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The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC)

10-31-2011 , 12:14 AM
In an end of the world apocaylpse survival scenario no group is going to risk the well being of the entire group to rescue one kid, at least no group that is going to make it. People resort to animalistic survival behavior very quickly when faced with extreme situations.

Lookign for the kid for a few hours and then leaving would be what any group wanting to actually survive would do. Instead they've been sitting ducks on the road or wandering around in the woods, and as a result a kid got shot, the fat guy got sacraficed, and Shane was forced to basically murder someone, and it's not even over yet.

Risking anything and everything of a group of a dozen folk to save one child isn't moral or noble, it's quite the opposite.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:17 AM
solid episode imo

I laughed, I cried, I will be back for more
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:18 AM
I wish I could rename the title of the thread to

"The Walking Dead, Like a Soap Opera with Zombies"

you can't lose with that premise
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
In an end of the world apocaylpse survival scenario no group is going to risk the well being of the entire group to rescue one kid, at least no group that is going to make it. .........
Disagree. The searchers aren't under any immediate threat. They have no "safe" place to run off to, so it's not harming them to be where they are versus running into the unknown. They've run into one zombie since they started searching which is probably considered a good day in a zombie apocalypse. Shane/Otis/Carl aren't really related to their continued search.

Plus, it's not like they are searching for some random that was added to their group in the last 2 weeks. It's someone's daughter.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:21 AM
but seriously br0s, this is going to officially be the last week for any nittery about how much this show sucks, how unrealistic it is, etc., better get it off your chest while you still can

after next week's episode, I expect nothing but "lulz" in between "zomg zombies br0"

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:22 AM
but seriously, we're gonna need even more z0mbies

you know that illuminated, poorly defended, crappy-ass farm house? lets put that f*cker under siege by a horde of z0mbs

now that's some good TV
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:39 AM
OK actually we do need to talk about some more dumb stuff:

1) The vet is like "we don't let strangers stay". First off, why not? Otis had the only gun and he's dead(good thing all the guns were safely back with Dale!). Now, depending on what happened to that kid with the bat, your entire crew is an old man, an old woman, and that hot chick. With no guns. The next group of strangers may decide to take your magically zombie repellent farmhouse for their own. Strength in numbers, plus these guys have a whole bag of guns and all sorts of skills.

1a) Does that mean strangers have happened through the camp before? Zombie Bed and Breakfast, free surgery and sandwiches?

2) OK the guy who hung himself. No. No. No.
2a) He wrote a suicide note? Why? And he wrote it as a clever poem and nailed it to a tree before hanging himself? Did the writers REALLY not give the audience enough credit to work out that the guy was bitten and decided to kill himself?
2b) Then the zombies ATE HIS LEGS? Zombies eat OTHER ZOMBIES now? WTF?!?! Why don't they constantly just eat each other?
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Ahhhh came here to post this. 2+2 doesn't disappoint.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:40 AM
GOAT zombie movie currently on comedy central
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:42 AM
So close to quitting this show and then the best 3min of the entire series happens
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
2a) He wrote a suicide note? Why? And he wrote it as a clever poem and nailed it to a tree before hanging himself? Did the writers REALLY not give the audience enough credit to work out that the guy was bitten and decided to kill himself?
2b) Then the zombies ATE HIS LEGS? Zombies eat OTHER ZOMBIES now? WTF?!?! Why don't they constantly just eat each other?
I interpreted it as they went after the legs before he turned.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Conz
GOAT zombie movie currently on comedy central
thnx br0

appreciate the heads up
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
OK actually we do need to talk about some more dumb stuff:

1) The next group of strangers may decide to take your magically zombie repellent farmhouse for their own.
I want to hear more about this zombie repellent

I'm having a hard time grasping how it's so well lit and poorly defended, yet doesn't even get an occasional straggler
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:10 AM
Just did a twitter search for Walking Dead sucks. Lots of results, feel good about humanity. About to search for Walking Dead awesome and feel shame at being human.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:12 AM
Oh God.

@bigboychase Chase Mason
Shane is so freaking awesome. The Walking Dead is my favorite show of all time. The characters are phenomenal.
10 minutes ago
THE CHARACTERS ARE PHENOMENAL. I honestly can't name 5. Actually I don't think I can name 4. Shane, Laurie, and Karl are the only names that are coming to mind.

Maybe I'll read the comics cause the world seems compelling the show is just not translating into an entertaining portrait into that world, at all.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
What happened to the rest of the people at the farmhouse, actually? The dude with the baseball bat? There also seemed to be another girl.

Oh they're dead, completely unzombierelated though. It must be, no one at the compoud seems to care about zombies in the least.

Someone should make a gif of Sgt Elias telling Charlie Sheen to CALL OUT if he gets lost or sees anything on patrol.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by vyk07

I'm having a hard time grasping how it's so well lit and poorly defended

Designated safe house bro. Zombies must respect that **** or they'll lose all of their remaning humanity.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:49 AM
This is gonna be tldr. Cliffs at bottom!

