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Party EzCASH Party EzCASH

12-05-2013 , 02:37 AM
^^^ PM sent
Party EzCASH Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:48 PM

* Added Borgata Poker
Party EzCASH Quote
12-09-2013 , 10:49 PM
I'll be unavailable for email, PM for a few days while I move house and get the internet hooked up etc.

Will answer emails as soon as possible.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-13-2013 , 05:12 AM
I'm using the free trial until you're finished with your move. Can't wait to use it on bigger stakes. It's working quite well on Borgata, but there are just a few minor issues. Not sure if it's user error, issues that are specific to Borgata, or what.

Here is what I haven't gotten working:

The "Remove window title and border" functions don't seem to be persistent. When I retile or open a new table, they seem to come back (I would like to remove the window title and bottom bar if possible).

The "Close Table" hotkey doesn't seem to work. It lets me set a hotkey, but then it doesn't close the active table (or any table) when I press it. This would be especially needed if I'm eventually able to remove the window title because I don't see how to close a table otherwise.

Depending on the position of my table, if I use the range tool, it positions it such that half of it is hanging over onto my other monitor, and the gap in between makes it unusable. Any way to affect the positioning of this?

It says that Auto-Tile Tables only works with the classic layout. Borgata only has the modern layout. Is there a way to set a hotkey that does the same thing as selecting "Tile Tables" from the menu in the Borgata client? I guess I can use the table planner instead, but having them auto-tile seems the easiest way to go.

Party EzCASH Quote
12-13-2013 , 10:41 PM
Back online for registrations/email etc.

Hopefully can get to any issues in a couple of days.

Never moving house again
Party EzCASH Quote
12-14-2013 , 02:21 AM
Not adding another issue because I'm unhappy. The software is great, and it's improved my playing experience tremendously.

Having said that, another thing I noticed: Tonight I tried setting up a table plan, but the first slot I tried to set showed a width of 767 and a height of 809. An image capture shows it to actually be 800 wide and 566 high. The X and Y seems wrong also, although I don't know what it was using as a zero point. It showed X = -965 and Y = 214. The table was in the upper left corner of my primary monitor (which is to the right of my secondary monitor). I would think X would be either 0 or 1280 (the width in pixels of my secondary monitor) and Y would be 0.

Either using a table plan or just having a working hotkey for tiling would work for me. When I have several tables open, it's hard to choose "Tile Tables" from the Borgata client menu because a table usually steals focus which closes the menu dropdowns before I have a chance to click it.

Thanks. No hurry, though. Take care of your move.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-15-2013 , 09:42 PM
Hi Eponymous,

Try 6-4-A11, it should have more functions working, hotkeys that weren't etc.

I took a look at Borgata and was able to get a running SNG open.

The table planner takes the table sizes from how you set slot 1 (only one size), do you use a variety of sizes by chance? If not, how did you go about setting it? You need to place the table where you want it, press 'set slot' and immediately move your mouse above the table, then wait for the numbers to appear in the GUI.

The X and Y seems wrong also, although I don't know what it was using as a zero point. It showed X = -965 and Y = 214. The table was in the upper left corner of my primary monitor
I'm guessing you've got your cables in reverse in the video card, you would just need to unplug them, swap and reset which is the primary monitor in control panel, then it will read as 0,0 on the left monitor. That's an autohotkey issue I think although it's probably not disturbing the layout, but hard as the user to work out what's going on.

Let me know what still isn't working with A11. Is this skin for NJ residents only including play money?

Last edited by HighSteaks; 12-15-2013 at 09:49 PM.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-16-2013 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
Hi Eponymous,

Try 6-4-A11, it should have more functions working, hotkeys that weren't etc.
Yes, more things are working (and maybe some already were and I learned better how to use them). Close Table hotkey works now. Positioning windows works for most (and probably all relevant) things: Party lobby, PT4 HH, PT4 notes, Party hand replayer. Remove window top bar and bottom bar works.

I took a look at Borgata and was able to get a running SNG open.
You were able to open the Borgata client and observe a SNG table? I didn't realize that would be possible from outside NJ. I suppose that lets you test some things but not all.

The table planner takes the table sizes from how you set slot 1 (only one size), do you use a variety of sizes by chance? If not, how did you go about setting it? You need to place the table where you want it, press 'set slot' and immediately move your mouse above the table, then wait for the numbers to appear in the GUI.
Thank you for this direction. It was user error on my part. I didn't move the cursor back over to the table, so I was getting the position and size of the Party EzCASH window (correctly positioned with negative numbers and all). Now that I know what I'm doing, I like the way this works very much.

