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Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software

03-31-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by BadBoyBubby
Hi, I just started getting this error today from Bovada Hand Converter. Is anyone else having this problem?

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Documents and Settings' is denied.
I haven't seen this before, but have you tried just changing the folder locations in the program to somewhere else? If you've enabled admin rights, either the folder doesn't exist, or it's being blocked for some security reasons.

We've been selling this awhile, so I can tell you no one has reported any kind of issue like this that I've seen.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-01-2015 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Armandcv11
Converted about 18,000 hands from Bovada and when importing them to poker tracker 4 it says there are about 15,000 errors. Anyone know why this is happening?
Think I missed this sorry. Make sure you have a newer PT4 version, OR make sure you have known hole cards turned off in the settings of the converter.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-01-2015 , 08:24 PM
Hey Freak,
I'm having the same problem as BadBoy. March 28 and prior is fine, but after that I can't locate the download hands from Bovada. I deleted the data in the Bovada File once I downloaded to Holdem Manager and after that the file has remained empty since March 28.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-02-2015 , 12:59 PM
I'd assume it's a delay or something from Bovada. You can contact them about getting those dates again. Someone said this happened once to them. I'm honestly not sure why. I've been downloading from them for a couple of years without an issue at any point. But I do know someone else who had to contact them on here, and they got their hands.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-03-2015 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
I'd assume it's a delay or something from Bovada. You can contact them about getting those dates again. Someone said this happened once to them. I'm honestly not sure why. I've been downloading from them for a couple of years without an issue at any point. But I do know someone else who had to contact them on here, and they got their hands.
bovada client sometimes stops downloading my hands (on win 8.1) after i have the program running for a few days.

i have found that closing the client and restarting it fixes the problem.

Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-04-2015 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Tayek
bovada client sometimes stops downloading my hands (on win 8.1) after i have the program running for a few days.

i have found that closing the client and restarting it fixes the problem.

Yw... Yeah, I explain this in the tutorial vid. A lot of times you need to request, exit the client and then log back in to get hands. Sometimes it will download after a while, but the best way to ensure is to log back in and out.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-11-2015 , 11:33 AM
I am getting like a 20%+ error rate for importing Zone hands into PT4. In Import Status it says things like:

Error: PokerStars: Invalid pot size (1.50 vs pot:0.50 rake:0.00 jpt:0.00 for hand #3039966906 (Line #2785)

Can you please fix this asap?
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-11-2015 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
I am getting like a 20%+ error rate for importing Zone hands into PT4. In Import Status it says things like:

Error: PokerStars: Invalid pot size (1.50 vs pot:0.50 rake:0.00 jpt:0.00 for hand #3039966906 (Line #2785)

Can you please fix this asap?
i've been playing for 3 months on bovada zone. i get that message on some of the files from bovada.

it does not seem to hurt anything.

Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-11-2015 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Tayek
i've been playing for 3 months on bovada zone. i get that message on some of the files from bovada.

it does not seem to hurt anything.

You mean all the hands still import fine for you?
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-11-2015 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
You mean all the hands still import fine for you?
yes, the hands seem to import ok. (on windoze 8.1)

Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-11-2015 , 08:43 PM
hmm well I don't think the error ones import for me (windows 7).
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-11-2015 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
hmm well I don't think the error ones import for me (windows 7).
i have not checked at that level of detail. the error does not occur that often.

Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-12-2015 , 01:27 AM
Oh... for me it's over 20% of hands getting the error and thus not importing. I tried emailing support and their only response was, "Do you mean the catcher and not the converter?" even though I clearly stated I was talking about the converter in my initial email.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-12-2015 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
Oh... for me it's over 20% of hands getting the error and thus not importing. I tried emailing support and their only response was, "Do you mean the catcher and not the converter?" even though I clearly stated I was talking about the converter in my initial email.
Lot's of people confuse the two, and because there are no known issues with the converter, I can understand why they'd ask.

What version of PT4 are you using? PT did change how they import some data awhile back, so you might need to update.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-12-2015 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Lot's of people confuse the two, and because there are no known issues with the converter, I can understand why they'd ask.

