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Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013

10-13-2012 , 06:31 AM
Did plan to use dual-monitor myself. Now kinda worried!
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 08:20 AM
I use an extern monitor and have no problem whatsoever.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 08:45 AM
Hi, i am using a Windows 7 computer and this software is excellent! I use it for hand reviewing and checking the graphs. However, one important thing that i can't get to work is the HUD.

I have already located the directory where i save my hand histories on stars and auto import on the Free Poker DB. I see the small HUD box appear and it shows the tables which i am playing in.

However, the stats do not appear no matter how many times i restarted the software.

Only on one session did the HUD work, but after that it never appeared again

can i get some help? thanks!
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 09:38 AM
Arsil, do you have your extra monitor set up to the left or right from your main monitor (main monitor being the one with the Windows task bar... I assume you're on Windows)? Mine is to the left, meaning it gets negative x-coordinates... just wondering whether that's the problem.

Mcpokerkwek, you don't happen to use dual monitors, do you? You could go and check your config file, maybe the coordinates got messed when you saved your hud positions. See my example from a couple of posts above.

Anyone, do bugs get reported by bringing them up on this forum?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by pasita
Arsil, do you have your extra monitor set up to the left or right from your main monitor (main monitor being the one with the Windows task bar... I assume you're on Windows)? Mine is to the left, meaning it gets negative x-coordinates... just wondering whether that's the problem.

Mcpokerkwek, you don't happen to use dual monitors, do you? You could go and check your config file, maybe the coordinates got messed when you saved your hud positions. See my example from a couple of posts above.

Anyone, do bugs get reported by bringing them up on this forum?
nope, i do not use dual monitors.

i checked the HUD file and got this :
ud : ERROR Error creating HUD for hand 13127.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "HUD_main.pyw", line 356, in idle_create
File "Hud.pyc", line 701, in update
File "Stats.pyc", line 105, in do_stat
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'car' is not defined

any idea how to save this NameError?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 12:38 PM
@ mcpokerkwek - the problem is the stat named car,
edit your configuration file and rename "car" to "car0"
(or "car0_0" if you don't care about decimals)

@ pasita - no, I'm on Linux, the extra screen is to the right of the main one,
but I'm pretty sure that the coordinates are not absolute but relative to the window
of the table, so having negative values makes no sense to me.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 01:04 PM
sorry to bother, how do i go about editing the config file?

is it the application named configuration? When i open it i get a whole load of text but it doesn't seem like i am allowed to edit it...

thanks !
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 01:09 PM
hi i also get this error
importer : ERROR Failed to send hand to HUD: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

thanks in advance once again!
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Mcpokerkwek
sorry to bother, how do i go about editing the config file?
Open "Hud_config.xml" with a text editor

You can find this file in
"C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\fpdb\"

Look for the string stat_name="car"
replace it with stat_name="car0"

The other error you get could be related to this same issue.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Arsil
@ pasita - no, I'm on Linux, the extra screen is to the right of the main one,
but I'm pretty sure that the coordinates are not absolute but relative to the window of the table, so having negative values makes no sense to me.
Yeah the coordinates in the file are relative to window, but I'm just guessing that calculating them fails somehow with my setup. I've seen them at least in the 2k range and 4k range, maybe saving them always adds something that came out of a failing calc.

Is this thread the place for a bug report?
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 10:31 PM

1st, many thanks for undertaking such project and making it available for free to the poker community.

I just learned about FPDB, and have run into what I think may be a bug. While playing RING/CASH games, everything works fine. I can do a bulk import, and the HUD works as expected.

However, when playing tournaments, something breaks.

If I use auto import, nothing happens. The HUD doesn't attach itself to the tournament tables. And if I try to do a bulk import, the program simply gets "stuck" at the first file. I have included a screenshot, the hand history files, and the error log files.

My player/user names were changed to my 2+2 forum name for privacy's sake. Everything else remains as is.

I have included hand history files and error log files! - LINK: fpdb BUG - Stuck at Tournament HH

I'm on WINDOWS 7, and admin privileges HAVE been granted to fpdb.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-13-2012 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Arsil
Open "Hud_config.xml" with a text editor

You can find this file in
"C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\fpdb\"

Look for the string stat_name="car"
replace it with stat_name="car0"

The other error you get could be related to this same issue.
thanks for the help, but i still can't get it to work.
when i checked the file the statename was already set to car0 so i have no idea why it has an error
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-14-2012 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Mcpokerkwek
thanks for the help, but i still can't get it to work.
when i checked the file the statename was already set to car0 so i have no idea why it has an error
Just to be sure, look for pu_stat_name="car" and if you find it
replace with car0
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-14-2012 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by pasita
Is this thread the place for a bug report?
Well, not really, but I always whine here if something doesn't work

There's a bug report system called mantis on sourceforge,
but it's more of a programmer's stuff and I'm not confident
using it (maybe it's really easy to use, I never tried to be honest).

