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GTO+/CardRunnersEV? GTO+/CardRunnersEV?

09-27-2020 , 05:09 PM
Hi scylla can you refer me to the version of gto+ that used the amount of ram indicated in the estimate. I remember long time ago I was able to solve the same trees as piosolver with 20% less ram which is one of the reasons I used it a lot. somewhere around 1.7 the amount of ram needed increased by at least 100% and I had a copy of the old version on my 2nd computer that i used to run the solves. I forgot about this and have updated everything to the newest versions and am unable to continue any of my previously solved databases. I have 16gb of ram and if I run trees that estimate 6gb of ram needed at some point in the end of the solve this will jump to 12-14 so if i have a couple tabs of chrome open i run out of memory which is so frustrating because all of these solves where done previously on a computer that only had 8gb of ram. just feel like with all the improvements this really shouldn't still be an issue

Also would like to know if there is a possibility of having both versions on the computer at the same time so i can solve the trees on 1.5-1.6 whatever that version was and then use the new version for play vs solution

GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by BitchIAmAMartian
Hi scylla can you refer me to the version of gto+ that used the amount of ram indicated in the estimate. I remember long time ago I was able to solve the same trees as piosolver with 20% less ram which is one of the reasons I used it a lot. somewhere around 1.7 the amount of ram needed increased by at least 100% and I had a copy of the old version on my 2nd computer that i used to run the solves. I forgot about this and have updated everything to the newest versions and am unable to continue any of my previously solved databases. I have 16gb of ram and if I run trees that estimate 6gb of ram needed at some point in the end of the solve this will jump to 12-14 so if i have a couple tabs of chrome open i run out of memory which is so frustrating because all of these solves where done previously on a computer that only had 8gb of ram. just feel like with all the improvements this really shouldn't still be an issue

Also would like to know if there is a possibility of having both versions on the computer at the same time so i can solve the trees on 1.5-1.6 whatever that version was and then use the new version for play vs solution

Can you try this internal update please?

Originally Posted by BitchIAmAMartian
Also would like to know if there is a possibility of having both versions on the computer at the same time so i can solve the trees on 1.5-1.6 whatever that version was and then use the new version for play vs solution
If you want to use an older version, then here's a few links:

So, basically, just use one of these links, with the desired version number filled in.
For your purposes, I would recommend the internal update for v131.
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Shikyo
Hi Scylla

Is the impact of the course important on the results? (The cape exploded on my room)

Do you mean the impact of rake on the results? The rake should not significantly affect the results. I would recommend keeping it at 0%, given that this will keep the situation zero sum.
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 05:21 PM
Thank you. is there any way to convert newer files back?
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by BitchIAmAMartian
Thank you. can I have both on the comp at the same time and is there any way to convert newer files back?
You can have several different versions on your computer.
However, it's not possible to revert newer files back.
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by MicroDonkYT
Are there any plans to implement equity graphs like Flopzilla displays into GTO+? I have both licenses, but it would be convenient to have the graphs in GTO+ directly, like Piosolver has.
Ok, I will consider it for future releases.
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 05:25 PM
Actually the files work on the 1.31. this didn't workout before. thx so much
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 05:45 PM
Im sorry I was talking about v 1.15. or somewhere back then. But im trying the 1.31 hopefully it works out. will know in a few h

Also a question to help decide on purchases. Does ram speed benefit gto+ and how well does gto+ solve speed scale with cores?
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 07:18 PM
1.31 works like a charm. Ram usage only jumped slightly 2-400mb above the estimate at a point at the end of the run instead of 7gb higher!

GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-27-2020 , 10:02 PM
Hello scylla! Love the software so far.

Any chance that 128 threads will be supported in a future update?
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-28-2020 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Hoshi
Hello scylla! Love the software so far.
Any chance that 128 threads will be supported in a future update?
Yes, it will be 128 in the next update.
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-28-2020 , 04:24 AM
If I navigate to a point in the tree, how do I get play against the solution to open at this point? Even if I lock this node, it won't allow me to open at this point.

