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NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables)

01-25-2007 , 06:59 PM
will try that, thanks for the help.
If you delete the ini file you will lose any saved layouts - rename it is just as effective.

The easy way to fix this strange ocurrence is to open the ini file with notepad, and set gx=0 and gy=0 in the [defaults] section (usually at the end), then reload the script.

I'll put preventative measures (as suggested many posts above) in the next version, which fixes new Stars buyin box and will be uploaded soon.


NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
01-25-2007 , 08:07 PM
ok, thanks again Dave!!
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
01-27-2007 , 05:07 PM
how soon can we expect the fix for this one? Really love this script.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
01-29-2007 , 02:51 PM
how soon can we expect the fix for this one? Really love this script.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
01-30-2007 , 10:23 AM
how soon can we expect the fix for this one? Really love this script.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
01-31-2007 , 08:29 PM
how soon can we expect the fix for this one? Really love this script.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
01-31-2007 , 09:31 PM
Sorry for the delay everyone.

Tell me, is the only thing broken the auto-buyin function? layout manager is still fine, right?

My current version 0.4 code is broken in several places with new things I'm trying to implement... If I don't get it working properly tomorrow night I'll d/l the 0.3 ad fix it up for you in the meantime before I get 0.4 released.

So tell me what needs fixing - I'll have something for you within 24 hours

NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
01-31-2007 , 10:00 PM
I will double check it when I play tonight but I think the auto buy in is the only thing not working. Thanks Dave.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
01-31-2007 , 11:23 PM
First off, thanks for the great program. You make 12 tabling possible for me.

The auto buy-in is the only issue I've come across from the last up date.

One other small issue that has always been there is that you have to manually click the window that pops up when you rebuy (while in a hand) that tells you the funds will be availilbe once the hand is completed.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-01-2007 , 10:01 AM
I discovered something kind of funky last night. I had my tables arranged onscreen, fullsize, and then I decided to mess around with resizing. So I turned off auto-arrange, resized them, decided I didn't like it, and hit the auto-arrange button again. BIG MISTAKE. Everything went haywire -- mouse cursor was jumping around, tables were jumping all over, and I had to reboot to regain control of my PC.

I could have avoided it by clicking the 'tile' selection on Stars first. That maximized the table sizes and then auto-arrange worked fine.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-02-2007 , 01:04 PM

Can I touch your willy?
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-03-2007 , 10:54 AM

One other small issue that has always been there is that you have to manually click the window that pops up when you rebuy (while in a hand) that tells you the funds will be availilbe once the hand is completed.
Thats the only other issue I could find as well.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-08-2007 , 03:56 PM

One other small issue that has always been there is that you have to manually click the window that pops up when you rebuy (while in a hand) that tells you the funds will be availilbe once the hand is completed.
Thats the only other issue I could find as well.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-09-2007 , 08:52 AM

One other small issue that has always been there is that you have to manually click the window that pops up when you rebuy (while in a hand) that tells you the funds will be availilbe once the hand is completed.
Thats the only other issue I could find as well.
As of this week, there is a option to auto-rebuy in the PokerStars software. I'm not sure though how it works since I dont play cash.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-10-2007 , 12:24 PM
With the latest update the pop up boxes that tell you it's a high speed table and on the none high speed tables telling you that you don't have all-in protection have to be manually clicked.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-11-2007 , 12:13 PM
come on dave hook us up we have been waitin a long time for this one :P
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-12-2007 , 01:15 AM
Dave, with your expedited help I'm sure most of us would be willing to make donations again. thanks!
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-12-2007 , 01:23 AM
I reckon I got StarsPlanner v-0.4 working OK now... still not 100% (occasionally buys in for minimum, grrr. - very rare tho)

Credit card fraud (see BetPot thread) set me back a few days as I decided it would be safest to format all my computers.

Will get new versions polished and uploaded in the next day or two

NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-15-2007 , 05:53 PM
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-17-2007 , 11:26 AM
Dave, with your expedited help I'm sure most of us would be willing to make donations again. thanks!
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-23-2007 , 05:36 AM

Dave, where you at man?
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-26-2007 , 11:03 PM

very sorry for the delay

I had high hopes of implementing some new features - notably stripping the titlebars / borders from tables, and also I wanted to fix the problem with negative screen co-ords that causes "random" table swapping (this can be fixed manually editing the ini file). I had to remove these testing bits from my code since they were very unstable... I'll try and get them working for the next update - this one has waited long enough

Here we are...

StarsPlanner v.0.04

<ul type="square">[*]Update to fix compatibility with Stars new dialog boxes. Also improved resize code thanks to info from CrashPat.
[*]IMPORTANT NOTES: to make use of superior window-resize method, you have to add the line "f5redrawtable=1" (without quotes) to the [Options] section in your "User.ini" file - found in "Program Files\PokerStars". I could have the script do this automatically, but I'd rather not be writing to PokerStars files if I can help it.
[*]I enhanced the behaviour of the "Dismiss Open-Fold Are You Sure" setting. Now when unticked, it will auto Check
[*]I added a menu option (right click the tray "H" icon) to Reset GUI position - never happened to me, but some people reported an off-screen GUI window. This option moves it to x/y 0,0 - should be visible on any system.[/list]
With the version number change, you will need to copy/paste your StarsPlanner-v0.03.ini file and rename it to StarsPlanner-v0.04.ini - This will preserve previously saved table layouts.

These new Stars dialogs are a right pain - window text is no longer visible, I had to check for the presence of certain buttons to differentiate the specific windows

I hope this works well for you all,

NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-26-2007 , 11:37 PM
I don't play at stars, but I would just like to say a HUGE thanks for creating this script!

I was having strange problems with the real PartyPlanner mixed with my SNG helper AHK scripts, but ever since hacking your stars planner to work for Party it's worked absolutely flawlessly (and it took me only a few minutes to edit the bits needed - I'm sure it could be edited to work at any site very easily).

Thanks - Juk
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-26-2007 , 11:46 PM
As always dave, you are AWESOME!!!

Mods..... can dave get a title yet? thanks

A while back in this thread I asked if it might be possible to add some sort of colored GUI to the active (upper most table when there is overlap) table. Is this in there by chance? I did not think so, but thought I would still ask.

Thanks as always dave.
NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
02-26-2007 , 11:53 PM

A while back in this thread I asked if it might be possible to add some sort of colored GUI to the active (upper most table when there is overlap) table. Is this in there by chance? I did not think so, but thought I would still ask.

Didn't you ask this in the "Stars Urgent Table" script thread? it is in the next version of that (along with FTP support for Vehn) to be released after a little bit more debugging

NEW AHK Script: StarsPlanner (Auto Resize / Arrange Tables) Quote
