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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

06-20-2008 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by Vern
In the reports tab, you can hit the green plus sign and add a column for Std Dev bb.
Is this standard deviation per hundred hands or standard deviation per hand or what?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by rvg72
I'll try to get Stars note import in 1.05.08h
Any news on stars note importing or maybe an alternative way to do it? I've tried doing it via smartnotes but unfortunately the stars import on that isn't working.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
Is this standard deviation per hundred hands or standard deviation per hand or what?
Per 100 hands.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Complex Request for the HUD

So you know how there is the hud filter by amount of players, that is very good for sngs as the dynamics totally change when there are 4 people as opposed to 9 people left, so you need seperate stats to be displayed. This is already built into the software.

HOWEVER, there is no way to customise the colours etc depending on the amount of people left... For example with 9 people left if someone has over 27 VPIP I have them labeled as "blue" meaning they are pretty loose and likely a fish. If someone has less than 8 VPIP I have them labeled as rocky, probably a multi-tabler.
However when you get down to say 4 players, then nearly every player is going to totally change how they player. The multi-tabler is going to be having 30+ VPIP, as are most plays as well, simply because we are short handed. However as far as I am aware there is no way to set up for this in the "player prefferences" of the HUD.

So basically I want to be able to change the ranges of VPIP, PFR, AGG Factor, depending on the amount of peopple left.

Is there any chance this is possible? If you don't understand please say so and I will try to explain more.
ttt in the hope this is planned somwhere in the future. Massive feature for sngers.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 08:58 AM
does continuation bet turn mean a delayed cbet or a double barrel?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 09:00 AM
Double barrel
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by rvg72
Thanks a lot to everyone chipping in with answers, especially Fozzy who's pretty much a machine. I've just released the latest test build for 1.5.10 to the beta group.

I think my email got left out of the group.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 11:31 AM
I love this program, i wish PT3 can interface something as useful and simple. The new pahud is so hard to work and often crashes.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 11:35 AM
Will there be more "plugging leaks" documents included in 1.5.10?

Roy, I posted the following uninformed babble in a thread earlier - can you clarify "custom stat" ability of HEM please:
Originally Posted by _dave_
I think somehow custom stats can be made in the "tracker" part of HEM using XML, but I'm not certain. I haven't looked in to this area yet - but IIRC the common "rakeback on graph" is such a thing, maybe? We'd realy need to hear from Roy what HM is capable of on this front.
On a similar note, I'm looking at the various XML files in the Reports folder at the moment, trying to figure things out... Is there a "master" XML file somewhere that lists the names / locations of these various XML files containing the stats?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by thac

I think my email got left out of the group.
Check your GMail.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Check your GMail.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:11 PM

So basically I want to be able to change the ranges of VPIP, PFR, AGG Factor, depending on the amount of peopple left.

Is there any chance this is possible? If you don't understand please say so and I will try to explain more.
Coming soon. We want to allow more than one stat configuration /(ie selection and color ranges) so you would be able to switch. I'll talk to Roy about bumping it up.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 12:29 PM
hey i emailed roy and i didtn get a response.... if he is willin to allow me to transfer him money he can email me at hopefully i get a reply... cuz i really wanna get holdem manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by guitarizt
<edit> I guess I forgot to say in the my post, but I just wanna see how often people fold to my cbets as a whole, not individual people.
CBet Success stats coming in 1.5.10 for each street and combined totals along with stats based on # players on street.

When you include tourney winnings, please please please let us import from those spread sheet things stars support e-mails (I can send you one if you don't know wtf I'm talking about). They contain all the information that you need--buy-in, place finished, cash earned, NUMBER OF REBUYS/ADD-ONS--and none of the stupid information that takes forever to important and is basically useless--other players' finishes and profits.
I'll make it all as easy as possible

Is there any way to convert hands to a certain limit? I imported 100nl hands but they got imported as $0.5/0.5NL instead of $0.5/1.0NL for some reason (all hands sent by party to your email get imported like this) and now I have like 10 hands as a separate limit.
I'll provide a way to do this and I'll fix the problem with the party e-mail import. I have some $2/$2 hands myself

Also, it would be cool to be able to export reports to MS Excel. I could then run monster macros to produce combined report sets.
You can select all by doing Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V into Excel

With HEM it is at arround 44% (approx. 10K hands), but my bb/100 is actually absolutely ok, so we cannot say that i am in a downswing.

