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New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script

12-08-2009 , 01:45 PM
That's a small copy/paste problem. What difference changing just one character does

Here's the fix:

; Version 0.3R3

; percentage of the window width and height for center of buttons
foldX := 0.48
foldY := 0.95

checkX := 0.62
checkY := 0.95

raiseX := 0.77
raiseY := 0.95

potX := 0.71
potY := 0.86

allinX := 0.79
allinY := 0.86

betBoxX := 0.47
betBoxY := 0.82

autoRebuyX := 0.88
autoRebuyY := 0.88

sitOutX := 0.88
sitOutY := 0.94

noBlindsX := 0.88
noBlindsY := 0.97

sitInX := 0.6
sitInY := 0.9

checkForFreeX := 0.58
checkForFreeY := 0.74

maxBuyInX := 0.31
maxBuyInY := 0.44

confirmBuyInX := 0.7
confirmBuyInY := 0.89

rebuyOkX := 0.49
rebuyOkY := 0.74

confirmAllInX := 0.41
confirmAllInY := 0.73

confirmLeaveX := 0.45
confirmLeaveY := 0.73

confirmWaiting1X := 0.5
confirmWaiting1Y := 0.86

confirmWaiting2X := 0.41
confirmWaiting2Y := 0.86
; End general settings

#SingleInstance, Force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200
SendMode Input
SetTitleMatchMode 3
SetBatchLines -1

Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, Settings
Menu, Tray, Default, Settings
Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, Reload
Menu, Tray, Add, About, About
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Close


if (allwaysCheckForFree = 1)
    GoSub activateAllwaysCheckForFree

if (autoBuyInMax = 1)
    GoSub autoBuyInForMax
if (autoConfirmRebuy = 1)
    GoSub activateAutoConfirmRebuy
if (autoConfirmAllIn = 1)
    GoSub activateAutoConfirmAllIn
if (autoConfirmLeave = 1)
    GoSub activateAutoConfirmLeave
if (autoConfirmWaitingList = 1)
    GoSub activateAutoConfirmWaitingList


; GUI to choose settings
    ; add tabs
    Gui, Add, Tab, x-4 y0 w500 h750 , Table Hotkeys|Other Hotkeys|Options
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y32 w100 h20 , Fold
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y30 w90 h20 vFold, %Fold%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y52 w100 h20 , Check/Call
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y50 w90 h20 vCheckCall, %CheckCall%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y72 w100 h20 , Raise
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y70 w90 h20 vRaise, %Raise%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y92 w100 h20 , All In
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y90 w90 h20 vBetAllIn, %BetAllIn%
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x195 y90 w50 h20 Checked%InstantAllIn% vInstantAllIn, Instant
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y112 w100 h20 , Bet Full Pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y110 w90 h20 vBetFullPot, %BetFullPot%
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x195 y110 w50 h20 Checked%InstantFullPot% vInstantFullPot, Instant
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y152 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y150 w25 h20 vpercentage1, %percentage1%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y152 w40 h20 , `% pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y150 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage1, %BetPotPercentage1%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y172 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y170 w25 h20 vpercentage2, %percentage2%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y172 w40 h20 , `% pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y170 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage2, %BetPotPercentage2%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y192 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y190 w25 h20 vpercentage3, %percentage3%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y192 w40 h20 , `% pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y190 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage3, %BetPotPercentage3%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y212 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y210 w25 h20 vpercentage4, %percentage4%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y212 w40 h20 , `% pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y210 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage4, %BetPotPercentage4%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y252 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y250 w25 h20 vbbAmount1, %bbAmount1%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y252 w40 h20 , BBs
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y250 w90 h20 vBetBBAmount1, %BetBBAmount1%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y272 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y270 w25 h20 vbbAmount2, %bbAmount2%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y272 w40 h20 , BBs
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y270 w90 h20 vBetBBAmount2, %BetBBAmount2%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y292 w100 h20 , Add 1 BB
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y290 w90 h20 vAdd1BB, %Add1BB%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y312 w100 h20 , Subtract 1 BB
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y310 w90 h20 vSubtract1BB, %Subtract1BB%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y332 w100 h20 , Add 1 SB
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y330 w90 h20 vAdd1SB, %Add1SB%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y352 w100 h20 , Subtract1 SB
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y350 w90 h20 vSubtract1SB, %Subtract1SB%
    Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save 
    Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
    Gui, Tab, Other Hotkeys
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y32 w100 h20 , Auto Rebuy
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y30 w90 h20 vAutoRebuy, %AutoRebuy%
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y52 w100 h20 , Sit Out
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y50 w90 h20 vSitOut, %SitOut%
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y72 w100 h20 , No More Blinds
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y70 w90 h20 vNoMoreBlinds, %NoMoreBlinds%
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y92 w100 h20 , Sit In
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y90 w90 h20 vSitIn, %SitIn%
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y132 w100 h20 , Exit Application
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y130 w90 h20 vExitApplication, %ExitApplication%
    Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save 
    Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
    Gui, Tab, Options
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y30 w230 h20 Checked%actOnActiveTable% vactOnActiveTable, Act on active table (or table under mouse)
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y50 w200 h20 Checked%allwaysCheckForFree% vallwaysCheckForFree, Allways check for free
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y70 w200 h20 Checked%autoBuyInMax% vautoBuyInMax, Auto buy in for table maximum
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y90 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmRebuy% vautoConfirmRebuy, Auto confirm rebuy pop-up
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y110 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmAllIn% vautoConfirmAllIn, Auto confirm large all-in
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y130 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmLeave% vautoConfirmLeave, Auto confirm leave table pop-up
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y150 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmWaitingList% vautoConfirmWaitingList, Auto confirm waiting list pop-ups
    Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save 
    Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
    Gui, Show, x100 y50 h450 w260, EntHelper Settings

