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Absolute UB Hotkeys Absolute UB Hotkeys

02-12-2011 , 09:20 PM
I just transfered 15$.
My UB user name is Habulst.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-13-2011 , 06:25 PM
Sorry about the wait

SeriousKeys 4.1
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-14-2011 , 05:24 AM
Hey man,

I've just transferred you 10 bucks. My screen name is InsaneBettor.

Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-14-2011 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by InsaneBettor
Hey man,

I've just transferred you 10 bucks. My screen name is InsaneBettor.

Thank you!

SeriousKeys 4.1
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-15-2011 , 05:20 PM
I've tried this program out and it's very good for the most part. The only thing I'm having trouble with is taking notes. When I have RButton assigned to a function (call in my case), when I try to right click a player to add notes, the pointer jumps to the call button location. Is there any way around this? Thank you.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-15-2011 , 06:02 PM
The best way around this is to just use HEM/PT3 for notes.
Or you can hold CTRL when you right click players pods to take notes.

Focus stealing blows for notes too, you might want to check around for a keyboard redirect script I think there is one at Overcards
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-20-2011 , 09:34 PM
I am going to try this out
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-21-2011 , 03:12 AM
I tried using this with stacked tables instead for a change. I noticed that when I fold, it also folds the next hand that pops up (if there's one queued and waiting the instant I click fold on the first table that is at the foreground). Has anyone experienced this or have a fix? I read this whole thread twice already, don't think I saw this issue.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-23-2011 , 10:02 AM
madlion I like your scripts, but why this one requests Screen Name to work and is it available in source code?
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-23-2011 , 04:53 PM
It's the only way I can continue to maintain it. Having the source code available offers zero renumeration, while I'm certainly not making money I no longer resent putting time into fixing bugs/features etc.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 03:06 AM
Well, what about Screen Name? I don't like the idea that soft sending my screen name somewhere. Or what reason for Screen Name. Is it checking something on every run on your server?
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by PokeristOnRage
Goodbye Boodog!
I think Bodog is stepping more and more on evil side to protect sportbettors player base.
It's sick, but I actualy think "BODOG IS RIGGED" right now.
At least, aginst me and some regulars (some posted here and some talked about it in chat).
LOL, I have started run badly in December, when I began criticize Bodog more hardly here, but last 2 weeks were killing.
I got a dozen of bad beats in a row, all terrible and crazy, like vs 2-3 outs in all-in situation on flop or turn.
I don't mean any coolers and coin flips. Just TERRIBLE BEATS.
Now I seriosly believe that online rooms, especialy small and regulars-undfreandly, like Bodog can rigg games.
I' sure, it happend to me, after a year of succesfull play. PERIOD.
Everyone considering to play on Bodog, should think twice. They hate regulars and can rigg games against them periodicaly.
Also interesting comments on Bodog's riggness are here
I see you have chosen a more reputable site after departing from Bodog.
Your screen name is not sent anywhere.
SeriousKeys does not contact the internet.
I cannot see your holecards.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by madlion
I see you have chosen a more reputable site after departing from Bodog.
In UB we trust!

I can see his point though about customizing - like I've been thinking about changing the layout from the standard aspect ratio with PlaceMint, but I don't want to break the setup and have to ask you to make a new version with the new coordinates. Also I could have fixed that other issue with being able to set it to act on the active table vs. the table under mouse (tbh it's not that important, I've gotten used to mouse and keyboard play for now).

But I'd really like to see a sit in all/out button. Even if it doesn't read the table, as long as it could click the sit out next hand button on all tables, it would probably hit them all most of the time (I wouldn't mind spot checking myself to ensure all got engaged and didn't get set in the opposite state). It's hard to take breaks multi-tabling when I know I will have to manually sit out on all tables.

I know you said you'd be busy for a while though.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 06:32 AM
hi thanks for the great script. but i keep having the prob where even if i uncheck the auto post blinds it still post my blinds. even after i delete it from my computer it still auto post the blinds. anyway to get that to stop? and it'll auto buyin to my cash games but i dont want that. im a real noob when it comes to scripts so sorry for asking simple qns.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 06:56 AM
You say you've deleted SeriousKeys?
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 06:58 AM
Hey Nazzz, when you uncheck the option to post blinds, you clicked Submit to save the changes and reload the script, right? Does it still do it when you exit the script? (to exit, right click the script's icon in the taskbar and choose exit)

For the buy-in - maybe you have the buy-in set on the UB client itself? It's an option in the Auto Buy-In/Top-Off screen. (I use UB's auto buyin myself and keep it turned off in the script.)
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 07:18 AM
yes i tried deleting it and it still auto post my blinds. is there any settings in UB that i dont know abt. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling my ub client and that doesnt help. how do i know that seriouskeys is completely removed fr my comp?
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 07:34 AM
also i realise when i join a table it auto waits for blinds. and if i uncheck it it'll auto post. its as if the sit out, wait for blind , post options are completely dissapeared. can anyone help?!!
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 08:21 AM
oops i think ub jus updated or something. it auto waits for big blinds and no more auto post option but sit out next blind option. this is for all tables nt jus the turbo ones. sorry for the trouble guys
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 12:32 PM
Yep - also assists in sitting out while multi-tabling:

"The third new option allows our multi-table players to "Sit Out All Tables Next Hand". This feature allows players to sit out the next hand on every table they are currently playing on."

Lion, do you think you could add a shortcut to hit all the Sit Out Next Big Blind buttons? Sit out all tables is cool, but still annoying that it might be sitting some out on small blind, etc. Since it's a one shot, seems like it just needs to hit the coordinate on all tables.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-24-2011 , 04:31 PM
I will put it on your list
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-26-2011 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by madlion
I see you have chosen a more reputable site after departing from Bodog.
Your screen name is not sent anywhere.
SeriousKeys does not contact the internet.
I cannot see your holecards.
LOL, reputable? At least not here. But I like it, at least software is one of the best IMO. Especialy after Bodog, huh

I mean why not just sell SeriosKeys and keys for it. Why it needs SN for that?
How about beta testing. If you wish I could help to test and develop it and by this don't have to pay for it.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-26-2011 , 03:06 AM
Does anyone else have the bug that if you try to right mouse click on someone to write notes on them, it instead pre-selects "fold" for you?!?!?

this just started for me today.

I run windows 7 64 bit, and also use holdem manager, doubt those affect it though.
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-26-2011 , 03:38 AM
abc You need to use something other than RButton for 'fold'.

POR If I sold SK I would have to fully support it people are demanding enough as it is.
SK is no longer in Beta and I am very happy with the current method of distribution.

Please note that the recent update replaced the timebank_button.bmp so you will have to replace it with the one I supplied again
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
02-26-2011 , 12:01 PM
thanks, you were right about Rbutton, btw, do you have any add-ons planned? is there a way we can suggest new things for the software?
Absolute UB Hotkeys Quote
