Yes Im running the latest version posted here also Im using drivehud (also I tried it with the pppoker converter and everything works fine) just not working for pokerbros
So you can't use the stand alone version of the asian hand converter w/ drivehud. You just want to enable the integrated version of the converter in Drivehud.
From the Asian hand converter manual:
DriveHUD Setup (Section 4)
If you’re using DriveHUD as your database, all tracking for any of the sites that the Asian hand converter supports is internal. You DO NOT NEED to use the stand alone version of the Asian hand converter. If you use the external version of the converter with DriveHUD, it WILL NOT WORK. Wait for one full hand to be played, and your HUD will appear.
To enable the Asian hand converter, with DriveHUD open, click on the APPS tab. Click on INSTALLED APPS. Then click Launch on the Asian hand converter. If you have a license, enter your license. If you’re doing a trial, click trial. Once the Asian hand converter is enabled, you’ll not need to open or launch it anymore when you load Drivehud.