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11-09-2014 , 11:32 PM
my hud works at normal cgs tables but not when i play zoom, what do i do to make the hm2 work at zoom
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:32 AM
lol what? My HUD is working at Zoom but not at regular tables... I even did the beta update and all...

please fix it
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 02:05 AM
Now its not working on any table. I got hem2 and Im playing on Stars version 6

just working sometimes on zoom and then gets stuck

Last edited by HeroOfTime; 11-10-2014 at 02:10 AM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by PineappleBrah
my hud works at normal cgs tables but not when i play zoom, what do i do to make the hm2 work at zoom
Originally Posted by HeroOfTime
Now its not working on any table. I got hem2 and Im playing on Stars version 6

just working sometimes on zoom and then gets stuck
Make sure you always start HM2 first before you open the PokerStars Client. If you closed PokerStars for any reason and did not close HM2 please close them both and start HM2 before you stars PokerStars again.

Please check all of the steps on this FAQ -

Check your C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\Temp folder for a file named StarsCommunicator.hm2 and if you see it please delete it.
If you can't see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory.

If you continue to have problems please send the requested files/screenshots as instructed at the end of the FAQ in the first link above.

Please email with a link to your post.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:16 PM
you just sent me a FAQ to make HEM work with fast tables

Im not having problems with fast tables, Im only having problems with regular tables

HEM is not detecting the tables, the HUD is just staying in the: Waiting for hands...

When I manually try to click Table Finder, it doesnt detect the table either. It was working perfectly a few hours back and I didnt change anything

Anyways I deleted the StarsCommunicator.hm2 , set everything to run as admin and I dont have firewall activated. So basically everything seems to be in order

Zoom tables work fine, but it wont detect normal tables
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by HeroOfTime
you just sent me a FAQ to make HEM work with fast tables

Im not having problems with fast tables, Im only having problems with regular tables

HEM is not detecting the tables, the HUD is just staying in the: Waiting for hands...

When I manually try to click Table Finder, it doesnt detect the table either. It was working perfectly a few hours back and I didnt change anything

Anyways I deleted the StarsCommunicator.hm2 , set everything to run as admin and I dont have firewall activated. So basically everything seems to be in order

Zoom tables work fine, but it wont detect normal tables
You mentioned zoom problems in the post we quoted the way I read it. Regardless, you should check/try the same things even if zoom tables are working fine and send us the requested files/logs if it doesn't help. There is nothing more we can do to help you without seeing those files/logs so you need to email them to us if the FAQ didn't help.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:45 PM
Hi, I accidentaly purged my whole database, but then I reimported all the hands.
Now, when I click on the drop down menu

and go to select a player it'll say I have 100k or w/e hands, but then when i go to look at it in reports and put it on all dates it is only the hands i've played since the purge.

Any idea why this is?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 02:11 PM
E-mail Sent
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
Hi, I accidentaly purged my whole database, but then I reimported all the hands.
Now, when I click on the drop down menu


and go to select a player it'll say I have 100k or w/e hands, but then when i go to look at it in reports and put it on all dates it is only the hands i've played since the purge.

Any idea why this is?
Did you toggle on the force reimport previously imported hands option when importing them from the archive again? If you purged 'all' your hands I would generally recommend you just create a new database and delete the old one (after attempting a backup of player notes (hand notes are gone once the hands are purged but hand marks and player notes remain) without the database).

If you did the force import the only thing I can think short of just creating a new database is to try some maintenance on the database:

Please try to vacuum/analyze and reindex your database -

If you continue to have problems, try the following:
Try creating a new DataBase and import a small portion of your \HM2Archive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -

If the new database seems to work properly, it sounds like your database might be corrupt/damaged beyond repair. This is why regular backups are a good idea. If your database becomes corrupt/damaged you can restore a backup and only have to import the most recent hands (that were played after the backup was created) and edit any tournament results if necessary and still retain most of your player/hand notes.