Sorry I can't help with your issue.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-14-2012 , 10:53 PM
Seems that I lost the mucked cards totally after returning to my dual monitor. Also, all the stats blocks seem to have a life of their own whenever I move or resize my table... they seem to retain some sort of formation but positioning just fails, as if the size and position of the window was read wrong.

So the HUD is getting to be borderline useless for me again.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-15-2012 , 02:15 AM
How often should I regularly rebuilding my database indexes, has 600k hand history in MYSQL server? HUD does not seems update when playing 10+ tables.

Last edited by riverofjustice; 10-15-2012 at 02:28 AM.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-15-2012 , 05:51 AM
Hello !

I'm playing on winamax with linux debian.

In tourney stats, on the same row, I have stats of HU and HU Double Shootout.

I can't know my ROI for HU and HU Double Shootout.

Should be possible to get 2 different rows, one for HU, an other one for HU Double Shootout.

There is the 2 summary files :

Winamax Poker - Tournament summary : Double Shootout(31762015)

Player : gpelle

Buy-In : 4.75€ + 0.25€

Registered players : 4

Prizepool : 19€

Mode : sngType : shootout

Speed : turbo

Levels : [10-20:0:180:holdem-no-limit,15-30:0:180:holdem-no-limit,20-40:0:180:holdem-no-limit,30-60:0:180:holdem-no-limit,40-80:0:180:holdem-no-limit,60-120:0:180:holdem-no-limit,80-160:0:180:holdem-no-limit,100-200:10:180:holdem-no-limit,150-300:15:180:holdem-no-limit,200-400:20:180:holdem-no-limit,300-600:30:180:holdem-no-limit,400-800:40:180:holdem-no-limit,500-1000:50:180:holdem-no-limit,600-1200:60:180:holdem-no-limit,800-1600:80:180:holdem-no-limit,1k-2k:100:180:holdem-no-limit,1,25k-2,50k:125:180:holdem-no-limit,1,50k-3k:150:180:holdem-no-limit,2k-4k:200:180:holdem-no-limit,2,50k-5k:250:180:holdem-no-limit,3k-6k:300:180:holdem-no-limit,4k-8k:400:180:holdem-no-limit,5k-10k:500:180:holdem-no-limit,6k-12k:600:180:holdem-no-limit,8k-16k:800:180:holdem-no-limit,10k-20k:1k:180:holdem-no-limit,12,50k-25k:1,25k:180:holdem-no-limit,15k-30k:1,50k:180:holdem-no-limit,20k-40k:2k:180:holdem-no-limit,25k-50k:2,50k:180:holdem-no-limit]

Tournament started 2012/10/14 18:36:53 UTC

You played 2min 1s

You finished in 4th place

Winamax Poker - Tournament summary : No Limit Hold'em(31730573)

Player : gpelle

Buy-In : 4.75€ + 0.25€

Registered players : 2

Prizepool : 9.50€

Mode : sngType : sitngo

Speed : turbo

Levels : [10-20:0:180:holdem-no-limit,15-30:0:180:holdem-no-limit,20-40:0:180:holdem-no-limit,30-60:0:180:holdem-no-limit,40-80:0:180:holdem-no-limit,60-120:0:180:holdem-no-limit,80-160:0:180:holdem-no-limit,100-200:10:180:holdem-no-limit,150-300:20:180:holdem-no-limit,200-400:50:180:holdem-no-limit,300-600:75:180:holdem-no-limit,400-800:100:180:holdem-no-limit,500-1000:125:180:holdem-no-limit,600-1200:150:180:holdem-no-limit,800-1600:200:180:holdem-no-limit,1k-2k:300:180:holdem-no-limit,1,25k-2,50k:400:180:holdem-no-limit,1,50k-3k:500:180:holdem-no-limit,2k-4k:600:180:holdem-no-limit,2,50k-5k:700:180:holdem-no-limit,3k-6k:800:180:holdem-no-limit,4k-8k:1k:180:holdem-no-limit,5k-10k:1,25k:180:holdem-no-limit,6k-12k:1,50k:180:holdem-no-limit,8k-16k:2k:180:holdem-no-limit,10k-20k:3k:180:holdem-no-limit,12,50k-25k:4k:180:holdem-no-limit,15k-30k:5k:180:holdem-no-limit,20k-40k:6k:180:holdem-no-limit,25k-50k:7k:180:holdem-no-limit]

Tournament started 2012/10/14 02:51:04 UTC

You played 18min 0s

You finished in 1st place

You won 9.50€

Thank you for this great software.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-16-2012 , 06:42 AM
Hi folks, just stumbled across your project recently, and after installing it, I find it an awesome alternative to some of the pay products like PokerTracker/HM etc.

I'm having a small prolem, and I'd very much appreciate it if anyone can help me.

I have the project installed, and it's pretty much running like a dream against PokerStars, with one exception. The view for "Tourney Stats" and the associated graph, doesn't seem to recognise my winnings. It seems to know I've played the tournaments and what my buy in is, however the stats for ITM ROI won etc, are all blank. All the stats for Ring games seem to work fine.

