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BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima)

01-26-2007 , 06:46 AM
if i'm not in a hand and i click the middle button FT will crash
it doesn't crash if im in a hand
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-26-2007 , 07:36 AM
is there any plans to get the bet pot script to work with UB?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-26-2007 , 02:31 PM
hey dave,

Is there any reason why the script would not work on this table?

It is the only thing that has changed and for some reason it will not read the BB in a NL game, so cannot calulate bet size.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-27-2007 , 09:29 PM
i just started playing at stars again today after a long hiatus and i'm trying to get this script working. the old version worked fine on FT, but it didnt work on stars so i upgraded to the newest version, no luck.

i tried to decipher all the stuff about the hypersimple vs. classic themes, but it went way over my head. is there some fix for this that i'm missing?

thanks dave
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-28-2007 , 11:07 PM
whoa just had a crazy problem w/the new version of bet pot and full tilt. the only function i typically use is the mouse wheel. however, when i right clicked to take notes on a player during my session tonight, full tilt just immediately crashed. i loaded it back up and did it again and reproduced the result several times. any idea why that might be happening?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-29-2007 , 01:12 AM
same crashing for me. using previous version currently
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-29-2007 , 01:36 AM
whoa just had a crazy problem w/the new version of bet pot and full tilt. the only function i typically use is the mouse wheel. however, when i right clicked to take notes on a player during my session tonight, full tilt just immediately crashed. i loaded it back up and did it again and reproduced the result several times. any idea why that might be happening?
I'm having this same problem
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-29-2007 , 08:10 AM
seems to be working perfectly on full tilt

good job dave
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-29-2007 , 09:14 AM
seems to be working perfectly on full tilt

good job dave
found a bug --

when your stack is less than the pot, the % is calculated against allin rather than the pot size. since im pretty sure you are calculating full tilt by clicking the pot button and then editing that result, and that way works way the hell better than the old way, i'm going to go ahead and guess that problem isnt fixable. but you should publish it so people dont make any boo boos.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-29-2007 , 04:06 PM
whoa just had a crazy problem w/the new version of bet pot and full tilt. the only function i typically use is the mouse wheel. however, when i right clicked to take notes on a player during my session tonight, full tilt just immediately crashed. i loaded it back up and did it again and reproduced the result several times. any idea why that might be happening?
I'm having this same problem
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-29-2007 , 06:02 PM
whoa just had a crazy problem w/the new version of bet pot and full tilt. the only function i typically use is the mouse wheel. however, when i right clicked to take notes on a player during my session tonight, full tilt just immediately crashed. i loaded it back up and did it again and reproduced the result several times. any idea why that might be happening?
I'm having this same problem
New version just uploaded... this should not happen anymore (sorry, not enough testing. Full Tilt's software is insanely easy to crash )

BetPot v0.2g
<ul type="square">[*]Fix FT Client crash when not your turn to act[/list]

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-29-2007 , 07:16 PM
&lt;3 dave
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-29-2007 , 09:56 PM
im a moron and a newb at this stuff. i just dled it and unzipped it, now how do i get it to work?????? help
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-30-2007 , 05:36 AM
Dave, you are without doubt a star! This script is a must have, and quite honestly i don't know what i did without it! Cheers fella.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
01-30-2007 , 01:02 PM
im a moron and a newb at this stuff. i just dled it and unzipped it, now how do i get it to work?????? help
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-06-2007 , 07:35 AM
Every time I bet pot on Poker Stars it takes it about 5 seconds to register. I've tried just one table, closed PT and PAHUD, and I still have the same problem. Is this normal? And if it's not, what can I do to fix it? Thanks.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-06-2007 , 10:10 AM
Having some problems using the script on PRIMA; after an hour or so of playing the script stops working. This problem seems to occur when the "chat box" gets longer.

When I restart the client the script starts working again, but it's kinda annoying having to leave all the tables after about an hour. Is there any way to get around this?

love the script with prima, dave, but i have the same problem.

is this quirk known to you, and if so, any suggestions.


p.s. in my case i dont have to restart the client, but i do have to close the table to get it working again.
so i too am pretty sure this has to do with the length of the chat in the chat box.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-07-2007 , 01:41 AM

I'm using this script on Party and for some reason can't get the correct bets. Here are my settings for Pot bets (RButton):

Pot(id,"1 0.75 0.66 0.66", "smallblind", 0)

Preflop, it's re-raising semi-correctly (a little small), but opening is weird. It raises pot (14 in 400NL) with no limpers, but raises the same amount (14 still??) with limpers (doesn't matter how many).

Postflop, it's leading out for small amounts. A pot could be $40 or $28 and it bets like $12 or $8 when you're first to act.

