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NoteCaddy NoteCaddy

02-10-2016 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by pofigistka
Hello, any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm using AJA premium HUD and have been having problems. The badges are not showing on table HUD, however if I click a HUD stat and select a hand which opens the replayer, the badges ARE shown in replayer and then for following few hands show on table HUD. Unfortunately they then vanish.

I have completed the steps outlined in the AJA performance guide pdf, updated HUD/cache settings and rerun notes and made a fresh database with only ~100k hands.

Any other suggestions of things I could try would be very much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Pokerstars took action against certain features of Note Caddy and Holdem Manager complied and banned certain features. If this is the root of your problem these features should work in Holdem Manager Replayer and on every other Poker Site besides Pokerstars/Full Tilt.
NoteCaddy Quote
02-11-2016 , 10:25 AM

I do not like the way NoteCaddy ask if you want to change all your definitions to "Save note History". It is super easy to misclick and if you do it (like me) there is many hours of work to figure out which ones you need to save.

The best would be to have 3 options here and it is important that the arrow moves to "No" as default because it is so easy to mess up (especially with lag)

1. NO
2. For All Definitions
3. For All Definitions in this category.

Sorry if this has been discussed already and thanks for all the great support.
NoteCaddy Quote
02-11-2016 , 01:49 PM
I've joined a new site and started using HEM2's notepad function but I'm gettting a ton of NC notes appearing when I open it, how do I stop this so I only have the notes I have typed appearing?
NoteCaddy Quote
02-12-2016 , 08:57 AM
Thanks, I was playing on another site but using a PS HH converter.
NoteCaddy Quote
02-13-2016 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by albin

I do not like the way NoteCaddy ask if you want to change all your definitions to "Save note History". It is super easy to misclick and if you do it (like me) there is many hours of work to figure out which ones you need to save.

The best would be to have 3 options here and it is important that the arrow moves to "No" as default because it is so easy to mess up (especially with lag)

1. NO
2. For All Definitions
3. For All Definitions in this category.

Sorry if this has been discussed already and thanks for all the great support.
You make a good point and I will take it into consideration. Keep in mind though as a last resort you can grab your definitions from the backup folders NC creates. If you right click any definition in the listing on the right and click "open file location" it will take you to the folder that contains more folders which are backups.

Originally Posted by Husker
I've joined a new site and started using HEM2's notepad function but I'm gettting a ton of NC notes appearing when I open it, how do I stop this so I only have the notes I have typed appearing?
file->settings->hud->maximum amount of notes in the note hud popup = 0
NoteCaddy Quote
02-13-2016 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV

file->settings->hud->maximum amount of notes in the note hud popup = 0
NoteCaddy Quote
02-14-2016 , 04:43 AM
Badges do work on Americas Cardroom, right? I had an issue with my own badges not popping up even though the note was created for it so the badge shoulda appeared.
NoteCaddy Quote
02-15-2016 , 09:01 AM
You can test badges for individual players by clicking tools->player notes in NC. If a badge isn't there you can right click the badge definition in the note/color definition listing (on the right of the software) and click "test" and get an explanation of why a player did not qualify. If a player does qualify and you don't see the badge make sure you have enough NC.OrderedBadge in your HUD.
NoteCaddy Quote
02-16-2016 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
You can test badges for individual players by clicking tools->player notes in NC. If a badge isn't there you can right click the badge definition in the note/color definition listing (on the right of the software) and click "test" and get an explanation of why a player did not qualify. If a player does qualify and you don't see the badge make sure you have enough NC.OrderedBadge in your HUD.
Just finished a session on WPN network and at first badges showed up and kept updating until mid-session where they just stopped updating even though notecaddy was writing notes for it ( i saw the samplesize updating in my popups)

Under Tools --> Player Notes I find the opponent and see under Badges that there are a lot of descriptions which means lots of badges should popup I assume.

When I test a badge and type in the playername it does not find that player in my database somehow. It only shows stars and pacific players but none from WPN.
Thanks for your help!

I just now see that when I open the replayer in hm2 that this opponents Hud shows the correct updated badges. Just weird that they did not update ingame?!

Last edited by coach999; 02-16-2016 at 04:56 AM.
NoteCaddy Quote
02-16-2016 , 03:12 PM
This note will not show any data on live Poker Stars tables due to the fact that you are filtering by hand/or board values.

I take it this means this definition will not show up on my HUD whilst playing but will show up when im going over hands away from the table ?
NoteCaddy Quote
02-16-2016 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
This note will not show any data on live Poker Stars tables due to the fact that you are filtering by hand/or board values.

I take it this means this definition will not show up on my HUD whilst playing but will show up when im going over hands away from the table ?
Correct. The definition will not return data while playing on Stars/Tilt, but will display normally when looking at hands in the replayer away from the tables.
NoteCaddy Quote
02-16-2016 , 03:58 PM
Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
NoteCaddy Quote
02-23-2016 , 07:55 AM
Hello i have programmed a composite.

This one:

Composite Expression:

NC."TRN-MTT-BBvsMP-3BShove-10-12bb-Called-Won" * 100) / NC."TRN-MTT-BBvsMP-3BShove-10-12bb-Called"


Is this correct? I want get how often BB wins vs MP 3Bshove with 10-12Big blind, if he gets called.

My second question is. I do several popups with notecaddy notes. But the notes arent visible? Only show "-" Must i configure something?
NoteCaddy Quote
02-23-2016 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by PokerIvey
Hello i have programmed a composite.

