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03-23-2022 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Here is a screenshot of the HEM hud that I'm used to or very similar. Thus i have several rows and columns like this and it is easy to look at. Is there a reason why certain numbers are orange or red or green or blue or white etc? I remember when using HEM, it was always different colors in the HUD which made it very easy to look at as oppose to plain white numbers.
Those colors are based on the color ranges section of the HUD Editor as I said in multiple previous replies. See the following FAQ to view existing color ranges for default stats in the profile and to create your own color ranges for new stats you add to a custom HUD profile -


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-23-2022 , 05:25 PM
Okay thanks for the response. Well I just add/remove HEM because I wanted to start brand new and concerned if there would be issues that way as I already had a ton of lagging.

I just installed HEM again and did advanced install. But what am I suppose to click on
in the option of

Import Hands?

Do Not Import Hands
Let HM3 try to find your hand histories and import them.
Import 1,000 hand sample database to experiment with.
Import all hands history files from a folder.
Import one or more hand history files.

Default is on Import 1,000 hand sample database to experiment with. Shouldn't this be do not import any hands? If you have no database and have nothing to backup, isn't it the first option?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-23-2022 , 07:33 PM
I just clicked on Do Not Import Hands and set it up.

I noticed that even a hud configuration I created earlier before I removed HEM still shows up when I check the tournament hud profiles? Is that normal? I had thought if you remove HEM, it would delete everything but apparently that isn't the case?

Then I tested one table playing and the hud shows up fine. So that is okay with the Do Not Import Hands that I chosed?

The colors are based on the colors ranges of the hud editor. HEM 3 uses a different color range than HEM 2 right? I took a look and it mention how it uses red if a stat is below a certain number, then orange between certain number and green if its above a certain number. I certainly remember HEM 2 color ranges seem to be much different? If so, if I want to use that color range... then best to install HEM 2 again and set up the hud for it and import it to HEM 3? Before I clean reinstalled my laptop and when I only had HEM 2 , I installed HEM 3 and imported the HEM 2 hud and remember it was exactly the same and prefer that.

The way I have it now is I duplicated that Tournament - Mtt hud in HEM 3 and using it and just removed some stats and added my own stats that I used. The other strange thing is I have thats like this


The first three x horizonatally is notes/player username abbreviated/total hands. Then the rest are stats I picked but includes the vpip/prf and commont stats. But is there a reason when I add other stats... some are font size 8 tacoma whereas some are 9 verdana? I was curious why when I was looking at my hud, some stats font sizes looked bigger than others. Then I noticed some are font 8 tacoma and others are 9 verdana. I would have thought any stat you add would been the same size/font?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-24-2022 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Okay thanks for the response. Well I just add/remove HEM because I wanted to start brand new and concerned if there would be issues that way as I already had a ton of lagging.

I just installed HEM again and did advanced install. But what am I suppose to click on
in the option of

Import Hands?

Do Not Import Hands
Let HM3 try to find your hand histories and import them.
Import 1,000 hand sample database to experiment with.
Import all hands history files from a folder.
Import one or more hand history files.

Default is on Import 1,000 hand sample database to experiment with. Shouldn't this be do not import any hands? If you have no database and have nothing to backup, isn't it the first option?
You can do whatever you want. The majority of our HM3 purchases are from new users so we default to the sample hands option so they can see some data in the reports before they even play any hands.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-24-2022 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
I just clicked on Do Not Import Hands and set it up.

I noticed that even a hud configuration I created earlier before I removed HEM still shows up when I check the tournament hud profiles? Is that normal? I had thought if you remove HEM, it would delete everything but apparently that isn't the case?
That is normal as I believe I already mentioned above. A standard uninstall/reinstall does not affect the user's custom settings/HUDs, or database, in case they need to reinstall for any reason. If you want to do a clean reinstall and delete all user settings, databases, etc you have to use a program like Revo Uninstaller or manually delete the user settings/HUDs and databases before you reinstall. If you want the old custom HUDs removed at this point just delete them in the HUD Editor... using the Options button.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Then I tested one table playing and the hud shows up fine. So that is okay with the Do Not Import Hands that I chosed?

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
The colors are based on the colors ranges of the hud editor. HEM 3 uses a different color range than HEM 2 right?