The wheel bets are also acting strangely. I had to set them like this:

AlterAmount(id,"up", 0.5) get it to move up/down in increments of 1 small blind. For some reason, the script doesn't seem to recognize the "sb" modifier. However, I've enabled the message box to display the blinds and they are showing correctly.

I'm running the latest version of FreePHG (2.08) and it's writing histories to the correct folder listed in the script.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-07-2007 , 11:26 AM
Concerning the above post:

I just enabled debug mode and saw that the script thinks every street is "pre". Also, I have FreePHG writing to C:\FreePHG_HandHistories and the line reads...

fphg_party_hh_folder := "C:\FreePHG_HandHistories\"

Upon opening the FreePHG HH files, I discovered that observed hands are being written in realtime, but played hands stop at the line...

** Dealing down cards **

Could that be the problem?
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-07-2007 , 12:46 PM
Concerning the above post:

I just enabled debug mode and saw that the script thinks every street is "pre". Also, I have FreePHG writing to C:\FreePHG_HandHistories and the line reads...

fphg_party_hh_folder := "C:\FreePHG_HandHistories\"

Upon opening the FreePHG HH files, I discovered that observed hands are being written in realtime, but played hands stop at the line...

** Dealing down cards **

Could that be the problem?
That's pretty strange and haven't had this happen to me as far as I've seen. Does it eventually finish off the hand or does it just stop their and never write the rest of the hand?

The next line after should read "Dealt to ..." and FPHG uses that line to detect if a hand is observed or not.

If possible can you open the Party instant HH window and make a copy of what it contains along with what FPHG has written up to that point on any erroneous hands.


EDIT: I just checked the code and can't see what could be causing the HH writing to stall at that line. I thought I might have possibly missed something that checks for the "Dealt to ..." line, but the code is checking for it and it should cause the HH to be written at that point.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-07-2007 , 01:16 PM

I'm testing on play money tables because I'm from the US and can't use my account for real $$. However, I'm in Canada at my gf's place and she's experiencing the same problems I had outlined above at the real money tables. The betpot script seems to be missing information (mainly any callers in the hand, and what street it's on) from the hand histories.

When I saw that the betpot wasn't calculating those things, I immediately checked the FreePHG histories and saw that observed hands were writing in real time, but played hands weren't. Sometimes they finish, and sometimes they don't, but one thing is for sure...Played hands are never written in real time past the dealing of down cards.

Consequently, the betpot script is not adding in limpers and is not able to realize the street (causing abnormally small postflop bets).

One thing that seems strange is that betpot is looking to make a larger bet (almost perfect [just about pot sized]) when there's a raise in front of us, but it's still smaller than a pot sized raise if there are coldcallers (??). Dunno why.

Here are some examples from watching my gf play 400NL...

She opens first - $14
She opens after two limpers - $14
Someone raises to $14, and she reraises - $48
Someone raises to $14, there are two callers for $14, she reraises - $48
She's first to bet on the flop into a $50 pot - $8 (same small amounts come up for the turn and river opening bets)

All of these things are happening with the potbet size set to 1 preflop, 0.75 on the flop, and 0.66 for the turn and river.

The script behaves similarly for $25NL and 25NL play money tables. When you sit out from a table, FreePHG writes the whole hand. When you sit in, it stops at ** Dealing down cards **. There is no extra info in the "live" subfolder, but I have noticed that the full hand histories for played hands ARE being written into the PartyGaming/PartyPoker folder under a different file name (so I can't direct FreePHG there ).
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-07-2007 , 02:47 PM
When I saw that the betpot wasn't calculating those things, I immediately checked the FreePHG histories and saw that observed hands were writing in real time, but played hands weren't. Sometimes they finish, and sometimes they don't, but one thing is for sure...Played hands are never written in real time past the dealing of down cards.
I can't think of what could be causing it to do this. I've been running FPHG while I'm playing SNGs and the only weird thing I've seen it doing is messing up with players that have strange chars in their name (it's been writing in realtime without any problems or delay).

Can you try playing with just FPHG and no scripts reading the files themselves, as all I can think of is that something might be locking the files when FPHG tried to write to them.

Also, has any older version of FPHG worked for you or has it never worked?

Is anybody else having problems recently with FPHG+BetPot?

The script behaves similarly for $25NL and 25NL play money tables. When you sit out from a table, FreePHG writes the whole hand. When you sit in, it stops at ** Dealing down cards **. There is no extra info in the "live" subfolder, but I have noticed that the full hand histories for played hands ARE being written into the PartyGaming/PartyPoker folder under a different file name (so I can't direct FreePHG there ).
It wouldn't help I'm afraid, as Party only updates these after a hand is over.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-07-2007 , 03:23 PM

I will try running it solo now.

