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2012 Mosconi Cup **Free Stream** 2012 Mosconi Cup **Free Stream**

12-12-2012 , 05:30 PM
I found a free stream to this years Mosconi Cup held this week in Bethnal Green, London, England


Team USA
Non playing captain- CJ Wiley

Johnny Archer
Shane Van Boening
Dennis Hatch
Brandon Shuff
Mike Dechaine

Team Europe
Non playing Captain- Johan Ruijsink

Nick Ekonomopoulos
Nick van den Berg
Niels Feijen
Chris Melling
Darren Appleton

Last edited by GarthAlgar; 12-12-2012 at 05:45 PM.
12-12-2012 , 06:33 PM
Go Europe!!! Wish they'd throw some different games in there too tho, at least some 8ball, maybe some straight pool, I suppose they're not as crowd pleasing as 9ball tho
12-12-2012 , 07:45 PM
Ty for the feed btw, great day3 for Eur, Appleton beasted that last game
12-13-2012 , 09:26 AM
I wish they had more doubles, and played the 5 vs 5 team match as a true 5 vs 5 like in the past. And have the decider match be a 5 vs 5, too. But overall I really like the rules, they make for exciting matches.

Oh, and there is an official HD stream, which was only 3.99€ for all days
12-13-2012 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by giraffeboy
Go Europe!!! Wish they'd throw some different games in there too tho, at least some 8ball, maybe some straight pool, I suppose they're not as crowd pleasing as 9ball tho
straight pool in short matches with a shot clock? I don't even know whether I would like that
12-13-2012 , 10:54 AM
Appleton has been on a huge heater the past year. He destroyed SVB 5-0 yesterday.

Mosconi Cup is great but I dont like the race to 5. I think its too short for players of that caliber.

Matches start today at 7pm GMT or 2pm EST

Can the US pull back from the 9-6 deficit in a race to 11?
This can be an exciting day of pool.
12-13-2012 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by GarthAlgar
Mosconi Cup is great but I dont like the race to 5. I think its too short for players of that caliber.
Race to 5 is pretty short, but I still like it. The intensity goes up, every shot is uber critical, etc. Of course it's too short for a "real" match. But it makes for insanely pressure laden matches, which is great for TV, and I feel you have to think of the individual matches more as sets instead of matches.

There are quite a few match ups during the four days that leave me thinking "I'd like to see these guys race to 11", but I think the shortness and pace are a big part of what makes the Mosconi Cup the best televised cue sport event, and one of the best sporting events overall for me.
12-13-2012 , 05:21 PM
I bet on the USA (I don't watch pool, just snooker as a Euro, just liked the odds on the USA, don't see either team having much of an edge)... serious weak links up last though for USA from what I've seen first few days, went on US pool forums and it seems to be the common opinion.

US team stunk the place out yesterday, but right back in it now. Shuff and Dechaine though, hope they prove me wrong

Oh and agree, race to 5 is pretty good, obv luck comes into it but just about right overall
12-13-2012 , 07:36 PM
I always wished it would be a decathalon of 9 ball, call shot 10 ball, 8 ball, 14.1, one pocket, bank pool, snooker, 3 cushion, rotation, and English billiards. Guess it would be a race to offer Efren citizenship from either side.
12-13-2012 , 07:37 PM
Disappointing end with Shuff and especially Dechaine doing their very best to win it for Europe. Boo. Pressure was too much. Van Den Berg looked extremely shaky too, just a poor finish to what could have been a great ending
12-14-2012 , 05:08 AM
Dechaine butchered position on the 3 ball and when he got back with a chance at the 5, I think he should've gone for the jump shot. It was pretty much straight in.
