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Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013

02-11-2015 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by kedwards1
Phil_r/Sorrow, how do you change the white/white background/text on the mouse over ui...
You wait for me to fix it. It's a weird windows-specific bug in Qt. I just haven't got around to it yet.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-11-2015 , 12:34 AM
Oh ok, wasn't sure if there was a config option for it :P
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-11-2015 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by phil_r
You wait for me to fix it. It's a weird windows-specific bug in Qt. I just haven't got around to it yet.
Just fixed, will be in next release. Tooltips now take the default platform style rather than (dis)obeying your configured HUD colours.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-11-2015 , 01:46 AM
Wow so fast Phil...amazing work. Keep it up

Sent from my XT1080 using 2+2 Forums
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-12-2015 , 07:33 AM
yeahh Phil's really fast!

can't wait for the next release
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 04:02 AM
New release candidates are up in the usual place.

Changes since RC5:
  • Mac and windows packages should now have sqlite, postgres and mysql out of the box. Mac-mysql and windows-postgres are new in this release. Go forth and test!
  • Non-English translations should now work. If they don't I want to know about it. Several translations are incomplete, and some translations seem to have been garbled at some point. Anyone interested in helping with this should get in touch and we will figure it out.
  • Miscellaneous postgres fixes.
  • Hist_seats fixes for HUD popups and mucked cards.
  • Middle-click hides HUD boxes until a hand is played from that seat.
  • Some fixes for BetOnline parsing. BetOnline users be aware: some hands will always be missed or at least slightly misparsed. The BetOnline format is both awful and prone to errors.
  • Hive poker HUD tournament table finding fixed.
  • PKR parser fix.
  • HUD tooltips should now display correctly in platform default colours.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 05:28 AM
did you fix the XXX stats error on 888poker? Just managed to finally fix it after 15 hours of research and 3 hours of tweaking in the config.xml

<layout height="546" max="6" width="792">
<location hist_seat="1" seat="1" x="663" y="48"/>
<location hist_seat="2" seat="2" x="664" y="293"/>
<location hist_seat="4" seat="3" x="563" y="402"/>
<location hist_seat="6" seat="4" x="120" y="401"/>
<location hist_seat="7" seat="5" x="32" y="291"/>
<location hist_seat="9" seat="6" x="12" y="46"/>
<location common="1" x="323" y="232"/>

<layout height="591" max="9" width="819">
<location hist_seat="1" seat="1" x="120" y="-13"/>
<location hist_seat="2" seat="2" x="683" y="52"/>
<location hist_seat="3" seat="3" x="683" y="294"/>
<location hist_seat="4" seat="4" x="646" y="371"/>
<location hist_seat="5" seat="5" x="217" y="402"/>
<location hist_seat="6" seat="6" x="575" y="10"/>
<location hist_seat="7" seat="7" x="19" y="361"/>
<location hist_seat="9" seat="8" x="27" y="289"/>
<location hist_seat="10" seat="9" x="42" y="45"/>
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by falkken
did you fix the XXX stats error on 888poker? Just managed to finally fix it after 15 hours of research and 3 hours of tweaking in the config.xml
No, I haven't made any changes relating to 888 recently. Thanks for your work! I'll include your fix in the default config if we get some confirmation that it's working for other people. If I remember correctly there's also an issue where we have to guess if it's 6max, 9max etc because the 888 format doesn't specify that explicitly.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:38 AM
Hey Phil,

the hand importing and auto import is working on PKR:

Auto Import Ready.
Global lock taken ... Auto Import Started.

* Add PKR import directory C:\XXXX.
* Add PKR import directory C:\XXXX
speed (31312816).txt 3 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.551000)..............
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.144000).........
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.387000)...............
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.138000)..........
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.111000).............
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.172000).......

the HUD main window starts
but the HUD does not show

any thoughts?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by myboatisfull
Hey Phil,

the hand importing and auto import is working on PKR:

Auto Import Ready.
Global lock taken ... Auto Import Started.

* Add PKR import directory C:XXXX.
* Add PKR import directory C:XXXX
speed (31312816).txt 3 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.551000)..............
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.144000).........
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.387000)...............
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.138000)..........
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.111000).............
speed (31312816).txt 1 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 0 errors (time = 0.172000).......

the HUD main window starts
but the HUD does not show

any thoughts?
Does the table name appear in the HUD main window?

