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PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem

01-15-2020 , 03:29 AM
Can you import Simple Preflop preflop ranges ( bin file format).
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-15-2020 , 06:45 PM
Hi Piosolver team.

I haven't used your software for some time and I would like to calculate a strategy in a spot vs the population of players in my pool using your preflop software. I get 3b ~x% of the time from SB and would like to nodelock a linear range of ~x% with the remainder folding. This seems straightforward but grateful if you would let me know whether I can skip any steps or if I am doing anything incorrectly.

My process, following preparing and building a gto tree, is as follows: I input my ~x% range into the "RAISE" section of the strategies box in the "Lock strategy in node" popout window. I can then invert my ~x% range, copy it, then paste it into the "FOLD" strategies box. In the "FOLD" section I would grey it out to 0% range and then I would set each of the three strategies to fixed. I would then lock all hands at the bottom of the "Lock strategy in node" popout window.

Realistically, there is flatting in the SB though. As a follow up to the above, if I were to add a flatting range of a number of hands surrounding the 3b range, which would not interfere with the 3b range, would that change BTN's response to the 3b at all? I would think not as once the SB 3b we are only interested in what happens from there on range on range, but grateful if you would confirm. If this is true I think I may be able to lock the 3b range in the "RAISE" section and that same range in the lock section at the bottom of the "Lock strategy in node" popout window only, avoiding having to mess around with the "CALL" and "FOLD" strategies, which I would leave set at proportional.

Many thanks.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-16-2020 , 02:00 PM
Hey Pio,

Can someone help me? I emailed support, but got no answer -

I have a new computer, but I don't have access to old email.
I have the PayPal invoice though.

I figured I could just deactivate it and just transfer my files and I would be good. But not without a key
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-17-2020 , 03:17 PM
Is there going to be any interesting update in the near future?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-17-2020 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
It will work but it's not recommended because:

1)the trees are very big (as big as in RAM so that can be 50GB+ on your hard driver)
2)they are very slow to save/load
3)the preflop solver doesn't remember the state exactly when stopped so stopping/restarting won't be as precise as just running it in one go
Grateful if you would let me know whether this is still true in respect of 3.

Many thanks.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-18-2020 , 11:41 AM

I am getting a strange error message when I run "aggregated reports":
show_children/incorrect treeWhen trying to execute the following command:show_children r:0:c:b28:c3d:c:b113:c:3h:b396
The report in question is for a 60-flop, "full saves" simulation. The error occurs after about 1/2 of the included flops have been processed.

Please advise, thanks.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-18-2020 , 11:59 AM
Still another error, in a separate set of 60-flop, "full saves":
Incorrect node type
When trying to execute the following command:
load tree "E:\river_calls_ip_raise\3sTsAd.cfr
Help, please ....
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-18-2020 , 11:06 PM
Anyone using a good MacBook Pro quad core 16gb ram that wants to share experience running Pio with either parallel or bootcamp. Which one is better?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-20-2020 , 05:17 AM
I wasn't aware of this. Will pio eventually be updated to make use of 64/128 and beyond, and what are your thoughts on the timeframe for this?
It's not a priority but I might be getting 64core one myself and then the issue will be annoying me every day which increases chances of it being resolved.
The thing is that I expected the compiler team to fix it but they have limited resources as well and don't see it as a priority (we use GCC under MINGW). I don't think they will fix it anymore so we need to change the implementation and take care of it ourselves.
It works fine on Linux with the same code but under Windows it doesn't.

Can you import Simple Preflop preflop ranges ( bin file format).
We can't as it's non-public binary format. This is the reason we made all our ranges/tree configs as a readable .txt files so any developer can import our ranges to their software if they so please (as many have done in the past).
We implemented functionality so that you can copy-paste their range format (the same some other software uses as well) but that's all we were able to do about it.

My process, following preparing and building a gto tree, is as follows: I input my ~x% range into the "RAISE" section of the strategies box in the "Lock strategy in node" popout window. I can then invert my ~x% range, copy it, then paste it into the "FOLD" strategies box. In the "FOLD" section I would grey it out to 0% range and then I would set each of the three strategies to fixed. I would then lock all hands at the bottom of the "Lock strategy in node" popout window.
It might be better to just use smaller starting range (without hands that fold) and don't include fold option in the tree you are building. No node-locking is needed then.

if I were to add a flatting range of a number of hands surrounding the 3b range, which would not interfere with the 3b range, would that change BTN's response to the 3b at all?
Assuming 3b range stays the same it wouldn't.

