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BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima)

05-13-2007 , 07:22 PM
now ti says too many paramaters assigned to one butotn
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-13-2007 , 08:36 PM



will do the job if you don't want any rounding / per-street differences
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 08:03 AM
Damn I cant figure what's wrong with bet pot on stars. Mouse wheel is working, but middle and right buttons arent. I haven't modified anything in the script. Any ideas anyone?
Make sure you have extracted the zip file, and are running the script from the extracted folder (not from a later created shortcut).

Make sure to be using "PokerStars Classic" or "Hyper Simple" theme, in 32-bit colour mode.

Any joy? Vista? XP?
Vista, and yes, I did everything right I guess... Still not working
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 10:44 AM
Damn I cant figure what's wrong with bet pot on stars. Mouse wheel is working, but middle and right buttons arent. I haven't modified anything in the script. Any ideas anyone?
Make sure you have extracted the zip file, and are running the script from the extracted folder (not from a later created shortcut).

Make sure to be using "PokerStars Classic" or "Hyper Simple" theme, in 32-bit colour mode.

Any joy? Vista? XP?
Vista, and yes, I did everything right I guess... Still not working
I'm having the same problems as you. Windows XP here though. Mouse wheel works, nothing else. I'm testing on the play money tables.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 05:59 PM

thanks for sharing And also thanks for the explanation.

To confirm, you just commented these two lines?

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
TrayTip, BetPot,`nParty HHF reader`n`n%currenthand% not found in file %hhf%,10,17
</pre><hr />
This is a little but dangerous, but not very - you will just get min-raises when HHF files not present, i.e first hand at table, or FPHG not running.


The author somehow missed the following:

Indeed I did, top code section should read:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
ControlGetText, currenthand, Static11, ahk_id%id%
StringReplace, currenthand, currenthand, `,,, All
StringReplace, currenthand, currenthand, .,, All
StringTrimLeft, currenthand, currenthand, InStr(currenthand, "#")
StringReplace, currenthand, currenthand, %A_SPACE%,, All
currenthand := "Hand History for Game " . currenthand
</pre><hr />

I think.

Party people, please test this edit &amp; give success report if you can.

I would like to confirm with someone who actually uses these locales that this fix is correct before posting updated version.

Many thanks,

It's working now, thank you guys.
BTW, party_uses_commas_for_decimals is seted to 1.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 06:55 PM
Damn I cant figure what's wrong with bet pot on stars. Mouse wheel is working, but middle and right buttons arent. I haven't modified anything in the script. Any ideas anyone?
Make sure you have extracted the zip file, and are running the script from the extracted folder (not from a later created shortcut).

Make sure to be using "PokerStars Classic" or "Hyper Simple" theme, in 32-bit colour mode.

Any joy? Vista? XP?
Vista, and yes, I did everything right I guess... Still not working
I'm having the same problems as you. Windows XP here though. Mouse wheel works, nothing else. I'm testing on the play money tables.
I had the same problem and making sure the display is in 32-bit fixed it for me. Right-click anywhere on your desktop, click properties, then click the Settings tab in the pop-up window and make sure Color quality is set to 32 bit.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 08:53 PM

it would appear Stars is not going as smoothly for everyone as I would have liked.

Jehaim's instructions are good:

1. Download the zip version

2. Extract all files to some folder - this should get you a BetPot.ahk, and a folder names StarsPics, full of more folders and little images.

3. Run BetPot.ahk from this folder.

This should work, but ovbiously something unexpected is causing complications.

Can anyone who can not get it working, please post (or PM me) a screenshot of a Stars table, when it is your turn to act (Slider visible) - This will help me figure out why it is not working.

Ww'll have this working tonight

I am a computer ******, so I've read this entire thread but I am not getting anywhere.

I did all of the above steps, but I am not getting anything popping up on on my tables. I have AHK installed asI use FT buddylist (I think that is what I need to run this script?)

when I click the betpot.ahk that is created, this is what I get:

Script lines most recently executed (oldest first). Press [F5] to refresh. The seconds elapsed between a line and the one after it is in parentheses to the right (if not 0). The bottommost line's elapsed time is the number of seconds since it executed.

012: SendMode,Input
014: debug := 0
015: fix_blinds := 1
016: deduct_rake := 1
018: SetTitleMatchMode,2
020: GroupAdd,StarsTables,Logged In as,,,PokerStars Lobby
022: GroupAdd,PartyTables,ahk_class #32770,,,: Poker Lobby
024: GroupAdd,CryptoTables,InterPoker,,,Lobby
025: GroupAdd,CryptoTables,,,,Lobby
027: GroupAdd,FullTiltTables,ahk_class FTC_TableViewFull
029: GroupAdd,PrimaTables,ahk_class POPUP_INT_DLG_WINDOW
032: Return (1.20)

Press [F5] to refresh.

ANy help or direction would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 09:16 PM

this looks fine.

You won't get anything popping up on your tables.

All that should happen (with default settings) is that when it is your turn to act (slider is visible) the scroll wheel will increase/decrease bet amount, and middle/right click will set the bet to pot or 3/4 pot respectively (right will do 2/3 on the turn/river)

Do you have the latest version? There should be WillHill and UltimateBet in that groupadd list you posted, but it probably doesn't matter if you are on Stars - but you don't mention a site, so I am just guessing here... enlighten me

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 09:24 PM

this looks fine.

You won't get anything popping up on your tables.

