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New Software: iPoker BetPot by n9-monk New Software: iPoker BetPot by n9-monk

01-24-2009 , 02:33 PM
in 1.09 i still get 2 errors on my vista 64 pc.
On xp the program works without any problems.

Do you think you will find a solution for this, otherwise ill just install xp here as well.


1 "Class not registered"

iPoker BetPot
Access violation at address 0053DC17 in module 'betpot.exe'. Read of address 00000004.
01-24-2009 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Steven
in 1.09 i still get 2 errors on my vista 64 pc.
On xp the program works without any problems.

Do you think you will find a solution for this, otherwise ill just install xp here as well.


1 "Class not registered"

iPoker BetPot
Access violation at address 0053DC17 in module 'betpot.exe'. Read of address 00000004.
I cannot test now the program on Vista x64. At me in plans to put Vista x64 and to correct this error, but I do not promise what is it it will be fast .
01-26-2009 , 02:05 PM
Is there a FAQ or manual on this product?
01-26-2009 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by n9-monk
I will make it work with minimaxmod for 100% and I will try to make it in the following version.
This is such good news!!!!
01-28-2009 , 06:20 PM
1.09 works perfect in my WinXP X64
01-28-2009 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Klaudioz
1.09 works perfect in my WinXP X64
01-29-2009 , 07:33 AM
can you please add support for Grand Slam Poker and BlueSquare?
01-29-2009 , 10:09 AM

i use VC Poker. And not much works

-When I rightclick to fold - nothin happens.
-When I click on one of the M-buttons - nothin happens - "[ 15:03:29] field editbet not found" message is on log
-When I want to raise with the mouse wheel - it only works with the "simple mode 1bb". The other option doesnt work

TableHighligter and Monitor-Commons works fine.

Can you fix it, or tell me what to do?
01-29-2009 , 12:06 PM
only Autopost blinds or press button "waiting BB" is not working me in Win XP 64 (Chili Poker)
01-29-2009 , 12:58 PM
When will 1.10 be released (Minimaxmod support?)

Will you make this program commercial (pay only), I am thinking about donating for this program but if you will be turning this program to shareware I´d like to wait.
01-29-2009 , 02:55 PM
I am a noob with this program.
But how can I right click with my mouse ant bet pot? Is this even possible?
My old ahk scripts do not work properly.

01-30-2009 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by DefiNe
can you please add support for Grand Slam Poker and BlueSquare?
Has written down in todo-list.
01-30-2009 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by TroyMaster

i use VC Poker. And not much works

-When I rightclick to fold - nothin happens.
-When I click on one of the M-buttons - nothin happens - "[ 15:03:29] field editbet not found" message is on log
-When I want to raise with the mouse wheel - it only works with the "simple mode 1bb". The other option doesnt work

TableHighligter and Monitor-Commons works fine.

Can you fix it, or tell me what to do?
I remind requirements to a table:
1. The chat should be visible on a table.
2. In betpot auto-calibration should be switched on it (is recommended) or it is necessary to make manual calibration.
3. For auto-calibration the English a chat is necessary and in him it is necessary to switch on options: "dealer" and "player-actions".
4. Since it is read out information from a table: total pot, table slices on which lay maps (only at manual calibration), information from buttons "fold", "call", "bet", these elements should be standard and should not be blocked HUD statistics (an exception HUD transparent window, and a transparency = 0 % it too a transparent window).
01-30-2009 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by sweetysven
When will 1.10 be released (Minimaxmod support?)

Will you make this program commercial (pay only), I am thinking about donating for this program but if you will be turning this program to shareware I´d like to wait.
I hope to make the program commercial but only when the program will be stabler. MiniMaxMod support will be today/tomorrow.
01-30-2009 , 06:12 AM
version 1.10

- support MiniMaxMod
- new hotkey "simple bet" (this simple pressing of the button "bet")
- new operating mode of the mouse: MouseLL
- the bet-factor error is corrected, the wrong value was sometimes entered
- reload error on limits less nl10 is corrected
- removed support of pokerrooms NoIQ and Carlos since they left network structure

Recommendations and requirements for MiniMaxMod:
- MiniMaxMod by the betpot it is defined on the started console, that is the console should be started and in it the necessary layout is chosen
- standard buttons of the MiniMaxMod should be used and in option a MiniMaxMod (layout.ini): "betbtnsColor" should be = 255
- also the table should have a english chat (it is possible hidden) with options "dealer" and "player actions" and in the betpot auto-calibration should be switched-on
- to load new options MiniMaxMod in betpot (for example if in the console other layout is chosen) - it is necessary to press a check-box "mini-tables"

Also, there should be such condition of check-boxes of MMM:



Support of MMM only is tested and errors are possible. Well and certainly the pokerroom should be in the list supported by the betpot.
01-30-2009 , 07:32 AM
oh yes I cant wait to test it out
01-30-2009 , 08:01 AM
ok I have a problem, I cant save my changes in my bet formula..
I click on "apply" and it works for the session, but if I restart betpot my changes are gone again..
01-30-2009 , 08:16 AM
another (and unfortunaly way bigger) problem:
bet pot (the hotkey M-STR) does not work.

everything else works (fold/check, call/check, sitout on all tables, sitout at bb on all tables etc )

but M-STR does not get the potsize, does not enter it into the betbox,
and does not move the mouse cursor over the bet button as it does normally.

edit: this only happens with MMM, I just tried it on normal view and everything works normal
01-30-2009 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by subandi
another (and unfortunaly way bigger) problem:
bet pot (the hotkey M-STR) does not work.

everything else works (fold/check, call/check, sitout on all tables, sitout at bb on all tables etc )

but M-STR does not get the potsize, does not enter it into the betbox,
and does not move the mouse cursor over the bet button as it does normally.

edit: this only happens with MMM, I just tried it on normal view and everything works normal
It works for me, do you have chat expanded on MMM?
01-30-2009 , 09:01 AM
I tried both, with chat expanded and with hidden chat, which one works for you?
du you have all the checkboxes the same way as suggested? (I did)
01-30-2009 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by subandi
I tried both, with chat expanded and with hidden chat, which one works for you?
du you have all the checkboxes the same way as suggested? (I did)
Version MMM - v0.7.4? What pokerroom?
01-30-2009 , 09:27 AM
paddy power, I have also contacted the MMM maker if its maybe a problem between paddy and MMM

edit: MMM file says 0.7 but file info says 0.7.4 and Im quite sure I have the newest version
01-30-2009 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by subandi
paddy power, I have also contacted the MMM maker if its maybe a problem between paddy and MMM

edit: MMM file says 0.7 but file info says 0.7.4 and Im quite sure I have the newest version
Ok. I will check up at myself on the computer job with a Paddy. I will check up - I will write results.
01-30-2009 , 09:34 AM
thank you very much, great support as always.
btw I have written an article for my affiliate and there I recommend your program
01-30-2009 , 09:39 AM
Great work. Thanks alot for doing this!

Just tried on CDPoker en like subandi says most functions I tested work , except M-STR hotkeys. They don't work.
