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04-22-2022 , 11:46 AM
I miss the days when how you looked in a swimsuit was a casting consideration. Woke Survivor is rough on the eyes.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-22-2022 , 12:05 PM
Tori to Drea when she came back from acquiring the Knowledge is Power advantage ...

Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-22-2022 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by tarheels2222
I kind of figured it would be revealed during tribal whether one of those advantages was in play. Obviously, the steal a vote would have to be made clear before voting. I assume the extra vote can only be made by one person, so I’m guessing that would have to be clear too. But not sure on the extra vote execution. Hopefully we find out lol.

Idol is easy since that’s solo and would be revealed before the vote reading.
Actually I found it now.

"When you are ready to use this advantage, present all amulets to Jeff before the votes are read and declare how you intend to use".

Still not 100% to me if they all present it, do they get one extra vote or one extra vote each.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-22-2022 , 01:25 PM
Ah I remember now. So Drea actually in a really strong position if she wants to try to eliminate the other 2 with amulets, which would give her essentially 2 idols.

Anyone know how many players got voted out with an idol or advantage in their pocket last yr tho? I feel like (esp with the new rules) all these people wanna do is save up advantages, never play them. Whatever the total was, we may eclipse that this yr. If drea somehow gets blindsided and leaves thats like 4 advantages in her pocket right now, right?
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-22-2022 , 01:58 PM
Re: Tori yah shes looking good, are her and Jonathan both single? Could have a Boston Rob and Amber version 2.0 here. I didn't like her at first, but going 2-2 in immunity challenges, cant help but love a winner.

Re: Romeo....I believe he said he's from El Salvador. Phillipines is close though, only few thousand miles away. And he is always wearing their flag colors.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-22-2022 , 04:08 PM
Rooting for Jonathan. Might be most dominant physical player they've ever had. He's pretty much single-handedly won a bunch of team challenges. Kinda funny he takes over for Rocksroy and calmly sinks five in a row. I guess balance-related stuff might be his kryptonite as he's so freaking big.

It just feels like the physical beast never wins this show. It's almost seen as a negative, as if the unathletic ones had to work harder so they deserve it more. Plus I suppose the jury is usually composed of less athletic people, so they may have a natural bias to those who got to the end without being good athletes. That being said Jonathan seems to have a better social game than most challenge beasts and is at least forming some alliances.

I gotta say Lindsay is an impressive athlete as well though. She almost kept up with Jonathan in that last reward challenge.

if I had to guess who wins, it's Omar. They are setting him up as the scrappy underdog who has relationships with everyone and is playing the social game hard. Mike seems to have a good social game but he seems too wedded to his one alliance and unwilling to change his voting strategy when called for.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 12:08 AM
Honestly found it kinda hilarious they had Rocks tossing 15 foot Js without his rec specs on after we found out last episode how blind he is
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by iamarobot2
Ah I remember now. So Drea actually in a really strong position if she wants to try to eliminate the other 2 with amulets, which would give her essentially 2 idols.

Anyone know how many players got voted out with an idol or advantage in their pocket last yr tho? I feel like (esp with the new rules) all these people wanna do is save up advantages, never play them. Whatever the total was, we may eclipse that this yr. If drea somehow gets blindsided and leaves thats like 4 advantages in her pocket right now, right?
And if she uses her Knowledge is Power advantage on Maryanne (or Mike), she has 3 idols. Which would be a Survivor first, right?
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by NotReddBoiler
If Drea was a huge personality, Survivor would be really happy right now. She's just so dull. I love her though. So many advantages. I bet her personality comes out more as we whittle down the contestants.
Yeah im snap calling that bet, pal
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 03:34 AM
Drea winning would be tight.
Black women can succeed. All you have to do is give them the upperhand in every single situation
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 08:52 AM
Do we think Drea does like PB&J but figured not being in Jonathan's team = gg so might as well score some social points & have a shot at a potential clue/advantage on the sit-out bench? Or is that giving her too much credit?
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by biggetje
Do we think Drea does like PB&J but figured not being in Jonathan's team = gg so might as well score some social points & have a shot at a potential clue/advantage on the sit-out bench? Or is that giving her too much credit?
She said in a confessional right after that she legit does NOT like PBJ and that was her reasoning for sitting out.

Could be lying there, but seems pretty unlikely.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 11:07 AM
What’re the odds that Jeff or someone in production told her to look for the advantage?

Between Xander missing it in 41 and Jeff’s speech before the challenge started, it makes you wonder lol.

Also, pretty coincidental that both seasons had someone volunteer to sit out after making a team.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by biggetje
Do we think Drea does like PB&J but figured not being in Jonathan's team = gg so might as well score some social points & have a shot at a potential clue/advantage on the sit-out bench? Or is that giving her too much credit?
How often has there been a sit out bench reward before? I don't think Drea made up the pbj dislike. If she did, you'd have to think there'd be a confessional about it. But maybe not cause Drea gonna Drea. Could've been a don't want to burn energy when not on Jonathan's team though.

Originally Posted by tarheels2222
Also, pretty coincidental that both seasons had someone volunteer to sit out after making a team.
Ya this was weird. Hard to think of any other times ppl have opted to sit out of a challenge.

