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Parks and Recreation Season 4 Parks and Recreation Season 4

10-21-2011 , 12:48 AM
I just got scared. Came home and saw no episodes had recorded and thought my DVR messed up. Apparently it was reruns this week. Phew, I hate watching stuff online.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-21-2011 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by Your Boss
This may be a little "cool story bro", but whatever. I thought it was funny and I would share.

Had this bartender yesterday who reminded me of April, both how she looked and how she talked. I asked her if she watched Parks which she did, so I said she reminded me of one of the girls on the show. Couldn't remember the name April for whatever reason, but I said her name is Aubrey in real life.

Bartender girl: the monotone one?
Me: Yeah, her.
Girl (completely deadpan): oh, thanks
a frend of mine that is an exact jennifer hudson lookalike, I told her you look like jeniffer hudson. She got really angry, and so I apoligized. She said say beyonce or alicia keys bro. Hilarious
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-27-2011 , 11:22 PM
Surprised this didn't get bumped. I really liked it. Tom and Leslie was a little over the top but ok and the other three stories were all really good.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 12:36 AM
Yeah I thought it was pretty great. Ann, when she is playing off either Ron or April, is awesome.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 12:55 AM
i haven't enjoyed a tv moment as much as april turning jerry's mr potato head smile face upside down in a long time. it was almost expected but still delivered so hard!
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by keepitreal
i haven't enjoyed a tv moment as much as april turning jerry's mr potato head smile face upside down in a long time. it was almost expected but still delivered so hard!

I have no clue how/why I didn't see this coming, but it was excellent.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 01:24 AM
very meh
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by TimmayB
I have no clue how/why I didn't see this coming, but it was excellent.
My 2nd favorite gag of the episode was Ron going up to the guy at Lowes "I know more than you".

I really liked that they showed Leslie legitimately and rightfully mad at Tom's antics. Too often characters on sitcoms play their outrage at other's antics in a really jokey way, that undercuts the real emotions they are feeling. Poehler did a good job of being funny, but also conveying just how upset Leslie is that Tom was hurting her dream.

The Ben/Andy thing didn't work at all for me.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 01:32 AM
loved it
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
I really liked that they showed Leslie legitimately and rightfully mad at Tom's antics. Too often characters on sitcoms play their outrage at other's antics in a really jokey way, that undercuts the real emotions they are feeling. Poehler did a good job of being funny, but also conveying just how upset Leslie is that Tom was hurting her dream.

The Ben/Andy thing didn't work at all for me.
I thought they did a great job with the hot tub scene.

Ben/Andy wrestling was meh but Ben/Andy/April was great.

I really loved the Ann/Ron plot, though. It, somehow, managed to significantly increase my love for Ron Swanson.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 02:00 AM
This episode needed more Pikitis
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by keepitreal
i haven't enjoyed a tv moment as much as april turning jerry's mr potato head smile face upside down in a long time. it was almost expected but still delivered so hard!
Yeah, best laugh of the night for me.

I couldn't stand Tom this episode. Is it just me?
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 02:31 AM
"I know more than you" for joke of the ep...liked Ann/Ron, disliked most of the rest (by P&R standards at least). Where are they going with this Chris/Jerry thing that anyone cares about?
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 02:37 AM
Enjoyed it... Thought it was funny
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 04:38 AM
Liked it.

So are they trying to set up Ann and Ron? For some reason I'm sort of feeling that, but then she'll pretty much have dated every bureaucrat in the dept...
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 05:09 AM
liked it. Ron becoming one my favorite character of all tv show
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 10:12 AM
Even for a show this wacky- I thought Tom was a bit over the top. The E720 thing worked when it's almost this alternate universe of insane that doesn't touch real people. I just don't buy Tom as that clueless or that big of a dick, even in distress. The resolution worked well, but still- just didn't really buy it.

The Andy/Ben thing was weird- because I loved Chris Pratt the whole time, but felt like it never really developed beyond the initial joke and we didn't see any real change in Ben. It's not like he hasn't been direct with them in the past, so I'm not really sure I bought the basis for the bit.

Loved the intro- April's never been sexier.

Not really a bad ep, but the first time in a long time I felt like they were reaching a bit.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 10:39 AM
Worst of the season, I thought. The Tom stuff was terrible. Ron/Ann was good but that was about all I liked.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 11:33 AM
Leslie going from feet in the hot tub, to having her in the hottub fully dressed was an outstanding bit of physical comedy from Poehler.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 12:56 PM
The best joke of the ep was when they get the tap working and Ron says "...the sense of accomplishment and pride...damn it i just love it so much."
Then he pull this amazing face and just stares away....hilarious.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 02:23 PM
bens look of absolute horror when april says "now what are we gonna have sex on" was amazing
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 03:14 PM
Awesome episode. April, Ann, Ron and Tom were all great imo. Leslie was played well as well, I loved it!
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
Leslie going from feet in the hot tub, to having her in the hottub fully dressed was an outstanding bit of physical comedy from Poehler.
Agree. Unfortunately it was the only moment in that entire storyline that I enjoyed.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 08:33 PM
I feel like I just want both the campaign storyline and the E720 storyline to end. E720 was fine, but it's very one note and has definitely run its course, which thankfully it appears it has. The campaign just doesn't feel like it's very ripe for potential, a well run campaign shouldn't bring the lulz, and it would feel wrong if Leslie runs a bumbling campaign because it would be out of character, more like season one Leslie as opposed to seasons 2-3.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
10-28-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
The campaign just doesn't feel like it's very ripe for potential, a well run campaign shouldn't bring the lulz, and it would feel wrong if Leslie runs a bumbling campaign because it would be out of character, more like season one Leslie as opposed to seasons 2-3.
It wouldn't be like her to run a bumbling campaign, but local media absolutely loves to trainwreck her.
Parks and Recreation Season 4 Quote