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
I took a look and it mention how it uses red if a stat is below a certain number, then orange between certain number and green if its above a certain number. I certainly remember HEM 2 color ranges seem to be much different?

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
If so, if I want to use that color range... then best to install HEM 2 again and set up the hud for it and import it to HEM 3? Before I clean reinstalled my laptop and when I only had HEM 2 , I installed HEM 3 and imported the HEM 2 hud and remember it was exactly the same and prefer that.
Sure, you can do that or you can just open the HUD Designer in HM2 to look at for reference then open the HM3 HUD editor and edit the color ranges in the HM3 HUD profile you are using so that it uses the same ranges you were used to in HM2.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
The way I have it now is I duplicated that Tournament - Mtt hud in HEM 3 and using it and just removed some stats and added my own stats that I used. The other strange thing is I have thats like this


The first three x horizonatally is notes/player username abbreviated/total hands. Then the rest are stats I picked but includes the vpip/prf and commont stats. But is there a reason when I add other stats... some are font size 8 tacoma whereas some are 9 verdana? I was curious why when I was looking at my hud, some stats font sizes looked bigger than others. Then I noticed some are font 8 tacoma and others are 9 verdana. I would have thought any stat you add would been the same size/font?
Our HM3 HUD Designer decided to use different fonts/sizes when designing our HUDs than what is default when you add new stats to a custom HUD. If you are using a HM3 default HUD profile as a template and adding new stats you need to edit the new stats, or copy/paste the formatting from default stats to new stats, so that they match.

You can Ctrl+A or Shift+Click to select all/multiple stats before making the item property edits. HUD - HUD Editor - Ctrl + Left-Click multiple stats (or Ctrl+A for all) in the 'Group Items' list then make your edits to the item Properties - various fields that you want to edit for multiple stats at the same time. You can also select the 'Font' Item Property to select it then click Ctrl+C and go to the other Stat(s) and select their 'Font' then click Ctrl+V.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-24-2022 , 02:48 PM
Hey fozzy thanks for the long responses.

Sure, you can do that or you can just open the HUD Designer in HM2 to look at for reference then open the HM3 HUD editor and edit the color ranges in the HM3 HUD profile you are using so that it uses the same ranges you were used to in HM2.

Wouldn't it just be much simpler just installing HM2 and making my HUD the way it was previously? Thus put the same stats there and then it would have the color code the way it is? Then manually import the hud to HM3? I remember I did that last time.

Because if I look at the hud designer in HM2 and use it as reference, then I need to manually edit the color ranges in the HM3 Hud Profile and this would be doing with a lot of stats especially if someone might have say 20 stats on their hud ? Because when I have stats like this, I would have to manually do each stat. But the more important thing here is HM2 and HM3 both color codes each specific statistic right and basically does the work for you? Pokertracker mentioned they don't have default hud profiles like HM which I find a bit disappointing.

Because what I like so much about the HM2 hud was how pleasant it is to look at... but it sort of does the work for you so to speak when color coding? Because most people would know vpip being 10 or less is tight, 10 to 30 is within the realm of normal. Over 30 is high. And thus HEM3 uses red, orange and green to color code it by default. But imagine someone who put in other stats like cbet flop or fold to cbet flop and do not have a clue what is considered low/average/high for cbet flop percentage. Then doesn't the default HEM color coding basically do the work for you to color code it since someone might not know 65% fold to cbet is high etc? Obviously you can read the stats and study each one but isn't HEM color coding basically aiding you in this?

For the HM2 download, you download it off the site and then the updated link right before you open it? I know you mention there were no more updates to it.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-24-2022 , 09:22 PM

I would need to first download from the first link with the HM2 full setup. Then open the file and setup HM2 like normal.

Then afterwards click on the second link below that for the HM2 update? That is the correct order right? Confused on the wording there because it could mean you download the full setup file and the update file... and then you do the whole installation process.

I want to have HM2 installed so I could create a hud there and import it to HM3 as I prefer the older hud.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-25-2022 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Hey fozzy thanks for the long responses.

Sure, you can do that or you can just open the HUD Designer in HM2 to look at for reference then open the HM3 HUD editor and edit the color ranges in the HM3 HUD profile you are using so that it uses the same ranges you were used to in HM2.