Those are specific issues, but now we gotta talk about broad stroke issues. People ITT are saying stuff like "Disagree. The searchers aren't under any immediate threat." and you know what, that dude is right. Otis was the first person to get bit by a zombie since episode 4 of the first season, and he voluntarily left safety to go somewhere dangerous and still didn't die until after Shane shot him. In fact, episode 4 of the first season and this episode are the only episodes where ANYONE gets bitten by a zombie.

While somehow apparently zombies overran the entire world and killed everybody, so far we've seen that one dude and his kid managed to survive by boarding up their house, some gangbangers and old people managed to fortify a nursing home, the CDC guy was doing fine until he killed himself, and now we've found this darling little B&B. Zombies are simply not much of a threat in The Walking Dead.

And that's awful. Without getting too pretentiously into the literary tradition of naturalism, the whole point of zombies is that they are a constant existential threat. They do not get tired, or hungry, or scared. They are inevitable. That's why zombie movies generally end with either A) our weary band of heroes narrowly escaping some awful situation to set out for an unknown future of terrors or B) the zombies winning.

So yeah, while it might be weird to think about how dumb and careless these people are(splitting up, giving up their guns, chilling in undefended locations repeatedly) it makes perfect sense in the show. When Andrea FREAKS OUT after her sister dies and everyone is like "lets be nice around Andrea her sister died last night" it was all weird because man zombie apocalypses are unrelenting horrorscapes of everyone you ever knew or loved roaming the earth as shambling cannibal monsters.

But in The Walking Dead's actual runtime, they aren't. Zombie apocalypses are for whining and cheating on your husband.

Cliffs: **** this show
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:53 AM
Seriously she cheated on her husband after like two weeks. Guess she just couldn't turn down such a bad boy like Shane
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
This is gonna be tldr. Cliffs at bottom!

Those are specific issues, but now we gotta talk about broad stroke issues. People ITT are saying stuff like "Disagree. The searchers aren't under any immediate threat." and you know what, that dude is right. Otis was the first person to get bit by a zombie since episode 4 of the first season, and he voluntarily left safety to go somewhere dangerous and still didn't die until after Shane shot him. In fact, episode 4 of the first season and this episode are the only episodes where ANYONE gets bitten by a zombie.

While somehow apparently zombies overran the entire world and killed everybody, so far we've seen that one dude and his kid managed to survive by boarding up their house, some gangbangers and old people managed to fortify a nursing home, the CDC guy was doing fine until he killed himself, and now we've found this darling little B&B. Zombies are simply not much of a threat in The Walking Dead.

And that's awful. Without getting too pretentiously into the literary tradition of naturalism, the whole point of zombies is that they are a constant existential threat. They do not get tired, or hungry, or scared. They are inevitable. That's why zombie movies generally end with either A) our weary band of heroes narrowly escaping some awful situation to set out for an unknown future of terrors or B) the zombies winning.

So yeah, while it might be weird to think about how dumb and careless these people are(splitting up, giving up their guns, chilling in undefended locations repeatedly) it makes perfect sense in the show. When Andrea FREAKS OUT after her sister dies and everyone is like "lets be nice around Andrea her sister died last night" it was all weird because man zombie apocalypses are unrelenting horrorscapes of everyone you ever knew or loved roaming the earth as shambling cannibal monsters.

But in The Walking Dead's actual runtime, they aren't. Zombie apocalypses are for whining and cheating on your husband.

Cliffs: **** this show
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 02:04 AM
"yo let me borrow an arrow and put this ****er out of its misery"

I hope she dies soon honestly, WOAT character.

Shane saved the show with the last scene.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 02:15 AM
At least Yo Yo Ma got some lines in this episode. And finally Willie Nelson trusts Stevie Nicks enough to let her have a gun. Lance Bass totally saved the episode by shooting Fred Durst, didn't see that coming
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 02:18 AM
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 04:03 AM
I lol'd when the kid had a seizure
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
10-31-2011 , 04:41 AM
Think I'm worn out on this show now.

Originally Posted by Le Gonso
One minor thing that always sticks out for me in shows/movies like this is how no one ever seems to have any concept of noise or light discipline. If the world is full of aliens or robots or zombies that are actively trying to kill you, maybe go easy on the night fires and cut down on the shouting just a little bit? I Am Legend was an exception to this and it kind of heightened the sense of danger a bit. I mean there's a big alien structure right there, and you can see little aircraft flying out on patrol... be quiet already
Originally Posted by Le Gonso
This show isn't about an alien invasion. It's a show is about people doing errands, a bunch of kids, and people arguing and fighting with one another.

and in these things there's always some dude who turns out to be a traitor
Re-posting from Falling Skies thread. Change out aliens for zombies and same thing.

Agree with flywf's post. I guess the whole "creating a palpable air of real danger" thing is really hard for writers. I know you can't have the entire show done in the dark but there has to be a better way. Thinking back on I Am Legend again, I remember how they had Will Smith hiding in his bathtub with an assault rifle at night. These clowns are out there with the porch light on having a good old time, running around with flashlights, talking up a storm. It's just not a believable apocalypse.
The Walking Dead Season 2 (Premieres Sunday 10/16 at 9PM ET on AMC) Quote