    Gui, Submit
    FileDelete, EntHelper.ini

    Gui, Destroy

    Gui, Destroy

    pressFoldButton(getTableID(), Fold)

    pressCheckButton(getTableID(), CheckCall)

    pressRaiseButton(getTableID(), Raise)

    bet(getTableID(), percentage1, BetPotPercentage1)

    bet(getTableID(), percentage2, BetPotPercentage2)

    bet(getTableID(), percentage3, BetPotPercentage3)

    bet(getTableID(), percentage4, BetPotPercentage4)

    betBB(getTableID(), bbAmount1, BetBBAmount1)

    betBB(getTableID(), bbAmount2, BetBBAmount2)

    bet(getTableID(), 100, BetFullPot)
    if (InstantFullPot = True)
        pressRaiseButton(getTableID(), "")

    pressAllInButton(getTableID(), BetAllIn)
    if (InstantAllIn = True)
        pressRaiseButton(getTableID(), "")

    changeBet(getTableID(), "up", "bb", Add1BB)

    changeBet(getTableID(), "down", "bb", Subtract1BB)

    changeBet(getTableID(), "up", "sb", Add1SB)

    changeBet(getTableID(), "down", "sb", Subtract1SB)

    GoSub Close

    PressButton(getTableID(), autoRebuyX, autoRebuyY, AutoRebuy)

    PressButton(getTableID(), sitOutX, sitOutY, SitOut)

    PressButton(getTableID(), noBlindsX, noBlindsY, NoMoreBlinds)

    PressButton(getTableID(), sitInX, sitInY, SitIn)


    Msgbox,, About,
    Entraction Helper, v0.3R3
    If you like this script please consider donating some money,
    using one of the following options:
    - transfer to OSRichard on PokerStars
    - transfer to YorickFTP on FullTilt
    - Moneybookers transfer to
    If you have any suggestions/requests/comments,
    PM me on 2+2 forums @ OSRichard.


    SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off

    SetTimer, checkForFree, 500

    SetTimer, buyInForMax, 500

    SetTimer, autoCloseRebuy, 500

    SetTimer, autoConfirmLargeAllIn, 500

    SetTimer, autoConfirmLeaveTable, 500

    SetTimer, autoConfirmWaitingListPp, 500

    checkForFreeWindowTitle := "Confirm fold"

    IfWinExist, %checkForFreeWindowTitle%
        ; press "Check" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * checkForFreeX)
        Y := Round(height * checkForFreeY)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`ncheckForFreeWindowTitle: %checkForFreeWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    IfWinExist, ahk_class SunAwtDialog
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        if (title = "") {
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, px, py
            CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
            X := Round(width * maxBuyInX)
            Y := Round(height * maxBuyInY)
            ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
            ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
            MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
            sleep 50
            X := Round(width * confirmBuyInX)
            Y := Round(height * confirmBuyInY)
            MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseMove, px, py, 0
            CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle := "Auto Rebuy turned on"

    IfWinExist, %autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle%
        ; press "Ok" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * rebuyOkX)
        Y := Round(height * rebuyOkY)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoCloseRebuyWindowTitle: %autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle := "Confirm Large All-In Raise"

    IfWinExist, %autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle%
        ; press "Ok" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * confirmAllInX)
        Y := Round(height * confirmAllInY)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle: %autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle := "Confirm leave"

    IfWinExist, %autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle%
        ; press "Ok" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * confirmLeaveX)
        Y := Round(height * confirmLeaveY)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle: %autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle := "Waiting List"

    IfWinExist, %autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle%
        WinActivate, %autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle%
        ; press "Ok" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * confirmWaiting1X)
        Y := Round(height * confirmWaiting1Y)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle: %autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        X := Round(width * confirmWaiting2X)
        Y := Round(height * confirmWaiting2Y)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle: %autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    global actOnActiveTable
    ID := ""
    if (actOnActiveTable = 1) {
        WinGet, ID,, A 
    } else {
    WinGetClass, winClass, ahk_id %ID%
    if (winClass <> "l1l1.kf")
        ID := ""
    return ID

bet(ID, percentage, key) {
    ;Traytip,, bet ID: %ID%
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    Critical, On
    pressPotButton(ID, key)
    betSize := readBetBox(ID)
    newBetSize := Round(betSize * percentage / 100,2)
    ;Tooltip, ID: %ID%`nbetSize: %betSize%`npercentage: %percentage%`nnewBetSize: %newBetSize%
    ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
    writeBetBox(ID, newBetSize)
    Critical, Off

betBB(ID, amount, key) {
    ;Traytip,, bet ID: %ID%
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    Critical, On
    bigBlind := getBlind(ID, "bb")
    newBetSize := Round(bigBlind * amount,2)
    ;Tooltip, ID: %ID%`nbetSize: %betSize%`npercentage: %percentage%`nnewBetSize: %newBetSize%
    ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
    writeBetBox(ID, newBetSize)
    Critical, Off

changeBet(ID, direction, amount, key) {
    global actOnActiveTable
    ;Traytip,, changebet ID: %ID%`nactOnActiveTable: %actOnActiveTable%
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
    ;IfWinNotActive ahk_class l1l1.kf
     ;   Send {%key%}
      ;  return

    Critical, On
    betSize := readBetBox(ID)
    if (amount = "bb") or (amount = "sb")
        raiseSize := getBlind(ID, amount)
    ;Msgbox, raiseSize: %raiseSize%
    if (direction = "up")
        newBetSize := betSize + raiseSize
        newBetSize := betSize - raiseSize
    writeBetBox(ID, newBetSize)
    Critical, Off

getBlind(ID, amount) {
    WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %ID%
    StringSplit, title_array, title, (
    StringSplit, game_type_blinds_connection, title_array%title_array0%, )
    StringSplit, game_type_blinds, game_type_blinds_connection1, %A_Space%
    ;ttt := game_type_blinds%game_type_blinds0%
    ;Traytip,, title: %title%`nblinds: %ttt%
    StringSplit, blinds, game_type_blinds%game_type_blinds0%, /
    if (amount = "sb")
        return blinds1
        return blinds2

readBetBox(ID) {
    global actOnActiveTable, betBoxX, betBoxY
    ;Traytip,, readbetbox ID: %ID%`nactOnActiveTable: %actOnActiveTable%
    if (ID = "") {
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
    ;IfWinNotActive ahk_class l1l1.kf
     ;   return ""
    WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
    X := Round(width * betBoxX)
    Y := Round(height * betBoxY)
    ;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseGetPos, px, py
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
    sleep 50
    oldClipBoard = %clipBoard%
    clipboard =  ; Start off empty to allow ClipWait to detect when the text has arrived.
    Send {HOME}+{END}
    Send ^c
    ClipWait 0.2 ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
    If !ErrorLevel 
	text := clipboard
    clipboard = %oldClipBoard%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseMove, px, py, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    ;Tooltip, text: %text%
    ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000
    return text