Wouldn't it just be much simpler just installing HM2 and making my HUD the way it was previously? Thus put the same stats there and then it would have the color code the way it is? Then manually import the hud to HM3? I remember I did that last time.

Because if I look at the hud designer in HM2 and use it as reference, then I need to manually edit the color ranges in the HM3 Hud Profile and this would be doing with a lot of stats especially if someone might have say 20 stats on their hud ? Because when I have stats like this, I would have to manually do each stat. But the more important thing here is HM2 and HM3 both color codes each specific statistic right and basically does the work for you? Pokertracker mentioned they don't have default hud profiles like HM which I find a bit disappointing.

Because what I like so much about the HM2 hud was how pleasant it is to look at... but it sort of does the work for you so to speak when color coding? Because most people would know vpip being 10 or less is tight, 10 to 30 is within the realm of normal. Over 30 is high. And thus HEM3 uses red, orange and green to color code it by default. But imagine someone who put in other stats like cbet flop or fold to cbet flop and do not have a clue what is considered low/average/high for cbet flop percentage. Then doesn't the default HEM color coding basically do the work for you to color code it since someone might not know 65% fold to cbet is high etc? Obviously you can read the stats and study each one but isn't HEM color coding basically aiding you in this?
Yes, I suspect that would be easier since you are familiar with HM2 and it does some of the work for you.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
For the HM2 download, you download it off the site and then the updated link right before you open it? I know you mention there were no more updates to it.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x

I would need to first download from the first link with the HM2 full setup. Then open the file and setup HM2 like normal.

Then afterwards click on the second link below that for the HM2 update? That is the correct order right? Confused on the wording there because it could mean you download the full setup file and the update file... and then you do the whole installation process.

I want to have HM2 installed so I could create a hud there and import it to HM3 as I prefer the older hud.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-25-2022 , 04:03 PM
I downloaded HEM2 from the first link. Then when I tried to install it, it ask me to download .net framework 3.5 which (includes .net 2.0 3.0) otherwise there might be issues running HEM2. I clicked yes and installed it. That is correct?

After doing this, I get to that postgres screen and click install but i get error. Its on the screen where it says

postgresSQL was detected on your system but can't connect to it. Please try new username and password.

username postgres
password postgrespass

I cannot get past this screen here during the installation. I do have HM3 installed and also had installed Pokertracker. I remember seeing this postgres login with pokertracker when installing it. Could that be the reason I'm having these issues? I believe I installed postgres already when installing pokertracker.

Or do I need to download the second link first before starting this installation process?

Because you had mentioned Yes and Correct in the last two posts... which has me confused the way I'm suppose to download HM2 and the update which contradicts each other. Since you mentioned Correct to the last quoted post... then I went and installed HM from the first link and tried to install everything first but am stuck. So I cannot even get past this installation part before I download the updated link.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-25-2022 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
I downloaded HEM2 from the first link. Then when I tried to install it, it ask me to download .net framework 3.5 which (includes .net 2.0 3.0) otherwise there might be issues running HEM2. I clicked yes and installed it. That is correct?

After doing this, I get to that postgres screen and click install but i get error. Its on the screen where it says

postgresSQL was detected on your system but can't connect to it. Please try new username and password.

username postgres
password postgrespass

I cannot get past this screen here during the installation. I do have HM3 installed and also had installed Pokertracker. I remember seeing this postgres login with pokertracker when installing it. Could that be the reason I'm having these issues? I believe I installed postgres already when installing pokertracker.

Or do I need to download the second link first before starting this installation process?

Because you had mentioned Yes and Correct in the last two posts... which has me confused the way I'm suppose to download HM2 and the update which contradicts each other. Since you mentioned Correct to the last quoted post... then I went and installed HM from the first link and tried to install everything first but am stuck. So I cannot even get past this installation part before I download the updated link.
If you already had HM2 installed and updated you don't/didn't need to download and install anything.

If you did/do not have HM2 installed you need to:
- Reinstall HM2 from this file -
- Please update to the final HM2 version -

Once you have HM2 installed, if you still have PSQL issues, it might be using the PT4 information:

PT4's default name/password is - postgres/dbpass
HM's default name/password is - postgres/postgrespass

You might also want to try svcPASS83 or h0ld3mManag3r! for a password if none of the above works.