I'm guessing you've got your cables in reverse in the video card, you would just need to unplug them, swap and reset which is the primary monitor in control panel, then it will read as 0,0 on the left monitor. That's an autohotkey issue I think although it's probably not disturbing the layout, but hard as the user to work out what's going on.
It does read 0,0 where I expected it now that I'm using it correctly . My primary monitor upper left is 0,0, and the X coordinates on my secondary monitor are negative (because of my arrangement), and it works fine that way. Sorry for the false alarm on this. Slot switching hotkey works too, btw (I use right click for check-fold, at least until I start using an XBOX controller in a couple days).

Setting up and using table plans is a breeze. I love it. But I do have a feature request that would be great: Have the highlighted table automatically become a larger size. I realize this is a significant change, but it would be so useful. I would pay extra for this. There would be another height/width definition, and each slot would have its alternate location for when it's larger. Or have one location defined for all tables that the selcted table pops over to when it's larger (but I'd much prefer the former).

Let me know what still isn't working with A11.
I couldn't get Lobby Min Max Toggle or Pause Party EzCASH to work. The program did pause sometimes as I tried to set the hotkey, but pressing the hotkey I assigned wasn't working to toggle between pause/un-paused. I had to close and re-start the program to get it working again. I didn't try Assign Note Color.

This isn't a huge deal, but it clicks time bank right away instead of after some seconds have passed. I'm thinking that when people see in the chat window that I always activate my time bank, they'll probably know i'm using software like this (or else they just think I'm weird for always clicking time bank, even right before I insta-muck - lol).

Is this skin for NJ residents only including play money?
It is for people physically located in NJ only (you don't have to be a resident, though), and I'm pretty that's true for play money as well. I haven't heard any of the people who haven't been able to play yet because of geolocation problems say that they were able to play on the play money tables. If you need someone to try out features to see if they work, I'd be happy to help. Just send PM or email.

Thanks for your effort in making this work for us NJ folks. I hope you get a lot of sales here.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-16-2013 , 07:24 PM
But I do have a feature request that would be great: Have the highlighted table automatically become a larger size.
Every time I've tried something like this I found Party doesn't draw the window in a 'snappy' enough fashion like Stars or FTP. That means you're left waiting for the window to re-size each time, becomes more of a PITA than it's worth.

Do you ever stack? If you have, take a look at plan 1 in the stacking section of Party EzCASH - it makes a main slot and 3 'big hand' slots (all controlled by one hotkey with auto return at hand completion). You can keep folding junk hands in the stack if the big hand is the most urgent. That way there is only 4 slots and you can have bigger windows, just a thought. Give it a go on play money.

Pause Party EzCASH
Keep your eye on the tray icon when you use it, that tells you the key state - the icon is green when normal, red when paused.

This isn't a huge deal, but it clicks time bank right away instead of after some seconds have passed.
Look in the behavior menu up the top. Try 5 seconds after action pending.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-16-2013 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
Every time I've tried something like this I found Party doesn't draw the window in a 'snappy' enough fashion like Stars or FTP. That means you're left waiting for the window to re-size each time, becomes more of a PITA than it's worth.
I was wondering if that might be the case. I noticed Party is a little slow in redrawing them if I change sizes or something.

Do you ever stack? If you have, take a look at plan 1 in the stacking section of Party EzCASH - it makes a main slot and 3 'big hand' slots (all controlled by one hotkey with auto return at hand completion). You can keep folding junk hands in the stack if the big hand is the most urgent. That way there is only 4 slots and you can have bigger windows, just a thought. Give it a go on play money.
I haven't stacked yet. As of now, I haven't played enough tables to make stacking something to consider. It wasn't easy for me to play more than 4 before I got your software, but now I'll be able to add more. I was thinking my HUD numbers will get too small if the window gets too small, but I'll try stacking and see how I like it.

Keep your eye on the tray icon when you use it, that tells you the key state - the icon is green when normal, red when paused.
I didn't notice the one time the software seemed to pause because most of my tray icons are hidden. Now that I unhid the EzCASH tray icons, I can't reproduce it. It never pauses for me. I've successfully set many other hotkeys, so I don't think it's because I messed up.