writeBetBox(ID, betSize) {
    global actOnActiveTable, betBoxX, betBoxY
    if (ID = "") {
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
    ;IfWinNotActive ahk_class l1l1.kf
     ;   return
    WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
    X := Round(width * betBoxX)
    Y := Round(height * betBoxY)
    ;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseGetPos, px, py
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
    sleep 50
    ;Tooltip, betSize: %betSize%
    ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000
    Send {HOME}+{END}%betSize%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseMove, px, py, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative


pressFoldButton(ID, key) {
    global FoldX, FoldY
    PressButton(ID, FoldX, FoldY, key)

pressCheckButton(ID, key) {
    global CheckX, CheckY
    PressButton(ID, CheckX, CheckY, key)

pressRaiseButton(ID, key) {
    global RaiseX, RaiseY
    PressButton(ID, RaiseX, RaiseY, key)

pressPotButton(ID, key) {
    global PotX, PotY
    PressButton(ID, PotX, PotY, key)

pressAllInButton(ID, key) {
    global AllInX, AllInY
    PressButton(ID, AllInX, AllInY, key)

PressButton(ID, qx, qy, key) {
    global actOnActiveTable
    ;Traytip,, button ID: %ID%`nactOnActiveTable: %actOnActiveTable%
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
    ;IfWinNotActive ahk_class l1l1.kf
        ;TrayTip,, Sending %key%
        ;if (key <> "")
         ;   Send {%key%}
    WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
    X := Round(width * qx)
    Y := Round(height * qy)
    ;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseGetPos, px, py
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseMove, px, py, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

readIniFile() {
    IfNotExist, EntHelper.ini
        ;Traytip,, Inifile created
    ; read general options
    IniRead, actOnActiveTable,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  actOnActiveTable, 0
    IniRead, allwaysCheckForFree,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  allwaysCheckForFree, 0
    IniRead, autoBuyInMax,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoBuyInMax, 0
    IniRead, autoConfirmRebuy,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmRebuy, 0
    IniRead, autoConfirmAllIn,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmAllIn, 0
    IniRead, autoConfirmLeave,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmLeave, 0
    IniRead, autoConfirmWaitingList,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmWaitingList, 0
    IniRead, InstantAllIn,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  InstantAllIn, 0
    IniRead, InstantFullPot,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  InstantFullPot, 0
    ; read pot percentages
    IniRead, percentage1, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage1, 0
    IniRead, percentage2, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage2, 0
    IniRead, percentage3, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage3, 0
    IniRead, percentage4, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage4, 0
    IniRead, bbAmount1, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, bbAmount1, 0
    IniRead, bbAmount2, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, bbAmount2, 0
    ; read hotkeys
    IniRead, Fold, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Fold, %A_Space%
    IniRead, CheckCall, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, CheckCall, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Raise, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Raise, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetPotPercentage1, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage1, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetPotPercentage2, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage2, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetPotPercentage3, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage3, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetPotPercentage4, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage4, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetBBAmount1, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetBBAmount1, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetBBAmount2, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetBBAmount2, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetFullPot, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetFullPot, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetAllIn, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetAllIn, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Add1BB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1BB, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Subtract1BB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1BB, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Add1SB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1SB, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Subtract1SB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1SB, %A_Space%

    IniRead, ExitApplication, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, ExitApplication, %A_Space%
    IniRead, AutoRebuy, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, AutoRebuy, %A_Space%
    IniRead, SitOut, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitOut, %A_Space%
    IniRead, NoMoreBlinds, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, NoMoreBlinds, %A_Space%
    IniRead, SitIn, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitIn, %A_Space%

createIni() {

    ; set general options
    actOnActiveTable := True
    allwaysCheckForFree := True
    autoBuyInMax := True
    autoConfirmRebuy := True
    autoConfirmAllIn := True
    autoConfirmLeave := True
    autoConfirmWaitingList := True
    InstantAllIn := False
    InstantFullPot := False
    ; set pot percentages
    percentage1 := 66
    percentage2 := 75
    percentage3 := 90
    percentage4 := 115
    bbAmount1 := 2.5
    bbAmount2 := 4.5
    ;set hotkeys
    Fold = NumpadHome
    CheckCall = NumpadUp
    Raise = NumpadPgUp
    BetBBAmount1 = NumpadLeft 
    BetBBAmount2 = NumpadClear
    BetPotPercentage1 = NumpadRight
    BetPotPercentage2 = NumpadEnd
    BetPotPercentage3 = NumpadDown
    BetPotPercentage4 = NumpadPgDn
    BetFullPot = NumpadAdd
    BetAllIn = NumpadIns
    Add1BB = WheelUp
    Subtract1BB = WheelDown

    ExitApplication = F8
    AutoRebuy = F9
    SitOut = F10
    NoMoreBlinds = F11
    SitIn = F12