Here is a FAQ explaining how to backup your database and all settings in one easy step -

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 03:28 PM
I seem to have a problem connecting to the postgresql server. It was working fine but then I had some internet connection problems and my PC wouldn't connect to the internet. HEM2 was still working fine at this point. I had to reset my TCP/IP settings in the cmd.exe for my internet problems and now my internet works again, but I can't connect to the postgre server, not through HEM2 or through PGadminIII.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 03:41 PM
Hey Fozzy71, I havent recieved a respond from you guys, but everything seemed to be working fine. I ran a disk check and it seemed to be better but then I got this message

Any suggestions?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dr.FatCat
I seem to have a problem connecting to the postgresql server. It was working fine but then I had some internet connection problems and my PC wouldn't connect to the internet. HEM2 was still working fine at this point. I had to reset my TCP/IP settings in the cmd.exe for my internet problems and now my internet works again, but I can't connect to the postgre server, not through HEM2 or through PGadminIII.
Originally Posted by HeroOfTime
Hey Fozzy71, I havent recieved a respond from you guys, but everything seemed to be working fine. I ran a disk check and it seemed to be better but then I got this message

Any suggestions?
Same reply for both of you:

A) This is usually a firewall or windows update issue and the following guide gives a step by step guide:

B) If that doesn't help:

Open the Start Menu.

Expand Programs and go to Accessories.

Right-click command prompt and run it as administrator.

In Windows 8, right-click the start link, click Command Prompt (as Administrator).


netsh winsock reset
and finally press enter

If you continue to have problems:

Many of those free Norton, Mcaffee, Comodo, Zonealarm, Avira, Avast, AVG, Bitdefender, etc, 'internet security' bundles will not work well with Holdem Manager.

Please do the following steps, so we can get your computer to a state that we know will work with Holdem Manager:

1) Uninstall any 3rd party security software bundles.
2) Reboot your computer
3) Please install the latest version:
4) Enable Windows Firewall's recommended settings through your Control Panel, turn off Windows Defender, and add firewall exceptions for HM and SQL -
5) Install Microsoft Security Essentials for antivirus/malware protection and update it -

Follow the steps A/B above again.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
Same reply for both of you:

A) This is usually a firewall or windows update issue and the following guide gives a step by step guide:

B) If that doesn't help:

Open the Start Menu.

Expand Programs and go to Accessories.

Right-click command prompt and run it as administrator.

In Windows 8, right-click the start link, click Command Prompt (as Administrator).


netsh winsock reset
and finally press enter

If you continue to have problems:

Many of those free Norton, Mcaffee, Comodo, Zonealarm, Avira, Avast, AVG, Bitdefender, etc, 'internet security' bundles will not work well with Holdem Manager.

Please do the following steps, so we can get your computer to a state that we know will work with Holdem Manager:

1) Uninstall any 3rd party security software bundles.
2) Reboot your computer
3) Please install the latest version:
4) Enable Windows Firewall's recommended settings through your Control Panel, turn off Windows Defender, and add firewall exceptions for HM and SQL -
5) Install Microsoft Security Essentials for antivirus/malware protection and update it -

Follow the steps A/B above again.

Customer Support
Hey thanks, My postgresql was not started, but when trying to start it, I get this error message :

Also, my HEM2 seems to be taking a long time to Start after a reboot (5-10s) whereas it was fast before (I have an SSD). I ran some NoteCaddy notes this weekend. Could the database be corrupted ? (PostgreSQL should still work though...)

HEM2 also seems to crash for a small while when trying to connect to the PostgreSQL database.

Last edited by Dr.FatCat; 11-10-2014 at 04:29 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 05:15 PM
Update : I'm quite certain my issue had something to do with postgreSQL or my database going tits up. My PC just felt sketchy after that NoteCaddy run and had some programs crash etc...

I deleted and uninstalled PostrgreSQL and the PC was smooth again after. Just re-installed it and HEM2 works fine now.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-10-2014 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Dr.FatCat
Update : I'm quite certain my issue had something to do with postgreSQL or my database going tits up. My PC just felt sketchy after that NoteCaddy run and had some programs crash etc...

I deleted and uninstalled PostrgreSQL and the PC was smooth again after. Just re-installed it and HEM2 works fine now.
You are very welcome. Thank you for letting us know it solved your problems. It helps us when crafting future replies to other customers with similar problems.

Good luck at the tables. If you have any further questions or problems do not hesitate to ask us.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 04:45 AM
I've just updated to the most recent update, and upon restarting, I appear to have hardly any hands available on players when I use the replayer. Before I restarted/updated I had a hand up that I was reviewing where I had several thousand hands on the two players involved. After the update I pulled up the same hand and I now have about 70 hands on both players. I have not changed anything, and in the HUD settings, the HUD is set to show 0 hands (ie all hands). Fwiw I have not had chance to try it out on the actual tables yet, this is just in the replayer.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 06:38 AM
I just played a few hands to test it and I have all my hands in the HUD at the tables, so it's just the replayer HUD that isn't retrieving hands.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 09:07 AM
updated to new uk hem2 - hud not working. the waiting for hand message appears top left of the table, but nothing else
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
I've just updated to the most recent update, and upon restarting, I appear to have hardly any hands available on players when I use the replayer. Before I restarted/updated I had a hand up that I was reviewing where I had several thousand hands on the two players involved. After the update I pulled up the same hand and I now have about 70 hands on both players. I have not changed anything, and in the HUD settings, the HUD is set to show 0 hands (ie all hands). Fwiw I have not had chance to try it out on the actual tables yet, this is just in the replayer.
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
I just played a few hands to test it and I have all my hands in the HUD at the tables, so it's just the replayer HUD that isn't retrieving hands.
It sounds like the max replayer hands value was changed/lowered or possibly some of the HUD/Tournament Filters were changed somehow.