Anything useful looking in the log files?

Edit: is your screen name set correctly for PKR?

Last edited by phil_r; 02-14-2015 at 07:46 AM.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:44 AM
no table name appears
don't see anything in hud log from today
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by myboatisfull
no table name appears
don't see anything in hud log from today
What about hud errors, or fpdb log/errors? Can you get your hands to show up in the cash game graph or hand viewer?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:54 AM
I dont see any errors,

cash seems to work in the cash graph
cash graph tournament dollars are my tournament/stt chips
hands load in handviewer
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-14-2015 , 09:09 AM
So myboatisfull was kind enough to spend some time screen sharing with me to figure out the problems. I think the initial issue was that he ran the HUD directly as well as from FPDB auto-import (don't do that). After that we got down to some PKR issues:
  • The default config has the HUD turned off in a non-obvious way for PKR and Cake. Search your HUD_config.xml for
    and change it to
    for the relevant site definition. I'll change this in the default config but that only helps new users.
  • PKR HHs don't say if a table is 6-max, 9-max, whatever. So FPDB assumes 10-max (or maybe 9-max? I forget) so you get incorrect layout + empty XXX hud boxes. You can fix it by right-clicking the FPDBMenu anchor and choosing "Force layout". Should resolve itself when the next hand comes in. Unfortunately you do have to do this once for each table.
  • PKR's tournament tables don't have the tournament number in their titles. So FPDB can't possibly figure out which table to put the HUD on. We did a stupid workaround by making a notepad window with the tournament number in the title but this is obviously not a good long-term solution. I could envisage a system where we prompt the user to select the window each time a new HUD is created but even if possible, it seems like a lot of work for one site that doesn't play nice.

Just a couple of notes for anyone on PKR. If anyone has ideas to fix this stuff I am all ears.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-15-2015 , 02:41 PM
Hey Phil_r,

Gave the new version a shot. Seems like the old XXX empty HUD for a seat is still there, but this time around, not even hist_seat="0" fixes it.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-15-2015 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by kedwards1
Hey Phil_r,

Gave the new version a shot. Seems like the old XXX empty HUD for a seat is still there, but this time around, not even hist_seat="0" fixes it.
That's weird, I don't think I changed anything that should affect this. Is it a consistently reproducible problem? Is it a 10-max table?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-15-2015 , 06:53 PM
Yes its on 10max...and it seems too show XXX for seat "6"

Sent from my XT1080 using 2+2 Forums
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-15-2015 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by kedwards1
Yes its on 10max...and it seems too show XXX for seat "6"

Sent from my XT1080 using 2+2 Forums
If you go back to rc5 does the problem disappear?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-15-2015 , 07:04 PM
Ok so let me explain a bit more.

I installed rc6 to a new directory, installed new hud_config, and after re-configuring/importing hands, it did not work. Added in hist_seat="0" in the same spot as old config, still did not work.

Yes, I did go back to rc5 with old config and it worked, did not try with the new hud_config though.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-15-2015 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by kedwards1
Ok so let me explain a bit more.

I installed rc6 to a new directory, installed new hud_config, and after re-configuring/importing hands, it did not work. Added in hist_seat="0" in the same spot as old config, still did not work.

Yes, I did go back to rc5 with old config and it worked, did not try with the new hud_config though.
Can you try rc6 with old config?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-15-2015 , 07:23 PM
As soon as BoL is up...its down for me atm

Sent from my XT1080 using 2+2 Forums
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-15-2015 , 09:11 PM
Ok so ran some more tests for ya Phil.

rc6 with old config - still has seat 6 with empty XXX hud. Also Favorite Seat isn't working properly. No matter what I changed the "fav seat" too, it never changes positions.

rc5 with old config still working as previous.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-17-2015 , 10:20 AM
i need help i cant even open it now
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-18-2015 , 09:31 AM
Is there any information available (or guidelines) where you can learn how to program popups to your HUD?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
02-18-2015 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by nherrego
Is there any information available (or guidelines) where you can learn how to program popups to your HUD?
I've put a very (very) brief guide here-ish. It shouldn't be all that hard though - if you search in your config file for "popup_windows" you should find a bunch of example popups used in the default HUDs. If you have specific questions after reading those + the link above let me know.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