All that should happen (with default settings) is that when it is your turn to act (slider is visible) the scroll wheel will increase/decrease bet amount, and middle/right click will set the bet to pot or 3/4 pot respectively (right will do 2/3 on the turn/river)

Do you have the latest version? There should be WillHill and UltimateBet in that groupadd list you posted, but it probably doesn't matter if you are on Stars - but you don't mention a site, so I am just guessing here... enlighten me

Hey dave:

Thanks for the response

Yes - I am trying to get this working on Stars. I have that script running, but nothing is happening when my scroll bar comes up and I press any button on my mouse.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 09:31 PM

Yes - I am trying to get this working on Stars. I have that script running, but nothing is happening when my scroll bar comes up and I press any button on my mouse.

The scroll wheel should work almost always - even it is not functioning?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 09:51 PM
dave, is it possible to round to the nearest dollar when I delete everything following the potid thingy?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 09:57 PM
dave, is it possible to round to the nearest dollar when I delete everything following the potid thingy?
Sure, that would be:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
Pot(getid(),"1", 1)
</pre><hr />
I think.

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
Pot(getid(),"1 0.8 0.75 0.6", 1)
</pre><hr />

would do the same rounding to $1, but with different per-street percentages.

It is funny/annoying, I can't wait for this PStars promo to be over - but it is absolutely awesome while it lasts.

I've got so many half-finished script updates I need to finish/post - including a BetPot v3 with an easy to use GUI for setting this sort of thing... but double VPPs = I must push for supernova this week

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 10:05 PM
Hey Dave:

WinXP / Vista? (must run Stars / AHK as Admin w/ full priveledges if so) I run XP

running anything like SnoopFree / ProcessGuard / some other "Security" softwares that would prevent AHK from reading window titles? I have Norton Anitvirus and some popup blocker, but nothing else security wise running.

Updated BetPot.AHK yet? Also most recent AHK download? I beleive I have the most recent version of BetPot - I dloaded today from one of the links earlier in the thread. I got AHK about 1 month ago, so I assume that's the most recent dload as well. I will double check.

unusual Stars theme? I am using Hyper-Simple theme

Let me know if there is any other info you need.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 10:20 PM

that all should be fine then

The mouse wheel should certainly work.

Do you have some weirdo mouse that maybe doesn't send Wheelup/Wheeldown events?

Open the script in notepad, set "debug := 1" right near the start. This makes it pop-up error messages / info whwnever you try pot-bets and stuff.

Reload the script for changes to take effect.

Try this, see / screenshot what it produces.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-14-2007 , 11:12 PM
In order to get the script working on PP the overcards page says i need to have FPHG installed. I assume this is a handgrabber, where do I find this. Thanks
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-15-2007 , 03:34 AM
Damn I cant figure what's wrong with bet pot on stars. Mouse wheel is working, but middle and right buttons arent. I haven't modified anything in the script. Any ideas anyone?
Make sure you have extracted the zip file, and are running the script from the extracted folder (not from a later created shortcut).

Make sure to be using "PokerStars Classic" or "Hyper Simple" theme, in 32-bit colour mode.

Any joy? Vista? XP?
Vista, and yes, I did everything right I guess... Still not working
I'm having the same problems as you. Windows XP here though. Mouse wheel works, nothing else. I'm testing on the play money tables.
I had the same problem and making sure the display is in 32-bit fixed it for me. Right-click anywhere on your desktop, click properties, then click the Settings tab in the pop-up window and make sure Color quality is set to 32 bit.
Yup its at 32-bit. I am so puzzled right now...
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-15-2007 , 04:13 AM
another question. how do i assign gamepad buttons to make these bets?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-15-2007 , 04:53 AM
_dave_: clear your PM's.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-15-2007 , 04:41 PM
is it possible for anyone that has a working betpot script now on party can upload it anywhere please?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-16-2007 , 12:04 AM
_dave_: clear your PM's.


Mostly thanks to this I just discovered in the ATF forum - No more full PM box for us non-mod posters - AWESOME!!!

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-16-2007 , 12:09 AM
another question. how do i assign gamepad buttons to make these bets?
You do Hotkeys like:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
</pre><hr />

The Joy&lt;NUMBER&gt; depends on what your gamepad exposes, experiment with it. You can generally see the Joy&lt;numbers&gt; in "control panel -&gt; game controllers".

The upcoming BetPot v-0.3 will feature a convenient GUI to make such set ups very easy.. but is a week away at least

EDIT: gswarriorfan - do you get any clues if you run the script with "debug" enabled? I can't for the life of me figure out why you are having trouble on XP, debug data will help greatly.... are you running SnoopFree by chance?

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-16-2007 , 12:13 AM

any joy?

any debug-mode output?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-16-2007 , 04:17 AM
thanks a lot dave.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-16-2007 , 09:49 AM
dave, you do great work! i'm really looking foreward to v3
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
05-16-2007 , 10:27 AM
another question. how do i assign gamepad buttons to make these bets?
You do Hotkeys like:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
</pre><hr />

The Joy&lt;NUMBER&gt; depends on what your gamepad exposes, experiment with it. You can generally see the Joy&lt;numbers&gt; in "control panel -&gt; game controllers".

The upcoming BetPot v-0.3 will feature a convenient GUI to make such set ups very easy.. but is a week away at least

EDIT: gswarriorfan - do you get any clues if you run the script with "debug" enabled? I can't for the life of me figure out why you are having trouble on XP, debug data will help greatly.... are you running SnoopFree by chance?

I've setup my gamepad to work with the script (along with TableNavigator) on FTP. It doesn't work well because the mouse needs to be on the active table in order to manipulate the bet size. I end up using the mouse.
What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated. Hopefully, V.3 will address this.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