Last edited by housenuts; 04-23-2022 at 11:53 AM.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 11:41 AM
Definitely strange.

And I’m no fan of PB&J, but if I was that hungry, I wouldn’t really care what was being served unless I was actually allergic. And I’m sure production makes sure to not put anyone in that kind of situation.

The only angle I can see is like you said; she wasn’t on Jonathan’s team so maybe already felt like it wasn’t worth expending energy when they were likely to lose.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 12:54 PM
Your guys theory of Jonathans team thing makes no sense tho. If she really was doing that, why would she continue the story of "I just geniunely really dislike PBJ" in the confessional when no other players could hear her?

I feel like if it was a trick at that point, whether to save energy or what-not, she would have told it in the confessional right there, to show off how smart she was. Instead, it more came off as dumb luck.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:25 PM
It wouldn’t be the first time someone kept a lie going in confessional.

Ultimately, I think she just doesn’t like PB&J and wanted to give it to Maryanne.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 01:56 PM
They are not only no longer casting mostly attractive people, but no longer casting mostly athletic / competitive people. Hence challenge weirdness. They are casting stories and social narrative.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by tarheels2222
What’re the odds that Jeff or someone in production told her to look for the advantage?

Between Xander missing it in 41 and Jeff’s speech before the challenge started, it makes you wonder lol.

Also, pretty coincidental that both seasons had someone volunteer to sit out after making a team.
Don't people make these decisions the whole time though? Sarah Lacina got roasted for a similar decision. IMO there's nothing at all suspicious about her looking, it's a no-brainer if you've watched any of the seasons - I even remember Christian Hubicki looking when there wasn't one. Drea seems pragmatic but excessively advantage focused, to my mind she reminds me a bit of Brian Heidik. Not in terms of talent, but she's so dispassionate and cold. She seems to be truly just businesslike, very boring personality.

I don't really get the accusation of rigging here, we saw it last season and I have to think that people are sort of bringing their own bias, this seems to happen every time a woman finds an advantage. To my mind, the most obvious and blatant case of rigging will always be Ben "finding" those three idols but that's at least supported by the twist change and the circumstances of at least two individual finds that were hilariously suspect. I'm willing to believe that production wants more women winners, but I take rigging stuff case by case. IMO they clearly wanted a woman to win IOTI and rigged that hilariously and somehow it backfired, but as far as rigging for an individual player Ben and Rick Devens were the biggest beneficiaries.

This season evokes nothing out of me. Perhaps the most boring ever. I know people hated last season, but tbh at least Ricard and Shan were interesting sort of dominant personalities that brought out controversy and debate, the way they operated was interesting. There's really no standout in this cast, for better or worse and nobody halfway memorable. Jonathan has the challenge prowess going for him and that's cool but otherwise no. I honestly prefer the offensively bad survivor seasons like Edge of Extinction, Nicaragua, Caramoan and Redemption Island to this because they at least were so bad that you could talk about it. Here there's nothing. Few memorable moments, reused twists that are awful and even more awful that they're doing it twice.

As far as gameplay, quite clearly Omar is playing the best. He's a smooth operator and unlike the power players from the other tribes (Hai and Drea) he has not been willing to sacrifice his tribe members which will obviously leave him with the most options later. I'm impressed with Hai also at times, but I think he has a just regular problem that smart people have which is being to expressively eloquent. David Wright and Sophie have this also, if he could tone it down a bit at tribal and stop getting so proud of himself he'd be in a better position. There's no need to be spouting clever metaphors at tribal, you can do that in confessional. I think Jonathan is also playing extremely well for someone in his archetype, but I'd still give most of the credit there to Omar. Mike is clearly a good player also.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 09:12 PM
Lol my first post has nothing to do with her being a woman. Jeff literally had an intro that said he’d be upset if no one found it with an entire clip of him placing the advantage. I was making a tongue in cheek comment after that speech. Do I think production actually told her? No.

Xander appeared to be looking when he missed it in 41. Who knows if he actually was?

I would have been more impressed if Drea had said in her confessional she sat out to look for an advantage. But at least she knew to check out the bench.

Either way, she found it and got caught red-handed by Tori.

I couldn’t care less whether a woman or man wins Survivor. I just enjoy the show. Your long-winded posts take Survivor a little too seriously.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-23-2022 , 10:28 PM
Men rule. Bitches drool
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-24-2022 , 04:21 PM
There aren't any good players to root for...everyone is annoying, except for Jonathan and maybe Tori and Lindsey.

I want to strand Marianne on an island by herself and fire some cruise missiles at her, to make sure we never have to listen to her again.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-25-2022 , 12:11 AM
They used all the talent on 41.

I think the show would have benefitted from Cancer Dan sticking around a lot longer.

I think Omar and Jon and Hai are great
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-25-2022 , 10:38 AM
Hai is going to implode at some point. He's too intense. But he is interesting.
Survivor: GENERAL THREAD Quote
04-25-2022 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Hai is going to implode at some point. He's too intense. But he is interesting.
I feel like Hai is the type of player that would be good on any season but would probably never win because he's actually good at the game.
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