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Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013

06-19-2013 , 04:42 PM
I'm having some trouble with Postgresql, I get "postgresql server reports access denied are your permissions set correctly" (Ubuntu 13.04 64bit).
How do I even install the tar.gz file? Because I'm just running, after extracting the archive, '' in terminal with 'sudo' command and I get the following errors:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "fpdb.pyw", line 1448, in <module> me = fpdb() File "fpdb.pyw", line 1300, in __init__ self.load_profile(create_db=True) File "fpdb.pyw", line 1070, in load_profile if not self.db.wrongDbVersion: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'wrongDbVersion'

Seems to work if I leave 'HUD_config.xml.example' as it this and don't create 'HUD_config.xml', basically running it with Sqlite, but I would like to use Postgresql.
Any advice? Have no idea what to do now...
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-19-2013 , 05:27 PM
Nevermind, it was just a spelling error on my part.
Got it to work, hud and everything.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-20-2013 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by drflounder
It looks like there's a Euro sign in the table number. Do you have a hand history from that tournament?

Thank you... here is some hands:

I am waiting for you comments, thank again
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-20-2013 , 09:47 AM
Greetings. Thanks for your software. But I have a question. Will fpdb support HUD in zoom?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-20-2013 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Nicaindio
Thank you... here is some hands:

I am waiting for you comments, thank again
It looks like that tournament was a Freeroll. If you look on the wiki, Freerolls are generally not supported.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-20-2013 , 04:27 PM
Does FPDB support Winning Poker and Bovada?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-20-2013 , 05:25 PM
It supports Bovada. Don't know about Winning Poker.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-21-2013 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by stretch_68
Does FPDB support Winning Poker and Bovada?
Does not support Winning. If you send some example hands to we can use them to add support (no eta yet on when that would be though, sorry).
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-22-2013 , 01:06 PM
I'm playing stud hi/lo on pokerstars and the hud doesn't show up, I tried everything in the manual.
it does show the room hud main window and FPDB menu click to drag etc..
why there is no hud for each player?\
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-22-2013 , 03:19 PM
The stats and hud are showing now but it disappears every few secs and I need to click the drag hud to make the hud visible again... anyone has a clue?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-24-2013 , 05:19 AM
Hi, i'm interested in trying out this software. I'm wondering where the new release that was mentioned last month can be found? Was it released yet?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-25-2013 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by drflounder
It looks like that tournament was a Freeroll. If you look on the wiki, Freerolls are generally not supported.
Here is other hands, now with real money...

Still have a problems... Thank you a lot...
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-26-2013 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Nicaindio
Here is other hands, now with real money...

Still have a problems... Thank you a lot...
Did you upload the correct file? It still looks like freeroll hands in that file.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-26-2013 , 03:25 PM
Are there any specific instructions for setting up and using FPDB with bovada?, seeing how the site has anonymous tables and no user names.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-27-2013 , 12:10 PM
You obviously can't track opponents stats on Bovada, but you can still use fpdb to track your stats. After importing, your hands are saved to the database under the id "Hero". Put that into the box labeled "Bovada id" and refresh and you should see your stats.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-28-2013 , 12:39 AM
Downloaded and extracted the latest version to my desktop, I open the folder and click on the run_fpdb file and it crashed as soon as it tried to open, I have the microsoft package that is specified already on my laptop. I am running windows 8, any help would be great.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-28-2013 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by stretch_68
Downloaded and extracted the latest version to my desktop, I open the folder and click on the run_fpdb file and it crashed as soon as it tried to open, I have the microsoft package that is specified already on my laptop. I am running windows 8, any help would be great.
You have to completely erase the previous version I think. Read the wiki.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
06-28-2013 , 03:52 PM
FPDB HUD seems to prevent Full Tilt tables popping up when action is required. Has anyone else experienced this?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
07-03-2013 , 06:04 AM
Hi, I want to try to make fpdb work with SealsWithClubs (even if it requires modifying the code or writing a hh converter), but right now i cannot even start the program: i'm getting
~/src/fpdboz$ ./
Python 2.7...
Logfile is /home/user/.fpdb/log/fpdb-log.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fpdb.pyw", line 1459, in <module>
me = fpdb()
File "fpdb.pyw", line 1311, in __init__
File "fpdb.pyw", line 1026, in load_profile
self.db = Database.Database(self.config, sql=self.sql)
File "/home/user/src/fpdboz/pyfpdb/", line 619, in __init__
File "/home/user/src/fpdboz/pyfpdb/", line 702, in do_connect
File "/home/user/src/fpdboz/pyfpdb/", line 834, in connect
self.check_version(database=database, create=create)
File "/home/user/src/fpdboz/pyfpdb/", line 854, in check_version
File "/home/user/src/fpdboz/pyfpdb/", line 1536, in recreate_tables
File "/home/user/src/fpdboz/pyfpdb/", line 1553, in create_tables
sqlite3.OperationalError: near "FOREIGN": syntax error
I followed the instructions from: http://****************/apps/mediawik...tall_in_Ubuntu to get the sources from git (there is "git clone git clone" typo in the instructions).

