Okay so here's another very interesting problem from the game of one pocket, and it's another great example of how being creative can get you out of jams. Again you're in a very, very bad position, and to make matters worse you happen to be playing the greatest one pocket player of all time, Efren Reyes.
The cue ball is a little hard to see, but it's up near the upper left-hand pocket. We're only about a couple shots on from the break, and Efren has apples more or less surrounding his hole. Meanwhile there's just nothing at all that goes to your pocket. The tricky part of this situation is of course the 8 ball, which if you do manage to leave the cue ball down near the left-hand pocket is just a routine bank for a player like Efren.
So what would you do? Note that you can't get through to hit the 3 ball, and you're also partially snookered on the 10 so your options are very limited. Remember that at one pocket, it's not enough to just find a shot to survive with, you need to try and turn things around.
Is there a shot out there that can get you out of this trap?
Last edited by dinopoker; 04-13-2011 at 12:07 PM.