Can someone help me? I emailed support, but got no answer -

I have a new computer, but I don't have access to old email.
I have the PayPal invoice though.
I think we resolved it today after a few emails exchanged. I was asnwering quickly before and didn't understand your issue. Apologies for that.
Grateful if you would let me know whether this is still true in respect of 3.
Yes. It will be fixed in the future (we've already fixed it in dev).

I am getting a strange error message when I run "aggregated reports":
Is it possible you have trees from different configs in the same folder? It looks like the tool is trying to find a line you are running the report in in one of the saved trees and is unable to. This is usually caused by saves from different configs being located in the same folder.

Anyone using a good MacBook Pro quad core 16gb ram that wants to share experience running Pio with either parallel or bootcamp. Which one is better?
Feel free to ask this on our Discord server as well.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-20-2020 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235

Yes. It will be fixed in the future (we've already fixed it in dev).
Thanks for the response. For optimum accuracy, should I be rebuilding the tree before each solve? For example, if I were to solve for a scenario such as SB 3b vs hero button open, but then I wanted to edit SB's response to a 4b jam, would it be accurate if I were to run with the new SB range immediately after the first solve? Would it be better to make note of the results for the first solve, rebuild tree and then nodelock SB's expected tighter or looser response before I begin the solve?

Many thanks.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-20-2020 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
It's not a priority but I might be getting 64core one myself and then the issue will be annoying me every day which increases chances of it being resolved.
The thing is that I expected the compiler team to fix it but they have limited resources as well and don't see it as a priority (we use GCC under MINGW). I don't think they will fix it anymore so we need to change the implementation and take care of it ourselves.
It works fine on Linux with the same code but under Windows it doesn't.
Thanks Punter!
Please keep us posted on this front- I'll likely delay upgrading my computer until then.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 01:06 AM

when i try to copy paste ranges directly in the piosolver console (using the set_range command), the length is often bigger than the max character limit.
If the input is made through a script it is working however. Any work around to do the input by hand ?

thank you
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 04:24 AM

when i try to copy paste ranges directly in the piosolver console (using the set_range command), the length is often bigger than the max character limit.
If the input is made through a script it is working however. Any work around to do the input by hand ?

thank you
1)Paste to notepad, save and call load_script command
2)Use some CMD replacement which doesn't have character limit as this is not a limition of Pio but one of the console. I can't recommend anything as I use raw CMD myself but I've heard CMDer is popular and good
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 09:08 AM
Having a weird problem, I ran a script with a small bet on the flop, then I ran the same script with the force oop bet checked, the ev of the forced bet was way lower, even on boards that is almost betting range anyway. If I load the tree with out the forced bet and then click forced bet and run it again the ev is much closer to what I would expect, but when I load the tree with the forced bet ticked and run it again, the ev is still very low. All the bet sizes/pot sizes/tree is the same.

I feel like I must be doing something stupid but I cant work it out, any idea what it could be?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Ihooper88
Having a weird problem, I ran a script with a small bet on the flop, then I ran the same script with the force oop bet checked, the ev of the forced bet was way lower, even on boards that is almost betting range anyway. If I load the tree with out the forced bet and then click forced bet and run it again the ev is much closer to what I would expect, but when I load the tree with the forced bet ticked and run it again, the ev is still very low. All the bet sizes/pot sizes/tree is the same.

I feel like I must be doing something stupid but I cant work it out, any idea what it could be?

