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888/Party/StarsCaption 888/Party/StarsCaption

12-12-2016 , 02:10 PM
Hi, CojackFlo99
Maybe you have too different clients and their files are not compatible?

Try to use these versions: p-1-en-4-6.22-0-52 p-76-ro-4-6.22-0-50

Also try to copy not only 0 folder, but all folders from Lang

I can not test it myself (I'm not in Romania), but I hope that it will work.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-13-2016 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Malmbilen
Is there a trial version?
does this work for plo too? im playing from the us with a vmware, any probs with party anyone?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-13-2016 , 03:43 PM
AFAIK all Captions work with PLO
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-13-2016 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
PokerIvey, turn on HUD / Preferred seat / Active (it enables Preferred seat feature) and set 4max to 2 (seats counts from top-center in a clockwise direction).

HM2 tab can process some windows and popups of Holdem Manager2. I made these options for myself (many years ago) and I'm not sure that anyone else uses them.
Popup open LMBDown - pop ups in HM2 can be opened by hovering or by clicking on a HUD, and this feature allows to open them up a bit faster in 'by click' mode - pop up opens on mouse button press (rather than on release - so you can win a few tens of milliseconds).
Popup position - you can configure position for HM2 pop up - it can be centered relative to the mouse, e.g.
Hand Viewer position - same for the Hand Viewer window. It will be opened at one of the monitor corners or at a predetermined position.
Right click on... - you can use right mouse button as Fold with PartyCaption and you also can use it to moving HM2 HUD panels, so there can be missclicks. With this option you can prevent it.
Use only X monitor - this is an sub-option for Popup position / Centered on mouse - pop ups can be centered on a mouse pointer, and if you have multiple monitors, it can fix some issues (to use popups on a single monitor only).
Thanks now it function
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-13-2016 , 07:53 PM
Is it possible to hide the left panel(top) on the hero sitn gos?

Last edited by PokerIvey; 12-13-2016 at 07:53 PM. Reason: dfdf
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2016 , 01:31 AM
PokerIvey, sorry, no
But maybe I can try to do it in the future
Now you can try to do a big HUD panel and hide this area by it. For example it can be a Table panel with only spaces - set a big size font for it and a gray background (as color or your layout)
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2016 , 02:30 PM
my 888 client updated today and 888 caption isnt working anymore?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2016 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by TheDegenFund
my 888 client updated today and 888 caption isnt working anymore?
What 888 poker client version do you have now? (you can check it in Help/About)
I have 888poker p-1-en-4-6.22-0-55 (it also updated today) and 888Caption2 v2.30 works fine with it.
Please try to reboot your PC and check it again.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2016 , 03:20 PM
on party how do you make the actions show sizing tell on hover? It works on 888 but on party all i can manage is having both actions and timing on display.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2016 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by botsonparty
on party how do you make the actions show sizing tell on hover? It works on 888 but on party all i can manage is having both actions and timing on display.
There is no HUD / OnHover option in PartyCaption so there is no way to configure popups for HUD panels there.

You can use it by this way only:
- Player panel with [sizing] tag has popup with sizings,
- Player panel with [timing] tag has popup with timings,
- Player panel with [hasNote] tag has popup with text notes,
- Player panel with [lastPFR] or [PFR_N] tag has popup with pfr info.
These pop ups can't be assigned to any panel without specified tag.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2016 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
What 888 poker client version do you have now? (you can check it in Help/About)
I have 888poker p-1-en-4-6.22-0-55 (it also updated today) and 888Caption2 v2.30 works fine with it.
Please try to reboot your PC and check it again.
Rebooting worked ty. Great software. Having a lot of fun using it.

I have one question. On 888 often times my custom bet box will automatically go in the background and theres no way for me to move it to foreground which makes it impossible to type in betsizes in BBs. Is this happening because I use StackAndTile? Any way to fix it?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2016 , 05:40 PM
Hi, any chance you will do something similar for WPN soon?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-15-2016 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheDegenFund
Rebooting worked ty. Great software. Having a lot of fun using it.

I have one question. On 888 often times my custom bet box will automatically go in the background and theres no way for me to move it to foreground which makes it impossible to type in betsizes in BBs. Is this happening because I use StackAndTile? Any way to fix it?
888poker must be run as admin for this (maybe it will be fixed in future versions but now it works with this option only).
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-15-2016 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by BloggerMarket
Hi, any chance you will do something similar for WPN soon?
Maybe I'll make WPNCaption in the future, but not soon, sorry.
Now you can try WPN Tools
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-15-2016 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Sorry, no. But you can use Lobby / Hotkeys / Open Sit & Go Hero hotkey to open them, and SnG/MTT / Sit & Go Hero optons to process dialogs.
Is there a same function for the 888Caption? The Function "Register now" on Lobby not function for the blast tournaments.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-15-2016 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by PokerIvey
Is there a same function for the 888Caption? The Function "Register now" on Lobby not function for the blast tournaments.
No, but I can do it for you
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-15-2016 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
No, but I can do it for you
yes pleeeease
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-16-2016 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
im using 1.54c, thought that was latest?
I already have that option ticked

Played a quick play money mtt, this is the message. Never seen it until the most recent client update

SnG/MTT / Auto close 'Congratulations, you were placed...' should process this dialog in PartyCaption v1.55
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-16-2016 , 03:57 AM
Hello LikeAA,

is it possible to integrate line 6-10 of Player Notes for the hud on 888Caption? Because they are the only information that can be use on blast sitngos. It would be very helpful.

Last edited by PokerIvey; 12-16-2016 at 04:05 AM. Reason: df
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-16-2016 , 05:38 AM
PokerIvey, ok
I'll try to do it in one of the next versions
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-16-2016 , 06:00 AM
Hello LikeAA,

there is a conflict with the visibiity of the Hud (PlayerPanels). On the Player panels i have a OnClick function on the PositionLabel. If i click one time this label, there isnt a problem, but if i click second time, than all the panels arent visible more, also if a start 888caption new. With the new start the table panels are visible again but not the player panels.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-16-2016 , 06:55 AM
Hi, PokerIvey
Is 888poker client runs as admin?
In not, then configure it in a shortcut settings.
If yes, then please send me your 888Caption.ini, I'll try to check it with your settings.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-17-2016 , 03:40 PM
Hi, i return to play on bwin, but i have an important issue (i don´t know if is because of partycaption or simply the soft) but the tables start to blink a lot and it´s hard to play. The frame notes appears above the normal position and i can see correctly the stacks.

i try to adjust fonts of the pot as i see on an answer of you for a similar problem but don´t works. I have the lastest version of caption and bwin

Other things like predefined bets, hotkeys, ... works properly

888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-17-2016 , 03:59 PM
Hi, sanjusto77

For framenotes - try to use these settings.
About font of the pot - can I see a screenshot of your problem?
About table blinking - sorry, I don't know what it can be. Maybe you can make a small video or I can watch via TeamViewer into it.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-30-2016 , 04:04 PM
Hi i have a problem, I have mouse right buttom as a hotkey to check/fold and that buttom in 888 is to set a note.
I have tried to use the hotkey Set note but doesnt work.

Is there any option to pause or start/Stop option and dont have to close and open?

888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