writeIni() {
    ; write general options
    if actOnActiveTable
        IniWrite, %actOnActiveTable%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  actOnActiveTable
    if allwaysCheckForFree
        IniWrite, %allwaysCheckForFree%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  allwaysCheckForFree
    if autoBuyInMax
        IniWrite, %autoBuyInMax%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoBuyInMax
    if autoConfirmRebuy
        IniWrite, %autoConfirmRebuy%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmRebuy
    if autoConfirmAllIn
        IniWrite, %autoConfirmAllIn%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmAllIn
    if autoConfirmLeave
        IniWrite, %autoConfirmLeave%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmLeave
    if autoConfirmWaitingList
        IniWrite, %autoConfirmWaitingList%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmWaitingList
    if InstantAllIn
        IniWrite, %InstantAllIn%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  InstantAllIn
    if InstantFullPot
        IniWrite, %InstantFullPot%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  InstantFullPot
    ; write pot percentages
    if percentage1
        IniWrite, %percentage1%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage1
    if percentage2
        IniWrite, %percentage2%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage2
    if percentage3
        IniWrite, %percentage3%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage3
    if percentage4
        IniWrite, %percentage4%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage4
    if bbAmount1
        IniWrite, %bbAmount1%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, bbAmount1
    if bbAmount2
        IniWrite, %bbAmount2%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, bbAmount2
    ; write hotkeys
    if Fold
        IniWrite, %Fold%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Fold
    if CheckCall
        IniWrite, %CheckCall%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, CheckCall
    if Raise
        IniWrite, %Raise%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Raise
    if BetPotPercentage1
        IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage1%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage1
    if BetPotPercentage2
        IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage2%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage2
    if BetPotPercentage3
        IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage3%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage3
    if BetPotPercentage4
        IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage4%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage4
    if BetBBAmount1
        IniWrite, %BetBBAmount1%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetBBAmount1
    if BetBBAmount2
        IniWrite, %BetBBAmount2%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetBBAmount2
    if BetFullPot
        IniWrite, %BetFullPot%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetFullPot
    if BetAllIn
        IniWrite, %BetAllIn%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetAllIn
    if Add1BB
        IniWrite, %Add1BB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1BB
    if Subtract1BB
        IniWrite, %Subtract1BB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1BB
    if Add1SB
        IniWrite, %Add1SB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1SB
    if Subtract1SB
        IniWrite, %Subtract1SB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1SB

    if ExitApplication
        IniWrite, %ExitApplication%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, ExitApplication
    if AutoRebuy
        IniWrite, %AutoRebuy%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, AutoRebuy
    if SitOut
        IniWrite, %SitOut%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitOut
    if NoMoreBlinds
        IniWrite, %NoMoreBlinds%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, NoMoreBlinds
    if SitIn
        IniWrite, %SitIn%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitIn

defineHotKeys() {

    if Fold
        HotKey, %Fold%, Fold
    if CheckCall
        HotKey, %CheckCall%, CheckCall
    if Raise
        HotKey, %Raise%, Raise
    if BetPotPercentage1
        HotKey, %BetPotPercentage1%, BetPotPercentage1
    if BetPotPercentage2
        HotKey, %BetPotPercentage2%, BetPotPercentage2
    if BetPotPercentage3
        HotKey, %BetPotPercentage3%, BetPotPercentage3
    if BetPotPercentage4
        HotKey, %BetPotPercentage4%, BetPotPercentage4
    if BetBBAmount1
        HotKey, %BetBBAmount1%, BetBBAmount1
    if BetBBAmount2
        HotKey, %BetBBAmount2%, BetBBAmount2
    if BetFullPot
        HotKey, %BetFullPot%, BetFullPot
    if BetAllIn
        HotKey, %BetAllIn%, BetAllIn
    if Add1BB
        HotKey, %Add1BB%, Add1BB
    if Subtract1BB
        HotKey, %Subtract1BB%, Subtract1BB
    if Add1SB
        HotKey, %Add1SB%, Add1SB
    if Subtract1SB
        HotKey, %Subtract1SB%, Subtract1SB
    if ExitApplication
        HotKey, %ExitApplication%, ExitApplication
    if AutoRebuy
        HotKey, %AutoRebuy%, AutoRebuy
    if SitOut
        HotKey, %SitOut%, SitOut
    if NoMoreBlinds
        HotKey, %NoMoreBlinds%, NoMoreBlinds
    if SitIn
        HotKey, %SitIn%, SitIn
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
12-11-2009 , 01:36 PM
Is there new update in NoiQ? Hotkeys are not working, I updated new Holdem Manager beta and after that it doesn't work. When I try to use 66% or 75% postflop hotkeys, cursor is moving to opponents nick and opens "Note" box.


Edit: Okay, it's workin without Table Manager on. What should I do that it works with Table Manager and HUD stats?
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
12-11-2009 , 02:28 PM
Have you changed your HUD layout recently? Make sure the stats don't cover the table buttons and the box with the bet amount.

Last edited by OSRichard; 12-11-2009 at 02:39 PM.
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
01-02-2010 , 12:39 PM
the script works nicely for me, thanks I'll send u some $
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
01-03-2010 , 05:15 AM
Sometimes when I fold cards at table A and simultaneously another table B popups I fold cards on popuped table B instead of table A wheras mouse pointer is still on table A (actOnActiveTable = 0).

Please consider the following changes in code that seem to fix the problem:

PressButton(ID, qx, qy, key) {
    global actOnActiveTable
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 

;        WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
;    WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay

    WinGetPos, ax, ay, width, height, ahk_id %ID%

    X := Round(width * qx) + ax
    Y := Round(height * qy) + ay

    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseGetPos, px, py

;    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
;    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseMove, px, py, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
02-17-2010 , 01:35 AM
Can't get the scroll wheel 1bb up or down working. Any idea whats the problem?
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
02-17-2010 , 01:54 AM
Can you please post a screenshot with your settings window, "Table Hotkeys" section?
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
02-17-2010 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by OSRichard
Can you please post a screenshot with your settings window, "Table Hotkeys" section?
I'll do it when I get home. I didn't change options at all. My F-functions worked fine.
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
02-17-2010 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by OSRichard
Can you please post a screenshot with your settings window, "Table Hotkeys" section?

New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
02-17-2010 , 01:49 PM
Hmm, they seem to be in order... Do the other keys work (for Fold, Check, etc.)?

These keys are applied to the table, while the F keys are global. Make sure you have the table selected, or using the table under mouse mode, before trying to adjust the pot by BB.
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
02-20-2010 , 01:54 PM
does thhis work with omaha?
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
02-20-2010 , 04:42 PM
Haven't tested it with Omaha at all.
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:37 AM
Seems like they have updated the pokersoftware. Any updates coming
to the script, it does not work anymore?
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:41 PM

Could you please help me to modify your script?

I would like to have a script to set a specific amount whenever I sit down at a table. Like 10, 20, 30€/$. So whenever I sit down it automatically fix that.

Also "sweep-over-table" with the mousepointer so it highlights the table ur pointing at.

Thanks in advice.