When I am using play against the solution, drill the current decision cannot be selected. Is there a reason for this?
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-28-2020 , 07:48 AM
I would like to solve all 1755 flops for a tree in gto+. How do I do that?

It lets me choose 1000 random flops. Can I first click 1000 and then click add another 755?

If I need to create a subset of my own, how do I do that? And how do I import it?

Thank you very much
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-28-2020 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by cellar door
If I navigate to a point in the tree, how do I get play against the solution to open at this point? Even if I lock this node, it won't allow me to open at this point.
Use the tree navigator (on top of the interface) to go to the point of the tree that you want to drill.
Go to the "Play against the solution" feature.
Select "Drill the current decision".
Start playing.

Originally Posted by cellar door
When I am using play against the solution, drill the current decision cannot be selected. Is there a reason for this?
This option is only available when playing against a single tree; not a database.

Last edited by scylla; 09-28-2020 at 11:26 AM.
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-28-2020 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by mementomori
I would like to solve all 1755 flops for a tree in gto+. How do I do that?
It lets me choose 1000 random flops. Can I first click 1000 and then click add another 755?
Yes, that is correct.
If you go up to 1755, then all possible flops will be included in the database.

Originally Posted by mementomori
If I need to create a subset of my own, how do I do that? And how do I import it?
For this, create a .txt file with the flops and place it in the directory /flops.
You can load the file with "Import flops from file".
If you want to attach a weight to the flops, then use the following format:

AhKh2c: 0.7914
AhQcJd: 1.2424
KhQd2d: 0.4512
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-28-2020 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by scylla
Yes, it will be 128 in the next update.
Cheers! Any ETA on the update?
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-28-2020 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by scylla
Do you mean the impact of rake on the results? The rake should not significantly affect the results. I would recommend keeping it at 0%, given that this will keep the situation zero sum.
Ok Thanks
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-28-2020 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by scylla
No, the current maximum is set at 5.
GTO+ noob here. How do I add multiple betsizes for a street or decision?
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-29-2020 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Hoshi
Cheers! Any ETA on the update?
No, there's no ETA available.
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-29-2020 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by abstractdude
GTO+ noob here. How do I add multiple betsizes for a street or decision?
For that, go to the "Advanced" tab in the tree builder.
Select "Use custom settings for flop/turn/river".
Enter the desired sizes for the relevant bet.

GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-29-2020 , 02:24 AM
Hey, couple questions:

The preflop ranges that we can select and save, where do they stored? I would like to export them to another machine.

How much threads can I select with 128gigs of ram?

GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-29-2020 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by wejo
Hey, couple questions:

The preflop ranges that we can select and save, where do they stored? I would like to export them to another machine.
The preflop ranges are stored in /config/newdefs3.txt.
To export your ranges, simply copy this file to the other machine.

Originally Posted by wejo
How much threads can I select with 128gigs of ram?
The default maximum number of threads is 32.
However, you can go up to 100 threads with the code XXoverride.
So, for example, for 64 threads, use the code 64override
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-29-2020 , 04:03 PM
So, im tryint to create a database for me and i make the steps to do it, processing database, X flops, builded a tree... ok until there...
i haveing a problem when i want to save a especificly flop in to a some past and when i try to open a diferent file, it open the same one...
what can i do to resolv this?

ty for the attencion
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-29-2020 , 05:49 PM
Syclla, can you please consider changing the preflop hand matrix so that frequencies of certain hands are clearly visible? The current hand matrix visualization is not optimal tbh since from the first glance it is not clearly visible which hands are played at what frequency. Something like Piosolver would be way better imo:

GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
09-29-2020 , 08:06 PM
I am new to GTO+ and want to start running a lot of sims. Is 1 or 2 percent dEV ok--I'm not a crazy superwizard who needs pinpoint accuracy--or will it really **** up the sim? Does it even save much time? Thanks
GTO+/CardRunnersEV? Quote