If that doesnt help:

1. Go to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.x\data, move the the pg_hba file to your Desktop and open it with notepad.
2. Scroll to the bottom and change all md5 to trust. Save and close the file
3. Move the file back to the data folder
4. Restart the PostgreSQL service: Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services

HM will accept any password now.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-25-2022 , 05:16 PM
I had mentioned I did a clean format of my laptop a while back so I had to reinstall everything fresh as I did not back anything up. I have HM3 and pokertracker installed recently. I do not have HM2 installed.

The two links you posted I installed the first link as that came from the HM website... the second link... that isn't the same second link from the website? Or is it the same?

What I posted above in bold is the HM2 update. So that isn't the final HM2 version? I thought that is the link I had to download once I did the installation?

The wording here is confusing. Did you need me to download the second update as well... before opening the first link during the installation process? Because what I did earlier was only download the first link to do the installation and then got stuck in the installation process with the postgres. Because I asked do I just do the installation and after it's done... only then I click on the second link for the update? And you mentioned yes.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-25-2022 , 05:25 PM
Does the second link need to be downloaded as well before I start the HM installation process when I open the first link?

I thought you are suppose to first download this link below.

The only once you are finished with the HM installation such as setup the sites and setup your hud... you then download the update below?

So that is not the correct way to do this? This is so much different than when I downloaded HM2 years ago and I remember the process was really smooth.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-25-2022 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
This is so much different than when I downloaded HM2 years ago and I remember the process was really smooth.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-26-2022 , 02:03 AM
After the update of Hem3 2 days ago it started closing/crashing right after opening. Using HUD only doesn't work. Don't want to uninstall/install risking losing my hud configs etc.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-26-2022 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
I had mentioned I did a clean format of my laptop a while back so I had to reinstall everything fresh as I did not back anything up. I have HM3 and pokertracker installed recently. I do not have HM2 installed.

The two links you posted I installed the first link as that came from the HM website... the second link... that isn't the same second link from the website? Or is it the same?

What I posted above in bold is the HM2 update. So that isn't the final HM2 version? I thought that is the link I had to download once I did the installation?

The wording here is confusing. Did you need me to download the second update as well... before opening the first link during the installation process? Because what I did earlier was only download the first link to do the installation and then got stuck in the installation process with the postgres. Because I asked do I just do the installation and after it's done... only then I click on the second link for the update? And you mentioned yes.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Does the second link need to be downloaded as well before I start the HM installation process when I open the first link?

I thought you are suppose to first download this link below.

The only once you are finished with the HM installation such as setup the sites and setup your hud... you then download the update below?

So that is not the correct way to do this? This is so much different than when I downloaded HM2 years ago and I remember the process was really smooth.
You need to first install with the 'Setup' file, then update to the latest/final beta version with the second 'update' file.

If you installed PT4 and HM3 only then PT4 installed PostgreSQL so you need to use the:

PT4's default name/password is - postgres/dbpass

for HM2.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-26-2022 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Simpletwn
After the update of Hem3 2 days ago it started closing/crashing right after opening. Using HUD only doesn't work. Don't want to uninstall/install risking losing my hud configs etc.
Please update to our latest beta version of HM3 from this link -

If you continue to have problems: Please reproduce and screenshot the error then collect, zip and attach your \Desktop\HM3logs files, the screenshots and details of what steps preceded the error to a support ticket -

Edit to add: An uninstall/reinstall is not necessary, but if you did/do that it will not affect your database, HUD, settings, etc.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

Last edited by Holdem Manager; 03-26-2022 at 11:08 AM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-26-2022 , 04:49 PM
Hey fozzy. Changing the password to the pokertracker did work to log in.

After logging in, it ask if I want to do a free trial or enter a license code for HM2. I went to enter a license code and then went to my HM account to reset my code. I forgot if I just did this on the website or if it was in the popup. I am pretty sure I had only HM2 installed on one device only but reset code anyway. I then got email on the new serial key and I could use it on two computers. But when entered that code into HM2, it says to verify that your license code is listed in you hem account so it isn't correct? I then logged into my hem account on the website and see lot of details from years ago.

Am I suppose to enter the licensing key from one of the issue dates? The one I see go back very long ago... one is around 8 years. I also see a product identifier but it says do not enter this code into software. That has active next to it. I also see another HM key that is ten years ago?