New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by hane333
Seems like they have updated the pokersoftware. Any updates coming
to the script, it does not work anymore?
Bump. Is this working?
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:47 AM
I haven't tested it thoroughly, but it seems that they changed the poker table window class again. Here is an updated version:

; Version 0.3R4

; percentage of the window width and height for center of buttons
foldX := 0.48
foldY := 0.95

checkX := 0.62
checkY := 0.95

raiseX := 0.77
raiseY := 0.95

potX := 0.71
potY := 0.86

allinX := 0.79
allinY := 0.86

betBoxX := 0.47
betBoxY := 0.82

autoRebuyX := 0.88
autoRebuyY := 0.88

sitOutX := 0.88
sitOutY := 0.94

noBlindsX := 0.88
noBlindsY := 0.97

sitInX := 0.6
sitInY := 0.9

checkForFreeX := 0.58
checkForFreeY := 0.74

maxBuyInX := 0.31
maxBuyInY := 0.44

confirmBuyInX := 0.7
confirmBuyInY := 0.89

rebuyOkX := 0.49
rebuyOkY := 0.74

confirmAllInX := 0.41
confirmAllInY := 0.73

confirmLeaveX := 0.45
confirmLeaveY := 0.73

confirmWaiting1X := 0.5
confirmWaiting1Y := 0.86

confirmWaiting2X := 0.41
confirmWaiting2Y := 0.86
; End general settings

#SingleInstance, Force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200
SendMode Input
SetTitleMatchMode 3
SetBatchLines -1

Menu, Tray, NoStandard
Menu, Tray, Add, Settings, Settings
Menu, Tray, Default, Settings
Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, Reload
Menu, Tray, Add, About, About
Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, Close


if (allwaysCheckForFree = 1)
    GoSub activateAllwaysCheckForFree

if (autoBuyInMax = 1)
    GoSub autoBuyInForMax
if (autoConfirmRebuy = 1)
    GoSub activateAutoConfirmRebuy
if (autoConfirmAllIn = 1)
    GoSub activateAutoConfirmAllIn
if (autoConfirmLeave = 1)
    GoSub activateAutoConfirmLeave
if (autoConfirmWaitingList = 1)
    GoSub activateAutoConfirmWaitingList


; GUI to choose settings
    ; add tabs
    Gui, Add, Tab, x-4 y0 w500 h750 , Table Hotkeys|Other Hotkeys|Options
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y32 w100 h20 , Fold
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y30 w90 h20 vFold, %Fold%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y52 w100 h20 , Check/Call
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y50 w90 h20 vCheckCall, %CheckCall%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y72 w100 h20 , Raise
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y70 w90 h20 vRaise, %Raise%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y92 w100 h20 , All In
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y90 w90 h20 vBetAllIn, %BetAllIn%
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x195 y90 w50 h20 Checked%InstantAllIn% vInstantAllIn, Instant
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y112 w100 h20 , Bet Full Pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y110 w90 h20 vBetFullPot, %BetFullPot%
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x195 y110 w50 h20 Checked%InstantFullPot% vInstantFullPot, Instant
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y152 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y150 w25 h20 vpercentage1, %percentage1%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y152 w40 h20 , `% pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y150 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage1, %BetPotPercentage1%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y172 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y170 w25 h20 vpercentage2, %percentage2%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y172 w40 h20 , `% pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y170 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage2, %BetPotPercentage2%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y192 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y190 w25 h20 vpercentage3, %percentage3%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y192 w40 h20 , `% pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y190 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage3, %BetPotPercentage3%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y212 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y210 w25 h20 vpercentage4, %percentage4%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y212 w40 h20 , `% pot
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y210 w90 h20 vBetPotPercentage4, %BetPotPercentage4%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y252 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y250 w25 h20 vbbAmount1, %bbAmount1%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y252 w40 h20 , BBs
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y250 w90 h20 vBetBBAmount1, %BetBBAmount1%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y272 w20 h20 , Bet
    Gui, Add, Edit, x30 y270 w25 h20 vbbAmount2, %bbAmount2%
    Gui, Add, Text, x56 y272 w40 h20 , BBs
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y270 w90 h20 vBetBBAmount2, %BetBBAmount2%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y292 w100 h20 , Add 1 BB
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y290 w90 h20 vAdd1BB, %Add1BB%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y312 w100 h20 , Subtract 1 BB
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y310 w90 h20 vSubtract1BB, %Subtract1BB%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y332 w100 h20 , Add 1 SB
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y330 w90 h20 vAdd1SB, %Add1SB%
    Gui, Add, Text, x10 y352 w100 h20 , Subtract1 SB
    Gui, Add, Edit, x90 y350 w90 h20 vSubtract1SB, %Subtract1SB%
    Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save 
    Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
    Gui, Tab, Other Hotkeys
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y32 w100 h20 , Auto Rebuy
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y30 w90 h20 vAutoRebuy, %AutoRebuy%
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y52 w100 h20 , Sit Out
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y50 w90 h20 vSitOut, %SitOut%
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y72 w100 h20 , No More Blinds
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y70 w90 h20 vNoMoreBlinds, %NoMoreBlinds%
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y92 w100 h20 , Sit In
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y90 w90 h20 vSitIn, %SitIn%
    Gui, Add, Text, x5 y132 w100 h20 , Exit Application
    Gui, Add, Edit, x85 y130 w90 h20 vExitApplication, %ExitApplication%
    Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save 
    Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
    Gui, Tab, Options
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y30 w230 h20 Checked%actOnActiveTable% vactOnActiveTable, Act on active table (or table under mouse)
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y50 w200 h20 Checked%allwaysCheckForFree% vallwaysCheckForFree, Allways check for free
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y70 w200 h20 Checked%autoBuyInMax% vautoBuyInMax, Auto buy in for table maximum
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y90 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmRebuy% vautoConfirmRebuy, Auto confirm rebuy pop-up
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y110 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmAllIn% vautoConfirmAllIn, Auto confirm large all-in
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y130 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmLeave% vautoConfirmLeave, Auto confirm leave table pop-up
    Gui, Add, CheckBox, x5 y150 w200 h20 Checked%autoConfirmWaitingList% vautoConfirmWaitingList, Auto confirm waiting list pop-ups
    Gui, Add, Button, x75 y400 w50 h20 gSave, Save 
    Gui, Add, Button, x135 y400 w50 h20 gCancel, Cancel
    Gui, Show, x100 y50 h450 w260, EntHelper Settings

