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New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14

12-04-2009 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by leviathan74
Ok, for anyone interested, I had pokertracker do housekeeping and now Tournament Luck seems to be recalculating the hands ok.
that did the trick for me too, thanks
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-08-2009 , 06:02 PM
This is my YTD on stars. I only play 6 max, so there are no late MTT, big pot all-ins going on. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-10-2009 , 01:19 PM
Ok, I ve had again the same problem and this time housekeeping doesn't seem to be doing the trick. The program gets stuck recalculating hands. Any idea on what to do?
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-10-2009 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by leviathan74
Ok, I ve had again the same problem and this time housekeeping doesn't seem to be doing the trick. The program gets stuck recalculating hands. Any idea on what to do?
This is probably due to very large databases. I made a change that processes hands in batches rather than all at once. It works for me but I wasn't able to get feedback from a guy I sent it to be tested for.

If you want to try, PM me with your email and I'll send you a copy.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-10-2009 , 03:52 PM
Ok, pm already sent. FWIW, I checked and I ve got 820,000 hands in my DB. Since I did the last housekeeping which fixed the problem I ve added 50,000+ hands. So if the problem is large databases, the cutoff should be in the 750,000 hands mark.

Will getting an SSD help you think?
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-10-2009 , 08:54 PM
So I think I finally figured out why everyone is seeing their red graph dip so badly.

The thing with tournaments is that when you win pots, your effective stack grows and when you loose, it shrinks. This sounds trivial but in cash games, it's not the same. In a cash game, when you loose a big pot, you rebuy and you're back to a standard stack size. When you win and double up, your effective stack size doesn't gros as much because most players have a standard stack size anyway. Add to that the fact that a lot of players leave the table after the have very large stacks to join a new table with a standard stack and you start to get the picture.

The point I'm trying to make is that in cash games, your effective stack on average is the same. In a tourney, it grows when you win and shrinks when you loose. Ultimately, in a tourney when you loose it all, you start a new tourney with a small stack again.

I ran a simulation that compares the result of a series of bets in a cash game vs a tourney.

The cash game assumed all the bets had the same stack size while in the tourney bets, stack size doubles when you win and resets to the initial size when you loose.

I recorded the expected vs actual wins on both scenarios and calculated the difference averaged by number of bets.

Cash simulation returned very close to zero as expected but tourney simulation (using same random results) returned a significantly negative average.

In fact, the better you get it in, the worst it appears you run. When I examined the numbers it's easy to see why:

Say you get it in every time as a 90% favorite:

You start with 1000 chips:

Won Expected: 800.0 Actual: 1000 Stack: 2000
Won Expected: 1600.0 Actual: 2000 Stack: 4000
Won Expected: 3200.0 Actual: 4000 Stack: 8000
Won Expected: 6400.0 Actual: 8000 Stack: 16000
Won Expected: 12800.0 Actual: 16000 Stack: 32000
Won Expected: 25600.0 Actual: 32000 Stack: 64000
Won Expected: 51200.0 Actual: 64000 Stack: 128000
Lost Expected: 102400.0 Actual: -128000 Stack: 1000
Won Expected: 800.0 Actual: 1000 Stack: 2000
Won Expected: 1600.0 Actual: 2000 Stack: 4000

Although you lost just once in the entire sequence, your loss was greater than all your previous winnings combined and you had to start with a small stack again so you can't recoup your losses.

I think equity needs to be normalized by stack size. I'll see if I can find time to work on it.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-25-2009 , 05:35 PM
With PT3 Beta 30 supporting Omaha, I figured I'd add Omaha support to your favorite tilt busting software

In order to support Omaha, I had to switch from the previous 3rd party library that calculates odds to a new one that supports Omaha. I tested this on my system and got identical results but if you suspect something is wrong, let me know.

I only do Omaha HI though the new library does support low but splits are hard to work out and since most HI/LO games are limit, all in luck doesn't matter that much.

I figured since this is a major feature, I'd put it in a new thread. I'll also update the main thread in case someone is monitoring that. Future updates will be in the original thread though.