HM2-XXXXXXXXXXXXX Reset all profiles


PRO-XXXXXXXXXXXXX Reset all profiles
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-26-2022 , 05:48 PM
Okay so I tried to enter the first profile license key and it works to log in. Apparently the serial code that was sent to me via email was the old HEM and not HEM2.I then had to again change the password of postgres to dbpass to finish the installation.

When I did that, i got the popup message of

HEM 2 Auto Update Notice.

HEM is available

This is a beta release of HEM

The purpose of this release is to allow users to get early access to fixes and provide feedback xxxxxxxxxx.

I downloaded the update. But this update is years old though right?

So now install the second link correct? Does it matter if I set up my hud first before downloading the second link? When I saw that auto update notice popup and downloaded it... was confused why it would even show up as there hasn't been updates i a long time. Thought HEM2 would just install like normal.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-27-2022 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Okay so I tried to enter the first profile license key and it works to log in. Apparently the serial code that was sent to me via email was the old HEM and not HEM2.I then had to again change the password of postgres to dbpass to finish the installation.

When I did that, i got the popup message of

HEM 2 Auto Update Notice.

HEM is available

This is a beta release of HEM

The purpose of this release is to allow users to get early access to fixes and provide feedback xxxxxxxxxx.

I downloaded the update. But this update is years old though right?

So now install the second link correct? Does it matter if I set up my hud first before downloading the second link? When I saw that auto update notice popup and downloaded it... was confused why it would even show up as there hasn't been updates i a long time. Thought HEM2 would just install like normal. is the final version of HM2 that we released in early 2021. It won't matter if you did the HUD stuff before updating.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-27-2022 , 02:22 PM
Fozzy thanks. Last few questions and that is all as I am close to finish setting it up.

Yes that is the version that shows in HEM2 when I open it. So there is no point of clicking on the second link of the final update right since I already downloaded it at install?

I was setting up the Hud for HEM2 like how I did it previously. What I noticed was the hud font size was really big. At first I thought it was that was how I had set it up because it looks clear and easy to look at. But then it looked really big. I went to the font size and was surprised... it was actually the smallest font available which is an 8. Now when I had set up HEM3 and the hud, the font size is 8 as default and the smallest you could do. But for some reason it seems like the font size on the HEM2 is actually bigger than HM3? The font size should look the same on the same monitor right? Some reason it looked like the hud took way more space on HEM2.

For the color coding, how do I specifically see how HEM color codes a stat? Example you mention how there is 3 different color codes for vpip with yellow, orange or green depending on that vpip stat. But where can I see on the settings in either HEM on what is the exact numbers where it would categorize someone's fold to cbet percentage is low, medium or high? Like I want to see the exact percentage numbers HEM uses for someone's color code to be green or orange or blue etc. I cannot seem to find this on the hud settings. Obviously if it shows you what color is what range number %, you need to obviously read or know or figure out if that number is high or low right?

Also every stat that is used in HEM2 would be the exact same on HEM3 right? Because I remember a while back I heard whether it was HEM or PT, the Ev line or something was not accurate? I think that might been the original HEM or was everything always correct? So assuming someone plays the same exact hands and using HEM2, the exact stat percentages would show on HEM3? Imagine playing 500 hands and you ran HEM2. But that was also done with HEM3 and the exact things happened. Obviously I'm making up a hypothetical situation here... but after 500 stats, the vpip, pfr, bb/100 and evbb/100 would be the exact same right? Same as if you were testing it with pokertracker?

Also you cannot ever run HEM2 and HEM3 at the same time? What about PT and one of the HEMs? I am just curious to see if after xxx amount of hands, will the stats be exactly the same or not. Of course if you could run both at the same time, it would answer my question above.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-27-2022 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Fozzy thanks. Last few questions and that is all as I am close to finish setting it up.