    Gui, Submit
    FileDelete, EntHelper.ini

    Gui, Destroy

    Gui, Destroy

    pressFoldButton(getTableID(), Fold)

    pressCheckButton(getTableID(), CheckCall)

    pressRaiseButton(getTableID(), Raise)

    bet(getTableID(), percentage1, BetPotPercentage1)

    bet(getTableID(), percentage2, BetPotPercentage2)

    bet(getTableID(), percentage3, BetPotPercentage3)

    bet(getTableID(), percentage4, BetPotPercentage4)

    betBB(getTableID(), bbAmount1, BetBBAmount1)

    betBB(getTableID(), bbAmount2, BetBBAmount2)

    bet(getTableID(), 100, BetFullPot)
    if (InstantFullPot = True)
        pressRaiseButton(getTableID(), "")

    pressAllInButton(getTableID(), BetAllIn)
    if (InstantAllIn = True)
        pressRaiseButton(getTableID(), "")

    changeBet(getTableID(), "up", "bb", Add1BB)

    changeBet(getTableID(), "down", "bb", Subtract1BB)

    changeBet(getTableID(), "up", "sb", Add1SB)

    changeBet(getTableID(), "down", "sb", Subtract1SB)

    GoSub Close

    PressButton(getTableID(), autoRebuyX, autoRebuyY, AutoRebuy)

    PressButton(getTableID(), sitOutX, sitOutY, SitOut)

    PressButton(getTableID(), noBlindsX, noBlindsY, NoMoreBlinds)

    PressButton(getTableID(), sitInX, sitInY, SitIn)


    Msgbox,, About,
    Entraction Helper, v0.3R4
    If you like this script please consider donating some money,
    using one of the following options:
    - transfer to OSRichard on PokerStars
    - transfer to YorickFTP on FullTilt
    - Moneybookers transfer to
    If you have any suggestions/requests/comments,
    PM me on 2+2 forums @ OSRichard.


    SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off

    SetTimer, checkForFree, 500

    SetTimer, buyInForMax, 500

    SetTimer, autoCloseRebuy, 500

    SetTimer, autoConfirmLargeAllIn, 500

    SetTimer, autoConfirmLeaveTable, 500

    SetTimer, autoConfirmWaitingListPp, 500

    checkForFreeWindowTitle := "Confirm fold"

    IfWinExist, %checkForFreeWindowTitle%
        ; press "Check" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * checkForFreeX)
        Y := Round(height * checkForFreeY)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`ncheckForFreeWindowTitle: %checkForFreeWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    IfWinExist, ahk_class SunAwtDialog
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        if (title = "") {
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, px, py
            CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
            X := Round(width * maxBuyInX)
            Y := Round(height * maxBuyInY)
            ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
            ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
            MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
            sleep 50
            X := Round(width * confirmBuyInX)
            Y := Round(height * confirmBuyInY)
            MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseMove, px, py, 0
            CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle := "Auto Rebuy turned on"

    IfWinExist, %autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle%
        ; press "Ok" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * rebuyOkX)
        Y := Round(height * rebuyOkY)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoCloseRebuyWindowTitle: %autoCloseRebuyWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle := "Confirm Large All-In Raise"

    IfWinExist, %autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle%
        ; press "Ok" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * confirmAllInX)
        Y := Round(height * confirmAllInY)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle: %autoConfirmLargeAllInWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle := "Confirm leave"

    IfWinExist, %autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle%
        ; press "Ok" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * confirmLeaveX)
        Y := Round(height * confirmLeaveY)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle: %autoConfirmLeaveTableWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle := "Waiting List"

    IfWinExist, %autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle%
        WinActivate, %autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle%
        ; press "Ok" button
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, px, py
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
        X := Round(width * confirmWaiting1X)
        Y := Round(height * confirmWaiting1Y)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle: %autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        X := Round(width * confirmWaiting2X)
        Y := Round(height * confirmWaiting2Y)
        ;Tooltip, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%`nautoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle: %autoConfirmWaitingListWindowTitle%
        ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
        MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseMove, px, py, 0
        CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

    global actOnActiveTable
    ID := ""
    if (actOnActiveTable = 1) {
        WinGet, ID,, A 
    } else {
    WinGetClass, winClass, ahk_id %ID%
    if (winClass <> "")
        ID := ""
    return ID

bet(ID, percentage, key) {
    ;Traytip,, bet ID: %ID%
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    Critical, On
    pressPotButton(ID, key)
    betSize := readBetBox(ID)
    newBetSize := Round(betSize * percentage / 100,2)
    ;Tooltip, ID: %ID%`nbetSize: %betSize%`npercentage: %percentage%`nnewBetSize: %newBetSize%
    ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
    writeBetBox(ID, newBetSize)
    Critical, Off

betBB(ID, amount, key) {
    ;Traytip,, bet ID: %ID%
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    Critical, On
    bigBlind := getBlind(ID, "bb")
    newBetSize := Round(bigBlind * amount,2)
    ;Tooltip, ID: %ID%`nbetSize: %betSize%`npercentage: %percentage%`nnewBetSize: %newBetSize%
    ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 5000
    writeBetBox(ID, newBetSize)
    Critical, Off

changeBet(ID, direction, amount, key) {
    global actOnActiveTable
    ;Traytip,, changebet ID: %ID%`nactOnActiveTable: %actOnActiveTable%
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
    ;IfWinNotActive ahk_class
     ;   Send {%key%}
      ;  return

