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NoteCaddy NoteCaddy

04-12-2011 , 12:24 PM
I can't make a note... when you have selected the condition where is the button to make the note?
NoteCaddy Quote
04-12-2011 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by ServerBTest002
I can't make a note... when you have selected the condition where is the button to make the note?
file-save or CTRL+S
NoteCaddy Quote
04-12-2011 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
file-save or CTRL+S
lol k ty, sry for the stupid question
NoteCaddy Quote
04-13-2011 , 11:19 AM
dunno much about notecaddy, so heres my question :
Is it possible to make stat like this ?
-player raised preflop but not all in , when he has 6-12 BB ? And will it show both percentage of this and what cards he had (in case he went to showdown ofc).
I could use that to know if some players tend to only raise premium hands, even though its obvious they wont fold because they are so short.
And if yes, is it a stat I could easily make, or would that need someone better in programming ?
NoteCaddy Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:09 PM
Also , c-bet flop percentage when theres only 1 other player in pot ? Or is this something that could be just programmed in PT3 ?
NoteCaddy Quote
04-13-2011 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfenzik
dunno much about notecaddy, so heres my question :
Is it possible to make stat like this ?
-player raised preflop but not all in , when he has 6-12 BB ? And will it show both percentage of this and what cards he had (in case he went to showdown ofc).
I could use that to know if some players tend to only raise premium hands, even though its obvious they wont fold because they are so short.
And if yes, is it a stat I could easily make, or would that need someone better in programming ?
Originally Posted by Wolfenzik
Also , c-bet flop percentage when theres only 1 other player in pot ? Or is this something that could be just programmed in PT3 ?
You'd have to ask the pt3 people if these can be made as custom stats. They can easily be made notes in NoteCaddy though
NoteCaddy Quote
04-13-2011 , 04:59 PM
And whats the difference if the stat is made in notecaddy and if its PT3 ?
PT3 can put it visible in the HUD, but only as number and notecaddy can show both number and even cards played that way, but Ill have to go over the notes with mouse ? Am I getting it right ?
NoteCaddy Quote
04-13-2011 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfenzik
And whats the difference if the stat is made in notecaddy and if its PT3 ?
PT3 can put it visible in the HUD, but only as number and notecaddy can show both number and even cards played that way, but Ill have to go over the notes with mouse ? Am I getting it right ?
Right now, what you're saying is exactly right. However, there is a new version coming that is going to invalidate that so stay tuned.

In fact, it's going to take everything anyone knows about NC and do something like this to it

Also, I am hoping for more brave souls to help test the latest build: (extract the files into your c:\program files (x86)\notecaddy 2 folder

This has big changes to color codes and all possible positions even for 10 max games. There has been plenty of internal testing but I still am not ready to pull the trigger until some 2+2ers use it since if there is any bug I have no doubt it will be found that way.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-15-2011 , 08:23 AM
I'm playing HUSNGs and I made a note regarding 25/50 blind level.
More specifically I made a note when my opponent is raising 3x from the small blind... then I made another note when he's raising 3x from the small blind and then fold to my shove.
There is a way to set your software to delete the "raise 3x" and add only "raise 3x and fold" in real time?
NoteCaddy Quote
04-15-2011 , 11:48 AM
you could make the "raise 3x note inactive" and then run the pending tasks from the main page. Making the raise 3x one inactive would create a pending task to remove all the notes and having added the raise/fold definition would create a pending task to add new notes. That may be a bit too much multitasking while playing live though...
NoteCaddy Quote
04-16-2011 , 10:47 PM
Should be great if your program would be able to create note while playing...
Do you have some idea about it for the future?
NoteCaddy Quote
04-17-2011 , 11:07 AM
It does create notes while you're playing. Just click the "create notes..." button and play and it will keep looking for new hands and create notes as they come in. If you want to see the notes that were created in real time, click tools->caddy report and it will present a list of new hands/notes that you can replay
NoteCaddy Quote
04-17-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
It does create notes while you're playing. Just click the "create notes..." button and play and it will keep looking for new hands and create notes as they come in. If you want to see the notes that were created in real time, click tools->caddy report and it will present a list of new hands/notes that you can replay
Could you add a feature so that the last 50 hands are always availiable in the caddy report?