This one:

Composite Expression:

NC."TRN-MTT-BBvsMP-3BShove-10-12bb-Called-Won" * 100) / NC."TRN-MTT-BBvsMP-3BShove-10-12bb-Called"


Is this correct? I want get how often BB wins vs MP 3Bshove with 10-12Big blind, if he gets called.
Assuming that you checked "Do not take notes for missed opportunities" you should make the composite like this:

NC."TRN-MTT-BBvsMP-3BShove-10-12bb-Called-Won".Instances * 100) / NC."TRN-MTT-BBvsMP-3BShove-10-12bb-Called".Instances

Rest looks fine.

Originally Posted by PokerIvey

My second question is. I do several popups with notecaddy notes. But the notes arent visible? Only show "-" Must i configure something?
You need to give more information on this as it can have multiple reasons like f.e.:

- you use notes filtering by board or handstrength on Stars/Tilt

- there's no data for the definition (check the definitions in question in the test environment)

- you didn't process your database after adding these definitions
NoteCaddy Quote
02-23-2016 , 01:50 PM
I have only this parameters

for example turncb:

$turnhandrange $successversusaverage

IP-PFR-TurnCB $turnhandrange $successversusaverage

for all my stats.

But i have a another problem.

that can`t be true. all are 100% fold / call and raise.

I have set in all the stats "Do not take notes for missed opportunities" is that the problem, that i get 100% of all this stats?

Last edited by PokerIvey; 02-23-2016 at 01:53 PM. Reason: snf
NoteCaddy Quote
02-23-2016 , 02:31 PM

Probably the best that you post this on the NC-forum @ HoldemManager-forum and attach your definitions as the second part of your post indicates that you made some mistakes in the process of scripting your definitions.

When a definition should return you a %, you have to check either "Define opportunities by action" (f.e. Fold vs Cbet % would be a definition where you have to use this) or "define opportunities by range (f.e. 5bet is AA %).

When making a definition, a quick and quite reliable first check is to use "Seek"(right-click the definition and then choose "Seek", this will show you instances and opportunities for your definition) in NC. You should see than hands which qualify for both, instances and opportunities. In case you only see the former or in general hands which shouldn't show up....well, chances are good that something isn't right.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-10-2016 , 05:34 PM
I have been using both Holdem Manager and NoteCaddy for a few years now. However, my coach wants me to start using Poker Tracker 4. I only want to use NoteCaddy purely for the colours (i.e. no notes/definitions etc.) and I'm playing on PokerStars.

Is this possible with PT4? If so, what do I need to do to make it work?

Thanks for reading.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-12-2016 , 08:51 AM
Unfortunately there is no PT4 compatibility currently. A PT compatible NC version does exist but the changes PT has to make for it to work properly are still pending. I have no information on when or if they will ever be completed.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-12-2016 , 06:21 PM
Thanks very much for the reply SretiCentV. In that case I'll be sticking with Holdem Manager.
As I said it is vital that I use NoteCaddy for colouring the Players. I also only enter notes manually using the "enter player notes" in the top left of the HUD.
Is there any way I can remove all other parts of NoteCaddy that I don't require?
NoteCaddy Quote
03-12-2016 , 10:33 PM
Can I use NoteCaddy to create custom stats that can simply be added to the HM2 HUD and be displayed as an ordinary number (not a badge)? Will this work on PokerStars?
NoteCaddy Quote
03-13-2016 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by flysohightosky
Can I use NoteCaddy to create custom stats that can simply be added to the HM2 HUD and be displayed as an ordinary number (not a badge)? Will this work on PokerStars?
Yes, you can create stats with NC and add them to your HUD or pop-up. Just keep in mind that stats which are filtering by board, hand, handstrength will not be displayed while playing Stars/Tilt.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-13-2016 , 08:01 PM
I am having an issue where the incorrect badge is being displayed. Example, if I want to red knife icon above the "ISO" icon to be displayed, I must select the "ISO" icon. The same thing is happening for every icon... I must select the icon below it in order to display the one I want...

NoteCaddy Quote
03-14-2016 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by originalgman
Thanks very much for the reply SretiCentV. In that case I'll be sticking with Holdem Manager.
As I said it is vital that I use NoteCaddy for colouring the Players. I also only enter notes manually using the "enter player notes" in the top left of the HUD.
Is there any way I can remove all other parts of NoteCaddy that I don't require?
The color coding process is something you run while you're not playing. So you just need to fire up HM2 (daily, weekly, etc) and get it to import your new hands then run the NC color coding process. Then you can close HM2 and the colors stay in pokerstars and you can use PT

Originally Posted by ten25
I am having an issue where the incorrect badge is being displayed. Example, if I want to red knife icon above the "ISO" icon to be displayed, I must select the "ISO" icon. The same thing is happening for every icon... I must select the icon below it in order to display the one I want...

Thank you for letting me know about that
NoteCaddy Quote
03-14-2016 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
The color coding process is something you run while you're not playing. So you just need to fire up HM2 (daily, weekly, etc) and get it to import your new hands then run the NC color coding process. Then you can close HM2 and the colors stay in pokerstars and you can use PT
That's great. Thank you very much for your help.
I forgot to ask: If I reset my notes ( File>reset notes) will I still have my manual notes or do I lose all notes?

Last edited by originalgman; 03-14-2016 at 07:37 AM.
NoteCaddy Quote
03-16-2016 , 06:08 AM
Reset notes doesn't affect manual notes so it's perfectly safe to do so
NoteCaddy Quote
