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NoteCaddy NoteCaddy

08-31-2014 , 04:45 AM
I have a note containing $riverhandrange on description. It has 2 action sequences (on the river). I want to see avg strength column but it doesnt work. Adding $riverhandrange should be enough or should i add something more? Thanks!
NoteCaddy Quote
08-31-2014 , 08:45 AM
You have to use caddy spark for the average strength to compute
NoteCaddy Quote
09-01-2014 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
You have to use caddy spark for the average strength to compute
Thanks, it worked
NoteCaddy Quote
09-01-2014 , 05:10 PM
Hi. I used to have an addon for NoteCaddy called NoteCaddy Advantage. It was a HUD package that came with awesome huds, badges and note definitions. I was wondering what happened to NCA? Has it been discontinued?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-01-2014 , 06:33 PM
NCA is dead. It has been replaced by AJA which is significantly more awesome than NCA. You can still use your old pack by clicking help->request latest coaching pack download (something like that) or see as NCA users get a free AJA of equal stakes.
NoteCaddy Quote
09-01-2014 , 08:29 PM
I've got some problems.
Today I updated HEM2 and notecaddy to the latest versions and some notecaddy-stats en spark graphs are gone. (like for example this shows "-" (no info available) in my hud)
I've got an AJA package but I also used some older standard NC definitions (like the call river thing).
I thought resetting notes and reimporting everything might do the trick but when I tried to import my (old) notecaddy definitions I get the following text : "Definition x is not licensed to you"
I dont have any problems with my AJA package, on that side everything works fine.

Please help
NoteCaddy Quote
09-02-2014 , 07:28 AM
possible to save notecaddy settings, stats, definitions ect.

I have to reinstall my computer. So anyway i can save the edits ive made to definitions, coachingpackages ect?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-02-2014 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by smetje
I've got some problems.
Today I updated HEM2 and notecaddy to the latest versions and some notecaddy-stats en spark graphs are gone. (like for example this shows "-" (no info available) in my hud)
I've got an AJA package but I also used some older standard NC definitions (like the call river thing).
I thought resetting notes and reimporting everything might do the trick but when I tried to import my (old) notecaddy definitions I get the following text : "Definition x is not licensed to you"
I dont have any problems with my AJA package, on that side everything works fine.

Please help
I think we've sorted this via the HEM forum. Apologies again for the inconvenience.

Originally Posted by mckrogh
possible to save notecaddy settings, stats, definitions ect.

I have to reinstall my computer. So anyway i can save the edits ive made to definitions, coachingpackages ect?
You can move everything

It will have to recreate notes on the next computer though
NoteCaddy Quote
09-03-2014 , 02:54 AM
Awesome software and read through the documentation just have a few questions I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction so that I can learn the following... thanks!

1) what do the +-% mean after the notes in the popup mean?

2) How can I see a persons chart/graph in 3 bet pots. I can see the graph for like, flop size/strength of hand but how can I view that graph just for 3bet pots.

3) In the graph popup, I am selecting Flop, but I would like to not show points for pots under Xbb. I'm seeing alot of pot bets but these are heads up and limped very small pots. How can I negate these data points so that the I can better understand players tendencies in pots bigger than Xbb?

There probably is documentation on the above, I just couldn't find it, so any help as to where I can read up would be super!

Thanks so much!
NoteCaddy Quote
09-03-2014 , 04:37 AM
oops sorry forgot something.

I create my own popups for my hud, but I can't get notecaddy to display its standard notes.

For example, I use "MyDefaultRiver" instead of "Default_River" for the river popup, but I do not see any notecaddy notes on the popup... I can't find a way to add these notes to let it know to display the river notes here I guess is the problem.
NoteCaddy Quote
09-03-2014 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by phaze112
Awesome software and read through the documentation just have a few questions I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction so that I can learn the following... thanks!

1) what do the +-% mean after the notes in the popup mean?
It is explained in detail here

2) How can I see a persons chart/graph in 3 bet pots. I can see the graph for like, flop size/strength of hand but how can I view that graph just for 3bet pots.
That seems kind of vague. You want to see their range on the flop in the pie chart for all 3bet pots? Does it matter what they did on the flop?