HoldemLuck 0.16
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-27-2009 , 02:48 PM
hi, after installing version 0.16. i get this error

i was looking for the log-file, but do not know, where to search for it.

well, i never played omaha. perhaps this is the issue?

how do i fix it?

New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-27-2009 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Presenter
hi, after installing version 0.16. i get this error

i was looking for the log-file, but do not know, where to search for it.

well, i never played omaha. perhaps this is the issue?

how do i fix it?

OK, I found the bug and fixed it. Will post an update soon. You can either wait for it or download PT3 Beta 30.1 and run it once. It'll create the Omaha tables in your databases.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
12-27-2009 , 05:24 PM
Totally forgot about this. I recently added support for Blind Level Filters in TourneyLuck. The idea is that you can define preset blind level filters for example, 10/20-50/100 as "STT Early Stages" or 10/20-300/600 as "MTT Early Stages" and use these to get results for certain stages in tourneys. This helps with later stages bad beats overwhelming early stages results for example.

Look under the File menu for the configuration screen. Selecting a preset filter is easily accessible from the main screen.

Thanks to the 2p2'er that helped me come up with the concept. Sorry, forgot your screen name and too lazy to look it up

* Fix for missing omaha tables
* New Tourney Luck Blind Level Filters

HoldemLuck 0.17
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
01-03-2010 , 04:36 PM
Does this work with Cake SNGs?
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
01-05-2010 , 03:02 PM
New build fixes a minor issue I found with recent PT3 Database configuration. At some point, it stopped being able to detect the PT3 default database. I'm on the latest Beta so I hope I didn't break anything with the the stable PT3 build. If it doesn't pick up your PT3 configuration, you can always configure manuall.

Also, added a way to delete blind filters in Tourney Luck.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
01-07-2010 , 05:22 PM
Fix for 64 bit machines:

Fixes this error:

System.BadImageFormatException: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
01-17-2010 , 10:45 AM
is there a Mac version of this ? or anykind of similar tool for all in EV in Omaha for Mac ?
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
01-17-2010 , 11:32 PM
How many did not look the laid out schedules, at all the big shortage and at me including... Lay out please somebody the schedule where "Actual" above, coincides or not on much more low "Expected" on a distance from 20к allin hads. I have in view of Tournament Dollars.
ps if the program considers correctly such happens

Here my schedule... Almost one sng-don, it is visible that jumps because of mtt a little.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
02-08-2010 , 09:27 PM
Someone I coach just sent me his SNG Luck graph to bemoan his bad luck. I just installed it to show him what my results looked like so far this year. Nice program, overall! For a future bug fix, though, it currently handles situations involving multiple sidepots incorrectly.

For example, I have a hand at the 50-100 blind level of a tournament where I have AA (1,325 chips) vs. KK (1,325 chips) vs. KQ (1,245 chips) vs. AK (995 chips) and there’s 50 chips extra in the main pot from the small blind who folded. SNG Luck says the following ({Hero, Villain, Pot, Equity, Expected}):

{AdAh, KhKc, 2bb, 97.9% , -9bb} (Side Pot #2)
{AdAh, KhKc KsQs, 8bb, 84.1%, 4bb} (Side Pot #1)
{AdAh, KhKc AcKd KsQs, 40bb, 81.9%, 23bb} (Main Pot)

Add up these expected cEVs, and you get +18bb.

However, this isn't my actual net cEV here. My overall equity is (T4030)(.819) + (T750)(.841) + (T160)(.979) = T4087.96. I invested T1,325 in the pot. Therefore, my cEV should be T4087.96 - T1,325 = T2762.96 = +27.63bb.

Main Pot and Side Pot #1 appear to be handled correctly. The big problem seems to be how net cEV for Side Pot #2 is calculated.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by TonyGuerrera
Main Pot and Side Pot #1 appear to be handled correctly. The big problem seems to be how net cEV for Side Pot #2 is calculated.
Post or PM the full HH and I'll take a look.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
02-09-2010 , 07:01 PM
nevermind...all set

Last edited by redsox105; 02-09-2010 at 07:13 PM.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
02-10-2010 , 06:25 AM

i ve been using SNG Luck for about 5 months and it worked finde. But since 1 week ago, it don´t shows me the graph of all hands anymore, only of about 45 allin hands (instead of about 100k) and there won´t be added hands anymore.

