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10-20-2011 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by ILuvBling
Could any1 tell me plz what stats should my HUD include? And also how my popup window should look like? I'm quite new to HEM and despite having watched the tutorial vids, I have been struggling to find any info about it. Thank you indeed!
Simple rule: the Hud and Popups should only include the data you know how to interpret. For the beginning this is for example preflop VPIP, PFR, Steal and postflop cbet, agression...

But this is not the right thread to ask questions like this, this thread is for technical help. I guess if you search in the 2+2 forums you will find lots of discussions and hints for your questions.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 06:19 AM
I just installed HEM on my new computer and try to set it up with my pokersites.
At first it worked, it poped up as it should and showed one hand on pokerstars while I played there. But it never updated to the next hand and now it won't even load the HUD.
Can you tell if there's anything looking strange in the input thing or what could it be?

Uploaded with
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 06:58 AM
I manage to find the saved hand history myself but it seems like HEM won't import it.
I've tried on a couple of different sites now but it's all the same, the HH gets saved but HEM won't import it even though the folders seems right.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 07:13 AM
Hi Guys,

I was doing a clean up of my computer last night and I deleted the postgres user account (I have vista) since I didn't think it was needed.

Obviously it was since I now cant connect to post gres!

Just to clarify I didnt remove the program just the user account.

What can I do to sort this?

Many thanks,

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 08:27 AM
Nevermind, I uninstalled HEM and installed it again and now it's working
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Angribob
Hi Guys,

I was doing a clean up of my computer last night and I deleted the postgres user account (I have vista) since I didn't think it was needed.

Obviously it was since I now cant connect to post gres!

Just to clarify I didnt remove the program just the user account.

What can I do to sort this?

Many thanks,

1) run the command - start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator

net user postgres /add
2) reboot.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 01:24 PM
Thanks Fozzy but that didn't work.

Getting the following message when starting HM up:

"The following error occurred when trying to open the database: failed to establish a connection to '127.0.01' "

After that I click ok and come through to the 'connect to postgresql window'. If i click ok here it says "A connection to postgresql could not be made. would you like to have holdem manager attempt to start the service"

clicking yes there doesn't work though just says "sorry unable to start service"

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 01:32 PM
I have just started playing merge again and looking to get my HUD working w/ Holdem manager. Also, it seems to not being importing properly. Any help?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Angribob
Thanks Fozzy but that didn't work.

Getting the following message when starting HM up:

"The following error occurred when trying to open the database: failed to establish a connection to '127.0.01' "

After that I click ok and come through to the 'connect to postgresql window'. If i click ok here it says "A connection to postgresql could not be made. would you like to have holdem manager attempt to start the service"

clicking yes there doesn't work though just says "sorry unable to start service"

You will likely have to reinstall postgresql and recreate your database but there are some steps below you can use to try and reconnect your previous database.

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts), including Internet Explorer 9 (even if you use a different web browser) and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

The secondary logon service is a standard windows service which is available on every windows computer. In the latest versions it is not started automatically. You need to start it via control panel > administrative tools > services > secondary logon > right-click > start AND right-click > properties > startup type: automatic.

First try to reboot.

If no help, try this:

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Stop Service

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL > 8.x > Start Service

*If UAC is enabled you have to Right-Click > Run As Administrator when you Start/Stop the service.

If that doesnt help delete the \postgresql\8.x\data\ file, if you see it.

Add exceptions to the windows firewall, even if it is off. If you have a 3rd party firewall, do the equivalent or uninstall it temporarily -

Please try following these FAQs, step by step:

2) reinstall the same version of postgresql, using the same \data folder -

If that doesn't help you will probably have to reinstall PostgreSQL completely and reimport your hands using these instructions

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) Use our combo installer to reinstall PostgreSQL. Make sure you un-check Holdem Manager during installation.

If that installer fails to install PostgreSQL, please reinstall PostgreSQL using the following instructions:

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.
2) run the command - start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator

[php]net user postgres /delete [/php]

4) reboot.
5) Install PostgreSQL 8.3.9 from this link -

Install it to a new path such as C:\PostgreSQL\8.3 instead of the default installation path.

Originally Posted by SuppBro
I have just started playing merge again and looking to get my HUD working w/ Holdem manager. Also, it seems to not being importing properly. Any help?

Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Please update to the latest release -

Make sure the hand histories and poker client are in English.

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser) and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

Try the table finder -

Make sure you follow the directions exactly.

Pick the table name in the table finder window to highlight it

If you don't see a table name listed, please drag the red X to the table and click OK. Open the Table Finder again and the list should be populated with the table name now, so you can select it.

Left-click and drag the red X to that table window

Click OK

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'t+Work

*Post the answers in a new thread on the HM Forums -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-20-2011 , 08:52 PM
Thanks Fozzy,

I didn't recover my DB but it doesn't really matter since it was only 60k hands anyway (after the last crash!)

Reinstalled - all working ok now


Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-21-2011 , 02:59 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but I cant find a dedicated HEM forum anywhere.