Is there anything I'm missing?

Running latest version on Vista.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-16-2012 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by patnevin
Hi folks, just stumbled across your project recently, and after installing it, I find it an awesome alternative to some of the pay products like PokerTracker/HM etc.

I'm having a small prolem, and I'd very much appreciate it if anyone can help me.

I have the project installed, and it's pretty much running like a dream against PokerStars, with one exception. The view for "Tourney Stats" and the associated graph, doesn't seem to recognise my winnings. It seems to know I've played the tournaments and what my buy in is, however the stats for ITM ROI won etc, are all blank. All the stats for Ring games seem to work fine.

Is there anything I'm missing?

Running latest version on Vista.
Import your tournament summaries, then you will get your ITM, ROI etc fixed
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-16-2012 , 07:50 PM
So I installed everything correctly adn then I got to the point where the guide told me to select my skin... I did so. Next I was told to import my hand history...I have no hand history what so ever. The only "tool" I even have is the carbon calculator that you get with the program. Is this FPDB going to keep track of all my hands/tendencies etc? Also...I tried by passing the bulk import hand option or w/e but have no idea what to do next or how to run this program?

Basically everything is installed/i set up my username under the correct poker network/I have nothing to import....what do I do now? How do I load this and get it involved at the table.

Thank you guys much in advance...
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-17-2012 , 06:08 AM
Quick question about satellite tournaments. I don't know how tournament summaries have it but I assume it reads "entry to Txxxxx". So before I upload summary should I change it to dollar value to get correct ROI etc information or will this break something? I don't know how it handles at the moment.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-18-2012 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by marketforces
Import your tournament summaries, then you will get your ITM, ROI etc fixed
Thanks mate, hadn't set Pokerstars to save tourneys - doh! After a history request, I've to everything imported now and it's working.

One other wee question, should it automatically import from now on? Or do I manually need to import the files each time? It looks like I still have to manually do it to get the winnings to update...
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-18-2012 , 01:54 PM
Hi there, just wondering if anyones having trouble with their hud? I havent made any changes to anything, and the hands seem to be importing fine. I did find this error though in the HUD-log, (HUD-errors empty).

2012-10-17 22:11:29,581 - hud ERROR HUD create: table name 601722143 39 not found, skipping.
2012-10-17 22:11:44,381 - hud DEBUG Received hand no 5617
2012-10-17 22:11:44,648 - db INFO HudCache query get_stats_from_hand_aggregated took 0.228 seconds
2012-10-17 22:11:44,651 - parser INFO Stars.getTableTitleRe: table_name='None' tournament='601722143' table_number='39'
2012-10-17 22:11:44,651 - parser INFO Stars.getTableTitleRe: returns: '601722143.+\Table 39'
2012-10-17 22:11:44,651 - hud ERROR Error: self.window doesn't exist.
2012-10-17 22:11:44,651 - hud ERROR Error: self.window doesn't exist.
2012-10-17 22:11:44,653 - hud ERROR Error: self.window doesn't exist.
2012-10-17 22:11:44,654 - hud ERROR Error: self.window doesn't exist.
2012-10-17 22:11:44,654 - hud ERROR Error: self.window doesn't exist.
2012-10-17 22:11:44,654 - hud ERROR Can't find table 601722143 39

and this goes on, this is the first entry, any help will massively appreciated,
many thanks in advence
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-19-2012 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by SoLazyItsCrazy

1st, many thanks for undertaking such project and making it available for free to the poker community.

I just learned about FPDB, and have run into what I think may be a bug. While playing RING/CASH games, everything works fine. I can do a bulk import, and the HUD works as expected.

However, when playing tournaments, something breaks.

If I use auto import, nothing happens. The HUD doesn't attach itself to the tournament tables. And if I try to do a bulk import, the program simply gets "stuck" at the first file. I have included a screenshot, the hand history files, and the error log files.

My player/user names were changed to my 2+2 forum name for privacy's sake. Everything else remains as is.

I have included hand history files and error log files! - LINK: fpdb BUG - Stuck at Tournament HH

I'm on WINDOWS 7, and admin privileges HAVE been granted to fpdb.
This appears to have been fixed in my tree which means it should be working it's way into a new version of the program shortly. What version of fpdb do you have?

Also for everyone else, if you have bugs, or a feature request, and haven't gotten your question answered, feel free to send an email to fpdb-main@lists.****************.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
10-19-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by ChazDazzle
This appears to have been fixed in my tree which means it should be working it's way into a new version of the program shortly. What version of fpdb do you have?

Also for everyone else, if you have bugs, or a feature request, and haven't gotten your question answered, feel free to send an email to fpdb-main@lists.****************.
I am currently using 0.30.6, the latest version at the time of writing.
Free, open source poker tracking software: FPDB - (Version 0.40.5) - Nov 14, 2013 Quote