You need to use the $flophandrange variable to produce the pie chart. To filter for 3 bet pots you need to make an action sequence You can pick "3 bet" from the quick select box.
It seems you are impartial to who 3 bet so you'd remove the "player had to be note recipient" selection. You will get a warning if you do this and don't filter actions on any later street though.

3) In the graph popup, I am selecting Flop, but I would like to not show points for pots under Xbb. I'm seeing alot of pot bets but these are heads up and limped very small pots. How can I negate these data points so that the I can better understand players tendencies in pots bigger than Xbb?
You can't do it for the general scatter graph as that shows everything. You'd need to add scatter graphs to more specific definitions that filter for pot size. You'd use the same variable as mentioned above then see the "HUD options" tab in the definition editor and use caddy spark and caddy scatter there. Flop pot size is filtered on the flop->general tab
NoteCaddy Quote
09-07-2014 , 05:23 PM
Is there a manual in PDF for the new notecaddy with new actions and action sequences? The only one I can see refers to the old version
NoteCaddy Quote
09-07-2014 , 11:50 PM
there's no pdf but there's the wiki
NoteCaddy Quote
09-15-2014 , 04:44 PM
A quick question if i may ..

Button raises to 3bb, SB calls and BB raises to 11b.

HEM2 recognizes the fact BB has 3bet and squeezed but NC is not showing a note that he either 3bet or squeezed.

In my HUD settings / NC Popups ive added stats like Squeezes IP / OOP, 3bets IP / OOP etc in my 3bet HUD just so i get a note he will squeeze with a hand like 99 but NC is not picking it up, im pretty sure NC has missed a load of these situations.

Any advice ?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-15-2014 , 07:36 PM
Does this happen if you paste the hand in the test environment?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-18-2014 , 03:09 AM
How do you set a board texture as King-King-no face card?
I tried setting High card and second high card as K but it doesn't seem to work.
And if I select "One pair" board, I also get Kxx not just KKx
NoteCaddy Quote
09-18-2014 , 07:51 AM
Specific board filtering is something that isn't used all that often so hasn't been developed as much as other parts of the software. In this case it's not possible to be that specific about which card paired on the board
NoteCaddy Quote
09-18-2014 , 09:13 AM

I have problem with NC using latest that it wont add my NC stats even tho it saying it have added the notes in come up blank in the hud.
I have restarted hm and all that.

Playing on 888 poker
NoteCaddy Quote
09-19-2014 , 06:58 AM
Do they appear if you go to tools->player notes?
Do they get generated if you click file->reset notes?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-19-2014 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
Do they appear if you go to tools->player notes?


Do they get generated if you click file->reset notes?

I get the warning thing and yes if i click yes it will start to create notes
NoteCaddy Quote
09-22-2014 , 03:08 PM
Is it correct that the notedefinition "ThreeBetsOutOfPosition" is also true when sb opens against bb and bb threebets? what is the easiest way to fix this?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-22-2014 , 06:50 PM
You're right. SB v BB 3bets would be counted which isn't right. To fix it the position in the first "raise" action would have to be filtered to remove the SB position. Thank you for letting me know about it. I will fix it in the default version
NoteCaddy Quote
09-23-2014 , 08:37 AM
there is a bug in the flop texture menu.
If you select just "Two straight" from the Straights menu you also get a board like T84.
Same thing for "Three straight", you should only get boards like "678" but it gets other types too like "578".

Actually from what I seem to notice for "None" you get no results, for "two straight" you get every type of board and for "three straight" you actually get 2 straight.

Any fix for this?

Last edited by JonIrenicus; 09-23-2014 at 08:45 AM.
NoteCaddy Quote
09-23-2014 , 10:10 AM
The examples you give seem just fine. What's the supposed bug?
NoteCaddy Quote
09-23-2014 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by GuySmiley
The examples you give seem just fine. What's the supposed bug?
a board like T84 doesn't have 2 straight(consecutive) cards.
34x, 45x, 78x are 2 straight boards.

If that "2 straight" doesn't mean "consecutive" pls explain what it means
NoteCaddy Quote
