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01-16-2016 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Clif
I"m trying to set up Dropbox and I have a question about moving tournament hand history files. I'm ready to drag and drop the files into dropbox, but I'm a bit confused about what I'm seeing. I'm using Windows 8.1 and I play on Americas Cardroom (Winning Poker Network.)

I had no idea what the file name might be (or how to find it using Windows 8) so I poked around for a while until I found what seemed to be the right file at:

This PC/OS(C/HM2@Archive/WPN

I wanted to make sure I had the right folder so I double-clicked to see what was in it. I got three subfolders named 1600, 2015 and 2016. I'm pretty sure that I didn't play poker in 1600.

What exactly am I looking at? Should I just drag and drop subfolders 2015 and 2016?
You have the right idea.

The 1600 folder is a bug of no consequence.

I personally moved my entire \hm2archive folder into my dropbox folder (I actually configured dropbox to use a specific slave drive separate from my OS drive \users folder default location) then configured HM2's site setup menu auto import folders settings to always archive the new hands/files to that dropbox folder location so all my original hands are stored in the cloud and locally both. I also sync my dropbox folder to a local NAS drive as well so it is backed up 2 local drives and the cloud.

Last edited by Poker Clif; Today at 04:13 PM. Reason: No edit. I have no idea why the the right parenthesis that I typed turns into a smiley face when I post my question.
colon followed by right parentheses is a smiley face. When posting using the advanced post editor there is an option below the reply editor to '[x] disable smilies in text'

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-16-2016 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
more filters > - hole card filters:
- select none > J4s

basic filters > position and action:
- [ ] hero's position > [x] big blind
- [ ] preflop action facing hero > [x] 1 raiser
- [ ] raisers position > [x] small blind

You can download a zip file containing the .filter file I created here, unzip/extract it and then use the More Filters > Applied Filters > 'Open a saved filter' button to import/load it.

Customer Support
Thx alot. I have 80k sample. After the filters it came up with four hands and +164,50bb/100. If I have folded those four hands it would show as -100bb/100 right ? I am thinking right now that I should play every hand in this spot that I lose less than -100bb/100. I do need bigger sample on every hand than just four but in principle if I have hand with a good sample of it in this spot I should be playing them If I lose less than -100bb/100 on average.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-16-2016 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by phenomenal
Thx alot. I have 80k sample. After the filters it came up with four hands and +164,50bb/100. If I have folded those four hands it would show as -100bb/100 right ? I am thinking right now that I should play every hand in this spot that I lose less than -100bb/100. I do need bigger sample on every hand than just four but in principle if I have hand with a good sample of it in this spot I should be playing them If I lose less than -100bb/100 on average.
Yes, if you folded every hand in that situation it would be -100 bb/100. I got 1 hand out of 20k sample when I created that filter but I folded to the open and was -100 bb/100.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 01:43 AM
I did the database backup and restore. Now there's only two cards when I replay hands. I only play PLO and on the hand summary, it shows all four cards.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I did the database backup and restore. Now there's only two cards when I replay hands. I only play PLO and on the hand summary, it shows all four cards.
Weird, I can't recall ever hearing this problem but it's early and I am still working on my first cup of coffee.

Please try to vacuum/analyze and reindex your database.

If you continue to have problems, try the following:

Try creating a new DataBase and import a small portion of your \HM2Archive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB.

If the new database seems to work properly, it sounds like your database might not have backed up or restored properly. Please continue to use the new database and import the rest of your hands using the steps above. This is why regular backups are a good idea. If your database becomes corrupt you can restore a backup and only have to import the most recent hands (that were played after the backup was created) and edit any tournament results if necessary. I recommend keeping at least the most recent 2 or 3 backups in case the most recent one does not restore properly you can try the previous backup.

A couple other thing you could try to see if it is a problem with the replayer/settings:

A) Please close HM2 and delete the files in the following folder:

C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager\Co nfig\Replayer

If you can't see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory.

B) This will reset all of your settings and configuration files:

1) Start HM2 and Export any custom HUD configs -

2) Close HM2.

3) Please create a backup of your settings and reset your settings as explained here -

4) Restart HM2

5) Manually reset your Site Setup > Seating Preferences > for your site/seats and double check your auto import and archive folders.

Try to reproduce the problem using the default HUD/settings. If it works properly you can try importing your customized HUD again that you exported in step 2 above. If the problem returns after importing your HUD you know it is a problem with your HUD Config and you will need to recreate it from scratch or import an older backup of the HUD.

If the problem doesn't return you can just reconfigure the rest of your settings manually or you could try restoring the backup file again and choosing the 'skip database' option to only restore the settings.

If that did not solve your problems you can restore all of your original settings using the Utilities menu as explained in step 3 of the above FAQ and upload/send us the backup file for testing to see if we can reproduce the problem.