Yes that is the version that shows in HEM2 when I open it. So there is no point of clicking on the second link of the final update right since I already downloaded it at install?
Correct. That beta update link posted above is for 2.0.08714 which you already have installed so there is no need to install it again.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
I was setting up the Hud for HEM2 like how I did it previously. What I noticed was the hud font size was really big. At first I thought it was that was how I had set it up because it looks clear and easy to look at. But then it looked really big. I went to the font size and was surprised... it was actually the smallest font available which is an 8. Now when I had set up HEM3 and the hud, the font size is 8 as default and the smallest you could do. But for some reason it seems like the font size on the HEM2 is actually bigger than HM3? The font size should look the same on the same monitor right? Some reason it looked like the hud took way more space on HEM2.
I think you can manually type lower numbers like 7 or 6. The HM3 HUD will look slightly bigger than the HM2 HUD that you imported due to padding/spacing differences in the HM2 vs HM3 HUD engines.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x

For the color coding, how do I specifically see how HEM color codes a stat? Example you mention how there is 3 different color codes for vpip with yellow, orange or green depending on that vpip stat. But where can I see on the settings in either HEM on what is the exact numbers where it would categorize someone's fold to cbet percentage is low, medium or high? Like I want to see the exact percentage numbers HEM uses for someone's color code to be green or orange or blue etc. I cannot seem to find this on the hud settings. Obviously if it shows you what color is what range number %, you need to obviously read or know or figure out if that number is high or low right?
In HM2 it is in the HUD Settings - HUD Designer - Stat Appearance menu:

In HM3 it is in the HUD - HUD Editor - Color Ranges menu:

Are you playing on PokerStars? Amaya (PokerStars) only allow 3 colors to be automatically assigned to a HUD stat. HM3 will only color stats based on the first two color ranges and all other stat values will have the default color.

What you need to do is set just two color conditions under "Color Ranges" and the third color will be the default color for the stat. This is the one set to Foreground for the stat in the HUD Profile Editor - you can change it there to whatever color you would like. The 3 color limit is per stat and not overall so, for example, you can use red/blue/green for VPIP and yellow/purple/pink for PFR e.t.c.

For example:
Set Foreground color to Green
Set first Color Range to Red for 0-30
Set second Color Range to Orange for 30.9-70

Any number above 70 for that stat will be colored green.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Also every stat that is used in HEM2 would be the exact same on HEM3 right? Because I remember a while back I heard whether it was HEM or PT, the Ev line or something was not accurate? I think that might been the original HEM or was everything always correct? So assuming someone plays the same exact hands and using HEM2, the exact stat percentages would show on HEM3? Imagine playing 500 hands and you ran HEM2. But that was also done with HEM3 and the exact things happened. Obviously I'm making up a hypothetical situation here... but after 500 stats, the vpip, pfr, bb/100 and evbb/100 would be the exact same right? Same as if you were testing it with pokertracker?
VPIP, PFR and bb/100 should be the same but ev bb/100 might not depending on how the hands played out.

HM3 uses the same equity code as PT4 now which is more accurate and less biased than the code we used for equity in HM2. In a hand where a player is all-in but other players are not, net adjusted results are not calculated. When one player is all-in preflop and other players are not, then they usually have the option to act postflop and this means that sometimes one of them will fold. Having the option to fold* after another street is dealt means that in the long run there will be more strong hands which get to showdown and less weak hands. If we were to calculate net adjusted results in hands like this it would introduce a systematic bias (because there will be more known strong hands) so we exclude all hands like this from net adjusted calculations. You can read more about this here.

*Note: Attempting to calculate adjusted results when unknown but folded cards already called the all-in also introduce a bias into the results so HM3 does not make these calculations in any situation where a player calls the all-in and later folds (even if it's on the same street).

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Also you cannot ever run HEM2 and HEM3 at the same time? What about PT and one of the HEMs? I am just curious to see if after xxx amount of hands, will the stats be exactly the same or not. Of course if you could run both at the same time, it would answer my question above.

I don't recommend running multiple trackers at the same time during live play as you will have HUDs from both/all showing on the table and they will have to 'fight' over where to archive the hands. If you want to see the data in multiple programs just use one when playing then manually import the archived hands to the other tracker after the session(s).


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
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03-27-2022 , 11:34 PM
Yes I am testing this only on stars since HEM2 hud works with it still. I didn't know about the three color limit for each stat.

Apparently i could type 6 or 7 in font size. i had no idea about this. i thought 8 was the minimum. What is also strange is it seems like a font size of 7 on HM2 seems actually kind of big? I don't remember what size font I used originally in HM2 but it could have been 7 or 8.

