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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

10-23-2018 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
Hilarious! Steven supposedly wiped down areas like the key and the hoodlatch, and that only wiped away the blood and Teresa's DNA, but not his own magical DNA.
Its actually possible and in fact common to wipe away one source of dna but not another.

Also, whos to say he didn't handle the key or hood latch later when he wasn't bleeding? There are a ton of explanations for this.

once you provide a full theory we can see if it lines up to the available evidence better.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-23-2018 , 02:21 PM
As a witness in two murder trials, I feel obliged to point out that random idiots who've watched a parti-pris TV documentary are not good at solving criminal cases.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-23-2018 , 02:22 PM
Interesting stuff: Zellner was live answering question this morning...

Making a Murderer Quote
10-23-2018 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
I mean you're not really thinking this through. They already had a ton of evidence before they discovered the bullet. Not to mention that the garage had all calumet officials searching it.
Yes, they ever tore up the floor and didn't find the bullet fragment. Which would seem to indicate it wasn't there when the initial search was conducted (reminds of the early searches missing the key later 'found' in Steve's bedroom).

There's a pattern here of not finding something on the first few passes until things start looking desperate due to lack of evidence.

I am really confused why they would plant a bullet that would do nothing but raise more questions if it wasn't his bullet.
There's all kinds of weird things in this investigation which don't seem to make sense. Like why keep the supposed burn site off limits to the forensic investigator who is right there waiting to be let in to do her duty in a scientific and professional manner?
Making a Murderer Quote
10-23-2018 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
As a witness in two murder trials, I feel obliged to point out that random idiots who've watched a parti-pris TV documentary are not good at solving criminal cases.
Random idiots aren't much good at all, which is why I try to cure them of their idiocy when I have the opportunity!
Making a Murderer Quote
10-23-2018 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
As a witness in two murder trials, I feel obliged to point out that random idiots who've watched a parti-pris TV documentary are not good at solving criminal cases.
Why are you witnessing so many murders?
Making a Murderer Quote
10-23-2018 , 02:59 PM

Im pretty sure the sample of concrete was taken in march, not in November. So they did find the fragment during that search.

Also, side note. The search for the key was found on the second search in the bedroom. Its also important to note that the first search was cut short because of weather. So I find it actually harder to explain why the key wasn't found on the first search for you than for me because if it was planted they would have "discovered" it prior to thinking they wouldn't return.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-23-2018 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by kingofcool
Why are you witnessing so many murders?
I'm curious how many documentaries were made of these cases!
Making a Murderer Quote
10-23-2018 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight

Im pretty sure the sample of concrete was taken in march, not in November. So they did find the fragment during that search.
Fraley, you are correct.

Steven's garage was searched in November 2005.

The bullet fragment supposedly linked to some crime against Teresa not found until March 2006 on second day of search (after floor torn up in vain attempt to find any blood to corroborate murder-in-the-garage claims).
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 01:00 AM
Last night I fast-forwarded and watched some clips from Season 1 Episode 4; basically the aftermath episode from Brendan's confession.

Again I don't remember all of season one but watching this again I can see how he was possibly coerced into parts of his confession by the police but how do you explain his later confession to his mom over the phone when he confirms that he really was involved in parts of what he said to the police. He seems very straight forward and honest with her in that conversation.

It feels as if he didn't understand the impact his confession was going to have on his life and later realizes that he is in it deep and wants to recant it.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
Last night I fast-forwarded and watched some clips from Season 1 Episode 4; basically the aftermath episode from Brendan's confession.

Again I don't remember all of season one but watching this again I can see how he was possibly coerced into parts of his confession by the police but how do you explain his later confession to his mom over the phone when he confirms that he really was involved in parts of what he said to the police. He seems very straight forward and honest with her in that conversation.

It feels as if he didn't understand the impact his confession was going to have on his life and later realizes that he is in it deep and wants to recant it.
After cops had sculpted the story the way they wanted they told Brendan to tell his mother the story, or they would. Brendan did as the cops told him to do.

Brendan doesn't understand that these guys who tell him over and over again that he will 'be okay' if he does as they tell him are lying.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 05:05 AM
So Brendan is so naive and unaware that he doesn't even understand that making up a storied confession that implicates his Uncle Steven Avery might cause harm for his Uncle.

In my view it is more similar to this, Cops- "Tell Us the truth Brendan and you will not be grounded."

Brendan tells an embellished version of truth, some possibly fictional events scattered in, with truth mixed in implicating him and his Uncle.

Afterwards Cops say, "I'm sorry Brendan but you are going to be grounded."

Brendan then cries to his Mom and wants to recant his confession.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 05:23 AM
The problem is determinating if he understand if he has to say the real truth or the one expected from the police.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 08:15 AM
I’m honestly really curious, all of the people ITT that think the confession/interrogation was above the board; do you also still believe that the Central Park 5 are guilty?
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 09:08 AM
The dirty story here is that brendan will stay in jail because he didnt want to testify against his uncle and refused some plea deals.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 09:38 AM
He was with a man that murdered a lady all night. He lied about his activity that week, then confessed to a crime then later said he was just helping with the fire and cleaning the garage (this is his current story) the fire just so happens to be the place where Teresa’s body was destroyed.