Please create a support ticket via the Contact Support link and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread and let us know your forum name if there are several people in the thread.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:47 AM
Does anyone know how to get the "over all" stats for just one tournament in a day where I played multiple tourneys? I like the stats for the "over all" filter and want to get these stats for just "one" of the tournaments NOT all of the tournament of the day.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by pokerpassion1978
Does anyone know how to get the "over all" stats for just one tournament in a day where I played multiple tourneys? I like the stats for the "over all" filter and want to get these stats for just "one" of the tournaments NOT all of the tournament of the day.
You would have to use the More Filters in the Tournaments report until only the hands from that tournament are shown which could be tricky to do if you were playing a lot of similar tournaments in a mass tabling session. The easiest way I can think of off the top of my head in that scenario (I am not a tourney player) would be to just select it in the upper grid of the Tournaments report, left click a hand in the lower grid (make sure it is showing All Hands if there were more than 250 hands in that tournament) > Ctrl+A to highlight all hands from the tournament > right-click > Save to hard drive... then import that file you just created to a new database.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 05:49 PM
I see some twitch streamers have their HUD stats darkened until their mouse goes over them then they show up. Is this possible if so how

Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by blaxleypoker
I see some twitch streamers have their HUD stats darkened until their mouse goes over them then they show up. Is this possible if so how

This is not possible in HM2. HM Cloud has a setting for this and I think PT4 might have an option for this also.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 06:04 PM
Ah okay. Oh well too late already purchased HM2 and I prefer it
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Does it only happen at Final Tables or all tables? Our testers say, and the feedback we have so far, is that it works fine until the final table.

We will need new logs regardless if you can duplicate this and please specify when sending them if it is/isn't a final table:

Please enable the Settings > Feature Logging > [x] 'HUDStats' and 'FastPoker' option and increase the Max number of log files option to 10 so old logs are saved with date/time stamps. You can also enable this before you launch HM2 from the Start Menu.

Please reproduce the problem and:
- Attach a screen shot of the table/desktop
- Try to include the Active Sessions tab and/or Sessions Report that also includes your windows clock and poker client lobby clock in the screen shot
- Save a copy of the original Hand history for the table with the issue
- Close HM2 and attach your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

With all the above information we should be able to narrow down what is causing the issue, if all the information is not included we will need to email you again to request it.

Please zip and email the requested files via the 'Contact Support' link and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread and let us know your forum name if there are several people in the thread.

When sending any files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox, then 'copy public link' and paste the download link directly into the support ticket and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread and let us know your forum name if there are several people in the thread.

Customer Support
It was not final table. When I will have opportunity I will send logs and other info but can take a while as I play slightly bigger ABI now and in my time zone there is nothing on Winamax to play.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-17-2016 , 11:13 PM
I am having problems with my HM2 HUD on party poker. In the middle/end of some tournaments the HUD disappears, restarting the HUD/import and restarting the program doesn't help, anybody got an idea?

Big thx in advance. =)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-18-2016 , 04:17 AM
Same here sometimes. Just closing table and clicking take my seat in lobby usually fixes problem for me.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-18-2016 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by Bensch
I am having problems with my HM2 HUD on party poker. In the middle/end of some tournaments the HUD disappears, restarting the HUD/import and restarting the program doesn't help, anybody got an idea?

Big thx in advance. =)
Originally Posted by Steamy Kangaroo
Same here sometimes. Just closing table and clicking take my seat in lobby usually fixes problem for me.
Make sure that the Site Time Adjustment is properly configured such that the Time Stamp in the Reports for the hand matches your local windows clock time -

Make sure the poker client and hand histories are both in English. If it is not, you need to change it in the Lobby Options or reinstall the software and choose English.


Party Poker recently announced that they will be making major changes to their client that will affect both HUD and tracking of players playing history -

In the near future they will completely stop saving hand histories. If they do not write hand histories we can no longer provide tech support for problems on their software or support their software going forward unless they tell us they will still allow our software on their network and continue to provide hand history files.

At this time they have not clarified their changes or contacted us. Because of this, all Party Poker related development is on hold until their decision is officially made and reflected in their terms of use.

We will continue to offer basic support to players who are having problems with Hold'em Manager 2 on Party Poker tables as long as they are still writing hand history files that import, however we are not adding features or FastForward support for new and/or currently unsupported Party Poker skins (such as their new 'Premium' clients) at this time or testing/fixing import errors until they clarify their stance on trackers/HUDs with us directly.

If you continue to have problems:

Please enable the Settings > Feature Logging > [x] 'HUDStats' and 'FastPoker' option and increase the Max number of log files option to 10 so old logs are saved with date/time stamps. You can also enable this before you launch HM2 from the Start Menu.

Please reproduce the problem and:
- Attach a screen shot of the table/desktop
- Try to include the Active Sessions tab and/or Sessions Report that also includes your windows clock and poker client lobby clock in the screen shot
- Save a copy of the original Hand history for the table with the issue
- Close HM2 and attach your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

With all the above information we should be able to narrow down what is causing the issue, if all the information is not included we will need to email you again to request it.

Please zip and email the requested files via the 'Contact Support' link and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread and let us know your forum name if there are several people in the thread.