In HM2 it is in the HUD Settings - HUD Designer - Stat Appearance menu:

So I noticed that only the stats total vpip, total pfr, postflop aggression factor and total 3bet are the only stats in my hud currently in HM2 that is color coded by default. And by that, I mean the program does it for you and me not manually having to do this. I never did any color coding on my HM2. I notice stats like cbet percentage and fold to cbet percentage doesn't have color code. So this is normal right? I had thought HM2 actually color coded every single stat that you ever want to put in your hud... but I also remembered some stats were in plain white text so that couldn't been true. I don't want to manually do any color coding as many stats I am not even sure which is considered low, medium or high. I just preferred the colors of the stats where its easier to look at as oppose to plain white text.

On HM3, I noticed the default color coded stats are vpip, pfr, total 3bet and check raise flop%. All the other stats do not have any color code. So how do i know which stats in HM2 and HM3 have color code by default? I am surprised why a stat like c/r flop% by default has a color code. Is there a way to know what other stats have a color code by default besides these?

Also on HM2, the hud that I use is called Default 2.0 Hud. I replaced some of the stats on it with my own. Now... is there a way to change the name Default 2.0 Hud and change it to something else? Reason is because those words... along with the last two winners of the last two pots... is blocking a good portion of the stars table as the words are too long. I remember back then I used the same hud layout but gave it a shorter name like Hud 2.0... which would not block so much space on the stars table. Could I change the name of it... or would I need to duplicate the Default 2.0 Hud profile and make another hud and name it Hud2.0 and also just re-add the same stats? I did remember the Hud 2.0 I was using... was there and I could also have changed it to the Default 2.0 Hud back then but I never changed the stats to it so I always used the Hud 2.0 I created. I did remember the Hud 2.0 I used... was the same exact layout as the Default 2.0 Hud. So I must have created a duplicate of Default 2.0 hud and named it Hud 2.0 right? And if so, how do I do this?

Thanks fozzy.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2022 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Yes I am testing this only on stars since HEM2 hud works with it still. I didn't know about the three color limit for each stat.

Apparently i could type 6 or 7 in font size. i had no idea about this. i thought 8 was the minimum. What is also strange is it seems like a font size of 7 on HM2 seems actually kind of big? I don't remember what size font I used originally in HM2 but it could have been 7 or 8.

In HM2 it is in the HUD Settings - HUD Designer - Stat Appearance menu:

So I noticed that only the stats total vpip, total pfr, postflop aggression factor and total 3bet are the only stats in my hud currently in HM2 that is color coded by default. And by that, I mean the program does it for you and me not manually having to do this. I never did any color coding on my HM2. I notice stats like cbet percentage and fold to cbet percentage doesn't have color code. So this is normal right? I had thought HM2 actually color coded every single stat that you ever want to put in your hud... but I also remembered some stats were in plain white text so that couldn't been true. I don't want to manually do any color coding as many stats I am not even sure which is considered low, medium or high. I just preferred the colors of the stats where its easier to look at as oppose to plain white text

On HM3, I noticed the default color coded stats are vpip, pfr, total 3bet and check raise flop%. All the other stats do not have any color code. So how do i know which stats in HM2 and HM3 have color code by default? I am surprised why a stat like c/r flop% by default has a color code. Is there a way to know what other stats have a color code by default besides these?
That is normal. I do not have a list of which stats in HM2 or HM3 include color ranges and which do not. If the color ranges are not included you need to do them yourself.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Also on HM2, the hud that I use is called Default 2.0 Hud. I replaced some of the stats on it with my own. Now... is there a way to change the name Default 2.0 Hud and change it to something else? Reason is because those words... along with the last two winners of the last two pots... is blocking a good portion of the stars table as the words are too long. I remember back then I used the same hud layout but gave it a shorter name like Hud 2.0... which would not block so much space on the stars table. Could I change the name of it... or would I need to duplicate the Default 2.0 Hud profile and make another hud and name it Hud2.0 and also just re-add the same stats? I did remember the Hud 2.0 I was using... was there and I could also have changed it to the Default 2.0 Hud back then but I never changed the stats to it so I always used the Hud 2.0 I created. I did remember the Hud 2.0 I used... was the same exact layout as the Default 2.0 Hud. So I must have created a duplicate of Default 2.0 hud and named it Hud 2.0 right? And if so, how do I do this?