Look in the behavior menu up the top. Try 5 seconds after action pending.
I changed the setting, and I'll see how that works next session. Thanks.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-16-2013 , 08:06 PM
I've successfully set many other hotkeys, so I don't think it's because I messed up.
Those keys in that section are keys that work from anywhere on the desktop (not specific to Party) so maybe the key has a native function and it won't override it. Try with a letter as the hotkey and see if it works - if it does, find a key that's good for you that does the job.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-16-2013 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
Those keys in that section are keys that work from anywhere on the desktop (not specific to Party) so maybe the key has a native function and it won't override it. Try with a letter as the hotkey and see if it works - if it does, find a key that's good for you that does the job.
Well I have to say that it looks like it probably was working all along. I can set any key I want including the ones I didn't think were working. I only had the EZ icon unhidden, but now I've unhidden both and I see it's the logo icon that turns red. Thanks and sorry for the trouble.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-16-2013 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Well I have to say that it looks like it probably was working all along. I can set any key I want including the ones I didn't think were working. I only had the EZ icon unhidden, but now I've unhidden both and I see it's the logo icon that turns red. Thanks and sorry for the trouble.
No worries, just let me know if you need any help
Party EzCASH Quote
12-17-2013 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by eduargentina
No. I want to play only with the gamepad. I dont know how configure the direction up, down, left & right of the gamepad

For ex, I want will the direction "up" of joystick to operate like bet 75%, direction down like bet 50%...
I haven't seen a solution to this posted in this thread, so I'm gathering that there is no way to accomplish the bolded part on an XBOX 360 controller directly with EzCASH. The autohotkey website says that the joysticks cannot be used as hotkeys. I am using one of them for cursor control using a separate script. And I am using the D-pad as 4 hotkeys for preset bets, but I would like to use the right joystick for increasing or decreasing bet sizes (by BB in one axis and by % in the other) or for moving between selected tables (I know urgent table is automatically selected, but I still like moving between them). Is this possible? If not, I'll use the D-pad for this purpose instead.

If this can't be done directly, it seems the joystick can be remapped to send keystrokes using this script, then map those keystrokes into EzCASH. With a slight mod to this script, the analog triggers should also be able to be remapped as keystrokes. I would also use the triggers for either increasing/decreasing betting or changing the highlighted table (which ever one I don't use the joystick for).

Is there a reason this wouldn't work? (having an AHK script output a keystroke that would then be picked up as a hotkey by EzCASH) If this isn't known, I'll give it a shot and report back.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-17-2013 , 07:24 PM
The gamepad abbreviations are called Joy, so your gamepad has numbers on it and it's Joy1 or whatever that you put into Party EzCASH.

Look on this page under the 'Joystick' heading for all the info.

Party EzCASH Quote
12-17-2013 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
The gamepad abbreviations are called Joy, so your gamepad has numbers on it and it's Joy1 or whatever that you put into Party EzCASH.

Look on this page under the 'Joystick' heading for all the info.

Yes, I'm using Joy1, Joy2, etc., for all the buttons. But the analog sticks and the analog triggers are not mapped to a Joy# button because they are represented by a range of values, such as X000 - X100 (with X50 being the center state). But scripts have been written to translate a push of an analog stick in a particular direction to output a keypress, so I'm going to try to use such a script and the resulting keypress output as a hotkey input for EzCASH.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-18-2013 , 02:16 AM
Try as I might, I could't accomplish what I wanted with the analog stick in conjunction with EzCASH. I wrote/modified a script to turn right stick into keypresses for the up, down, left, and right arrows, and it works fine on its own. For example, it moves the cell cursor around quickly and easily in Excel. However, EzCASH doesn't interpret the output of that script as the actual keypresses. It will still use the actual arrow keys, but it ignores that my script is sending arrow keypresses.

So I guess that just leaves me with a feature request: You could capture the analog stick movements directly in your software similar to the way my script uses the AutoHotKey function GetKeyState, and then use that information to perform the desired function without a hotkey middleman. So instead of converting a right push on the joystick to a Right arrow key, it could just execute the EzCASH function Cycle Forward / Right directly.

Btw, the D-Pad on the controller is also in the same boat. There aren't hotkeys directly associated with it, so it also needs to be interpreted by something like GetKeyState to turn it into a hotkey equivalent.

If anyone has gotten the analog parts of an XBOX controller to work with this software, I'd like to hear how they did it. I have the one stick working as a mouse at the same time EzCASH is running, but I'm really looking to have a stick (and other analog items like the triggers) control the EzCASH functions themselves.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-18-2013 , 06:09 PM
I don't use a gamepad and don't know much about this TBH - I assume you've heard of XPadder, is this something it can't handle either?

At the risk of sounding like a baller, why not get a Logitech gamepad for poker - 15 bux.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-18-2013 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
I don't use a gamepad and don't know much about this TBH - I assume you've heard of XPadder, is this something it can't handle either?

