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888/Party/StarsCaption 888/Party/StarsCaption

12-11-2023 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by 123AA
So the reason why I would rather use the option where native setting opens lobbies is that it takes resources from starscaption to open that lobby where the native setting is far more efficient. It used to be the case I could use the native setting but that was long time ago. I think it was working fine even with TL.

Yeah, makes sense. This setting was fine couple updates ago. Don't know what happened. With "close tourney without hero" the thing is I suspect it was closing tournaments on rare occassions when the tables changed. Basically what happens I think is that hero podium disappears momentarily which triggers that setting to close the table. Not sure if it is a thing anymore or if that even was a thing could be stars related too. Does it recognize hero from the podium? I guess something like chat would be more robust way to see if hero is eliminated or perhaps add timer to make it safer? Have not had that problem since I stopped using that setting so likely it was the culprit with tables rarely going missing. They basically only went missing during times where the table changed.
And to add to the first point still. You probably won't notice the difference when testing or with just a couple of tables opening here and there. However, when you have more or less constant stream of tables and even multiple ones opening at the same time there is a clear difference using that native setting vs letting starscaption to open each lobby. Would be really nice if the native one could be used with caption once again.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-11-2023 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Do you mean Custom bet box, or original 888 bet box? If the second one, then please let me know if you use it in chips mode or in BB mode.
And also let me know what version of 888Caption do you use now and what type of the poker client (com, it, or some else)
custom bet box,
caption 64 2.77r
im in the UK so assume its .com
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-11-2023 , 11:07 AM
StarsCaption automatically closes with PS mitigation to .com.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-11-2023 , 11:50 AM
OK, I have read previous discussion. I think I have to wait till I play all my tournaments so SC will not insta-close.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-11-2023 , 01:14 PM

1. Auto refresh of TL tags doesn't just open the lobby, it also does something else. Some tags require information from the Structure tab, and for this reason, this option switches lobby to this tab for a split second, then it switches to the Home tab, expands the entire list of prizes and stretches the lobby so that all the prizes are visible (to correctly update prize tags).
If you don't use all these tags, then yes, you don't have to use 'Auto refresh of TL tags'.
In this case you can try use 'Options / Tournament lobby slot' to hide a lobby. You can place the slot off the screen and it won't be visible. Although this can be a problem if you need to open a lobby while playing.

2. As for 'Close tourney table without hero', this option also uses a time value from 'Close finished tournaments after X seconds' option. You can try to increase this value - perhaps StarsCaption does not have time to recognize the appearance of hero when the table changes, and this can help.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-11-2023 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
custom bet box,
caption 64 2.77r
im in the UK so assume its .com
Unfortunately I can't reproduce this problem. Can you send me your settings, please?
Use Options / Save settings backup to export them.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-11-2023 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA

1. Auto refresh of TL tags doesn't just open the lobby, it also does something else. Some tags require information from the Structure tab, and for this reason, this option switches lobby to this tab for a split second, then it switches to the Home tab, expands the entire list of prizes and stretches the lobby so that all the prizes are visible (to correctly update prize tags).
If you don't use all these tags, then yes, you don't have to use 'Auto refresh of TL tags'.
In this case you can try use 'Options / Tournament lobby slot' to hide a lobby. You can place the slot off the screen and it won't be visible. Although this can be a problem if you need to open a lobby while playing.

2. As for 'Close tourney table without hero', this option also uses a time value from 'Close finished tournaments after X seconds' option. You can try to increase this value - perhaps StarsCaption does not have time to recognize the appearance of hero when the table changes, and this can help.
I tried to switch off the native setting for closing tables but it did nothing to improve the situation with the caption setting close finished tournaments after 3 seconds. The tournaments are still sometimes left open and usually when I cash something. Did not try with close without hero yet. I did not know it uses that timer it was probably set 0 when I had those problems. Anyway shouldn't it just work with the close finished tournament setting?

Regards to the lobby situation yes I understand your point and know the mechanics of how it works somewhat. However it still uses more resources if caption is opening the lobbies instead of the native setting. It would be faster and better if there were an option to initially open the lobby natively and then let caption to work on it. Basically the difference is that client will open the lobby together with a new tournament and caption will then proceed to do its thing with the lobbies. So basically it can skip one part of the process. I know it is better because back in the days I was able to do it and it worked smoother than it does with caption opening them right after new tournament opens.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 04:43 AM

1. Close finished tournament setting will work only if you have 'Auto-close tournament without notification' disable in Stars settings and dialog box in the end of tournament will be processed by StarsCaption (this option is triggered at dialog box processing).

2. Ok I'll try to check if it possible to add a such option.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 05:11 AM
Mouse-wheel is broken for 888Caption.
Hotkeys -> Basic Hotkeys -> Mouse wheel (Active) up 0.5, down 0.5 in bb. Just not working. Maybe because of the latest update to v2.78? I will test old version.

with version 2.77r working fine!

So the v2.78 is killing this feature.


Last edited by dave2000; 12-12-2023 at 05:17 AM.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by dave2000
Mouse-wheel is broken for 888Caption.
Hotkeys -> Basic Hotkeys -> Mouse wheel (Active) up 0.5, down 0.5 in bb. Just not working. Maybe because of the latest update to v2.78? I will test old version.

with version 2.77r working fine!