-Can it be that HEM calculates it differently than PO?
-Is the sample size to little?
-Or I just simply became a river-calling fish?
Could easily be small sample size. With 10K hands you probably aren't seeing a ton of showdowns so small variances could account for that I think.

How do I import a HH file e-mailed from Stars? I saved it as a text file, pointed the importer to it, and it reported 11 errors, no hands imported (there are, I think, 11 hands in the file).
Should work, please e-mail it to

Any news on stars note importing or maybe an alternative way to do it? I've tried doing it via smartnotes but unfortunately the stars import on that isn't working.
Sorry, I'll get this in

So you know how there is the hud filter by amount of players, that is very good for sngs as the dynamics totally change when there are 4 people as opposed to 9 people left, so you need seperate stats to be displayed. This is already built into the software.

HOWEVER, there is no way to customise the colours etc depending on the amount of people left... For example with 9 people left if someone has over 27 VPIP I have them labeled as "blue" meaning they are pretty loose and likely a fish. If someone has less than 8 VPIP I have them labeled as rocky, probably a multi-tabler.
However when you get down to say 4 players, then nearly every player is going to totally change how they player. The multi-tabler is going to be having 30+ VPIP, as are most plays as well, simply because we are short handed. However as far as I am aware there is no way to set up for this in the "player prefferences" of the HUD.

So basically I want to be able to change the ranges of VPIP, PFR, AGG Factor, depending on the amount of peopple left.

Is there any chance this is possible? If you don't understand please say so and I will try to explain more.
Thanks for bumping, it is a really good idea but probably not doable in the near future. Will definitely keep it in mind for future enhancements.

does continuation bet turn mean a delayed cbet or a double barrel?
double barrel

I think my email got left out of the group.
Sorry, you are hooked up now.

Will there be more "plugging leaks" documents included in 1.5.10?
Article 2 will likely be in it - basically a revised version of Pokey's original posting for PT2 back in the day updated with his approval.

I think somehow custom stats can be made in the "tracker" part of HEM using XML, but I'm not certain. I haven't looked in to this area yet - but IIRC the common "rakeback on graph" is such a thing, maybe? We'd realy need to hear from Roy what HM is capable of on this front.
You can build pretty much any stat you want if you know how but I've done a pretty poor job of letting people know how which I apologize for. They go in the custom.txt file in the reports folder.

On a similar note, I'm looking at the various XML files in the Reports folder at the moment, trying to figure things out... Is there a "master" XML file somewhere that lists the names / locations of these various XML files containing the stats?
Basically a report is all about the grouping and a group can be created using any stat (or stats) from any of the tables by using the appropriate prefix. So PKH = PokerHands table, PH = PokerHand<cash/tourney>KeyColumns, PHMISC = PokerHands<cash/tourney>misc, FLOP = PokerhandsFlop etc and HM will taker care of the joins. With goruping, think of it like this, what do you want the non numerical columns to look like? Say you want a report that breaks down results by hole card and the action that is facing you preflop to see how you respond. Well group by HOLECARDS.HoleCardString and PH.preflopaction_ID but now that second one is a bunch of integer values so you create a grouping range like this:

<Grouping FieldExpression="preflopaction_ID" ColumnName="Action Facing Player" >
<Range MinValue="-1" MaxValue="-1" RangeName="1) Folded to BB" />
<Range MinValue="0" MaxValue="0" RangeName="2) Unopened" />
<Range MinValue="1" MaxValue="1" RangeName="3) 1 Limper" />
<Range MinValue="2" MaxValue="2" RangeName="4) 2+ Limpers" />
<Range MinValue="3" MaxValue="3" RangeName="5) Raiser" />
<Range MinValue="4" MaxValue="4" RangeName="6) Raiser + Caller(s)" />
<Range MinValue="5" MaxValue="5" RangeName="7) 2+ Raisers" />

And now you have what you want. I'll provide a wizard for this which will make everything much easier. It can be extremely powerful obviously.