    Critical, On
    betSize := readBetBox(ID)
    if (amount = "bb") or (amount = "sb")
        raiseSize := getBlind(ID, amount)
    ;Msgbox, raiseSize: %raiseSize%
    if (direction = "up")
        newBetSize := betSize + raiseSize
        newBetSize := betSize - raiseSize
    writeBetBox(ID, newBetSize)
    Critical, Off

getBlind(ID, amount) {
    WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %ID%
    StringSplit, title_array, title, (
    StringSplit, game_type_blinds_connection, title_array%title_array0%, )
    StringSplit, game_type_blinds, game_type_blinds_connection1, %A_Space%
    ;ttt := game_type_blinds%game_type_blinds0%
    ;Traytip,, title: %title%`nblinds: %ttt%
    StringSplit, blinds, game_type_blinds%game_type_blinds0%, /
    if (amount = "sb")
        return blinds1
        return blinds2

readBetBox(ID) {
    global actOnActiveTable, betBoxX, betBoxY
    ;Traytip,, readbetbox ID: %ID%`nactOnActiveTable: %actOnActiveTable%
    if (ID = "") {
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
    ;IfWinNotActive ahk_class
     ;   return ""
    WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
    X := Round(width * betBoxX)
    Y := Round(height * betBoxY)
    ;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseGetPos, px, py
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
    sleep 50
    oldClipBoard = %clipBoard%
    clipboard =  ; Start off empty to allow ClipWait to detect when the text has arrived.
    Send {HOME}+{END}
    Send ^c
    ClipWait 0.2 ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
    If !ErrorLevel 
	text := clipboard
    clipboard = %oldClipBoard%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseMove, px, py, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    ;Tooltip, text: %text%
    ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000
    return text

writeBetBox(ID, betSize) {
    global actOnActiveTable, betBoxX, betBoxY
    if (ID = "") {
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 
        WinActivate, ahk_id %ID%
    ;IfWinNotActive ahk_class
     ;   return
    WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
    X := Round(width * betBoxX)
    Y := Round(height * betBoxY)
    ;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseGetPos, px, py
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
    sleep 50
    ;Tooltip, betSize: %betSize%
    ;SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000
    Send {HOME}+{END}%betSize%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseMove, px, py, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative


pressFoldButton(ID, key) {
    global FoldX, FoldY
    PressButton(ID, FoldX, FoldY, key)

pressCheckButton(ID, key) {
    global CheckX, CheckY
    PressButton(ID, CheckX, CheckY, key)

pressRaiseButton(ID, key) {
    global RaiseX, RaiseY
    PressButton(ID, RaiseX, RaiseY, key)

pressPotButton(ID, key) {
    global PotX, PotY
    PressButton(ID, PotX, PotY, key)

pressAllInButton(ID, key) {
    global AllInX, AllInY
    PressButton(ID, AllInX, AllInY, key)

PressButton(ID, qx, qy, key) {
    global actOnActiveTable
    ;Traytip,, button ID: %ID%`nactOnActiveTable: %actOnActiveTable%
    if (ID = "") {
        if (key <> "")
            Send {%key%}
    if (actOnActiveTable <> 1) 
        WinGetPos, ax, ay, width, height, ahk_id %ID%
        WinGetActiveStats, title, width, height, ax, ay
    ;IfWinNotActive ahk_class
        ;TrayTip,, Sending %key%
        ;if (key <> "")
         ;   Send {%key%}
    X := Round(width * qx)
    Y := Round(height * qy)
    ;Traytip,, title: %title%`nX: %X%`nY: %Y%
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseGetPos, px, py
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
    MouseClick,, X, Y,, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    MouseMove, px, py, 0
    CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

readIniFile() {
    IfNotExist, EntHelper.ini
        ;Traytip,, Inifile created
    ; read general options
    IniRead, actOnActiveTable,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  actOnActiveTable, 0
    IniRead, allwaysCheckForFree,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  allwaysCheckForFree, 0
    IniRead, autoBuyInMax,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoBuyInMax, 0
    IniRead, autoConfirmRebuy,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmRebuy, 0
    IniRead, autoConfirmAllIn,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmAllIn, 0
    IniRead, autoConfirmLeave,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmLeave, 0
    IniRead, autoConfirmWaitingList,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmWaitingList, 0
    IniRead, InstantAllIn,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  InstantAllIn, 0
    IniRead, InstantFullPot,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  InstantFullPot, 0
    ; read pot percentages
    IniRead, percentage1, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage1, 0
    IniRead, percentage2, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage2, 0
    IniRead, percentage3, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage3, 0
    IniRead, percentage4, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage4, 0
    IniRead, bbAmount1, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, bbAmount1, 0
    IniRead, bbAmount2, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, bbAmount2, 0
    ; read hotkeys
    IniRead, Fold, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Fold, %A_Space%
    IniRead, CheckCall, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, CheckCall, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Raise, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Raise, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetPotPercentage1, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage1, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetPotPercentage2, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage2, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetPotPercentage3, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage3, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetPotPercentage4, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage4, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetBBAmount1, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetBBAmount1, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetBBAmount2, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetBBAmount2, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetFullPot, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetFullPot, %A_Space%
    IniRead, BetAllIn, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetAllIn, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Add1BB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1BB, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Subtract1BB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1BB, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Add1SB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1SB, %A_Space%
    IniRead, Subtract1SB, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1SB, %A_Space%

    IniRead, ExitApplication, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, ExitApplication, %A_Space%
    IniRead, AutoRebuy, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, AutoRebuy, %A_Space%
    IniRead, SitOut, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitOut, %A_Space%
    IniRead, NoMoreBlinds, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, NoMoreBlinds, %A_Space%
    IniRead, SitIn, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitIn, %A_Space%

createIni() {

    ; set general options
    actOnActiveTable := True
    allwaysCheckForFree := True
    autoBuyInMax := True
    autoConfirmRebuy := True
    autoConfirmAllIn := True
    autoConfirmLeave := True
    autoConfirmWaitingList := True
    InstantAllIn := False
    InstantFullPot := False
    ; set pot percentages
    percentage1 := 66
    percentage2 := 75
    percentage3 := 90
    percentage4 := 115
    bbAmount1 := 2.5
    bbAmount2 := 4.5
    ;set hotkeys
    Fold = NumpadHome
    CheckCall = NumpadUp
    Raise = NumpadPgUp
    BetBBAmount1 = NumpadLeft 
    BetBBAmount2 = NumpadClear
    BetPotPercentage1 = NumpadRight
    BetPotPercentage2 = NumpadEnd
    BetPotPercentage3 = NumpadDown
    BetPotPercentage4 = NumpadPgDn
    BetFullPot = NumpadAdd
    BetAllIn = NumpadIns
    Add1BB = WheelUp
    Subtract1BB = WheelDown