Here are some HH files from earlier (sorry about the length). My screen name is RoundersRIP:

Game #54348876661 starts.

#Game No : 54348876661
***** Hand History for Game 54348876661 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 10:10:07 ET 2007
Table Play money 4071825
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 7
Seat 1: m_g85 ( $98 )
Seat 3: dudva1011 ( $19.25 )
Seat 4: nando331 ( $25 )
Seat 5: china_tnt ( $303.03 )
Seat 6: JHRLoops ( $57 )
Seat 7: REOUVEN ( $24.75 )
Seat 8: RoundersRIP ( $24.75 )
JHRLoops posts small blind [0.10].
china_tnt: good
REOUVEN posts big blind [0.25].
nando331 posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348883697 starts.

#Game No : 54348883697
***** Hand History for Game 54348883697 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 10:12:16 ET 2007
Table Play money 4071825
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 7
Seat 1: m_g85 ( $98 )
Seat 3: dudva1011 ( $17.30 )
Seat 4: nando331 ( $23.05 )
Seat 5: china_tnt ( $301.08 )
Seat 6: JHRLoops ( $56.90 )
Seat 7: REOUVEN ( $0 )
Seat 8: RoundersRIP ( $52.70 )
RoundersRIP is sitting out
m_g85 posts small blind [0.10].
dudva1011 posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
nando331 calls [0.25]
china_tnt calls [0.25]
JHRLoops calls [0.25]
m_g85 calls [0.15]
dudva1011 raises [2.75]
nando331 calls [2.75]
china_tnt calls [2.75]
JHRLoops folds
m_g85 calls [2.75]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 4c, 5s ]
m_g85 checks
dudva1011 checks
nando331 checks
china_tnt checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 5c ]
m_g85 checks
dudva1011 bets [2]
nando331 calls [2]
china_tnt calls [2]
m_g85 folds
** Dealing River ** [ 9d ]
dudva1011 checks
nando331 checks
china_tnt checks
dudva1011 shows [ 3c, 2s ]two pairs, Fives and Twos.
nando331 doesn't show [ Qc, 8d ]a pair of Fives.
china_tnt doesn't show [ Ac, 8s ]a pair of Fives.
dudva1011 wins 17.35 playchips from the main pot with two pairs, Fives and Twos.

Notice how after I sat out, the next hand completed.

Here's another group of histories:

Game #54348830232 starts.

#Game No : 54348830232
***** Hand History for Game 54348830232 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 09:53:11 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: marcsan12 ( $0 )
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $215.83 )
Seat 3: vicx1234 ( $162.82 )
Seat 4: krami777 ( $64.80 )
Seat 6: nemo2901 ( $4.94 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.75 )
vicx1234 posts small blind [0.10].
krami777 posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348833239 starts.

#Game No : 54348833239
***** Hand History for Game 54348833239 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 09:54:20 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $215.58 )
Seat 3: vicx1234 ( $162.72 )
Seat 4: krami777 ( $63.80 )
Seat 6: nemo2901 ( $6.19 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.75 )
krami777 posts small blind [0.10].
nemo2901 posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348834671 starts.

#Game No : 54348834671
***** Hand History for Game 54348834671 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 09:55:03 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $209.39 )
Seat 3: vicx1234 ( $162.72 )
Seat 4: krami777 ( $58.30 )
Seat 6: nemo2901 ( $17.03 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.75 )
nemo2901 posts small blind [0.10].
RoundersRIP posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348837627 starts.

#Game No : 54348837627
***** Hand History for Game 54348837627 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 09:55:54 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $226.87 )
Seat 3: vicx1234 ( $162.72 )
Seat 4: krami777 ( $56.30 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.50 )
Seat 5: Duerscheid ( $25 )
zerznolimit posts small blind [0.10].
vicx1234 posts big blind [0.25].
Duerscheid posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348840721 starts.

#Game No : 54348840721
***** Hand History for Game 54348840721 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 09:56:59 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 2 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $227 )
Seat 3: vicx1234 ( $162.22 )
Seat 4: krami777 ( $55.80 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.50 )
Seat 5: Duerscheid ( $25.12 )
vicx1234 posts small blind [0.10].
krami777 posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348842243 starts.

#Game No : 54348842243
***** Hand History for Game 54348842243 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 09:57:34 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $227 )
Seat 3: vicx1234 ( $162.12 )
Seat 4: krami777 ( $56.35 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.50 )
Seat 5: Duerscheid ( $24.62 )
krami777 posts small blind [0.10].
Duerscheid posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348843570 starts.