Thanks fozzy.
Once the HUD is imported to HM3 just open the HM3 - HUD - HUD Editor... menu, select the 'Profile:' from the drop-down list then open the 'Options' button and select the 'Rename Profile' option.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-28-2022 , 03:08 PM
So when I went to import the hud from old hem to new hem. I notice there is the Default Hud 2.0 (Default) and Default Hud 2.0 (custom) and imported those. I figure reason being there is two because I changed some stats in it which is why it shows another custom one. It seem to have imported 4 huds after doing that?

Now after doing this, I went to that hud I want to use and renamed the profile of it in HM3. But how do i rename Default Hud 2.0 in HM2 though? The words Default Hud 2.0 takes way too much space in table on HM2.

Also I noticed when I check the color code of the hud I imported to HM3, some of those stats i mentioned are color coded like vpip, pfr, total 3bet. Now every other stat that wasn't color coded in HM2... I noticed every single of those stats seem to all have a green color code? It was literally 0 - 100 range for every stat... green color code. Is that normal? Of course you could change it to no color code at all for each.
Surprised why it is like this by default after importing.

What is strange though is how come in Hm2 when i check my hud profles there, is only the one Default Hud 2.0 (Default) profile though? it is the current one i want to use but shouldn't there be the default hud 2.0 wth the original stats in it...but another one that i created as a custom one since i changed some stats in it? is there a way to restore the old Default Hud 2.0 in HM2 while adding my custom one while renaming it similar to like how in HM3, you just add MTT-Tournament Duplicate?

Just surprised at this after importing the hud.

Last edited by PaulyJames200x; 03-28-2022 at 03:18 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2022 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
So when I went to import the hud from old hem to new hem. I notice there is the Default Hud 2.0 (Default) and Default Hud 2.0 (custom) and imported those. I figure reason being there is two because I changed some stats in it which is why it shows another custom one. It seem to have imported 4 huds after doing that?
It is hard for me to say without seeing your actual HM2 prefs.xml file for testing or screenshots of both HUD menus. I assume you have 2 profiles in HM2 and HM3 imported both as 2 x cash and 2 x tournament profiles. If you import a HM2 profile to HM3 it imports 2 copies of it, 1 you can use for cash and 1 you can use for tournaments.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Now after doing this, I went to that hud I want to use and renamed the profile of it in HM3. But how do i rename Default Hud 2.0 in HM2 though? The words Default Hud 2.0 takes way too much space in table on HM2.
You can't rename profiles in HM2. You have to export it from HM2 then import it again and give it a new name while importing it.

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Also I noticed when I check the color code of the hud I imported to HM3, some of those stats i mentioned are color coded like vpip, pfr, total 3bet. Now every other stat that wasn't color coded in HM2... I noticed every single of those stats seem to all have a green color code? It was literally 0 - 100 range for every stat... green color code. Is that normal? Of course you could change it to no color code at all for each.
Surprised why it is like this by default after importing.
I am not sure but you can just select the stats that are green in the HM3 HUD Editor then change their item properties or color ranges as needed. I just imported a the HM2 River profile and I see what you mean as it gave all mine a red color range. I am not sure why it does that and will have to ask our QSA/Testing Manager about that. If you edit the profiles and delete those color ranges they will get colored white based on the item properties.

Edit: The HM2 profile I imported to HM3 had the red color range assigned as you can see so perhaps yours had a green inf color range?

Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
What is strange though is how come in Hm2 when i check my hud profles there, is only the one Default Hud 2.0 (Default) profile though? it is the current one i want to use but shouldn't there be the default hud 2.0 wth the original stats in it...but another one that i created as a custom one since i changed some stats in it? is there a way to restore the old Default Hud 2.0 in HM2 while adding my custom one while renaming it similar to like how in HM3, you just add MTT-Tournament Duplicate?

Just surprised at this after importing the hud.
I am not sure how you went about creating your your HM2 custom profiles before you imported it/them too HM3. Simply delete any from HM3 that you do not need if there are extras or duplicates.


Customer Support
Hold'em Manager

Last edited by Holdem Manager; 03-29-2022 at 10:12 AM.
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