We limit the replayer HUD for the hero to 20k hands by default for performance reasons. Please see this FAQ for more details and instructions on how to increase that value -

If that doesn't help:

Make sure the HUD Settings > General Settings > Common Settings > [ ] 'Use session stats' is disabled.

Make sure that the HUD Settings > General Settings > Common Settings > Min hands: is set to '0'.

Make sure that the HUD Settings > Stat Appearance > Min samples: is set to '0' for each and every stat in your HUD if your issue is missing stats.

Make sure that your HUD Settings > HUD Filters are all set to '2 to 10' and that both check box options under Filter by limits are checked [x].

Make sure the HUD Settings > Tournament Filters are all set to '1 to 81+'. Changing these filters to anything other than their default settings will make the HUD Stats change drastically based on the number of players at the table and/or their stack sizes in tournaments.

If that doesn't fix the issues, please reproduce the problem and attach a screen shot - - showing the HUD, the Report for one of the selected players with the problems, and pictures of the HUD Filters and Tournament Filters and attach a log file as explained in this FAQ -

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by SaulGoodman
updated to new uk hem2 - hud not working. the waiting for hand message appears top left of the table, but nothing else
stars or ftp? zoom/rush? Since stars is the most popular I will make that assumption. If you are actually on FTP search our FAQ for the Full Tilt Rush FAQ instead of the Stars Zoom FAQ linked below.

Please update to the latest version -

Make sure you always start HM2 first before you open the PokerStars Client. If you closed PokerStars for any reason and did not close HM2 please close them both and start HM2 before you stars PokerStars again.

Please check all of the steps on this FAQ -

If you continue to have problems please send the requested files/screenshots as instructed at the end of the FAQ in the link above.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 12:34 PM
Hello holdem manager how do I make my hud transparent so I can see things that are hidden behind the hud when playing
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Antricko123
Hello holdem manager how do I make my hud transparent so I can see things that are hidden behind the hud when playing
hud settings > general settings > hud font > background -

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
hud settings > general settings > hud font > background -

Customer Support
Got it cheers
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 02:40 PM
Hey guys I need some help if anyone has seen this: my HEM has a broken reports tab. The hands seem to be importing into sessions but when I click on reports I crash. I tried creating a new, empty DB but that didn't fix it. Ideas?

sessions tab:

reports tab:

when I try and click on change tab I get this:
Holdem Manager Support Quote
11-11-2014 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by surf doc
Hey guys I need some help if anyone has seen this: my HEM has a broken reports tab. The hands seem to be importing into sessions but when I click on reports I crash. I tried creating a new, empty DB but that didn't fix it. Ideas?

sessions tab:

reports tab:

when I try and click on change tab I get this:
We stopped selling HM1 licenses when HM2 was released in November of 2011. We stopped updating for critical bugs and providing support for HM1 at the end of April 2014 -

Please update to the latest/final version -

If that doesn't help I would suggest a clean reinstall:

1) Export any custom HUD configs individually, make a backup of your C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Config folder, and any other important files. If you have custom filters/reports/stats, just copy the entire \holdem manager folder before uninstalling.
2) Uninstall HM with using the Deep setting. You do not need to uninstall PostgreSQL.
3) If given the option, on the 2 following screens of Revo, remove any registry entries and leftover files. If you have Holdem Manager 2 installed do not delete any folders in C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager. If Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\Application Data\HoldemManager.
4) Reboot your computer
5) Install the complete setup of HM: You should un-check the PostgreSQL Option when running the combo installer.
6) Test if it for a while and see if it works

If you continue to have problems there is nothing else we can do since we no longer support this software so you should consider trying HM2. If you have not tried it recently you should be able to install the latest update and activate a new 30 day trial. If you have any problems with the trial let us know and we can extend the trial for you manually.

Customer Support
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