#Game No : 54348843570
***** Hand History for Game 54348843570 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 09:58:15 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $227 )
Seat 3: vicx1234 ( $184.84 )
Seat 4: krami777 ( $56.25 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.50 )
Seat 5: Duerscheid ( $0 )
zerznolimit posts small blind [0.10].
vicx1234 posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Duerscheid has left the table.
krami777 calls [0.25]
zerznolimit is all-In [226.90]
vicx1234 is all-In [184.59]
krami777 folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, Qc, Jc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8h ]
** Dealing River ** [ Jh ]
zerznolimit shows [ Ac, Ah ]two pairs, Aces and Jacks.
vicx1234 doesn't show [ 9d, Qh ]two pairs, Queens and Jacks.
zerznolimit wins 42.16 playchips from side pot #1 with two pairs, Aces and Jacks.
zerznolimit wins 368.93 playchips from the main pot with two pairs, Aces and Jacks.
Game #54348847701 starts.

#Game No : 54348847701
***** Hand History for Game 54348847701 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 09:59:32 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $411.09 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.50 )
Seat 5: creative446 ( $25 )
Seat 10: DRKSEB ( $25 )
DRKSEB posts small blind [0.10].
creative446 posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
DRKSEB calls [0.15]
creative446 checks
** Dealing Flop ** [ Qh, Jc, 8d ]
wollie90 has joined the table.
DRKSEB bets [1]
creative446 calls [1]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7h ]
DRKSEB checks
creative446 checks
** Dealing River ** [ 2s ]
DRKSEB checks
creative446 bets [2.50]
DRKSEB calls [2.50]
creative446 shows [ 8c, Kc ]a pair of Eights.
DRKSEB doesn't show [ Tc, 8h ]a pair of Eights.
creative446 wins 7.15 playchips from the main pot with a pair of Eights withKing kicker.
Game #54348849336 starts.

#Game No : 54348849336
***** Hand History for Game 54348849336 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 10:00:14 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 10 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $411.09 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $25 )
Seat 5: creative446 ( $28.40 )
Seat 10: DRKSEB ( $21.25 )
Seat 6: wollie90 ( $25 )
creative446 posts small blind [0.10].
wollie90 posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348852451 starts.

#Game No : 54348852451
***** Hand History for Game 54348852451 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 10:01:24 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 7
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $411.09 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $25 )
Seat 5: creative446 ( $30.25 )
Seat 10: DRKSEB ( $20.25 )
Seat 6: wollie90 ( $24 )
Seat 1: knechter111 ( $25 )
Seat 4: kyotank ( $25 )
wollie90 posts small blind [0.10].
RoundersRIP posts big blind [0.25].
knechter111 posts big blind [0.25].
kyotank posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **
Game #54348855375 starts.

#Game No : 54348855375
***** Hand History for Game 54348855375 *****
25 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, February 07, 10:02:40 ET 2007
Table Play money 4072615
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 7
Seat 2: zerznolimit ( $411.09 )
Seat 7: RoundersRIP ( $24.75 )
Seat 5: creative446 ( $31.45 )
Seat 10: DRKSEB ( $20 )
Seat 6: wollie90 ( $23.75 )
Seat 1: knechter111 ( $24.75 )
Seat 4: kyotank ( $24.75 )
RoundersRIP posts small blind [0.10].
DRKSEB posts big blind [0.25].
** Dealing down cards **

Same thing. When I'm not playing, it writes the full hand.

I don't understand it either. I'll let you know the results of the next test (only running FreePHG) in a bit.
BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-07-2007 , 04:02 PM
OK, just uninstalled and reinstalled FreePHG and ran it with no other scripts running and an empty hand history folder.

Still no avail. My girlfriend sat at two 25NL real money tables and it only recorded full hand histories from when she was sitting out. The others stopped at ** Dealing down cards ** once again.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
02-07-2007 , 04:33 PM
OK, just uninstalled and reinstalled FreePHG and ran it with no other scripts running and an empty hand history folder.

Still no avail. My girlfriend sat at two 25NL real money tables and it only recorded full hand histories from when she was sitting out. The others stopped at ** Dealing down cards ** once again.
Can you copy the contents of the instant HH window for a few of the hands where it stops before it should and post them.

Also, does the contents of your FPHG.ini look like this:

hhf (Hand history extension [hhf/txt])
0 (Use Debugging mode [0/1])
0 (Grab observed hands only [0/1])
0 (Add the 6max tag [0/1])

NOTE: Changes to this file require a restart of FPHG.

BetPot AHK (Stars/Party/iPoker/FTP/Crypto/Prima) Quote