But then I don't understand whether I need to configure a database or not:
Configuring a separate database is no longer needed as FPDB will work using SQLite 'out of the box', but should you want to see the sections below, or skip to Running FPDB.
You will also need to have a database running -- you can choose mysql or postgresql. In each case you must create a database and user for fpdb to use.
thanks for the help
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
07-03-2013 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by piranoust
Hi, I want to try to make fpdb work with SealsWithClubs (even if it requires modifying the code or writing a hh converter), but right now i cannot even start the program: i'm getting

I followed the instructions from: http://****************/apps/mediawik...tall_in_Ubuntu to get the sources from git (there is "git clone git clone" typo in the instructions).

But then I don't understand whether I need to configure a database or not:

thanks for the help
Ok. This is being caused by a short-lived bug that was fixed in gimick's tree. Try cloning from git:// and it should resolve the issue.

As for getting started with writing a SealsWithClubs converter, that would be a very welcome addition. I would use the file as a starting point. The Hand Object and Hand History Converter Object pages on the wiki should help get you started with understanding the general data model fpdb uses. If you have any questions feel free to email the the fpdb mailing list or you can contact me directly at
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
07-03-2013 , 12:41 PM

i'll work on it on:

Last edited by piranoust; 07-03-2013 at 12:55 PM.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
07-05-2013 , 11:22 PM
I just installed fpdb (v0.39.995).

I am playing on Aced which is a Merge skin.
Bulk import, auto import and the HUD in play money cash games all work like a charm (HUD in real money cash probably works too but i haven't tried it).

however, the HUD doesn't work for SNGs (and possibly for scheduled tournaments).

this is what i get in HUD-errors.txt when i play SNGs:

Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method HUD_main.read_stdin of <__main__.HUD_main object at 0x01FDFD70>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "HUD_main.pyw", line 353, in read_stdin
File "TableWindow.pyc", line 147, in __init__
File "HandHistoryConverter.pyc", line 674, in getTableTitleRe
File "MergeToFpdb.pyc", line 996, in getTableTitleRe
File "re.pyc", line 208, in escape
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
07-06-2013 , 06:24 AM
I put a preliminary version on the git fork, it can import hands, and I was able to see a graph, but the amount won are not correct so I need to fix that
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
07-06-2013 , 06:50 AM
I think this is unrelated to Seals, but after importing the hands (about 12k), if I load the hands in the hand viewer, even with a retricted time period of one week for instance, the interface gets very laggy. Even clicking on an item takes a few seconds.

It did get better when I switched from sqlite to mysql though but still very laggy. I haven't tried the hud yet, but will it be laggy as well?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
07-06-2013 , 09:42 AM
Hey guys,

just new to this progam. Istalled it like an hour ago, but i cant seem to get my hands imported..
I've put them on the right directory but i keep gettign an error.

* Add PokerStars import directory C:\Pokerstars handhistory...
HH20130706 Bredichina II - $0,01-$0,02 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt 0 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 2 errors (time = 0.010000)......
HH20130706 Bredichina II - $0,01-$0,02 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt 0 stored, 0 duplicates, 0 partial, 1 errors (time = 0.009000).

and on and on.

hands are looking like this:

PokerStarshand #101039586855: Hold'em No Limit ($0.01/$0.02 USD) - 06/07/2013 15:10:03 CET [06/07/2013 9:10:03 ET]
Tafel 'Bredichina II' 9-max Plaats #9 is de button
Plaats 1: D_Champion_D ($1.90 in chips)
Plaats 2: philicious90 ($4 in chips)
Plaats 4: AllaTMN ($0.22 in chips)
Plaats 5: HERBIS33 ($1.58 in chips)
Plaats 6: KevinGovaert ($4.62 in chips)
Plaats 7: Ant Queen ($2.15 in chips)
Plaats 8: ic364vaz ($2.34 in chips)
Plaats 9: joschel F ($4.44 in chips)
D_Champion_D: zet small blind $0.01
philicious90: zet big blind $0.02
Buziaa: zit uit
Gedeeld aan KevinGovaert [Kc 8d]
AllaTMN: callt $0.02
HERBIS33: foldt
KevinGovaert: foldt
Ant Queen: foldt
ic364vaz: foldt
joschel F: foldt
D_Champion_D: raiset $0.05 naar $0.07
philicious90: foldt
AllaTMN: callt $0.05
*** FLOP *** [4c 6d 5d]
D_Champion_D: bet $0.15
AllaTMN: callt $0.15 en is all-in
*** TURN *** [4c 6d 5d] [5c]
*** RIVER *** [4c 6d 5d 5c] [2s]
*** SHOWDOWN ***
D_Champion_D: toont [Ad As] (twee pair, Azen en Vijven)
AllaTMN: toont [Ts Ac] (een pair Vijven)
D_Champion_D won $0.44 van pot
Totale pot $0.46 | Rake $0.02
Board [4c 6d 5d 5c 2s]
Plaats 1: D_Champion_D (small blind) toonde [Ad As] en won ($0.44) met twee pair, Azen en Vijven
Plaats 2: philicious90 (big blind) foldde voor de Flop
Plaats 4: AllaTMN toonde [Ts Ac] en verloor met een pair Vijven
Plaats 5: HERBIS33 foldde voor de Flop (bette niet)
Plaats 6: KevinGovaert foldde voor de Flop (bette niet)
Plaats 7: Ant Queen foldde voor de Flop (bette niet)
Plaats 8: ic364vaz foldde voor de Flop (bette niet)
Plaats 9: joschel F (button) foldde voor de Flop (bette niet)

Anyone knows what the problem might be?

Does this has to do with the pokerstars hand format? or is it me screwing up?

thanks in advance !
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