I've been using HEM every day for the last 6 months on this PC, and as of latest reboot I get the following error:

EDIT: Was very panicked at the idea of grinding without HEM :P. Software update seems to have fixed it, nvm

Last edited by JimyJamonas; 10-21-2011 at 03:06 PM. Reason: im a noob obv
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-21-2011 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by JimyJamonas
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but I cant find a dedicated HEM forum anywhere. is our dedicated forums
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-21-2011 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by fopah is our dedicated forums
Oh I meant a HEM subforum within 2p2; I always thought there was one but apparently not. I went to your forum, but was too tilted that I have to create a forum user in addition to my HEM user :-)

Also I just figured I'd get a quicker response here. In the end, obviously I was just freaking out for no reason and its not relevant. Thanks tho
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-21-2011 , 03:42 PM
ok, so say I played 800 hands with a guy at 100plo, and then i sit at 200plo and he is there(my hud shows zero hands cus new stake) do I get all the players stats in my database to show up on hud no matter if i am playing 100 or 200 plo?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-21-2011 , 05:54 PM
I'm having a weird problem with HEM that I have never had. I am only getting some of the hands imported in. I am playing cash on Pokerstars and have been using HEM for a while and never had this problem. All of my import folders seem to be the same and intact. Any solutions?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-22-2011 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by mjcace
ok, so say I played 800 hands with a guy at 100plo, and then i sit at 200plo and he is there(my hud shows zero hands cus new stake) do I get all the players stats in my database to show up on hud no matter if i am playing 100 or 200 plo?
Enable Hud Options -> Additional Hud Filters -> Include hands from other limits

Originally Posted by nhatley
I'm having a weird problem with HEM that I have never had. I am only getting some of the hands imported in. I am playing cash on Pokerstars and have been using HEM for a while and never had this problem. All of my import folders seem to be the same and intact. Any solutions?
Please update to 1.12.04:
If its still not working please create a new database and test some hands.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:05 AM
Hi Guys,

My HUD has not been working for a while now.

I had a problem with SQL and had to reinstall it but I don't think it was related to that since it occurred at a different time

I have already updated to 1.12.04 what should i try next?

ty bob
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-22-2011 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Angribob
Hi Guys,

My HUD has not been working for a while now.

I had a problem with SQL and had to reinstall it but I don't think it was related to that since it occurred at a different time

I have already updated to 1.12.04 what should i try next?

ty bob
What sites/games do you play? Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Make sure the hand histories and poker client are in English.

Make sure windows is fully updated until 'No New Important Updates are Found' (this may require multiple restarts), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser) and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

Try the table finder -

Make sure you follow the directions exactly.

Pick the table name in the table finder window to highlight it

If you don't see a table name listed, please drag the red X to the table and click OK. Open the Table Finder again and the list should be populated with the table name now, so you can select it.

Left-click and drag the red X to that table window

Click OK

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'t+Work

*Post the answers in a new thread on the HM Forums -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-22-2011 , 05:18 PM
I can't get my HUD to work I'm running everything as Administrator, updated to current version, Merge network. Trying everything and can't figure out how to get it working.

Does anyone use Pokertracker's latest version? Is the HUD easier to set-up? Was going to try the HEM2 Beta to see if that works but looks like there's a long line for it and I don't feel like waiting so was thinking of just getting PT3 instead of toying with HEM forever. Any advice?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-23-2011 , 04:01 AM
were does HEM put HH after importing them. I use windows 7.
In other words, what is the location on my computer were i can find the HHs?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-23-2011 , 04:27 AM
I play on a lot of different sites and use swedish Kronor, Dollar, Euro and Pound.
Would it be possible to show it all in one graph and have Kronor, Dollar and Pound "exchanged" to Euro so I can see how much I'm actually up?
Also when I play on a site like Ipoker which has Euro, Dollar and Pound, can HEM spot the difference or if I want to show a graph from that account I have there will it mix them all up?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-23-2011 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by FloppinPairs

I am trying to filter my database such that I can see how I'm doing in spots where I bluffed river i.e to check if I am bluffing river too much.

I set filters for 'bet river = true' and hand values of high card. However (and correct me if i am wrong) this is only going to show me how much I lost in hands where I bluffed the river, rather than how much I lost on the river bluffs themselves right? And so it would show me losing money even where I am not bluffing enough because I put money in on flop and turn and ended up with no pair.

Is there a way I can filter to check this, i.e the results of the river bluffs independent of how much money i put in before the river? This might be confusing I hope someone knows what I mean. Also tell me if there would be a better thread to post this in.
any help?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-23-2011 , 09:49 AM
cool. sorted. ty
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-23-2011 , 09:54 AM
When I move parts of the hud they dont update on all my tables. It used to do this on my old pc but not sure why it doesn't on this one. Any ideas?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
10-23-2011 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by PitYacker
were does HEM put HH after importing them. I use windows 7.
In other words, what is the location on my computer were i can find the HHs?
Found them, really not sure how I missed the folder before
Holdem Manager Support Quote
