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Interesting pool situation, unsure of action to take Interesting pool situation, unsure of action to take

02-02-2011 , 02:45 PM
This is a question on ruling.

I was playing pool in a pub league game, friendly atmosphere etc...

I was playing reds. I took my shot and left a red hanging over the pocket but nothing went down so my opponent went.

And he was about to strike the white ball my red dropped in.

What happens?

I'm sure this has come up alot too but I wasn't sure what to do. I thought it was just tough luck and two shots for me.

Also, say my opponent took his turn and missed. What would've happened if the red had fell in when I was taking my turn again. Would I be fouling?
02-02-2011 , 03:22 PM
In UK pool there are three different rules about it depending on which ones you are playing. In one set it gets replaced, in another it stays down and play continues, and in another its a foul against whoever touched the table last. The whole thing is completely ridiculous but there you go.

In casual pub games unless the guy is hitting the table hard and obviously moving balls just let it slide, leave the ball down and continue as if nothing happened imo - very harsh calling it as a foul and saves you the money needed to get the ball back out to replace it. In any environment with codified rules just go on whatever those specific ones say.
09-20-2011 , 02:29 AM
As per the rules we are following it will be considered as foul.
09-30-2011 , 02:59 PM
That's the problem with UK "snookerised" pool - there is never a fair rule in these kind of situations. If it's a league game with no ref, then I think you just have to go with either the consensus or who shouts loudest or both (or ask the team captains to decide). Better to adopt "proper" pool rules for the red and yellow ball game methinks.
10-05-2011 , 06:05 AM
In World rules the ball gets replaced and the frame continues as if nothing has happened.

Old EPA rules, it's a foul, 2 visits to you.

BAPTA - I don't know these rules.

What league do you play in, I live and play in (and for) Kent. Let me know.

Last edited by Sparky73; 10-05-2011 at 06:32 AM.
10-11-2011 , 10:17 AM
I play in two local leagues in Co. Durham, UK both playing World Rules and the outcome would be as Sparky73 said, replace the ball and continue as if nothing happened.

Grey area though in that what if the player hadn't approached the table yet? What if there was tactical advantage to the ball staying in/out? Who's visit is it? If I were referee I'd call it as the visit starts when the player touches the table. My reasoning being that in doubles you can talk to your partner before the shot but once he touches the table he's 'in play'.