So the v2.78 is killing this feature.

Do you use a native table BB mode?
If it so, then please check if it works in chips or with Convert chips enabled in 888Capiton and let me know.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Do you use a native table BB mode?
If it so, then please check if it works in chips or with Convert chips enabled in 888Capiton and let me know.
888caption -> Convert Chips -> Tourney table -> Active -> Convert type: to bb
888client -> Settings -> Display Stacks in BB -> checkmark.

As already stated I am using v2.77r again and it's working fine.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by dave2000
Mouse-wheel is broken for 888Caption.
Hotkeys -> Basic Hotkeys -> Mouse wheel (Active) up 0.5, down 0.5 in bb. Just not working. Maybe because of the latest update to v2.78? I will test old version.

with version 2.77r working fine!

So the v2.78 is killing this feature.

My 888 mouse wheel hasn't worked for about a year playing 888 Ontario
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 01:03 PM

Any idea why Im getting this message?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by dave2000
888caption -> Convert Chips -> Tourney table -> Active -> Convert type: to bb
888client -> Settings -> Display Stacks in BB -> checkmark.

As already stated I am using v2.77r again and it's working fine.
Ok, it seems it doesn't work in a native table bb mode, I'll try to fix it in future version
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by isunkurbttlship
My 888 mouse wheel hasn't worked for about a year playing 888 Ontario
Do you have Hotkeys / Mouse wheel enabled, and any other mouse hotkeys work for you in 888Caption?
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by big tunna

Any idea why Im getting this message?
If StarsCaption restart doesn't help, then try to turn off License / License server #2 checkbox and restart it
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-12-2023 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA

1. Close finished tournament setting will work only if you have 'Auto-close tournament without notification' disable in Stars settings and dialog box in the end of tournament will be processed by StarsCaption (this option is triggered at dialog box processing).

2. Ok I'll try to check if it possible to add a such option.
1. Alright, I recently had to redo my client settings so might be they were messed up. Also the client probably was joking with me and not saving the setting when I tried to change it off the last time. It has been having lots of issues lately. Anyways it seems to work now so all good. Thanks.

2. Yea, should be nice if you can make that happen.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-13-2023 , 08:55 PM
Hello LikeAA,
It seems like pokerstars Mi/NJ has updated and has removed the left click player to assign label option. I read post #7973 that you may be able to add it to the player panel/onclick. I would be happy to test this if you would be willing to add it.

For years I've used my right click on my mouse as a fold hotkey, honestly it's difficult to adjust.
Even a way to add/change label from the note editor would be great for someone like me who leaves it open beneath my tables.

I thought I'd ask before changing my hotkeys.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2023 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by GeneHackman
Hello LikeAA,
It seems like pokerstars Mi/NJ has updated and has removed the left click player to assign label option. I read post #7973 that you may be able to add it to the player panel/onclick. I would be happy to test this if you would be willing to add it.

For years I've used my right click on my mouse as a fold hotkey, honestly it's difficult to adjust.
Even a way to add/change label from the note editor would be great for someone like me who leaves it open beneath my tables.

I thought I'd ask before changing my hotkeys.
Try to check this
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2023 , 07:31 AM
Is there a tag that will display the opponent's bet sizing as a % of pot? Of course I see the % tag to show pot odds, but I'm looking for something different.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2023 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by bigburge10
Is there a tag that will display the opponent's bet sizing as a % of pot? Of course I see the % tag to show pot odds, but I'm looking for something different.
You can add sizings to [actions] tag as it shown in this video:

Also you can see them in popup (HUD / Player panels / OnHover / Sizings)

Also you can use [sizing] tag - it works by the same way as [actions], but it displays the latest action+sizing only.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-14-2023 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by LikeAA
Try to check this
This feature is not working for me.

-Both programs are run as admin, antivirus/ firewall exceptions made
-Show Aurora tooltips in HUD popup is checked
-Table under mouse bring to foreground is checked
-hide tooltips is unchecked

Can you think of anything I'm missing?
Also Convert chips to BB is working on cash table but not tourney or spin and gos.

888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-15-2023 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by GeneHackman
This feature is not working for me.

-Both programs are run as admin, antivirus/ firewall exceptions made
-Show Aurora tooltips in HUD popup is checked
-Table under mouse bring to foreground is checked
-hide tooltips is unchecked

Can you think of anything I'm missing?
Also Convert chips to BB is working on cash table but not tourney or spin and gos.


When you hover the mouse over a player, the tooltip is displayed in a custom window, as shown here?

If so, what happens when you left click at this point?
If the tooltip is displayed as usual, then send me your settings, please (use Options / Save settings backup to export them)
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-15-2023 , 06:09 PM

I just replied and sent my settings to your email.

Thanks again
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
12-18-2023 , 10:10 AM
Hi LikeAA,


Lobby -> Lobby cropping (active).

At 888caption if lobby cropping is active I can't move the lobby. Is it somehow possible to have this option available?
At StarsCaption its possible to move the lobby via leftclick on the desktop, while lobby cropping is active.
888/Party/StarsCaption Quote