Kind of hard to say the confession was coerced knowing that; it’s very difficult in a vacuum to determine when someone is lying to hide a crime and when they are being coerced into admitting to a crime. The two look very similar. There’s no sure fire way to determine when someone is being coerced into a confession but generally it’s people that:

*have been threatened
*have been in a room for hours upon hours (Brendan confessed after about 20 minutes)
*are on drugs and alcohol
*havent slept
* are being denied basic rights IE: food and water etc...

None of this fits the situation.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by kingofcool
Why are you witnessing so many murders?
One murder. Two killers. Two trials. The murder occurred in 1997. The killers fled the country. The first killer was extradited from Bangladesh and convicted at the Old Bailey in 2011. The second was extradited from the United States and convicted at the Old Bailey in 2016.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
One murder. Two killers. Two trials. The murder occurred in 1997. The killers fled the country. The first killer was extradited from Bangladesh and convicted at the Old Bailey in 2011. The second was extradited from the United States and convicted at the Old Bailey in 2016.
What did you see exactly?
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
The dirty story here is that brendan will stay in jail because he didnt want to testify against his uncle and refused some plea deals.
Exactly. We live in a society where refusal to lie on behalf of the state can result in severe punishment.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
What did you see exactly?
Making a Murderer Quote
10-24-2018 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
The problem is determining if he understand if he has to say the real truth or the one expected from the police.
It becomes clear on reading the transcripts of the recorded coaching sessions the police never accepted the actual truth. He's just a kid who's very unlikely to stand up to the forces of the state.

It starts with police insisting Brendan must have seen Teresa when he was dropped off by the school bus, even though that was an impossibility. Once they find they can manipulate Brendan to repeat an obvious lie, they go to town on him.

If Brendan belongs in prison, so do the lowlife badge wearing scum who got him to tell those lies. More so in my opinion, because they were adults in a position of responsibility and he's just a kid.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-25-2018 , 03:45 AM
Seems like neither SA or Dassey should've been convicted. There's enough doubt
Making a Murderer Quote
10-25-2018 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Who and how? Give me a theory.
Y'know...someone. Maybe Ninja Ryan or Scott 'n' Bobby or maybe those evil Manitowoc corrupt hick police. Anyone but Cummy I mean Cuddly Bear & Innocent Brendan. Someone, anyone is sufficient we'll just leave it at that.

I see the same old same old rinse repeat rehash spam tactics from Avery & Dassey's murderer aficionado Cult of Crazy in an apparent attempt to bore people into agreeing with their long debunked conspiraloon crap is still at play itt, just like Amanda Knox's groupies did on that thread surprise surprise yawn same trope for different folks etc. Expect another 100 pages of such eye glazing waffle to continue from the Flat Earthers.

Meanwhile the Railroaded Ones continue to live one day at a time surviving in the Big House, despite the outrage of their fanboy/girls & the Most Boring Second Season in History getting aired.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-25-2018 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Seems like neither SA or Dassey should've been convicted. There's enough doubt
True enough - the prosecution 'theory' has more holes in it than substance.

It was interesting to observe in the second season how scent dogs pulled their handlers away from Avery property to the quarry next door. It's pretty obvious there's a huge gap in the narrative the prosecution was selling.
Making a Murderer Quote
10-25-2018 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
What did you see exactly?!4d-0.0982415

In Street View, my house (I don't live there now) is the first one on the right after the garden wall. My late friend Leslie's house is the one on the left with the foliage over the door. (She was the Scots-Canadian crime novelist Leslie Forbes, who sadly died in 2016 just before she was due to give evidence at Rahman's trial. She chased the killers off after the attack as they retreated to their vehicle.) Abdul was lying on the pavement (US 'sidewalk') under the black streetlamp you can see on the left, and his blood was running down the pavement towards us in quantity as we walked towards him and tried to give aid. We knelt by him and talked to him as he lost consciousness and Leslie held his hand. The first police officer on the scene, five minutes later, wobbled and almost passed out when he saw the casualty and the blood. He then recovered himself and asked his female colleague to fetch the first aid kit from the car and applied a large dressing to the enormous left-side chest wound with bits of lung hanging out, radioing all the time, 'It's a massive upper chest wound, it's air-venting, it's very very serious... oh dear... oh dear...' The ambulance was there in 15, and the paramedics took Abdul aboard and 'stayed and stabilised' before they drove him off, but we later heard he died on the operating table at University College Hospital from unstoppable internal bleeding. The murder weapons were a baseball bat and a meat cleaver. Murderers disgust me more than words can say.

I should pay tribute to Det-Sgt Nick Miller of Team 4 in the Major Incident Room of the North London Murder Squad at Hendon, who successfully concluded the Met's investigation, Operation Lockport, after almost 20 years, and brought both killers to book in co-operation with the authorities of Bangladesh, the FBI and the state and county police of Texas. Both killers got life with a minimum 18 years.

Last edited by 57 On Red; 10-25-2018 at 03:12 PM.
Making a Murderer Quote