Would be nice to be able to review those hands at a later time, maybe even next day.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-17-2011 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
It does create notes while you're playing. Just click the "create notes..." button and play and it will keep looking for new hands and create notes as they come in. If you want to see the notes that were created in real time, click tools->caddy report and it will present a list of new hands/notes that you can replay
GREAT tyty
NoteCaddy Quote
04-21-2011 , 02:25 AM
Hey, ive been using NoteCaddy to create notes and things and thought i would use it to sort out my color coding but when i try and do it theres an error that says "There is an error in XML document(3,2)". Any help fixing this would be appreciated.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-21-2011 , 04:36 AM
I was enjoying the color coding feature for Full Tilt -- a LOT -- but then black Friday happened, and as a U.S. resident I was forced off and am now playing on Merge. Are there any plans to implement a coding system that would use Merge's tagging system? It's similar to color coding at FT & Stars except it assigns icons instead. Would be great if you could come up with something comparable.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-21-2011 , 04:51 AM
Is Entraction supported currently? If yes, can I copy the notes I already have somewhere, re-install PT3 fresh and restore the notes to the respective players?
NoteCaddy Quote
04-21-2011 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by MartL
Hey, ive been using NoteCaddy to create notes and things and thought i would use it to sort out my color coding but when i try and do it theres an error that says "There is an error in XML document(3,2)". Any help fixing this would be appreciated.
You need to manually apply the latest build. You can download it from then copy the files from the zip into your notecaddy install folder

Originally Posted by rowhousepd
I was enjoying the color coding feature for Full Tilt -- a LOT -- but then black Friday happened, and as a U.S. resident I was forced off and am now playing on Merge. Are there any plans to implement a coding system that would use Merge's tagging system? It's similar to color coding at FT & Stars except it assigns icons instead. Would be great if you could come up with something comparable.
yes but no eta

Originally Posted by ComplexP
Is Entraction supported currently? If yes, can I copy the notes I already have somewhere, re-install PT3 fresh and restore the notes to the respective players?
entraction is supported. I'm not sure I understand the second question...

you have manually entered notes for players on entraction and want to back them up?
NoteCaddy Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
You need to manually apply the latest build. You can download it from then copy the files from the zip into your notecaddy install folder

Thanks for that. That seems to have fixed it.

Just another quick question. Im going to use NoteCaddy to color code fish, whales and nits but then im going to mark good and bad regs my self while playing. How do i set NoteCaddy up so i can update my database every now and again but without deleting the ones that i have done manually.

Thanks again.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-22-2011 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by MartL
Thanks for that. That seems to have fixed it.

Just another quick question. Im going to use NoteCaddy to color code fish, whales and nits but then im going to mark good and bad regs my self while playing. How do i set NoteCaddy up so i can update my database every now and again but without deleting the ones that i have done manually.

Thanks again.
if you entered colors manually they won't be overwritten. NC will only overwrite an existing color if it contains an ® character.

So if you manually color code a player, you'd just have to make sure the guy doesn't have that.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-22-2011 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
if you entered colors manually they won't be overwritten. NC will only overwrite an existing color if it contains an ® character.

So if you manually color code a player, you'd just have to make sure the guy doesn't have that.
Where do i find out if the player does have one of those? Also on this you dont know anyway that i can actually delete all my FT color codings so i can start again just using NoteCaddy because im having a few conflicts of colors with my old color code.

Thanks again.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-22-2011 , 07:09 PM
Where can I find a list of the current default possible notes and their description? I saw in a tutorial you can choose what you want when you install the program, but i do not wish to install it at the moment.

Last edited by magx; 04-22-2011 at 07:18 PM.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-22-2011 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by MartL
Where do i find out if the player does have one of those? Also on this you dont know anyway that i can actually delete all my FT color codings so i can start again just using NoteCaddy because im having a few conflicts of colors with my old color code.

Thanks again.
It will appear as part of that player's full tilt notes. notecaddy writes it in there when it sets a color (like when a dog pees on a tree). You need to remove it if it's there otherwise NC will overwrite your manually set color.

Originally Posted by magx
Where can I find a list of the current default possible notes and their description? I saw in a tutorial you can choose what you want when you install the program, but i do not wish to install it at the moment.
that's not available any other place at the moment. However, the new website which will be coming up in a few weeks will have them all listed, sortable, etc
NoteCaddy Quote
04-22-2011 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
It will appear as part of that player's full tilt notes. notecaddy writes it in there when it sets a color (like when a dog pees on a tree). You need to remove it if it's there otherwise NC will overwrite your manually set color.

that's not available any other place at the moment. However, the new website which will be coming up in a few weeks will have them all listed, sortable, etc
Any chance I can get a look at it without activating the trail time? I do not want to mess with the program at the moment to see if it fits me, but I do want to know in general what notes it can take.
NoteCaddy Quote
04-22-2011 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
entraction is supported. I'm not sure I understand the second question...

you have manually entered notes for players on entraction and want to back them up?
Precisely. Can it be done? I'll need to re-install PT3 on a different setup because of poor performance, so can NC do this?
NoteCaddy Quote
