somehow the rebuyscript (i just want partytools to click auto rebuy at all open tables im running) and the reduce BU in the betscipt section arent working for me. any1 else? i think i configurated everything right but stilll not working!
can somebody plz post excact configuration details?
The biggest introduction is the SnG Session Manager. It lets you constantly play a predefined amount of SnG-tables. It opens new tables automatically and closes finished tables with the help of predefined user-profiles. And it gives you realtime overview of your running SnGs in a table, shows the payed rake.
Hey, I want to inform you that since the last PartyPoker update, PartyTools will not work 100%. The hotkeys will not work and betscript as well. Scanner should work. FreePHG has to get updated as well and I can update PartyTools at the earliest at sunday, because I am not at home for some days.
Sorry for the trouble, - Alex
Update: Workarround for FreePHG:
FPHG available - Page 69 - Free Software -- Two Plus Two Poker Forums