What version of PT4 are you using? PT did change how they import some data awhile back, so you might need to update.
I am using the latest version of PT4: v4.13.1. Still getting this problem, and as you can see another user ITT has been getting it as well (though seemingly less frequently) but simply ignoring it.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-12-2015 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by whatwonder
I am using the latest version of PT4: v4.13.1. Still getting this problem, and as you can see another user ITT has been getting it as well (though seemingly less frequently) but simply ignoring it.
So when you say still, did you recently update? PT changed how they calculate rake a few versions ago, and that update caused this error. We updated to account for this some time back, and anyone who had this issue confirmed it was fixed. I haven't seen this issue come up in support or anywhere since it was addressed. What version of the converter do you have? The latest version is: 1.0.38. If you don't have the latest, you should update to it to address this problem. You can download the latest here:

Bovada poker converter download
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-12-2015 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Tayek
yes, the hands seem to import ok. (on windoze 8.1) ...
oops, i misspoke.

i just checked the last two hands that had stuff like:

01:50:43 pm: Import file: C:\Users\ray\Documents\BovadaHandHistory\BovadaHan dHistory_Holdem_NL_201504111348384725581.txt
01:50:43 pm: Error: PokerStars: Invalid pot size (0.15 vs pot:0.05 rake:0.00 jpt:0.00 for hand #3040264323 (Line #208)
01:50:43 pm: + Complete (9 hands, 0 summaries, 1 error, 0 duplicates)

these hands are not in the pt4 database. this happens infrequently for me. i get 285 errors in 11k hands with 26k duplicates when i import all of my converted files into pt4.

Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-12-2015 , 10:04 PM
What version of the converter are you using? You shouldn't have any errors. If you do, the please send any of those hands to support. Typically speaking, if there's some error going on we hear about it from many people on here and other forums, and support pretty quickly. I haven't heard of any issue. I'm pretty sure this is related to the PT update and change in the rake calculation that was fixed. But please check and let me know.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-12-2015 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
What version of the converter are you using? You shouldn't have any errors. If you do, the please send any of those hands to support. Typically speaking, if there's some error going on we hear about it from many people on here and other forums, and support pretty quickly. I haven't heard of any issue. I'm pretty sure this is related to the PT update and change in the rake calculation that was fixed. But please check and let me know.
version is 1.0.37

these are the same errors i have been getting since january (please see my previous posts here).

Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-13-2015 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Tayek
version is 1.0.37

these are the same errors i have been getting since january (please see my previous posts here).

As stated above, you need to update to version .38 which addresses this issue. There were many posts at the time when this change happened in PT, and we explained that an update needed to be made and posted the change back on Feb 7th.

You can download the latest here:

Bovada poker converter download[/QUOTE]
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-13-2015 , 01:02 PM
I just updated to 1.0.38 and am STILL getting the same error What now?
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-13-2015 , 02:21 PM
You updated, downloaded new hands, and converted those with errors? Send those hands to support. FYI, I play on zone myself and this was an issue when PT changed the rake calculation a couple of months ago, but the .38 version corrected this. I haven't seen an error since then. But you never know. Things change.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-13-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
You updated, downloaded new hands, and converted those with errors?

Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Send those hands to support.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-13-2015 , 03:30 PM
Thank you. Yes, it looks like there's some other change happening again with the rake calculation. I'm going to talk with PT again, and our developer. I tested on HM1/2 and they are fine. It's just PT again.
Ignition/Bodog Hand History Converter Software Quote
04-13-2015 , 03:47 PM
Already spoke to Derek at PT, and he thinks it's a PT bug but he's looking into it. For some reason PT thinks the pot should be a different total than it should be, so the latest versions are triggering an error. I'm not sure why, but I'll post when I find out. Here's an example of the error though.

PokerStars Hand #3007670213: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2015/02/16 16:56:39
Table '#9331721' 6-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: PLR_2233918IS ($17.73 in chips)
Seat 2: PLR_9726351TN ($23.79 in chips)
Seat 3: PLR_4250129LY ($42.67 in chips)
Seat 4: Hero ($43.51 in chips)
Seat 5: PLR_4832945YP ($25 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind $0.10
PLR_4832945YP: posts big blind $0.25
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Hero [3c 5h]
PLR_2233918IS: folds
PLR_9726351TN: folds
PLR_4250129LY: folds
Hero: folds
PLR_4832945YP: shows [Kd Ah]
PLR_4832945YP collected $0.35 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $0.35 | Rake $0.00
Seat 1: PLR_2233918IS mucked [5d Qc]
Seat 2: PLR_9726351TN mucked [8s Jc]
Seat 3: PLR_4250129LY (button) mucked [Th 5c]
Seat 4: Hero (small blind) mucked [3c 5h]
Seat 5: PLR_4832945YP (big blind) showed [Kd Ah] and won ($0.35)

PT wants the pot to be .20 instead of the .35 that it should be. If you take this hand and change the 3 pot totals to .20, then it will import with no error. I'm not sure how they're coming up with that number.
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