3 posts above:

The range was shown incorrectly in some rare cases (some hands in range weren't reported). This bug also caused Range Explorer to sometimes report incorrect sum of the combos. It was purely a display error but nevertheless quite a serious one.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-24-2016 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
You can use node-locking and solve again. Like here:

There is also combo-locking in this release (you can lock specific combos to be always folds for example):
(point 12, see the video description)

I have used node locking postflop and it worked well.
Now when i click on node locking it writes: "Setting and locking strategy doesnt make sense on incomplete tree."
I have the trees from the packs. Sorry if my question is fishy
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-24-2016 , 03:10 PM
I have used node locking postflop and it worked well.
Now when i click on node locking it writes: "Setting and locking strategy doesnt make sense on incomplete tree."
I have the trees from the packs. Sorry if my question is fishy
Unfortunately node-locking only works on full trees. Once rivers (or turns) are no longer there (as is the case in a small save) the solver isn't able to re-calculate EVs or solve from a given point because for that the whole tree is needed.
PioCloud ships small saves instead of full trees as full trees would often be 100GB or bigger (per tree, so the whole pack could be several TB).

The way to experiment with node-locking preflop is to make your own tree, possibly a partial one using preflop ranges you already know to be good (for example from a pack) and use node-locking on such tree.

For example you could make a tree where button always raises with a pre-defined range (which you take from a pack), then BB 3bets with a range you want and then you solve from there. It really depends on the use case and what you want to do.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-25-2016 , 10:07 AM
I want to make a purchase but I plan on replacing my desktop soon, should I wait or would it not be a problem (able to just deactivate one license and reactivate a new one)?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-25-2016 , 11:25 AM
I want to make a purchase but I plan on replacing my desktop soon, should I wait or would it not be a problem (able to just deactivate one license and reactivate a new one)?
It's not a problem. You can either do it yourself, like here: (point 5)

or email us with your registration key and we will reset it for you.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-25-2016 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Unfortunately node-locking only works on full trees. Once rivers (or turns) are no longer there (as is the case in a small save) the solver isn't able to re-calculate EVs or solve from a given point because for that the whole tree is needed.
PioCloud ships small saves instead of full trees as full trees would often be 100GB or bigger (per tree, so the whole pack could be several TB).

The way to experiment with node-locking preflop is to make your own tree, possibly a partial one using preflop ranges you already know to be good (for example from a pack) and use node-locking on such tree.

For example you could make a tree where button always raises with a pre-defined range (which you take from a pack), then BB 3bets with a range you want and then you solve from there. It really depends on the use case and what you want to do.

I want to analyze how BB range changes if SB limp/fold to shove more than optimal 7bb effective.

I forced sb to limp 7bb gto range from the pack.
It should work like this?
And when i build the tree it wrote " Its not a complete tree". Its a problem?
I know its not complete because after root it cant fold or raise just limp

Last edited by possimpible; 02-25-2016 at 01:45 PM.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-25-2016 , 01:56 PM
I have a different solution, but i only used a 10 flop subset, i dont have enough memory for now.
R 70 = 49 R20 = 7,5 Check = 43
The solution in the gto pack = R70= 41 R20= 11,5 Check= 47,5

This happens only because the small flop subset?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-25-2016 , 02:00 PM
And when i build the tree it wrote " Its not a complete tree". Its a problem?
I know its not complete because after root it cant fold or raise just limp
It's just a warning, you can disable it.

I have a different solution, but i only used a 10 flop subset, i dont have enough memory for now.
R 70 = 49 R20 = 7,5 Check = 43
The solution in the gto pack = R70= 41 R20= 11,5 Check= 47,5

This happens only because the small flop subset?
There are three possible reasons:

1)different postflop play
2)different flop subset (and yeah, with small ones it can be all around)
3)different accuracy (although once you hit ~2-3bb/100 it should be very similar)
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-26-2016 , 02:29 AM
hi punter, great job with 1.8 is awesome, I really love the new flop selector feature and see a lot of potential for it so I wanted to share my thoughts:

1- please add a Scroll or paging to it, if you have many flops in the same folder is impossible to see them all listed and even if you start filtering for say Axx if you have many Axx trees you won't be able to see them all.

2- include some checkbox/filters at the top like: Rainbow/Two Tone/Monotone in order to simplify the search

3-Use this flop selector as a flop creator tool in the flop generator for scripts, so that instead of creating complete random flops we can use some parameters like: Monotone/Raibow/TwoTone or Axx, KQx, etc... this is sueful if I wanted to look only at some type flops like KJx two tone it will be very easy to have the flop generator tool create them instead of manually typing all of them.

4-This flop selector can also be used for the multiple file aggregation tool and so instead of having the agregation do all flops in a single folder users could just use the flop selector to choose the flops of interest like "ok I wanna aggregate all Axx flops in this folder"...

Also the suit selector excluding feature is also very cool but I think it would be more powerful if it can work together with the including one, example: if you want all combos with a high card spade and low card no spade then you include the top spade and exclude the bottom one in the selector, that would be better or just using a 4x4 matrix to simplify suit selection and have all posibilities available.

ohh and a big +1 to change the stratgies from chip value to % in the browser and finally I think there is a bug with the scroll in the browser when you have many bet sizings as it bounce back to the top after you release it

that's all so thank you very much for an awesome tool, I'm an Edge user and I totally recomend this software.

Last edited by M_Acevedo; 02-26-2016 at 02:53 AM.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-26-2016 , 06:45 AM
I am not able to cut lines in 1.8.2 basic version and gets an error message that no nodes are selected. I was able to cut lines in version 1.6.x the exact same way.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-26-2016 , 11:21 AM
is there any benefit of having an I7 6700k over an I5 6600k for the basic version (uses 4 threads) besides for the very minor clock speed increases?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-26-2016 , 11:57 AM
hi punter, great job with 1.8 is awesome, I really love the new flop selector feature and see a lot of potential for it so I wanted to share my thoughts:
Your suggestions are very reasonable, thanks

Also the suit selector excluding feature is also very cool but I think it would be more powerful if it can work together with the including one, example: if you want all combos with a high card spade and low card no spade then you include the top spade and exclude the bottom one in the selector, that would be better
This already works, try it!

I am not able to cut lines in 1.8.2 basic version and gets an error message that no nodes are selected. I was able to cut lines in version 1.6.x the exact same way.
We are already aware of this bug. Until the next batch of fixes comes, here is the workaround:

1)navigate to the node you want to cut
2)notice the NodeID in the left upper corner (you can right click to copy-paste it), it will look like this: r:0:b90:c
3)hit ctrl+b to open a solver console
"cut_line NodeID" (without quotes and substituting NodeID with the specific nodeID you get in point 2)

This way it will remove the line starting from specified node.

is there any benefit of having an I7 6700k over an I5 6600k for the basic version (uses 4 threads) besides for the very minor clock speed increases?
While I didn't test those specific CPUs I would expect a significant difference because:
1)usually you can approximate speed quite well by number of cores * frequency as long as the CPUs are from the same/similar generation
2)the basic version is compiled to use 6 threads these days so there is a slight bonus for having an i7 over i5 even in there

Using 1) you get 3.5 * 4 for an i5 and 4*4 for an i7 or 1.14x faster. Point 2) should provide additional ~5% difference which might end up being about 20% total difference.
While you can never be sure if you don't test I think that should be quite a good estimation.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
02-28-2016 , 05:26 AM
Trying out the free version.

Am I screwing this up? All that happens no matter what turn config is it suggests to 50% check and 50% bet every single hand in both players ranges???
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