Has someone an idea what the problem could be?
I use Pokertracker an there all hands working fine.

Thank yoU!
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
02-14-2010 , 10:41 AM
Nice tool indeed. What I am currently missing though is ICM integration in the analysis. It would be really nice to have not only a tab for chip luck and bb luck but also for $ luck in the Tourney/SNG Luck analyzer.
$ luck you can approximate by using ICM, shouldn't be too hard to integrate I think. Is that on your TODO list alon?
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
02-17-2010 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by alon.albert
So I think I finally figured out why everyone is seeing their red graph dip so badly. (additional content deleted...)
I think the above analysis is probably correct. I'm a tourney player and mine is way negative when I look at only my 45 man SNG's, but it's way positive for MTT's because I have been lucky enough to win a few, and then you don't get your stack size reset to zero when you are at a deficit with respect to EV. One or two final table pots here and there going the wrong way would have put me below EV though. So you just don't have enough of those pots with millions of chips in them for the variance to work out, and really the plus or minus EV in your graph is controlled by just a few pots.

A feature I would like would actually be simpler than the chipEV one that is already there, and it is this... It would just add up your percentage equity in every all in and figure out how many you should have won and compare that to how many you have actually won. Yes, yes, I know not all all-ins are created equal, but I'd still like to see the comparison of these numbers.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
02-18-2010 , 02:41 PM
Dear alon-albert,
first of all, I use your sofware a lot and love it.
Today I had the following hand and I dont understand why was my equity on flop 33.6%(calculated by holdemluck) instead of 76%(calculated by pokerstove)?

Button: seat 7
Players in round: 5
Seat 9: piri xxx ($21.88)
Seat 10: hero ($50)
Seat 3: houksss ($23.08)
Seat 5: fikiee ($6.18)
Seat 7: sorenzaza74 ($36.45)
piri xxx posts small blind ($0.25)
hero posts big blind ($0.50)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to hero: [Kh, Qd]
houksss calls $0.50
fikiee calls $0.50
sorenzaza74 raises $1.75 to $1.75
piri xxx calls $1.50
hero calls $1.25
houksss calls $1.25
fikiee raises $5.68 to $6.18 [all in]
sorenzaza74 calls $4.43
piri xxx calls $4.43
hero calls $4.43
houksss calls $4.43
--- Dealing flop [Ks, Ts, 9c]
piri xxx checks
hero bets $23.25
houksss calls $16.90 [all in]
sorenzaza74 folds
piri xxx folds
--- Dealing flop [Ks, Ts, 9c]
--- Dealing turn [8s]
--- Dealing river [Th]
Main pot: $30.90 won by hero ($29.40)
Side pot 1: $33.80 won by hero ($33.80)
Seat 9: piri xxx ($15.70), net: -$6.18
Seat 10: hero ($90.12), net: +$40.12, [Kh, Qd] (TWO_PAIR KING, TEN)
Seat 3: houksss ($0), net: -$23.08, [Kd, 7h] (TWO_PAIR KING, TEN)
Seat 5: fikiee ($0), net: -$6.18, [5d, Ac] (PAIR TEN)
Seat 7: sorenzaza74 ($30.27), net: -$6.18

Thanks your answer in advance
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
02-28-2010 , 12:19 PM
New build fixes a multi pot calculation error.

HoldemLuck 0.20
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
03-01-2010 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by alon.albert
New build fixes a multi pot calculation error.

HoldemLuck 0.20
Thanks, downloaded and tried v2.0 but still 33.6% for that hand.
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
03-01-2010 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by 10101010
Thanks, downloaded and tried v2.0 but still 33.6% for that hand.
Did you recalculate all hands?
New Free Software - HoldemLuck & SngLuck v0.14 Quote