So basically I want to be able to change the ranges of VPIP, PFR, AGG Factor, depending on the amount of peopple left.

Is there any chance this is possible? If you don't understand please say so and I will try to explain more.
Yes, coming soon.

hey i emailed roy and i didtn get a response.... if he is willin to allow me to transfer him money he can email me at hopefully i get a reply... cuz i really wanna get holdem manager
E-mail me again at I'm all caught up with e-mails so it must have not got to me for some reason

Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:08 PM
So you know how there is the hud filter by amount of players, that is very good for sngs as the dynamics totally change when there are 4 people as opposed to 9 people left, so you need seperate stats to be displayed. This is already built into the software.

HOWEVER, there is no way to customise the colours etc depending on the amount of people left... For example with 9 people left if someone has over 27 VPIP I have them labeled as "blue" meaning they are pretty loose and likely a fish. If someone has less than 8 VPIP I have them labeled as rocky, probably a multi-tabler.
However when you get down to say 4 players, then nearly every player is going to totally change how they player. The multi-tabler is going to be having 30+ VPIP, as are most plays as well, simply because we are short handed. However as far as I am aware there is no way to set up for this in the "player prefferences" of the HUD.

So basically I want to be able to change the ranges of VPIP, PFR, AGG Factor, depending on the amount of peopple left.

Is there any chance this is possible? If you don't understand please say so and I will try to explain more.
Thanks for bumping, it is a really good idea but probably not doable in the near future. Will definitely keep it in mind for future enhancements.
Cool, I look forward to it, this will revolutionise my sng playing
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by rvg72
CBet Success stats coming in 1.5.10 for each street and combined totals along with stats based on # players on street.

I luvs u
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 05:06 PM
I've been playing HU, and I have hands on lots of my opponents from 6-max. Obviously I don't wanna mix HU and 6-max stats on my HUD since they're so different, but I would like some way to see the 6-max stats on my HUD when I'm playing HU.. maybe by holding down a certain key or something? Is this possible?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 06:20 PM
Everytime I try to change the popup designer to another of the preset ones (like Default_cb or whatever) or one of mine it always goes keeps it at the configuration labeled 'sample'. There is no save changes or anything. Can I change this?

Also, as cute as the aggression % is, it really doesn't mean anything to me. Is there a way I can set it so that it is x/y like checkraise a cb 10/60 times or whatever in the popup? And then when they checkraised the flop times they lead out on turn etc. Is there a tutorial anywhere for this kind of stuff?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 09:50 PM
I just installed Holdem Manager and imported ~2 million hands. Now, the program becomes incredibly sluggish when I run the HUD. I've used it with Full Tilt and the lag is so severe that it has caused me to time out several times. How can I fix this?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 10:02 PM
1) On Fulltilt, sometimes the HUD seems to display the stats for the last few hands only for all players, and it works after a couple mins. is it a bug?

2) what is your criteria to define a fish, in the players/fish list?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 11:19 PM
im tryin 2 datamine with spadeeye unfortunately nuttin is comin up with holdem manager... how do i sync spade eye with holdem manager and get my hand histories from spade eye to come into my hand histories for holdem manager?..

also it says i ahve 3752 players but whne i click on the tab only 2 players show up me and someone ive played with.... how do i retrieve the complete list of players ive played with?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-20-2008 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
2 - Create a New Blank Popup in the Popup Configuration - and then apply it to all the stats in the Player Preferences.

I still get the box with 3 names and $ amounts even though "Show table VPIP" and "Show avg pot" are unchecked. What am I missing?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-21-2008 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by timmay28
I still get the box with 3 names and $ amounts even though "Show table VPIP" and "Show avg pot" are unchecked. What am I missing?
Number of Last Pots = None
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-21-2008 , 12:13 AM
ty sir
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-21-2008 , 12:57 AM
Can someone tell me why when I use the replayer the ">" and "<" (rewind and ff) buttons are grayed out? So if I want to go back a street I have to close the replayer and reopen.

Kind of annoying.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