When sending any files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox, then 'copy public link' and paste the download link directly into the support ticket and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread and let us know your forum name if there are several people in the thread.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-18-2016 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager

Party Poker recently announced that they will be making major changes to their client that will affect both HUD and tracking of players playing history -

In the near future they will completely stop saving hand histories. If they do not write hand histories we can no longer provide tech support for problems on their software or support their software going forward unless they tell us they will still allow our software on their network and continue to provide hand history files.

At this time they have not clarified their changes or contacted us. Because of this, all Party Poker related development is on hold until their decision is officially made and reflected in their terms of use.

We will continue to offer basic support to players who are having problems with Hold'em Manager 2 on Party Poker tables as long as they are still writing hand history files that import, however we are not adding features or FastForward support for new and/or currently unsupported Party Poker skins (such as their new 'Premium' clients) at this time or testing/fixing import errors until they clarify their stance on trackers/HUDs with us directly.
They have repeatedly said that programs such as HM2 will not be banned, the rep in the Party thread has repeated this several times. They're on the fence about removing HH's but if they do remove them HM2 still won't be "banned" and would be permitted with a converter/screen scraper.

The last sentence seems unreasonable on your part. They are unlikely to confirm anything with you directly other than what they have already said, which again is "HM2 will not be banned".
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-18-2016 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by The Imp
They have repeatedly said that programs such as HM2 will not be banned, the rep in the Party thread has repeated this several times. They're on the fence about removing HH's but if they do remove them HM2 still won't be "banned" and would be permitted with a converter/screen scraper.

The last sentence seems unreasonable on your part. They are unlikely to confirm anything with you directly other than what they have already said, which again is "HM2 will not be banned".
We are aware that PartyPoker does not plan to ban tracking software such as ours. However, because they plan to stop saving hand histories, we do not know in what format hand history files will be available for their players and our users after that change. It is because of that we are waiting before spending more resources on import related issues for PartyPoker hand histories.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-18-2016 , 07:04 PM
FYI. The little control panel that sits on a table and lists recent hands, etc.

When we mouse over a particular arrow, it says it will move HUD stats one seat to the left.

That is very confusing -- only on one half the table (upper or lower, depending) is that true. It's the opposite for the other half.

Save us some crazy and change to "clockwise" or "counterclockwise."

I think the right arrow should be clockwise.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-19-2016 , 07:23 AM
Omaha Manager 2 HUD now showing all my hands(i have 27K- the HUD showing 19K)

Any solution for this

Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-19-2016 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
FYI. The little control panel that sits on a table and lists recent hands, etc.

When we mouse over a particular arrow, it says it will move HUD stats one seat to the left.

That is very confusing -- only on one half the table (upper or lower, depending) is that true. It's the opposite for the other half.

Save us some crazy and change to "clockwise" or "counterclockwise."

I think the right arrow should be clockwise.
I forwarded the suggestion to the team for consideration. The left right is referring to the bottom half of the table where most players generally seat themselves.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-19-2016 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Altreg
Omaha Manager 2 HUD now showing all my hands(i have 27K- the HUD showing 19K)

Any solution for this

It sounds like you are referring to the replayer and not the live tables. We limit the replayer HUD for the hero to 20k hands by default for performance reasons. Please see this FAQ for more details and instructions on how to increase that value. Also make sure you toggle off this option inside of the Replayer: Options > [ ] Use stats up to day of hand.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-19-2016 , 09:16 AM
I have a new pc, so nothing is stored on it and thought it would be a decent time to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

Will HM2 function correctly with Windows 10?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-19-2016 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by morphingbuildups
I have a new pc, so nothing is stored on it and thought it would be a decent time to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

Will HM2 function correctly with Windows 10?

Yes. Most of our testing team is now using Win 10 without issue. There is one known crashing issue for people using Finnish, Norwegian, Estonian or Serbian regional settings forcing them to use a different regional setting. We are waiting on a fix from Microsoft to resolve this as there doesn't seem to be anything we can do on our end to prevent it.

I personally upgraded my desktop, laptop and tablet to Win 10 a month or so ago (only play poker on the desktop) and like it quite a bit. I had been dreading the upgrade but got sick of the windows prompts so went ahead and did it and it was rather quick and painless even on my 6 year old Win 7 desktop.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-19-2016 , 09:54 AM
Thanks, Yea the "nagware" popups to upgrade free are criminal
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-20-2016 , 06:34 AM
is it possible to save at the table HUD panels positioning configuration, so it doesn't change everytime I import HUD settings?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
01-20-2016 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by c00lh4ndmike
is it possible to save at the table HUD panels positioning configuration, so it doesn't change everytime I import HUD settings?
HUD positions are set separately for each individual HUD config. It is not possible to have a newly imported HUD config inherit the HUD positions of an existing HUD config unfortunately. The best thing I can think of to suggest when setting positions for a new HUD the first time would be to open a single table of the type you play (perhaps the smallest stakes available if you imported a multi panel HUD) and play an orbit or two on just one table while setting the HUD/panel positions for the newly imported config.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