These 2 trees are exactly the same and look at the ev for OOP.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 11:18 AM
These 2 trees are exactly the same and look at the ev for OOP.
The way to share trees is to copy-paste the config. You can get it by clicking "copy to clipboard" button. If you are copying here please use [ code ] [ /code ] tags (without spaces inside) so it doesn't take all the space. You can alternatively upload it and link.
I won't comment on screenshots. Not all treebuilding options are visible on them and it's too likely I make a mistake when trying to read it anyway.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 11:49 AM
#Board#Qs Ts 2d
#TurnConfig.BetSize#66 125
#TurnConfig.RaiseSize#50 5x
#RiverConfig.BetSize#66 175
#RiverConfig.RaiseSize#50 5x
#TurnConfigIP.BetSize#66 125
#TurnConfigIP.RaiseSize#50 5x
#RiverConfigIP.BetSize#66 175
#RiverConfigIP.RaiseSize#50 5x
#Board#Qs Ts 2d
#TurnConfig.BetSize#66 125
#TurnConfig.RaiseSize#50 5x
#RiverConfig.BetSize#66 175
#RiverConfig.RaiseSize#50 5x
#TurnConfigIP.BetSize#66 125
#TurnConfigIP.RaiseSize#50 5x
#RiverConfigIP.BetSize#66 175
#RiverConfigIP.RaiseSize#50 5x
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 03:17 PM
One of those trees includes rake while the other doesn't. That explains the difference in EVs.
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:05 PM
My full saves are coming in a little over 1GB. I'd like to save these to access later. What's the best way to store them?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:27 PM
Q - when running scripts for the purpose of analysing flop cbetting frequencies in SRP 100bb deep, how relevant is adding full complexity for later streets in terms of getting useful results? e.g. is it still important to add in 3-4 bet sizes on turn/river and say a turn donk, or can I get away with less than this?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-22-2020 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by BenR
Anyone using a good MacBook Pro quad core 16gb ram that wants to share experience running Pio with either parallel or bootcamp. Which one is better?
@punter11235 From your experience do you think a good 2020 matchbook pro using parallel would do just fine to run piosolver? Can I expect good speed with this kind of laptop?
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-22-2020 , 04:59 AM
My full saves are coming in a little over 1GB. I'd like to save these to access later. What's the best way to store them?
I don't know. Those are really big, in general we recommend making small saves instead. If you however are set on storing full saves and you plan to make a lot of them I would look into possibly cheap big harddrives (like 2TB ones or 4TB ones).

Q - when running scripts for the purpose of analysing flop cbetting frequencies in SRP 100bb deep, how relevant is adding full complexity for later streets in terms of getting useful results? e.g. is it still important to add in 3-4 bet sizes on turn/river and say a turn donk, or can I get away with less than this?
My experience is that it's not important. You just need to include one reasonable bet size.
You can of course run some experiments to verify that the difference in cbetting frequency doesn't vary much if you add more bet sizes. While doing it you might also discover which option on the turn/river is important to add.

@punter11235 From your experience do you think a good 2020 matchbook pro using parallel would do just fine to run piosolver? Can I expect good speed with this kind of laptop?
We have many customers doing that. Macbooks have decent hardware in general and you will be able to designate most of the resources to parallels (I think if you get quad core and 16GB of RAM you will be bale to use 6 threads and 12GB in Parallels). On the other hand Macbooks have known cooling issues. They are just not designed to run at nearly 100% CPU for a long time. You might need a cooling pad to avoid performance deteriorating due to heat.
I don't have hands on experience with it so it's really a good idea to find someone who actually have. Macbooks are terrible value when it comes to performance/$ but I understand people buy them for other reasons like slick look, being light, decent OS and integration with iPhones. If you are planning Pio dedicated machine though it's the best to buy a desktop for 50% of the price and 4x better performance
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-22-2020 , 05:06 AM
HI, In which pictures is EV of bet with my range? the image where I click on check or the second picture where I click on BET 2?

BTW: To find out which sizing is better on flop I have to fill in turn and river sizings or enough flop sizing?


PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-22-2020 , 01:41 PM
When I try to load files from the PioCash database, the following error message appears,

file was pulled from link in PioSolver blog, location here,
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
01-23-2020 , 04:47 AM
HI, In which pictures is EV of bet with my range? the image where I click on check or the second picture where I click on BET 2?

BTW: To find out which sizing is better on flop I have to fill in turn and river sizings or enough flop sizing?

If you want to see EV of your betting range you need to go to the node after the bet is made that is screenshot number 2.
You need to fill both turn and river sizings if you are looking for reliable flop information. You probably don't need too detailed a structure on turn/river though.

When I try to load files from the PioCash database, the following error message appears,

file was pulled from link in PioSolver blog, location here,
Is it possible you are using an old version of Pio?
You can get the newest one running the installer from here:
PioSOLVER - postflop equilibrium solver for Holdem Quote