At the risk of sounding like a baller, why not get a Logitech gamepad for poker - 15 bux.
Even though Xpadder is only $10, I don't want to buy that and find out it's going to have the same problem. I'm not sure EzCASH will read the output of Xpadder (although it may, which is why I was asking in this thread if anyone has solved this). It may behave just like it does with my AHK script. The script as I modified it seems to do everything Xpadder does, unless the output of Xpadder can be used as hotkey inputs to another piece of software (yours in this case).

I guess I didn't realize there would be issues before I bought the Xbox controller, so I'll stick with it for now. EzCASH is still great to use even without the use of a lot of the controller. I can use the "bumper" buttons to increase and decrease bets, and the four colored buttons for check, fold, call, bet/raise. And instead of having more hotkeys available directly on the controller (with the sticks), I can use the keyboard numpad for additional functions that don't occur as often.

I have to say, though, that the ability to use the whole controller would be a great addition to your software. I just tried another product similar to yours that works on WSOP/888 in NJ, and it uses the whole controller. That part of their software is perfect, although EzCASH has other advantages, especially in the area of preset bets, which I love. It's great having 3X + X per limper, proper size 3bets, etc., preloaded in the betting box. Auto-highlighting the urgent table is also a big plus of your software. Add full controller capability, and it would be just about perfect (especially if you adapted it to other platforms beyond Party).
Party EzCASH Quote
12-18-2013 , 09:22 PM
I know XPadder will work with Party EzCASH, it's if the XBOX controller works with XPadder I think - they have a forum, maybe ask/look on there if it's going to work. Make a post, explain the problem and see what they say.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
I know XPadder will work with Party EzCASH, it's if the XBOX controller works with XPadder I think - they have a [+URL=""]forum[/URL], maybe ask/look on there if it's going to work. Make a post, explain the problem and see what they say.
Thanks for that advice, and great news! (for me, anyway) It all works now. My script and Party EzCASH work perfectly together (and I'm sure XPadder would as well, as you said). Since you said XPadder works with it and it's basically like an AutoHotkey script (or it is an AHK script), I thought my script should work as well. So I googled "xpadder poker" and found a forum discussion where some folks were using TableNinja with XPadder but it had suddenly stopped working with some update or something. Their issue was resolved when they changed XPadder to run as administrator also. So I compiled my AHK script and made the executable run as administrator, fired up the Borgata client and opened some tables, and my D-Pad was moving the focus to the various tables, and my joystick was increasing the bet sizes and everything.

I am psyched. Just like I suspected, the stick can cycle through bet sizes pretty quickly (but also very smoothly). I'm going to make a mod to my script so that it cycles faster or slower depending on how far I push the stick (something your competitor's software doesn't do, so this is now more perfect ). This made my day! Now if only you had versions of EzCASH for other sites as well...
Party EzCASH Quote
12-19-2013 , 05:16 PM
Cool, let me know how it goes.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-20-2013 , 12:01 AM
Nothing's ever easy. I guess I caught lightning in a bottle that one time when my script was working great with Party EzCASH. I could never reproduce it again, no matter what I tried. It sucks since that means there is probably some combination of things that would make it work.

So I gave in and got XPadder. Nice program to set up. Fired up Party EzCASH and Borgata, and it all worked great. I was happy, so I run PokerTracker to bring up my HUD, and suddenly only the buttons that Party EzCASH reads directly without XPadder's help were still working. The sticks and D-Pad would not work as long as PokerTracker's HUD was up. I also tried closing Party EzCASH. Some of my hotkeys from the sticks are numpad numbers, and they didn't work as long as the HUD was running. When I turned off the HUD, I could type numbers into chat and the bet box using the stick with XPadder. So it's the PT4 HUD that's causing some issue.

I just can't win on this. Not sure what to do, but I'm open for suggestions. I guess I'll try PokerTracker support and see what they know about their HUD and compatibility with XPadder. XPadder's forum says it is compatible with 99.9% of programs. It figures I use the 0.1%.
Party EzCASH Quote
12-20-2013 , 12:03 AM
Running Xpadder as an administrator?
Party EzCASH Quote
12-20-2013 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by HighSteaks
Running Xpadder as an administrator?
Yes, not at first, but then I did and still had the same problem. Same with the PT4 executables. After a google search, I see that others have had the same issue going back years. The last post from PT support on that topic in their forum was that they didn't have an answer. I just posted in their 2+2 support thread to see if they know of anyone that has since solved it.
Party EzCASH Quote