    ExitApplication = F8
    AutoRebuy = F9
    SitOut = F10
    NoMoreBlinds = F11
    SitIn = F12

writeIni() {
    ; write general options
    if actOnActiveTable
        IniWrite, %actOnActiveTable%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  actOnActiveTable
    if allwaysCheckForFree
        IniWrite, %allwaysCheckForFree%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  allwaysCheckForFree
    if autoBuyInMax
        IniWrite, %autoBuyInMax%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoBuyInMax
    if autoConfirmRebuy
        IniWrite, %autoConfirmRebuy%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmRebuy
    if autoConfirmAllIn
        IniWrite, %autoConfirmAllIn%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmAllIn
    if autoConfirmLeave
        IniWrite, %autoConfirmLeave%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmLeave
    if autoConfirmWaitingList
        IniWrite, %autoConfirmWaitingList%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  autoConfirmWaitingList
    if InstantAllIn
        IniWrite, %InstantAllIn%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  InstantAllIn
    if InstantFullPot
        IniWrite, %InstantFullPot%,  EntHelper.ini, Options,  InstantFullPot
    ; write pot percentages
    if percentage1
        IniWrite, %percentage1%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage1
    if percentage2
        IniWrite, %percentage2%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage2
    if percentage3
        IniWrite, %percentage3%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage3
    if percentage4
        IniWrite, %percentage4%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, percentage4
    if bbAmount1
        IniWrite, %bbAmount1%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, bbAmount1
    if bbAmount2
        IniWrite, %bbAmount2%, EntHelper.ini, PotPercentages, bbAmount2
    ; write hotkeys
    if Fold
        IniWrite, %Fold%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Fold
    if CheckCall
        IniWrite, %CheckCall%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, CheckCall
    if Raise
        IniWrite, %Raise%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Raise
    if BetPotPercentage1
        IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage1%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage1
    if BetPotPercentage2
        IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage2%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage2
    if BetPotPercentage3
        IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage3%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage3
    if BetPotPercentage4
        IniWrite, %BetPotPercentage4%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetPotPercentage4
    if BetBBAmount1
        IniWrite, %BetBBAmount1%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetBBAmount1
    if BetBBAmount2
        IniWrite, %BetBBAmount2%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetBBAmount2
    if BetFullPot
        IniWrite, %BetFullPot%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetFullPot
    if BetAllIn
        IniWrite, %BetAllIn%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, BetAllIn
    if Add1BB
        IniWrite, %Add1BB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1BB
    if Subtract1BB
        IniWrite, %Subtract1BB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1BB
    if Add1SB
        IniWrite, %Add1SB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Add1SB
    if Subtract1SB
        IniWrite, %Subtract1SB%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, Subtract1SB

    if ExitApplication
        IniWrite, %ExitApplication%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, ExitApplication
    if AutoRebuy
        IniWrite, %AutoRebuy%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, AutoRebuy
    if SitOut
        IniWrite, %SitOut%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitOut
    if NoMoreBlinds
        IniWrite, %NoMoreBlinds%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, NoMoreBlinds
    if SitIn
        IniWrite, %SitIn%, EntHelper.ini, Hotkeys, SitIn

defineHotKeys() {

    if Fold
        HotKey, %Fold%, Fold
    if CheckCall
        HotKey, %CheckCall%, CheckCall
    if Raise
        HotKey, %Raise%, Raise
    if BetPotPercentage1
        HotKey, %BetPotPercentage1%, BetPotPercentage1
    if BetPotPercentage2
        HotKey, %BetPotPercentage2%, BetPotPercentage2
    if BetPotPercentage3
        HotKey, %BetPotPercentage3%, BetPotPercentage3
    if BetPotPercentage4
        HotKey, %BetPotPercentage4%, BetPotPercentage4
    if BetBBAmount1
        HotKey, %BetBBAmount1%, BetBBAmount1
    if BetBBAmount2
        HotKey, %BetBBAmount2%, BetBBAmount2
    if BetFullPot
        HotKey, %BetFullPot%, BetFullPot
    if BetAllIn
        HotKey, %BetAllIn%, BetAllIn
    if Add1BB
        HotKey, %Add1BB%, Add1BB
    if Subtract1BB
        HotKey, %Subtract1BB%, Subtract1BB
    if Add1SB
        HotKey, %Add1SB%, Add1SB
    if Subtract1SB
        HotKey, %Subtract1SB%, Subtract1SB
    if ExitApplication
        HotKey, %ExitApplication%, ExitApplication
    if AutoRebuy
        HotKey, %AutoRebuy%, AutoRebuy
    if SitOut
        HotKey, %SitOut%, SitOut
    if NoMoreBlinds
        HotKey, %NoMoreBlinds%, NoMoreBlinds
    if SitIn
        HotKey, %SitIn%, SitIn
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
03-17-2010 , 07:02 PM
I use it only for confirmation large bet pop up, but great B2B add on. $15 on FTP. Thanks.
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
03-17-2010 , 08:43 PM
Can I configure right button to fold and middle button to bet pot with this script?
Thank you
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
03-18-2010 , 01:11 AM
@Kockomrd: Thanks for your donation, I really appreciate your support.

@binhozao: Sure you can, just go into the settings and configure it the way you like. You can see a list of all the available keys here.

Last edited by OSRichard; 03-18-2010 at 01:17 AM.
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
04-20-2010 , 04:28 AM
The "table under mouse" feature doesn't seem to be working. ;(
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
05-14-2010 , 12:05 PM
Hi, is possible programing registr to tournament with one key?
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
05-16-2010 , 11:18 AM
Hey OSRichard, just sent you some money to give you a tiny incentive to keep it updated. I really appreciate your work (sent $50 via stars).
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:12 PM
Hmm. I can't get it working with HM's HUD either. Have tried moving the stats around so that they're not blocking anything but no luck .
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
05-16-2010 , 01:57 PM
When I use it with HM running nothing happens at all. It's as if it doesn't click anything.

With the HUD off it works for preflop. Postflop doesn't get the right % of pot sizes and will hang all the time. It tries to click two different places over and over again and won't let me click anything. OSRichard, I've sent you a screencast of what happens though you miss out on where the mouse is clicking back and forth. Thanks.
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
05-16-2010 , 04:29 PM
OK, figured out all my issues. Was due to administrator privs for HM but not for autohotkey.
New Donationware Software: Entraction helper script Quote
